[ncl-talk] Overlay CurlyVectors over map and contours

Michele Petrini mpetrini139 at yahoo.it
Tue Aug 30 04:36:56 MDT 2016

Dear helpdesk,

in the .ncl file I attach I'm overlaying CurlyVectors over maps and 
contours; if my understanding of the CurlyVectors definition is right, I 
get for each velocity an array that is locally tangent to the flow; what 
I'm trying to do is to set a low velocity reference value, in order to 
get the flow pattern for higher velocities than reference (100 m/yr, see 
.pdf file) - which are the velocities I'm interested to. In order to 
have a more clear figure, I'd like to remove those arrays even lower 
than the reference, I tried with the mask function but somehow I got 
also higher velocities arrays removed - so it follows my question, am I 
misunderstanding the meaning of CurlyVectors or there is a better way to 
get out of the figure "small" arrays?

Thank you for your help,



Michele Petrini

Ph.D. student in Earth Science and Fluid Mechanics

Università degli studi di Trieste,
Dipartimento di Matematica e Geoscienze
Palazzina C - via Weiss 1, 34128 Trieste, Italy

Email: mpetrini139 at yahoo.it
Skype: michele.petrins
Mobile: +39 3398367372

-------------- next part --------------
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_code.ncl"
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_csm.ncl"


  mydir1 = "/media/michele/DATA/simulations_ensemble_index/"

  mydir2 = "/home/michele/Desktop/Phd_thesis/hughes_et_al_2015_data/TimeSlices_shp/"
  cdf_file1a = addfile(mydir1+"Ginde037_class01_.nc","r")   
  cdf_file1b = addfile(mydir1+"Ginde037_class02_.nc","r") 

  lat        = cdf_file1a->lat
  lon        = cdf_file1a->lon
  x          = cdf_file1a->x
  y          = cdf_file1a->y
  time       = cdf_file1a->time
  ntime      = dimsizes(time)
  nlat       = dimsizes(lat&y)
  nlon       = dimsizes(lon&x)

  H_ref      = cdf_file1a->H
  Ux_ref     = cdf_file1b->Uxbar
  Uy_ref     = cdf_file1b->Uybar
  Ubx_ref     = cdf_file1b->Uxsli
  Uby_ref     = cdf_file1b->Uysli

  delete(H_ref at standard_name)
  delete(H_ref at long_name)
  delete(H_ref at units)

  H_ref = mask(H_ref,(H_ref(:,:,:).gt.1.),True)

  s_ref  = (  Ux_ref(:,:,:)*Ux_ref(:,:,:) + Uy_ref(:,:,:)*Uy_ref(:,:,:) )^0.5 + (  Ubx_ref(:,:,:)*Ubx_ref(:,:,:) + Uby_ref(:,:,:)*Uby_ref(:,:,:) )^0.5

  ;time slices: 15, 14.5, 14, 13, 12, 11 which means: 25,30,35,36,37,38

  ux0 = Ubx_ref(25,:,:)+Ux_ref(25,:,:)
  uy0 = Uby_ref(25,:,:)+Uy_ref(25,:,:)
  s0  = H_ref(25,:,:)+0.

  ux1 = Ux_ref(30,:,:)+Ubx_ref(30,:,:)
  uy1 = Uy_ref(30,:,:)+Uby_ref(30,:,:)
  s1  = H_ref(30,:,:)+0.

  ux2 = Ux_ref(35,:,:)+Ubx_ref(35,:,:)
  uy2 = Uy_ref(35,:,:)+Uby_ref(35,:,:)
  s2  = H_ref(35,:,:)+0.

  ux3 = Ux_ref(36,:,:)+Ubx_ref(36,:,:)
  uy3 = Uy_ref(36,:,:)+Uby_ref(36,:,:)
  s3  = H_ref(36,:,:)+0.

  ux4 = Ux_ref(37,:,:)+Ubx_ref(37,:,:)
  uy4 = Uy_ref(37,:,:)+Uby_ref(37,:,:)
  s4  = H_ref(37,:,:)+0.

  ux5 = Ux_ref(38,:,:)+Ubx_ref(38,:,:)
  uy5 = Uy_ref(38,:,:)+Uby_ref(38,:,:)
  s5  = H_ref(38,:,:)+0.

  wks = gsn_open_wks("pdf","ice_vel_index")

;;create plots;;
        res                = True
        res at gsnDraw        = False
        res at gsnFrame       = False 
        res at tmXTOn         = False
        res at tmYROn         = False
        res at gsnLeftString  = ""
        res at gsnRightString = ""

;;set map;;
        mpres                   = res
        mpres at mpLimitMode            = "Corners"            ; choose range of map
        mpres at mpLeftCornerLatF       = lat(105,45)
        mpres at mpLeftCornerLonF       = lon(105,45)
        mpres at mpRightCornerLatF      = lat(185,100)
        mpres at mpRightCornerLonF      = lon(185,100)
        mpres at mpProjection           = "LambertEqualArea"
        mpres at mpCenterLatF           = 90
        mpres at mpCenterLonF           = 0
;;set contour;;

        cnres1                   = res
        cnres1 at cnFillOn               = True        
        cnres1 at cnFillDrawOrder        = "PostDraw"
        cnres1 at lbLabelBarOn           = True  
        cnres1 at cnLinesOn              = False     
        cnres1 at cnLineColor           = "gray25"             
        cnres1 at cnLineLabelsOn         = True                   ; no contour labels
        cnres1 at cnInfoLabelOn          = False                   ; no contour info (right left)
        cnres1 at pmTickMarkDisplayMode  = "Never" 
        cnres1 at cnLevelSelectionMode = "ManualLevels"	
        cnres1 at cnMinLevelValF  = 0.			; set the minimum contour level
        cnres1 at cnMaxLevelValF  = 2000.			; set the maximum contour level
        cnres1 at cnLevelSpacingF = 250.
        cnres1 at lbLabelStride              = 1
        cnres1 at lbLabelFont                = 1
        ;cnres1 at lbLabelFontHeightF         = 0.008  
        ;cnres1 at pmLabelBarOrthogonalPosF   = 0.  
        cnres1 at lbOrientation              = "horizontal"                    
        cnres1 at lbLabelPosition            = "bottom"                        ; Move labels to left side of labelbar
        cnres1 at lbLabelAlignment           = "InteriorEdges"
        cnres1 at lbTitleOn                  = True                            ; turn on title
        cnres1 at lbTitleString              = "~F1~Ice thickness (m)"
        ;cnres1 at lbTitleFontHeightF         = 0.011                           ; font height
        cnres1 at lbTitlePosition            = "Bottom" 
        cnres1 at tfDoNDCOverlay         = True
        cnres1 at gsnAddCyclic           = False
        cmap = read_colormap_file("WhiteBlueGreenYellowRed")
        cnres1 at cnFillPalette = cmap(50:230,:)   ; subset color map

;;set vector;;
        res_vc                            = res

        res_vc at vcRefMagnitudeF           = 100.             ; define vector ref mag
        res_vc at vcRefLengthF              = 0.03          ; define length of vec ref
        res_vc at vcRefAnnoArrowLineColor   = "black"         ; change ref vector color
        res_vc at vcRefAnnoArrowUseVecColor = False           ; don't use vec color for ref

        res_vc at vcGlyphStyle            = "CurlyVector"     ; turn on curly vectors
        res_vc at vcLineArrowColor        = "slateblue4"           ; change vector color
        res_vc at vcLineArrowThicknessF   = 1.2             ; change vector thickness
        res_vc at vcVectorDrawOrder       = "PostDraw"        ; draw vectors last
        res_vc at tfDoNDCOverlay         = True

        res_vc at vcMinDistanceF             = 0.016



        map     = new(6,graphic)                             ; create graphic array
        contour = new(6,graphic)
        vector  = new(6,graphic)

        map(0)     = gsn_csm_map(wks,mpres)
        contour(0) = gsn_csm_contour(wks,s0(105:185,45:100),cnres1)
        vector(0)  = gsn_csm_vector(wks,ux0(105:185,45:100),uy0(105:185,45:100),res_vc)

        map(1)     = gsn_csm_map(wks,mpres)
        contour(1) = gsn_csm_contour(wks,s1(105:185,45:100),cnres1)
        vector(1)  = gsn_csm_vector(wks,ux1(105:185,45:100),uy1(105:185,45:100),res_vc)

        map(2)     = gsn_csm_map(wks,mpres)
        contour(2) = gsn_csm_contour(wks,s2(105:185,45:100),cnres1)
        vector(2)  = gsn_csm_vector(wks,ux2(105:185,45:100),uy2(105:185,45:100),res_vc)

        map(3)     = gsn_csm_map(wks,mpres)
        contour(3) = gsn_csm_contour(wks,s3(105:185,45:100),cnres1)
        vector(3)  = gsn_csm_vector(wks,ux3(105:185,45:100),uy3(105:185,45:100),res_vc)

        map(4)     = gsn_csm_map(wks,mpres)
        contour(4) = gsn_csm_contour(wks,s4(105:185,45:100),cnres1)
        vector(4)  = gsn_csm_vector(wks,ux4(105:185,45:100),uy4(105:185,45:100),res_vc)

        map(5)     = gsn_csm_map(wks,mpres)
        contour(5) = gsn_csm_contour(wks,s5(105:185,45:100),cnres1)
        vector(5)  = gsn_csm_vector(wks,ux5(105:185,45:100),uy5(105:185,45:100),res_vc)

;;overlay filled contours and vectors on the map;;

        do i=0,5
        end do

;drawing "map" will draw everything: map, contours, vectors, and text;;
; Draw panel with white space added                                    *

  res0                            = True
  res0 at txFont                     = 21
 res0 at gsnPanelFigureStrings      = (/"~F1~15 ka","~F1~14.5 ka","~F1~14 ka","~F1~13 ka","~F1~12 ka","~F1~ 11 ka"/)                     ; add strings to panel
  res0 at gsnPanelFigureStringsFontHeightF = (/0.007,0.007,0.007,0.007,0.007,0.007,0.007,0.007,0.007,0.007,0.007,0.007/)
  res0 at gsnPanelFigureStringsJust  = (/"BottomLeft","BottomLeft","BottomLeft","BottomLeft","BottomLeft","BottomLeft"/)
  res0 at gsnPanelRight              = 0.9
  res0 at gsnPanelLeft               = 0.1
  res0 at gsnPanelYWhiteSpacePercent = 0.1
  res0 at gsnPanelXWhiteSpacePercent = 0.1
  res0 at txFont                     = 13
  res0 at txFontHeightF              = 0.015
  res0 at gsnPanelRight              = 0.9
  res0 at gsnPanelLeft               = 0.1 
  res0 at gsnMaximize                = True                             ; use full page



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