[ncl-talk] Panel plots not showing up

Mary Haley haley at ucar.edu
Mon May 18 09:31:03 MDT 2015

At first I thought the problem was with the "delete" plot lines:

  delete(plotA)                                 ;otherwise all 10 will
overlay on each other

But I did a little test, and it worked for me, whether I deleted the plots
are not. Still, you might try commenting out the delete calls to see if
this helps.

To save yourself a few lines of code, you shouldn't need "plotA"; this
should work fine:

do i=0,dimsizes(te0inds)-1
  plot(i) = gsn_csm_contour_map(wks,phi(te0inds(i),3,:,:),res)
  plotB = gsn_csm_contour(wks,wspd925(te0inds(i),:,:),wres)
  overlay(plot(i),plotB)                      ; result will be plotA
end do

Are you getting any kind of error message?  I couldn't tell from your
script if there were any issues.

Usually if I have problems with gsn_panel, I try drawing one or more of the
plots individually to make sure they're not blank.  Right before the
gsn_panel calls, try:

do i=0,dimsizes(te0inds)-1
end do


On Sat, May 16, 2015 at 1:07 PM, Philip Martin <philip.martin at sjsu.edu>

> Hello NCL users,
> I am trying to make multiple pages of panel plots (5 per page) from
> several files, but only one plot shows up on each page after the first. The
> graphic arrays of interest are embedded within a while loop - I did not
> think it would be an issue. I don't seem to have any major issues with
> calculations. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in
> advance!
> I am running NCL version 6.2.1 on x86_64 gcc (GCC) 4.4.6 20110731 (Red Hat
> 4.4.6-3). My program is attached (plotting routines at line 214 - end).
> --
> Philip Martin-Edwards
> Teaching Associate
> Dept. of Meteorology and Climate Science
> San Jose State University
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