[ncl-talk] changing coordinates

Sunmin Park mireiyue at gmail.com
Wed Jan 28 19:39:03 MST 2015

Dear NCL users

Following question from the previous email that was about problem creating figure. As I looked at the original data they had different coordinate. 

Is there way that we can change longitude [-180,180] to [0,360]? I am trying to compare 4 data sets and one data set has [-180,180] and the others have [0,360]. I changed [-180,180] to [0,3600 using 

  extGmean!0 = "lat"
  extGmean!1 = "lon"
  lat = fspan(-85,85,85)
  lon = fspan(0,360,72)
  lat at longname = "latitude"
  lat at units = "degrees_north"
  lon at longname ="longitude"
  lon at units = "degrees_east"
  extGmean&lat = lat
  extGmean&lon = lon

but It give wrong plot, looks like changing west and east.
How I can fix problem? 
Thank you for any comments and helps. 


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