[ncl-talk] help

afwande juliet afwandej965 at gmail.com
Tue Sep 8 07:42:23 MDT 2015


I am doing timeseries for Warm years for sst and CMAP data.
how do i make the left and right dimension be same especilly here........ *
y       = sst(ind_warm*).........see it in main script.
it complains about left and right dimension not same. my data is
sst(time.lat,lon) and am plotting only warm years

below is script

; Read in data
  f     = addfile ("sst.mnmean.nc","r")
  time  = f->time                                 ; access date
  sst   = (f->sst)*0.1                            ; scale sst anomalies
; extract warm years from data
  warm_yrs  = (/1951,1953,1957,1963,1965,1969,1972,1976,1982,1987,1991/)
  warm_time_yrs = warm_yrs * 100 + 01             ; match format of date
  nwarm     = dimsizes(warm_yrs)                  ; how many warm years
  ind_warm  = new(nwarm,integer)                  ; create array
  do n=0,nwarm-1
    ind_warm(n)  = ind(warm_time_yrs(n).eq.time)
  end do
 * y       = sst(ind_warm)*
  x     = ispan(0,nwarm-1,1)
; create plot
  wks   = gsn_open_wks ("x11","xy")                ; open ps file
  res               = True                        ; plot mods desired

  res at tmXBMode          = "Explicit"              ; explicit labels
  res at tmXBValues        = x                       ; location of labels
  res at tmXBLabels        = warm_yrs                ; labels themselves
  res at tmLabelAutoStride = True                    ; nice stride on labels
  res at tiMainString      = "Explicit axis labeling"; title
  plot  = gsn_csm_xy(wks,x,y,res)
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