[ncl-talk] fatal:No coordinate variable exists for dimension (lat) in variable (modvar_pd_elnino)

Jesús Garcia Rosales jesus21gr at gmail.com
Sat Sep 26 21:51:23 MDT 2015

Hi users I have a problem. This is my script:

load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_code.ncl"
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_csm.ncl"
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/contributed.ncl"
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/shea_util.ncl"
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/wrf/WRFUserARW.ncl"

inidx = 0
inloc = "Huayao"
inlat = -12.04
inlon = -75.32

; Now open station data (observations) and read in

  delim     = "," ; these are csv files

  ; El Nino
   ; open the files and read in the data
    obs_data_pd_elnino =
    obs_strs_pd_elnino   = str_split_csv (obs_data_pd_elnino, ",", 0)

   ; Now compute the length(0) and width(1) of the data matrix
    obsdims_pd_elnino = dimsizes(obs_pointdata_pd_elnino)

   ; Find the data column that corresponds to your station of interest
    obs_pointdata_1stn_pd_elnino = obs_pointdata_pd_elnino(:,inidx)

   ; now compute a daily climatology from the time series (i.e., average
all days together)
    obs_pointdata_1stn_90d_multiyear_pd_elnino =
    obs_pointdata_1stn_dayclm_pd_elnino =

fname =
("/media/jesus/TOSHIBA/WRF_alan/9km/wrfout_d01_2003-01-29_00:00:00") ;
input precip data
  fin = addfile (fname,"r")
 ; prc = fin->pr ; (time,yc, xc) 3 hrly
  lat = fin->XLAT
  lon = fin->XLONG

  time = fin->Times
  ntimes = dimsizes(time)

  rain_exp = wrf_user_getvar(fin,"RAINNC",-1)
  rain_con = wrf_user_getvar(fin,"RAINC",-1)


   rain_tot = rain_exp + rain_con


 do  it=1,743,1


 end do


         dimx = dimsizes(rain)
         ntim = dimx(0) ; number of time steps
      ;    printVarSummary(rain)

         ;nlat = dimx(2)
        ; mlon = dimx(3)

         nday = ntim/24

     ; print("nday="+nday)
     ; print("ntim="+ntim)

         xday = rain(::24,:,:) ; 'trick' to allocate memory + retain meta
     ; printVarSummary(xday)

         do nt=0,ntim-1,24
            xday(nt/24,:,:) = dim_avg_n_Wrap(rain(nt:nt+23,:,:),0)  ;

         end do

modvar_pd_elnino = xday(3:29,:,:)


; Find latitudes and longitudes so that you can interpolate data to
specified station
    lat  = modvar_pd_elnino&lat
    lon  = modvar_pd_elnino&lon

; El Nino
    mod_pointdata_1stn_dayclm_pd_elnino_2d =
    mod_pointdata_1stn_dayclm_pd_elnino =

; now create a single data variable that holds all six
; data arrays that you would like to plot

   data = new((/2,27/),"float")

  ; rank order all of  the data so you can compute percentiles
  data(0,:) = obs_pointdata_1stn_dayclm_pd_elnino
  data(1,:) = mod_pointdata_1stn_dayclm_pd_elnino

 ;create a dummy time variable (integer days: 1 = Dec 1, 90 = Feb 28)
  intday = ispan(1,27,1)

;   Create plot
 ;open the image. Note you can choose pdf, ps, png, ncgm or x11 format.
(x11 prints to screen)
  wks   = gsn_open_wks ("x11","xy_"+inloc+"_tas")                  ; open

 ;Set the resources for the plot Text
  res                   = True                      ; plot mods desired

 ;Text strings for title and axes
  res at tiMainString  =  inloc+": DJF El Nino vs La Nina: tas"      ; Title
at top of plot
  res at tiYAxisString = "tas (deg_C)"                         ; Y-axis title
  res at tiXAxisString ="Day of DJF"

 ;Line colors/types
  res at xyLineThicknesses = (/3.,2./)               ; make 2nd lines thicker
  res at xyLineColors      = (/"red","blue"/)          ; change line color
  res at xyDashPatterns    = (/0,5/)               ; Make curves all solid

 ;Make the plot
  plot  = gsn_csm_xy (wks,intday,data,res) ; create plot


And when I want to run it, this message appear:

fatal:No coordinate variable exists for dimension (lat) in variable
fatal:["Execute.c":8575]:Execute: Error occurred at or near line 131 in
file serie_tiempo.ncl

would you please give me some advices for this problem?, thank for your

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