[ncl-talk] Fwd: sub: mask-area specifier error...

Adv advita6 at gmail.com
Fri Dec 9 16:37:09 MST 2016

Hi ,
Yes. Mask specifier works for me. Please ignore my previous email.

Thank you

On Fri, Dec 9, 2016 at 5:10 PM, Adv <advita6 at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Adam,
> Mask area specifier is not recognized and the specified regions are not
> masked. Could you please help me in this?
> Thank you
> Adv
> On Fri, Dec 9, 2016 at 3:53 PM, Adam Phillips <asphilli at ucar.edu> wrote:
>> Hi Adv,
>> Add the following to your script:
>> res at mpDataBaseVersion     = "Ncarg4_1"
>> That should allow you to specify the states in mpMaskAreaSpecifiers.
>> Also, the valid settings of mpAreaMaskingOn  are True or False. In your
>> case I believe you want to set it to True.
>> Hope that helps!
>> Adam
>> On Fri, Dec 9, 2016 at 12:57 PM, Adv <advita6 at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> could someone help me to fix this error?
>>> Thank you,
>>> Adv
>>> warning:MapV40DHUpdateDrawList: invalid boundary specification string:
>>> "iowa"
>>> warning:MapV40DHUpdateDrawList: invalid boundary specification string:
>>> "wyoming"
>>> warning:MapV40DHUpdateDrawList: invalid boundary specification string:
>>> "idaho"
>>> warning:MapV40DHUpdateDrawList: invalid boundary specification string:
>>> "utah"
>>> warning:MapV40DHUpdateDrawList: invalid boundary specification string:
>>> "wisconsin"
>>> warning:MapV40DHUpdateDrawList: invalid boundary specification string:
>>> "iowa"
>>> warning:MapV40DHUpdateDrawList: invalid boundary specification string:
>>> "iowa"
>>> warning:MapV40DHUpdateDrawList: invalid boundary specification string:
>>> "wyoming"
>>> warning:MapV40DHUpdateDrawList: invalid boundary specification string:
>>> "idaho"
>>> warning:MapV40DHUpdateDrawList: invalid boundary specification string:
>>> "utah"
>>> warning:MapV40DHUpdateDrawList: invalid boundary specification string:
>>> "wisconsin"
>>> warning:MapV40DHUpdateDrawList: invalid boundary specification string:
>>> "iowa"
>>> warning:MapV40DHUpdateDrawList: invalid boundary specification string:
>>> "iowa"
>>> warning:MapV40DHUpdateDrawList: invalid boundary specification string:
>>> "wyoming"
>>> warning:MapV40DHUpdateDrawList: invalid boundary specification string:
>>> "idaho"
>>> warning:MapV40DHUpdateDrawList: invalid boundary specification string:
>>> "utah"
>>> warning:MapV40DHUpdateDrawList: invalid boundary specification string:
>>> "wisconsin"
>>> warning:MapV40DHUpdateDrawList: invalid boundary specification string:
>>> "iowa"
>>> warning:MapV40DHUpdateDrawList: invalid boundary specification string:
>>> "iowa"
>>> warning:MapV40DHUpdateDrawList: invalid boundary specification string:
>>> "wyoming"
>>> warning:MapV40DHUpdateDrawList: invalid boundary specification string:
>>> "idaho"
>>> warning:MapV40DHUpdateDrawList: invalid boundary specification string:
>>> "utah"
>>> warning:MapV40DHUpdateDrawList: invalid boundary specification string:
>>> "wisconsin"
>>> warning:MapV40DHUpdateDrawList: invalid boundary specification string:
>>> "iowa"
>>> load "./contributed.ncl_beta_640"
>>> begin
>>> ;***************************************************
>>> strll  = asciiread("stationmac.txt", -1, "string") ;
>>>   print(strll)   ; STATION","STATION_NAME", "LAT", "LON"
>>>   print("=====")
>>> sloc = str_get_field(strll , 2, ",")
>>>   lat  = tofloat( str_get_field(strll , 3, ",")  )
>>>   lon  = tofloat( str_get_field(strll , 4, ",")  )
>>>   print(sloc +" : "+lat+" "+lon)
>>> mnlat=(min(lat))
>>> mxlat=(max(lat))
>>> mnlon=(min(lon))
>>> mxlon=(max(lon))
>>> ;print(lon)
>>> print(mnlon)
>>> print(mxlon)
>>> print(mnlat)
>>> print(mxlat)
>>> ;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
>>> mlon = 360
>>> dlon = -90.35 / mlon
>>> lonn  = fspan (-116, (mlon - 1) * dlon, mlon)
>>> print(lonn)
>>> mlat = 90
>>> dlat = 49.0 / mlat
>>> latt  = fspan (40.01, (mlat - 1) * dlat, mlat)
>>> print(latt)
>>> diri="./"
>>> z1 = asciiread(diri+"Temp_Mean1965-2005",-1,"float")
>>> print(z1)
>>> printVarSummary(z1)
>>> opt    = True
>>> rscan  = (/8,5,1 /)
>>> grid   = obj_anal_ic_deprecated(lon, lat, z1, lonn, latt, rscan, True)
>>> printVarSummary(grid)
>>> ;print(grid)
>>> print(min(grid))
>>> print(max(grid))
>>> ;************************************************
>>> ; Specify geographical region and time span (year-month start and end
>>> ;************************************************
>>> ;latS=-90
>>> ;latN     =  90
>>> ;lonL     =  0;360-116.5
>>> ;lonR     =  358;360-90
>>> ;  latS     = 40
>>> ;  latS     = 0
>>>  ; latN     =  49
>>>  ; lonL     =  244;360-116.5
>>>  ; lonR     =  270;360-90
>>>   ymStrt   = 196501
>>>   ymLast   = 200512
>>>   pltType  = "x11"
>>>   pltName  = "regress"
>>>   pltTitle = "Globe: "+(ymStrt/100)+"-"+(ymLast/100)
>>> ;************************************************
>>> ; Read from netCDF file: variable is type short...unpack
>>> ;************************************************
>>>    version= "v2"         ; "v2", "v2c"
>>>    diri   = "./"
>>> ;   fili   = "air.sig995.mon.mean."+version+".nc"
>>>    fili1   = "Netcdfmean.nc"
>>>    fili   = "air.mon.mean.nc"
>>>    ff      = addfile(diri+fili1,"r")
>>>    t      = ff->mean(:,:)
>>>    printVarSummary(t)                            ; [time| 720]x[lat|
>>> 91]x[lon| 180]
>>> printMinMax(t,0)
>>>    f      = addfile(diri+fili,"r")
>>> f1    = addfile("tas_Amon_CCSM4_historical_r3i1p1_185001-200512.nc",
>>> "r")   ; note the "s" of addfile
>>> f2    = addfile("Ecearth_tas_320x160x1961-2005.nc", "r")   ; note the
>>> "s" of addfile
>>> f3    = addfile("CanCM4_Temp_320x160x1961-2005.nc", "r")   ; note the
>>> "s" of addfile
>>>    YYYYMM = cd_calendar( f->time, -1)
>>>    YYYYMMa = cd_calendar( f1->time, -1)
>>>    YYYYMMb = cd_calendar( f2->time, -1)
>>>    YYYYMMc = cd_calendar( f3->time, -1)
>>>    iStrt  = ind(YYYYMM.eq.ymStrt)
>>>    iStrta  = ind(YYYYMMa.eq.ymStrt)
>>>    iStrtb  = ind(YYYYMMb.eq.ymStrt)
>>>    iStrtc  = ind(YYYYMMc.eq.ymStrt)
>>>    iLast  = ind(YYYYMM.eq.ymLast)
>>>    iLasta  = ind(YYYYMMa.eq.ymLast)
>>>    iLastb  = ind(YYYYMMb.eq.ymLast)
>>>    iLastc  = ind(YYYYMMc.eq.ymLast)
>>>           ;                                      ; monthly data
>>>    xt      = f->air(:,::-1,:)
>>>    printVarSummary(xt)                            ; [time| 720]x[lat|
>>> 91]x[lon| 180]
>>>   xt1      = f1->tas(:,:,:)
>>>    printVarSummary(xt1)
>>>   xt2      = f2->t2(:,:,:)
>>>    printVarSummary(xt2)
>>>   xt3      = f3->t2(:,:,:)
>>>    printVarSummary(xt3)
>>> ;   x      = xt(iStrt:iLast,{latN:latS},{lonL:lonR})
>>>    x      = xt(iStrt:iLast,:,:)
>>>    x1      = xt1(iStrta:iLasta,:,:)
>>>    x2      = xt2(iStrtb:iLastb,:,:)
>>>    x3      = xt3(iStrtc:iLastc,:,:)
>>>    delete(xt)
>>>    delete(xt1)
>>>    delete(xt2)
>>>    delete(xt3)
>>>    x1      = x1-273.15
>>>    x2      = x2-273.15
>>>    x3      = x3-273.15
>>>    x1 at units= "degC"
>>>    x2 at units= "degC"
>>>    x3 at units= "degC"
>>>    printVarSummary(x)                            ; [time| 720]x[lat|
>>> 91]x[lon| 180]
>>>    printVarSummary(x1)                            ; [time| 720]x[lat|
>>> 91]x[lon| 180]
>>>    printVarSummary(x2)                            ; [time| 720]x[lat|
>>> 91]x[lon| 180]
>>>    printVarSummary(x3)                            ; [time| 720]x[lat|
>>> 91]x[lon| 180]
>>> ;************************************************
>>> ; Calculate the Annual Mean (slopes)
>>> ;************************************************
>>> rc=  dim_avg_n(x,0)
>>> rc1=  dim_avg_n(x1,0)
>>> rc2=  dim_avg_n(x2,0)
>>> rc3=  dim_avg_n(x3,0)
>>>    printVarSummary(rc)
>>>    printVarSummary(rc)
>>>    printVarSummary(rc1)
>>>    printVarSummary(rc2)
>>>    printVarSummary(rc3)
>>> copy_VarCoords(x(0,:,:),rc)
>>> copy_VarCoords(x1(0,:,:),rc1)
>>> copy_VarCoords(x2(0,:,:),rc2)
>>> copy_VarCoords(x3(0,:,:),rc3)
>>>    printMinMax(rc,0)
>>>    printMinMax(rc1,0)
>>>    printMinMax(rc2,0)
>>>    printMinMax(rc3,0)
>>> ;==============================O===========;
>>> ; interpolate to new grid
>>> ;=========================================;
>>>   newgrid  = f2fsh_Wrap(grid(:,:),(/73,144/))
>>>   newgrid1  = f2fsh_Wrap(grid(:,:),(/192,288/))
>>>   newgrid2  = f2fsh_Wrap(grid(:,:),(/160,320/))
>>>   newgrid3  = f2fsh_Wrap(grid(:,:),(/64,128/))
>>> y= newgrid-rc
>>> y1= newgrid1-rc1
>>> y2= newgrid2-rc2
>>> y3= newgrid3-rc3
>>> copy_VarCoords(rc,y)
>>> copy_VarCoords(rc1,y1)
>>> copy_VarCoords(rc2,y2)
>>> copy_VarCoords(rc3,y3)
>>>  mask_specs = (/"Iowa","Wyoming","Idaho","Utah","Wisconsin","Iowa"/)
>>> ;************************************************
>>> ; plotting parameters
>>> ;************************************************
>>>    wks  = gsn_open_wks("x11","Tempdifference_Mean_"+ymStrt+"-"+ymLast)
>>> ; specifies a ps plot
>>> gsn_define_colormap(wks,"matlab_jet")
>>>     plot = new(4,graphic)
>>>    res                       = True
>>>    res at gsnMaximize           = True             ; make large
>>>    res at cnFillOn              = True             ; turn on color
>>>    res at cnLinesOn             = False            ; turn off contour lines
>>>    res at cnLineLabelsOn        = False            ; turn off contour line
>>> labels
>>>    res at cnInfoLabelOn       = False
>>> res at lbLabelBarOn        = False           ; turn off individual cb's
>>> res at gsnTickMarksOn = False
>>> res at mpGridAndLimbOn       = False
>>>    res at cnLevelSelectionMode  = "ManualLevels"   ; set manual contour
>>> levels
>>>    res at cnMinLevelValF        =  -5            ; set min contour level
>>>    res at cnMaxLevelValF        =   5.0            ; set max contour level
>>>    res at cnLevelSpacingF       =   0.5            ; set contour interval
>>>    res at gsnAddCyclic          =  False
>>>    res at mpFillOn              = False            ; turn off default
>>> background gray
>>>   res at mpCenterLonF          = 180
>>>   res at mpMinLatF             =   40.
>>>   res at mpMaxLatF             =   49.
>>>   res at mpMinLonF             = -116
>>>   res at mpMaxLonF             = -90
>>> res at gsnStringFont   = "helvetica-bold"             ; instead of using
>>> txFontHeightF or gsnStringFontHeightF
>>> res at mpGeophysicalLineThicknessF = 3.0
>>> res at mpGeophysicalLineColor = "Black"; (/22/)
>>> ;res at mpNationalLineThicknessF  = 3.0
>>> res at mpOutlineBoundarySets = "GeophysicalAndUSStates" ; add state
>>> boundaries
>>> res at mpNationalLineColor  = res at mpGeophysicalLineColor
>>> res at mpUSStateLineThicknessF = 3.0
>>> res at mpUSStateLineColor  = res at mpGeophysicalLineColor
>>> ; res at gsnCenterString       = year(0)+"-"+year(nyrs-1)
>>>   res at gsnLeftString   = ""               ; add the gsn titles
>>>   res at gsnRightString  = ""
>>> ;   res at tiMainString          = "Trend, Reanalysis-2m
>>> Temperature(~S~o~N~C)"    ; fili
>>> ;res at tiMainFontHeightF  = 0.02
>>> ;************************************************
>>> ; Turn on masking, and set resource indicating
>>> ; areas to mask.
>>> ;************************************************
>>>   res at mpAreaMaskingOn       = 1
>>>   res at mpMaskAreaSpecifiers  = mask_specs
>>> ;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::;;;;;:::::::::::
>>> res at gsnCenterStringFontHeightF     = 0.035
>>> res at gsnCenterString     = "Obs-Reanal"
>>>    plot(0) = gsn_csm_contour_map_ce(wks,y,res)
>>> res at gsnCenterString     = "Obs-CCSM4"
>>>    plot(1) = gsn_csm_contour_map_ce(wks,y1,res)
>>> res at gsnCenterString     = "Obs-EC-Earth"
>>>    plot(2) = gsn_csm_contour_map_ce(wks,y2,res)
>>> res at gsnCenterString     = "Obs-CanCM4"
>>>    plot(3) = gsn_csm_contour_map_ce(wks,y3,res)
>>> ;************************************************
>>> ; create panel
>>> ;************************************************
>>>   resP                  = True                   ; modify the panel plot
>>>   resP at gsnFrame         = False                  ; don't advance the
>>> frame, so we can use gsn_text_ndc
>>>   resP at gsnPanelLabelBar = True                   ; add common colorbar
>>>   resP at lbLabelFontHeightF = 0.015                ; set font height of
>>> Label Bar labels
>>> resP at gsnPanelBottom   = 0.2                    ; shrink panel plot by
>>> setting bottom edge of plot
>>>   resP at gsnPanelTop      = 0.9                    ; shrink panel plot by
>>> setting top edge of plot
>>>  resP at pmLabelBarWidthF  = 0.3                 ; make thinner
>>>   resP at pmLabelBarHeightF = 0.05
>>>   resP at gsnPanelYWhiteSpacePercent = 5.           ; increase spacing
>>> along Y-axis between panel plots
>>>  resP at cnLinesOn       = False                   ; turn off contour lines
>>> ;   resP at cnFillOn        = True               ; color plot desired
>>> ;  resP at lbTitleOn        = True                  ; turn on title
>>> resP at lbTitleFont    = "helvetica-bold"
>>>  resP at lbLabelFontQuality      = "high"     ; label bar font
>>>   resP at lbLabelFont      = "helvetica-bold"     ; label bar font
>>>   resP at lbTitleFontHeightF= .013                 ;
>>>   resP at lbTitleString    = "~S~o~N~C"
>>>    resP at cnLineLabelsOn  = False
>>>   resP at txString   = "Mean_Temp_"+ymStrt+"-"+ymLast+""
>>>   gsn_panel(wks,plot,(/4,1/),resP)               ; now draw as one plot
>>>  frame(wks)
>>>    end
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>>> ncl-talk mailing list
>>> ncl-talk at ucar.edu
>>> List instructions, subscriber options, unsubscribe:
>>> http://mailman.ucar.edu/mailman/listinfo/ncl-talk
>> --
>> Adam Phillips
>> Associate Scientist,  Climate and Global Dynamics Laboratory, NCAR
>> www.cgd.ucar.edu/staff/asphilli/   303-497-1726
>> <http://www.cgd.ucar.edu/staff/asphilli>
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