[ncl-talk] missing value in int2p

Joowan Kim joowan at ucar.edu
Fri May 15 11:41:07 MDT 2015

Dear NCL people

I'm using int2p for interpolation.
I generally work well with missing value, but if the first coordinate value
is missing it returns all missing values.
I can detour this problem, but it will be good to know why.
Any idea or suggestion with this?


Test script
; it understands fill value
p=(/-999, 750, 500, -999, 200, 100,  50,  10/)
;p=(/1000, 750,-999, -999, 200, 100,  50,  10/)
t=(/ 320, 300, 250, -999, 220, 190, 210, 280/)
p at _FillValue = -999
t at _FillValue = -999

prs = (/600,300,30/)
tlin = int2p(p,t,prs,1)
tlog = int2p(p,t,prs,2)

Joowan Kim
Atmospheric Chemistry Division
National Center for Atmospheric Research
PO Box 3000  Boulder, CO 80307
e-mail : joowan at ucar.edu
           joowan.k at gmail.com
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