[ncl-talk] Overlay a box and a marker over WRF field
Rabah Hachelaf
hachelaf at sca.uqam.ca
Wed May 27 20:01:49 MDT 2015
Thanks Mary,
It works.
2015-05-27 14:49 GMT-04:00 Mary Haley <haley at ucar.edu>:
> When you use gsn_add_xxxx versus gsn_xxxxx, then in order to see the
> "added" feature, you must draw the plot object after you've added the
> feature. I.e.
> pid = gsn_add_polymarker(wks,plot,lon,lat,mkres)
> draw(plot)
> frame(wks)
> When you just use gsn_polymarker, then the marker is drawn the minute you
> call that procedure, and it is *not* attached to the plot.
> --Mary
> On Wed, May 27, 2015 at 11:26 AM, Rabah Hachelaf <hachelaf at sca.uqam.ca>
> wrote:
>> But without the dot marker in the center of the domain !!!
>> 2015-05-27 13:22 GMT-04:00 Rabah Hachelaf <hachelaf at sca.uqam.ca>:
>> Thanks Rick and others,
>>> It works now.
>>> Rabah
>>> 2015-05-27 13:06 GMT-04:00 Rick Brownrigg <brownrig at ucar.edu>:
>>> Hi,
>>>> If you set the resources as recommended by Karin (which you have not
>>>> done in your attached script), and you use gsn_add_polymarker() rather than
>>>> gsn_polymarker(), you'll get what you are after. Note that
>>>> gsn_add_polymarker, like gsn_add_polyline, is a function, not a procedure,
>>>> so you must assign the return value to some (arbitrary) variable.
>>>> Rick
>>>> On Wed, May 27, 2015 at 9:27 AM, Rabah Hachelaf <hachelaf at sca.uqam.ca>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> @ Katin,
>>>>> Thanks for your replay, but your suggestion does'nt change any things.
>>>>> @ Alex,
>>>>> Attached you find my geo_em, namelist.wps and the ncl script that i
>>>>> use.
>>>>> Thanks.
>>>>> Rabah
>>>>> 2015-05-27 6:47 GMT-04:00 Karin Meier-Fleischer <
>>>>> meier-fleischer at dkrz.de>:
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> take a look at the web page
>>>>>> https://www.ncl.ucar.edu/Document/Functions/WRF_arw/wrf_map_overlays.shtml
>>>>>> —>
>>>>>> If you want to use gsn_add_poly*xxxx* routines (like
>>>>>> *gsn_add_polymarker*
>>>>>> <https://www.ncl.ucar.edu/Document/Graphics/Interfaces/gsn_add_polymarker.shtml>)
>>>>>> to add primtives to a WRF plot, then you need to set:
>>>>>> plt_res at PanelPlot = True
>>>>>> plt_res at FramePlot = False
>>>>>> *before* you call *wrf_map_overlays*. Then, call the appropriate
>>>>>> gsn_add_poly*xxxx* routine to attach the desired primitives, and
>>>>>> finally call *draw*
>>>>>> <https://www.ncl.ucar.edu/Document/Functions/Built-in/draw.shtml>(plot)
>>>>>> and *frame*
>>>>>> <https://www.ncl.ucar.edu/Document/Functions/Built-in/frame.shtml>(wks)
>>>>>> to draw the plot with the attached primitives and advance the frame.
>>>>>> Bye,
>>>>>> Karin
>>>>>> Am 27.05.2015 um 05:51 schrieb Alex Schaefer <
>>>>>> alexander.schaefer at mines.sdsmt.edu>:
>>>>>> Rabah,
>>>>>> So if you don’t put them both both res and pltres you still end up
>>>>>> with 2 plots?
>>>>>> It might also be worth trying to use the gsn_add_polymarker as
>>>>>> opposed to using the gsn-polymarker. gsn_polymarker might have the frame
>>>>>> internally built. The gsn_add_polymarker does return an identifier so you
>>>>>> would do it similar to your polyline call:
>>>>>> pm_id = gsn_add_polymarker(wks,plot,npres at ref_lon,npres at ref_lat
>>>>>> ,mpres)
>>>>>> If this doesn’t work can you attach your geo_em file and script and I
>>>>>> will see if I can see what is going on.
>>>>>> -Alex
>>>>>> On May 26, 2015, at 7:06 PM, Rabah Hachelaf <hachelaf at sca.uqam.ca>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Alex ,
>>>>>> When i add
>>>>>> opts at gsnDraw = False
>>>>>> opts at gsnFrame = False
>>>>>> or
>>>>>> res at gsnDraw = False
>>>>>> res at gsnFrame = False
>>>>>> and also
>>>>>> pltres at gsnDraw = False
>>>>>> pltres at gsnFrame = False
>>>>>> I get only grid with the box and the marker like attached.
>>>>>> 2015-05-26 20:47 GMT-04:00 Alex Schaefer <
>>>>>> alexander.schaefer at mines.sdsmt.edu>:
>>>>>>> Rabah,
>>>>>>> Where in your script did you add the resources suggested by Jared?
>>>>>>> Since you have a bunch of different resource objects you will need
>>>>>>> to set it in each going into plots controlling plot resources. For you this
>>>>>>> should include res or opts and likely pltres.
>>>>>>> -Alex
>>>>>>> On May 26, 2015, at 6:36 PM, Rabah Hachelaf <hachelaf at sca.uqam.ca>
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi Jared,
>>>>>>> Thanks for your reponse,
>>>>>>> But add
>>>>>>> res at gsnDraw = False
>>>>>>> res at gsnFrame = False
>>>>>>> doesn't change any things.
>>>>>>> Rabah
>>>>>>> 2015-05-26 18:34 GMT-04:00 Jared Lee <jaredlee at ucar.edu>:
>>>>>>>> Hi Rabah,
>>>>>>>> I believe what you're missing is these two lines where you set
>>>>>>>> other 'res' resources:
>>>>>>>> res at gsnDraw = False
>>>>>>>> res at gsnFrame = False
>>>>>>>> By default they're both set to True, which would give you two
>>>>>>>> separate images. If you set both to false you should get a single plot with
>>>>>>>> your polymarker overlaid.
>>>>>>>> Hope that helps.
>>>>>>>> Jared
>>>>>>>> On Tue, May 26, 2015 at 4:21 PM, Rabah Hachelaf <
>>>>>>>> hachelaf at sca.uqam.ca> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hello NCL users,
>>>>>>>>> I am using the script below to plot a box and a marker dot over
>>>>>>>>> topography field from WRF outputs,
>>>>>>>>> My problem is i can not get one figure, i get two separate figures
>>>>>>>>> like attached.
>>>>>>>>> Any suggestion to solve this.
>>>>>>>>> ; Example script - plot terrain (using some basic WRF scripts)
>>>>>>>>> ; Overwrite basic map background settings
>>>>>>>>> ; November 2008
>>>>>>>>> load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_code.ncl"
>>>>>>>>> load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/wrf/WRFUserARW.ncl"
>>>>>>>>> begin
>>>>>>>>> a = addfile("../geo_em.d02.nc","r") ; Open a file
>>>>>>>>> filename = "../namelist.wps"
>>>>>>>>> npres= True
>>>>>>>>> npres at ref_lat = stringtofloat(systemfunc("grep ref_lat "
>>>>>>>>> +filename+ " | cut -f2 -d'=' | cut -f1 -d','" ) )
>>>>>>>>> npres at ref_lon = stringtofloat(systemfunc("grep ref_lon "
>>>>>>>>> +filename+ " | cut -f2 -d'=' | cut -f1 -d','" ) )
>>>>>>>>> type = "png"
>>>>>>>>> wks = gsn_open_wks(type,"plt_geo_6") ; Create a plot
>>>>>>>>> workstation
>>>>>>>>> opts = True ; Set some Basic
>>>>>>>>> Plot options
>>>>>>>>> opts at MainTitle = "GEOGRID FIELDS"
>>>>>>>>> opts at InitTime = False ; Do not plot time
>>>>>>>>> or footers
>>>>>>>>> opts at Footer = False
>>>>>>>>> ter = wrf_user_getvar(a,"HGT_M",0) ; Read the variable
>>>>>>>>> to memory
>>>>>>>>> lon = a->XLONG_U(0,:,:)
>>>>>>>>> lat = a->XLAT_U(0,:,:)
>>>>>>>>> printVarSummary(lat)
>>>>>>>>> print (lat(0,0)+", "+lon(0,0)+",0,")
>>>>>>>>> print (lat(0,60)+", "+lon(0,60)+",0,")
>>>>>>>>> print (lat(59,60)+", "+lon(59,60)+",0,")
>>>>>>>>> print (lat(59,0)+", "+lon(59,0)+",0")
>>>>>>>>> res = opts ; Use basic options
>>>>>>>>> for this field
>>>>>>>>> res at cnFillOn = True ; Create a color
>>>>>>>>> fill plot
>>>>>>>>> res at ContourParameters = (/ 0., 1000., 50. /) ; Set the levels
>>>>>>>>> contour = wrf_contour(a,wks,ter,res)
>>>>>>>>> pltres = True ; Set plot options
>>>>>>>>> mpres = True ; Set map options
>>>>>>>>> mpres at mpGeophysicalLineColor = "Black" ; Overwrite basic
>>>>>>>>> map settings
>>>>>>>>> mpres at mpGridLineColor = "Black"
>>>>>>>>> mpres at mpLimbLineColor = "Black"
>>>>>>>>> mpres at mpNationalLineColor = "Black"
>>>>>>>>> mpres at mpPerimLineColor = "Black"
>>>>>>>>> mpres at mpUSStateLineColor = "Black"
>>>>>>>>> mpres at mpProjection = "LambertConformal"
>>>>>>>>> mpres at mpLambertParallel1F = 30
>>>>>>>>> mpres at mpLambertParallel2F = 60
>>>>>>>>> mpres at mpLambertMeridianF = -98
>>>>>>>>> mpres at mpGridSpacingF = 0.25
>>>>>>>>> ;************************************************
>>>>>>>>> ; add the box
>>>>>>>>> ;************************************************
>>>>>>>>> ;************************************************
>>>>>>>>> ypts = (/ lat(10,10), lat(10,50), lat(49,50), lat(49,10),
>>>>>>>>> lat(10,10)/)
>>>>>>>>> xpts = (/ lon(10,10), lon(10,50), lon(49,50), lon(49,10),
>>>>>>>>> lon(10,10)/)
>>>>>>>>> ;************************************************
>>>>>>>>> resp = True ; polyline
>>>>>>>>> mods desired
>>>>>>>>> resp at gsLineColor = "black" ; color of
>>>>>>>>> lines
>>>>>>>>> resp at gsLineThicknessF = 2.0 ; thickness
>>>>>>>>> of lines
>>>>>>>>> ; resp at gsLineLabelString= "test" ; adds a
>>>>>>>>> line label string
>>>>>>>>> plot = wrf_map_overlays(a,wks,(/contour/),pltres,mpres) ; Plot
>>>>>>>>> field over map background
>>>>>>>>> dum = new(4,graphic)
>>>>>>>>> do i = 0 , 3
>>>>>>>>> dum(i)=gsn_add_polyline(wks,plot,xpts(i:i+1),ypts(i:i+1),resp)
>>>>>>>>> end do
>>>>>>>>> ;*********************************************************
>>>>>>>>> mpres at gsMarkerColor = "Black"
>>>>>>>>> mpres at gsMarkerIndex = 16
>>>>>>>>> mpres at gsMarkerSizeF = 0.005
>>>>>>>>> gsn_polymarker(wks,plot,npres at ref_lon,npres at ref_lat,mpres)
>>>>>>>>> draw(plot)
>>>>>>>>> frame(wks)
>>>>>>>>> end
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> ------------------------------
>>>>>>>>> Cordialement,
>>>>>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>>>>>> Rabah Hachelaf
>>>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>>>>> ncl-talk mailing list
>>>>>>>>> List instructions, subscriber options, unsubscribe:
>>>>>>>>> http://mailman.ucar.edu/mailman/listinfo/ncl-talk
>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>> ===============================
>>>>>>>> Jared A. Lee, Ph.D.
>>>>>>>> Project Scientist I
>>>>>>>> Research Applications Laboratory
>>>>>>>> National Center for Atmospheric Research
>>>>>>>> Boulder, Colorado, USA
>>>>>>>> Email: jaredlee at ucar.edu (w)
>>>>>>>> Phone: 303.497.8485 (w)
>>>>>>>> Web: https://staff.ucar.edu/users/jaredlee
>>>>>>>> ===============================
>>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>>>> ncl-talk mailing list
>>>>>>>> List instructions, subscriber options, unsubscribe:
>>>>>>>> http://mailman.ucar.edu/mailman/listinfo/ncl-talk
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> ------------------------------
>>>>>>> Cordialement,
>>>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>>>> Rabah Hachelaf
>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>>> ncl-talk mailing list
>>>>>>> List instructions, subscriber options, unsubscribe:
>>>>>>> http://mailman.ucar.edu/mailman/listinfo/ncl-talk
>>>>> --
>>>>> ------------------------------
>>>>> Cordialement,
>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>> Rabah Hachelaf
>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>> ncl-talk mailing list
>>>>> List instructions, subscriber options, unsubscribe:
>>>>> http://mailman.ucar.edu/mailman/listinfo/ncl-talk
>>> --
>>> ------------------------------
>>> Cordialement,
>>> Best regards,
>>> Rabah Hachelaf
>> --
>> ------------------------------
>> Cordialement,
>> Best regards,
>> Rabah Hachelaf
>> _______________________________________________
>> ncl-talk mailing list
>> List instructions, subscriber options, unsubscribe:
>> http://mailman.ucar.edu/mailman/listinfo/ncl-talk
Best regards,
Rabah Hachelaf
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