[ncl-talk] Looping through strings to build new variable names

Michael Ventrice mventrice at wsi.com
Thu Jan 29 08:48:38 MST 2015

Hi all,

Is it possible to call in a string from an array in order to build a new
variable name using part of the string that was called in? I put a mock
example at the bottom that I'd think would be a way to do it... but
obviously it doesn't work :)

Thanks in advance,
Mike V.

  statID_array = (/"KALB","KLGA"/)

do i = 0, dimsizes(statID_array)-1
station = statID(i)

  k = 294

  station+"_MaxT" = new((/dimsizes(dates(i*k:i*k+i))/), "float")
  station+"_MaxT"!0 = "time"
  station+"_MaxT"&time = dates(i*k:i*k+i)
  station+"_MaxT"&time at units = dates at units
  station+"_MaxT" = (/maxT(i*k:i*k+i)/)

end do

; for i=0:
;KALB_MaxT = new((/dimsizes(dates(i*k:i*k+i))/), "float")
;KALB_MaxT!0 = "time"
;KALB_MaxT&time = dates(i*k:i*k+i)
;KALB_MaxT&time at units = dates at units
;KALB__MaxT" = (/maxT(i*k:i*k+i)/)

; for i=1:
;KLGA_MaxT = new((/dimsizes(dates(i*k:i*k+i))/), "float")
;KLGA_MaxT!0 = "time"
;KLGA_MaxT&time = dates(i*k:i*k+i)
;KLGA_MaxT&time at units = dates at units
;KLGA__MaxT" = (/maxT(i*k:i*k+i)/)


* Michael **Ventrice, Ph.D.  **|* *Operational Scientist*
* w:* 978-983-6786      *e:* michael.ventrice at weather.com
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