[ncl-talk] need help to understand how to change the scales in a spectrum plot
Ruksana Abedin
ruksana.abedin at gmail.com
Thu Dec 8 05:44:39 MST 2016
Dear Adam and Rick,
Sorry for being late to respond.
Rick, in the addfiles commands, I have only removed the actual path details
and put ... the 3 "."s.
Here I am giving the variable summary:
*Variable: PPT_mod*
Type: float
Total Size: 25056000 bytes
6264000 values
Number of Dimensions: 3
Dimensions and sizes: [time | 7200] x [lat | 30] x [lon | 29]
time: [52950.5..60149.5]
lat: [15.25..29.75]
lon: [ 83.. 97]
Number Of Attributes: 10
z1 : 0
standard_name : precipitation_flux
units : kg m-2 s-1
_FillValue : 1e+20
missing_value : 1e+20
stash_item : 216
stash_section : 5
field_code : 90
cell_method : time: mean
*Variable: PPT_obs1*
Type: float
Total Size: 25056000 bytes
6264000 values
Number of Dimensions: 3
Dimensions and sizes: [time | 7200] x [lat | 30] x [lon | 29]
time: [19880101.5..20071230.5]
lat: [15.25..29.75]
lon: [ 83.. 97]
Number Of Attributes: 5
long_name : daily precipitation analysis interpolated onto 0.5deg grids
units : mm/day
_FillValue : -99.9
missing_value : -99.9
level_description : Earth surface
*Variable: PPT_obs2*Type: float
Total Size: 25056000 bytes
6264000 values
Number of Dimensions: 3
Dimensions and sizes: [time | 7200] x [lat | 30] x [lon | 29]
time: [19880101.5..20071230.5]
lat: [15.25..29.75]
lon: [ 83.. 97]
Number Of Attributes: 5
long_name : full data daily product version 1 precipitation per grid
units : mm/day
code : 20
_FillValue : -99999.99
missing_value : -99999.99
The separate spectrums that I could get earlier and the script are
Thank you very much for your kind efforts in helping me.
Best regards,
On Thu, Dec 8, 2016 at 3:58 AM, Adam Phillips <asphilli at ucar.edu> wrote:
> Hi Ruksana,
> I strongly recommend that you use print and printVarSummary calls to help
> you debug what is going on with your script. (You should always attempt to
> debug your own script before emailing/replying to ncl-talk.) Fatal errors
> can sometimes result from a reference to a variable that is not present.
> Please add the following line to your script right before the gsn_csm_xy
> call:
> printVarSummary(spec0)
> plot0 = gsn_csm_xy(wks,spec0 at frq,spec0 at spcx,res)
> and send ncl-talk the output of the printVarSummary statement along with
> any other error messages you are receiving. Also, please attach your
> current script to your reply. As always, please respond to ncl-talk and not
> to me personally.
> Adam
> On Wed, Dec 7, 2016 at 9:08 AM, Ruksana Abedin <ruksana.abedin at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Dear Rick,
>> Added the 'end' at the end of the script (sorry for this silly mistake)
>> but nothing changes. Still getting just the same error message. No other
>> error message. Feeling confused now.
>> On Wed, Dec 7, 2016 at 3:49 PM, Rick Brownrigg <brownrig at ucar.edu> wrote:
>>> Hmmm....line 121 is not the line cited...in fact its the last line of
>>> the script. There's an opening "begin" at the top of the script -- perhaps
>>> match it with a closing "end" at the end of the script?
>>> On Wed, Dec 7, 2016 at 8:29 AM, Ruksana Abedin <ruksana.abedin at gmail.com
>>> > wrote:
>>>> Dear Rick,
>>>> Thank you for your response. I have changed accordingly but getting the
>>>> same error message:
>>>> *f*
>>>> *atal:syntax error: line 121 in file spectrum.ncl before or near plot0
>>>> = gsn_csm_xy(wks,spec0 at frq,spec0 at spcx,res)*
>>>> Any other ideas?
>>>> Best regards,
>>>> Ruksana
>>>> On Wed, Dec 7, 2016 at 2:44 PM, Rick Brownrigg <brownrig at ucar.edu>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi Ruksana,
>>>>> I'm not entirely sure what the issue is, but by my reading of the docs
>>>>> on the function specx_anal(), it returns a variable with certain attributes
>>>>> attached, one of which is an array named "spcx". Thus, I think all your
>>>>> references such as:
>>>>> spec0 at spcx0
>>>>> spec1 at spcx1
>>>>> spec2 at spcx2
>>>>> should be:
>>>>> spec0 at spcx
>>>>> spec1 at spcx
>>>>> spec2 at spcx
>>>>> There are a number of such references -- I would think there would
>>>>> have been other warnings/errors elsewhere in your script (?)
>>>>> Hope that helps...
>>>>> Rick
>>>>> On Wed, Dec 7, 2016 at 5:36 AM, Ruksana Abedin <
>>>>> ruksana.abedin at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>> Dear Adam,
>>>>>> Thank you very much for suggesting about the way to have three
>>>>>> spectrums in one plot. I have tried the following script but getting error.
>>>>>> ;*********************************
>>>>>> ;
>>>>>> ;**********************************
>>>>>> load "/usr/share/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_code.ncl"
>>>>>> load "/usr/share/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_csm.ncl"
>>>>>> load "/usr/share/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/contributed.ncl"
>>>>>> load "/usr/share/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/shea_util.ncl"
>>>>>> load "/usr/share/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/popRemap.ncl"
>>>>>> load "/usr/share/ncarg/nclscripts/contrib/calendar_decode2.ncl"
>>>>>> ;************************************************
>>>>>> begin
>>>>>> ;*****************************************************
>>>>>> ;read in data
>>>>>> ;*****************************************************
>>>>>> f0 = addfile ("/../1WAH_daily_precip_b387clim_Bangladesh_100_1988_
>>>>>> 2007_land_only.nc", "r");
>>>>>> f1 = addfile("/.../APHRO_1988_2007_correct_daily_precip.nc", "r")
>>>>>> f2 = addfile("/.../GPCC_1988_2007_correct_daily_precip.nc","r")
>>>>>> ;*****************************************************
>>>>>> ; parameters
>>>>>> ;*****************************************************
>>>>>> PPT_mod = f0->precip(:,0,:,:)
>>>>>> PPT_mod = PPT_mod*60*60*24
>>>>>> PPT_obs1 = f1->precip
>>>>>> PPT_obs2 = f2->precip
>>>>>> fldmean0 = wgt_areaave_Wrap(PPT_mod,1.0,1.0,1)
>>>>>> fldmean1 = wgt_areaave_Wrap(PPT_obs1,1.0,1.0,1)
>>>>>> fldmean2= wgt_areaave_Wrap(PPT_obs2,1.0,1.0,1)
>>>>>> ;printVarSummary(time)
>>>>>> printVarSummary(PPT_mod)
>>>>>> printVarSummary(PPT_obs1)
>>>>>> printVarSummary(PPT_obs2)
>>>>>> ;************************************************
>>>>>> ; set function arguments
>>>>>> ;************************************************
>>>>>> ; detrending opt: 0=>remove mean 1=>remove mean and detrend
>>>>>> d = 0
>>>>>> ; smoothing periodogram: (0 <= sm <= ??.) should be at least 3 and odd
>>>>>> sm = 7
>>>>>> ; percent tapered: (0.0 <= pct <= 1.0) 0.10 common.
>>>>>> pct = 0.10
>>>>>> ;************************************************
>>>>>> ; calculate spectrum
>>>>>> ;************************************************
>>>>>> spec0 = specx_anal(fldmean0,d,sm,pct)
>>>>>> spec1 = specx_anal(fldmean1,d,sm,pct)
>>>>>> spec2 = specx_anal(fldmean2,d,sm,pct)
>>>>>> ;************************************************
>>>>>> ; calculate confidence interval [here 5 and 95%]
>>>>>> ; return 4 curves to be plotted
>>>>>> ;************************************************
>>>>>> splt0 = specx_ci (spec0, 0.05, 0.95)
>>>>>> splt1 = specx_ci (spec1, 0.05, 0.95)
>>>>>> splt2 = specx_ci (spec2, 0.05, 0.95)
>>>>>> ;************************************************
>>>>>> ;************************************************
>>>>>> ; plotting
>>>>>> ;************************************************
>>>>>> wks = gsn_open_wks("eps","spec_combined") ; Opens
>>>>>> a eps file
>>>>>> res = True ; no plot mods desired
>>>>>> res at gsnDraw = False
>>>>>> res at gsnFrame = False
>>>>>> res at tiMainString = "Precipitation" ; title
>>>>>> res at tiXAxisString = "Frequency (cycles/day)" ; xaxis
>>>>>> res at tiYAxisString = "Variance" ; yaxis
>>>>>> ;***********************************************
>>>>>> ; Generate log plot showing "red noise" confidence bounds
>>>>>> ; (a) log scaling and (b) the Band Width
>>>>>> ;***********************************************
>>>>>> res at trYLog = True ; log scaling
>>>>>> res at trYMinF = 0.00010 ; manually set
>>>>>> lower limit
>>>>>> res at trYMaxF = 350.0 ; " upper
>>>>>> res at gsnFrame = False ; do not advance
>>>>>> frame
>>>>>> xf0 = (/0.75, 0.75+spec0 at bw/) ; Create band
>>>>>> width line
>>>>>> ys0 = 0.75*max(spec0 at spcx0) ; 75% up Y axis
>>>>>> yv0 = (/ys0,ys0/)
>>>>>> respl = True ; resources for
>>>>>> polyline
>>>>>> respl at gsLineThicknessF = 2 ; Define line
>>>>>> thickness
>>>>>> txres= True ; label BW line
>>>>>> txres at txFontHeightF = 0.015 ; font height
>>>>>> txres at txJust = "CenterLeft" ; Set lable location
>>>>>> gsn_text(wks,plot,"BW",0.41+spec0 at bw,ys0,txres); Label
>>>>>> xf1 = (/0.75, 0.75+spec1 at bw/) ; Create band
>>>>>> width line
>>>>>> ys1 = 0.75*max(spec1 at spcx1) ; 75% up Y axis
>>>>>> yv1 = (/ys1,ys1/)
>>>>>> respl = True ; resources for
>>>>>> polyline
>>>>>> respl at gsLineThicknessF = 2 ; Define line
>>>>>> thickness
>>>>>> txres= True ; label BW line
>>>>>> txres at txFontHeightF = 0.015 ; font height
>>>>>> txres at txJust = "CenterLeft" ; Set lable location
>>>>>> gsn_text(wks,plot,"BW",0.41+spec1 at bw,ys1,txres); Label
>>>>>> xf2 = (/0.75, 0.75+spec2 at bw/) ; Create band
>>>>>> width line
>>>>>> ys2 = 0.75*max(spec2 at spcx2) ; 75% up Y axis
>>>>>> yv2 = (/ys2,ys2/)
>>>>>> respl = True ; resources for
>>>>>> polyline
>>>>>> respl at gsLineThicknessF = 2 ; Define line
>>>>>> thickness
>>>>>> txres= True ; label BW line
>>>>>> txres at txFontHeightF = 0.015 ; font height
>>>>>> txres at txJust = "CenterLeft" ; Set lable location
>>>>>> gsn_text(wks,plot,"BW",0.41+spec2 at bw,ys2,txres); Label
>>>>>> res at gsnDraw = False
>>>>>> res at gsnFrame = False
>>>>>> res at xyLineColor = "black"
>>>>>> plot0 = gsn_csm_xy(wks,spec0 at frq,spec0 at spcx0,res) ; create
>>>>>> plot
>>>>>> gsn_polyline(wks,plot,xf0,yv0,respl) ; Draw BandWidth
>>>>>> res at xyLineColor = "blue"
>>>>>> plot1 = gsn_csm_xy(wks,spec1 at frq,spec1 at spcx1,res) ; create plot
>>>>>> gsn_polyline(wks,plot,xf1,yv1,respl) ; Draw BandWidth
>>>>>> res at xyLineColor = "red"
>>>>>> plot2 = gsn_csm_xy(wks,spec2 at frq,spec2 at spcx2,res) ; create plot
>>>>>> gsn_polyline(wks,plot,xf2,yv2,respl) ; Draw BandWidth
>>>>>> overlay(plot0,plot1)
>>>>>> overlay(plot0,plot2)
>>>>>> draw(plot)
>>>>>> frame(wks)
>>>>>> *fatal:syntax error: line 121 in file spectrum.ncl before or near
>>>>>> plot0 = gsn_csm_xy(wks,spec0 at frq,spec0 at spcx0,res)*
>>>>>> *Can you please help me to identify where my mistake is?*
>>>>>> *Best regards,*
>>>>>> *Ruksana*
>>>>>> On Mon, Dec 5, 2016 at 7:16 PM, Adam Phillips <asphilli at ucar.edu>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi Ruksana,
>>>>>>> If all you want is 3 different spectra overlaid on the same plot you
>>>>>>> could use the overlay procedure. You will need to tell NCL to not draw the
>>>>>>> plot nor advance the frame before creating the 3 spectra. You may also need
>>>>>>> to set trYMaxF if portions of one spectra go off the plot.
>>>>>>> Here's an example:
>>>>>>> res at gsnDraw = False
>>>>>>> res at gsnFrame = False
>>>>>>> res at xyLineColor = "green"
>>>>>>> plot=gsn_csm_xy(wks,spec at frq,spec at spcx,res) ; create plot
>>>>>>> res at xyLineColor = "black"
>>>>>>> plot2 = gsn_csm_xy(wks,spec2 at frq,spec2 at spcx,res) ; create plot
>>>>>>> res at xyLineColor = "blue"
>>>>>>> plot3 = gsn_csm_xy(wks,spec3 at frq,spec3 at spcx,res) ; create plot
>>>>>>> overlay(plot,plot2)
>>>>>>> overlay(plot,plot3)
>>>>>>> draw(plot)
>>>>>>> frame(wks)
>>>>>>> Hope that helps. If not, please respond to the ncl-talk email list.
>>>>>>> Adam
>>>>>>> On Mon, Dec 5, 2016 at 12:09 PM, Ruksana Abedin <
>>>>>>> ruksana.abedin at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>> I could figure the required process out. This time followed the
>>>>>>>> example 4 at http://www.ncl.ucar.edu/Applic
>>>>>>>> ations/Scripts/spec_4.ncl. However, I would still like to know how
>>>>>>>> can I plot three spectrums of three colours in one single plot. Your help
>>>>>>>> is always useful.
>>>>>>>> Thank you for putting up wonderful resources.
>>>>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>>>>> Ruksana
>>>>>>>> On Mon, Dec 5, 2016 at 5:30 PM, Ruksana Abedin <
>>>>>>>> ruksana.abedin at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>>> I have followed the http://www.ncl.ucar.edu/Applic
>>>>>>>>> ations/Scripts/spec_1.ncl script to plot a spectrum for my data
>>>>>>>>> but the specs are very difficult to visualize clearly in the plot. Data is
>>>>>>>>> daily precipitation from model and two observations for 1988-2007.
>>>>>>>>> 1. How to change the x and y axis scales to make it more visible.
>>>>>>>>> 2. Can I have the cycles per day instead of months? How to change
>>>>>>>>> this aspect?
>>>>>>>>> 3. Can I plot three spectrums for three different files in a panel
>>>>>>>>> together?
>>>>>>>>> The variable summary, script and the resultant plot are attached.
>>>>>>>>> Your time and efforts to help me out is highly appreciated.
>>>>>>>>> Variable: PPT_mod
>>>>>>>>> Type: float
>>>>>>>>> Total Size: 25056000 bytes
>>>>>>>>> 6264000 values
>>>>>>>>> Number of Dimensions: 3
>>>>>>>>> Dimensions and sizes: [time | 7200] x [lat | 30] x [lon | 29]
>>>>>>>>> Coordinates:
>>>>>>>>> time: [52950.5..60149.5]
>>>>>>>>> lat: [15.25..29.75]
>>>>>>>>> lon: [ 83.. 97]
>>>>>>>>> Number Of Attributes: 10
>>>>>>>>> z1 : 0
>>>>>>>>> standard_name : precipitation_flux
>>>>>>>>> long_name : TOTAL PRECIPITATION RATE KG/M2/S
>>>>>>>>> units : kg m-2 s-1
>>>>>>>>> _FillValue : 1e+20
>>>>>>>>> missing_value : 1e+20
>>>>>>>>> stash_item : 216
>>>>>>>>> stash_section : 5
>>>>>>>>> field_code : 90
>>>>>>>>> cell_method : time: mean
>>>>>>>>> Variable: PPT_obs1
>>>>>>>>> Type: float
>>>>>>>>> Total Size: 25056000 bytes
>>>>>>>>> 6264000 values
>>>>>>>>> Number of Dimensions: 3
>>>>>>>>> Dimensions and sizes: [time | 7200] x [lat | 30] x [lon | 29]
>>>>>>>>> Coordinates:
>>>>>>>>> time: [19880101.5..20071230.5]
>>>>>>>>> lat: [15.25..29.75]
>>>>>>>>> lon: [ 83.. 97]
>>>>>>>>> Number Of Attributes: 5
>>>>>>>>> long_name : daily precipitation analysis interpolated onto
>>>>>>>>> 0.5deg grids [mm/day]
>>>>>>>>> units : mm/day
>>>>>>>>> _FillValue : -99.9
>>>>>>>>> missing_value : -99.9
>>>>>>>>> level_description : Earth surface
>>>>>>>>> Variable: PPT_obs2
>>>>>>>>> Type: float
>>>>>>>>> Total Size: 25056000 bytes
>>>>>>>>> 6264000 values
>>>>>>>>> Number of Dimensions: 3
>>>>>>>>> Dimensions and sizes: [time | 7200] x [lat | 30] x [lon | 29]
>>>>>>>>> Coordinates:
>>>>>>>>> time: [19880101.5..20071230.5]
>>>>>>>>> lat: [15.25..29.75]
>>>>>>>>> lon: [ 83.. 97]
>>>>>>>>> Number Of Attributes: 5
>>>>>>>>> long_name : full data daily product version 1 precipitation
>>>>>>>>> per grid
>>>>>>>>> units : mm/day
>>>>>>>>> code : 20
>>>>>>>>> _FillValue : -99999.99
>>>>>>>>> missing_value : -99999.99
>>>>>>>>> ;************************************************
>>>>>>>>> begin
>>>>>>>>> ;*****************************************************
>>>>>>>>> ;read in data
>>>>>>>>> ;*****************************************************
>>>>>>>>> f0 = addfile ("/../1WAH_daily_precip_b387clim_Bangladesh_100_1988_
>>>>>>>>> 2007_land_only.nc", "r");
>>>>>>>>> f1 = addfile("/../APHRO_1988_2007_correct_daily_precip.nc", "r")
>>>>>>>>> f2 = addfile("/../GPCC_1988_2007_correct_daily_precip.nc","r")
>>>>>>>>> ;*****************************************************
>>>>>>>>> ; parameters
>>>>>>>>> ;*****************************************************
>>>>>>>>> PPT_mod = f0->precip(:,0,:,:)
>>>>>>>>> PPT_mod = PPT_mod*60*60*24
>>>>>>>>> PPT_obs1 = f1->precip
>>>>>>>>> PPT_obs2 = f2->precip
>>>>>>>>> fldmean0 = wgt_areaave_Wrap(PPT_mod,1.0,1.0,1)
>>>>>>>>> fldmean1 = wgt_areaave_Wrap(PPT_obs1,1.0,1.0,1)
>>>>>>>>> fldmean2= wgt_areaave_Wrap(PPT_obs2,1.0,1.0,1)
>>>>>>>>> ;printVarSummary(time)
>>>>>>>>> printVarSummary(PPT_mod)
>>>>>>>>> printVarSummary(PPT_obs1)
>>>>>>>>> printVarSummary(PPT_obs2)
>>>>>>>>> ;************************************************
>>>>>>>>> ; set function arguments
>>>>>>>>> ;************************************************
>>>>>>>>> ; detrending opt: 0=>remove mean 1=>remove mean and detrend
>>>>>>>>> d = 0
>>>>>>>>> ; smoothing periodogram: (0 <= sm <= ??.) should be at least 3 and
>>>>>>>>> odd
>>>>>>>>> sm = 7
>>>>>>>>> ; percent tapered: (0.0 <= pct <= 1.0) 0.10 common.
>>>>>>>>> pct = 0.10
>>>>>>>>> ;************************************************
>>>>>>>>> ; calculate spectrum
>>>>>>>>> ;************************************************
>>>>>>>>> spec = specx_anal(fldmean2,d,sm,pct)
>>>>>>>>> ;************************************************
>>>>>>>>> ; plotting
>>>>>>>>> ;************************************************
>>>>>>>>> wks = gsn_open_wks("eps","spec") ; Opens a eps
>>>>>>>>> file
>>>>>>>>> res = True ; no plot mods desired
>>>>>>>>> res at tiMainString = "Precipitation" ; title
>>>>>>>>> res at tiXAxisString = "Frequency (cycles/month)" ; xaxis
>>>>>>>>> res at tiYAxisString = "Variance" ; yaxis
>>>>>>>>> plot=gsn_csm_xy(wks,spec at frq,spec at spcx,res) ; create
>>>>>>>>> plot
>>>>>>>>> ;***********************************************
>>>>>>>>> end
>>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>>>> ncl-talk mailing list
>>>>>>>> ncl-talk at ucar.edu
>>>>>>>> List instructions, subscriber options, unsubscribe:
>>>>>>>> http://mailman.ucar.edu/mailman/listinfo/ncl-talk
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> Adam Phillips
>>>>>>> Associate Scientist, Climate and Global Dynamics Laboratory, NCAR
>>>>>>> www.cgd.ucar.edu/staff/asphilli/ 303-497-1726
>>>>>>> <http://www.cgd.ucar.edu/staff/asphilli>
>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>> ncl-talk mailing list
>>>>>> ncl-talk at ucar.edu
>>>>>> List instructions, subscriber options, unsubscribe:
>>>>>> http://mailman.ucar.edu/mailman/listinfo/ncl-talk
> --
> Adam Phillips
> Associate Scientist, Climate and Global Dynamics Laboratory, NCAR
> www.cgd.ucar.edu/staff/asphilli/ 303-497-1726
> <http://www.cgd.ucar.edu/staff/asphilli>
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load "/usr/share/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_code.ncl"
load "/usr/share/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_csm.ncl"
load "/usr/share/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/contributed.ncl"
load "/usr/share/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/shea_util.ncl"
load "/usr/share/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/popRemap.ncl"
load "/usr/share/ncarg/nclscripts/contrib/calendar_decode2.ncl"
;read in data
f0 = addfile ("/../1WAH_daily_precip_b387clim_Bangladesh_100_1988_2007_land_only.nc", "r");
f1 = addfile("/.../APHRO_1988_2007_correct_daily_precip.nc", "r")
f2 = addfile("/.../GPCC_1988_2007_correct_daily_precip.nc","r")
; parameters
PPT_mod = f0->precip(:,0,:,:)
PPT_mod = PPT_mod*60*60*24
PPT_obs1 = f1->precip
PPT_obs2 = f2->precip
fldmean0 = wgt_areaave_Wrap(PPT_mod,1.0,1.0,1)
fldmean1 = wgt_areaave_Wrap(PPT_obs1,1.0,1.0,1)
fldmean2= wgt_areaave_Wrap(PPT_obs2,1.0,1.0,1)
; set function arguments
; detrending opt: 0=>remove mean 1=>remove mean and detrend
d = 0
; smoothing periodogram: (0 <= sm <= ??.) should be at least 3 and odd
sm = 7
; percent tapered: (0.0 <= pct <= 1.0) 0.10 common.
pct = 0.10
; calculate spectrum
spec0 = specx_anal(fldmean0,d,sm,pct)
spec1 = specx_anal(fldmean1,d,sm,pct)
spec2 = specx_anal(fldmean2,d,sm,pct)
; calculate confidence interval [here 5 and 95%]
; return 4 curves to be plotted
splt0 = specx_ci (spec0, 0.05, 0.95)
splt1 = specx_ci (spec1, 0.05, 0.95)
splt2 = specx_ci (spec2, 0.05, 0.95)
; plotting
wks = gsn_open_wks("eps","spec_combined") ; Opens a eps file
res = True ; no plot mods desired
res at gsnDraw = False
res at gsnFrame = False
res at tiMainString = "Precipitation" ; title
res at tiXAxisString = "Frequency (cycles/day)" ; xaxis
res at tiYAxisString = "Variance" ; yaxis
; Generate log plot showing "red noise" confidence bounds
; (a) log scaling and (b) the Band Width
res at trYLog = True ; log scaling
res at trYMinF = 0.00010 ; manually set lower limit
res at trYMaxF = 350.0 ; " upper
res at gsnFrame = False ; do not advance frame
xf0 = (/0.75, 0.75+spec0 at bw/) ; Create band width line
ys0 = 0.75*max(spec0 at spcx0) ; 75% up Y axis
yv0 = (/ys0,ys0/)
respl = True ; resources for polyline
respl at gsLineThicknessF = 2 ; Define line thickness
txres= True ; label BW line
txres at txFontHeightF = 0.015 ; font height
txres at txJust = "CenterLeft" ; Set lable location
gsn_text(wks,plot,"BW",0.41+spec0 at bw,ys0,txres); Label
xf1 = (/0.75, 0.75+spec1 at bw/) ; Create band width line
ys1 = 0.75*max(spec1 at spcx1) ; 75% up Y axis
yv1 = (/ys1,ys1/)
respl = True ; resources for polyline
respl at gsLineThicknessF = 2 ; Define line thickness
txres= True ; label BW line
txres at txFontHeightF = 0.015 ; font height
txres at txJust = "CenterLeft" ; Set lable location
gsn_text(wks,plot,"BW",0.41+spec1 at bw,ys1,txres); Label
xf2 = (/0.75, 0.75+spec2 at bw/) ; Create band width line
ys2 = 0.75*max(spec2 at spcx2) ; 75% up Y axis
yv2 = (/ys2,ys2/)
respl = True ; resources for polyline
txres= True ; label BW line
txres at txFontHeightF = 0.015 ; font height
txres at txJust = "CenterLeft" ; Set lable location
gsn_text(wks,plot,"BW",0.41+spec2 at bw,ys2,txres); Label
res at gsnDraw = False
res at gsnFrame = False
res at xyLineColor = "black"
plot0 = gsn_csm_xy(wks,spec0 at frq,spec0 at spcx0,res) ; create plot
gsn_polyline(wks,plot,xf0,yv0,respl) ; Draw BandWidth
res at xyLineColor = "blue"
plot1 = gsn_csm_xy(wks,spec1 at frq,spec1 at spcx1,res) ; create plot
gsn_polyline(wks,plot,xf1,yv1,respl) ; Draw BandWidth
res at xyLineColor = "red"
plot2 = gsn_csm_xy(wks,spec2 at frq,spec2 at spcx2,res) ; create plot
gsn_polyline(wks,plot,xf2,yv2,respl) ; Draw BandWidth
fatal:syntax error: line 121 in file spectrum.ncl before or near
plot0 = gsn_csm_xy(wks,spec0 at frq,spec0 at spcx0,res)
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