[ncl-talk] ContourPlotDraw and PlotManagerDraw error while ploting SST

Amit Kumar amitkumar.777 at hotmail.com
Mon Aug 29 02:17:53 MDT 2016

Hi all,

I'm trying to plot daily file of SST using NCL. But I'm getting following error:

fatal:ContourPlotDraw: Workspace reallocation would exceed maximum size 100000000
fatal:ContourPlotDraw: draw error
fatal:ContourPlotDraw: draw error
fatal:PlotManagerDraw: error in plot draw
fatal:_NhlPlotManagerDraw: Draw error

I'm able to plot HEM, OLR which are in same format and with same NCL script but with SST I'm encountering these errors.

My NC file description is as shown below:

      x = 1744
      y = 657
      time = 1  // unlimited
      double longitude ( y, x )
         standard_name :    longitude
         long_name :    longitude
         units :    degrees_east
         _CoordinateAxisType :    Lon

      double latitude ( y, x )
         standard_name :    latitude
         long_name :    latitude
         units :    degrees_north
         _CoordinateAxisType :    Lat

      double time ( time )
         standard_name :    time
         units :    hours since 1-1-1 00:00:00
         calendar :    standard
         axis :    T

      double SST_DLY ( time, y, x )
         coordinates :    latitude longitude
         _FillValue :    -9e+33
         missing_value :    -9e+33
         fillvalue :    -9.e+33

My script is as below:

load "/usr/share/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_code.ncl"
load "/usr/share/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_csm.ncl"
load "/usr/share/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/contributed.ncl"


 a = addfile("/media/amit/E/Research/SWM/SST/AUG/output/india/07AUG.nc","r")
 ;filename = "/media/amit/E/India_shapefile/Districtbound(Satmet).shp"
 filename = "/media/amit/E/India_shapefile/State_bound(Satmet).shp"

  var     = doubletofloat(a->SST_DLY(0,:,:))
  lat     =  a->latitude
  lon     =  a->longitude

wks = gsn_open_wks("png","07AUG")                ; send graphics to PNG file

  res                      = True                  ; plot mods desired
  res at gsnDraw              = False
  res at gsnFrame             = False
  res at gsnAddCyclic         = False
  res at gsnStringFontHeightF = 0.015
  res at cnFillOn             = True                  ; turn on color fill
  res at gsnMaximize          = True     ; maximize plot in frame
  res at mpOutlineOn   = False   ; Use outlines from shapefile
  res at mpFillOn      = False
  res at cnLinesOn         = False    ; turn off contour lines
  res at cnLineLabelsOn    = False    ; turn off line labels
  res at cnLevelSelectionMode = "ExplicitLevels"
  res at cnLevels             = (/273,283,293,294,295,296,297,298,299,300,301,302,303,304,305/) ;   15 contour values
  res at cnFillPalette            = "rainbow"
  res at lbLabelBarOn     = False
  res at lbOrientation   = "Vertical"
  res at sfXArray             = lon
  res at sfYArray        =  lat
 ; res at mpMinLonF     = 1.0
 ; res at mpMaxLonF     = 163.0
 ; res at mpMinLatF     = -81.0
 ; res at mpMaxLatF     = 25.0
  res at pmTickMarkDisplayMode     = "Always"
  ;res at tiXAxisString            = "Longitude"
  ;res at tiYAxisString            = "Lattitude"
  res at tiXAxisFontHeightF     = 0.02
  res at tiYAxisFontHeightF     = 0.02
plot = gsn_csm_contour_map(wks,var, res)        ; create plot

;---Resource list for shapefile outlines
 plres                     = True
 plres at gsLineColor       = "black"
 plres at gsLineThicknessF  = "1.0"
 dumstr                = unique_string("poly")
 id = gsn_add_shapefile_polylines(wks,plot,filename,plres)

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