[ncl-talk] Biome sums

Jiang, Lifen lfjiang at ou.edu
Fri Feb 27 08:21:09 MST 2015


I am computing the sums of variable “ESMF_sftlf_regrid” in the file “bcc” at each biome. Types of biomes was defined as “var2d” in the file “pft”.

I am expecting it will return ten different values (10 types of biomes). But it returned ten same values and with the error massage:

fatal:["NclVar.c":1376]:Assignment type mismatch, right hand side can't be coerced to type of left hand side
fatal:Execute: Error occurred at or near line 41 in file BiomeTotals_CMIP5.ncl

I have attached my code below and my data files.

I appreciate if someone can help figure out the problems in the code.




load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_code.ncl"
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_csm.ncl"
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/contributed.ncl"
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/shea_util.ncl"

in1 = addfile("bcc.nc","r")
in2 = addfile("pft.nc","r")
t1 = in1->ESMF_sftlf_regrid
t0 = in2->var2d

t2 = t0(lat|:,lon|:) ; reorder

t1 = lonFlip(t1)
t2 = lonFlip(t2)

lat = in1->lat
lon = in1->lon

bc_density = new(dimsizes(t1),typeof(t1))
bc_sum = new(10,typeof(t2))
do i = 0, 9
bc_density = where(t2.eq. i, t1, bc_density at _FillValue) ; bc_density will be overwritten at each iteration of the loop
re   = 6.37122e06

rad  = 4.0 * atan(1.0) / 180.0
con  = re * rad
clat = cos(lat * rad)           ; cosine of latitude

dlon = (lon(2) - lon(1))        ; assume dlon is constant
dlat = (lat(2) - lat(1))        ; assume dlat is constant

dx   = con * dlon * clat        ; dx at each latitude
dy   = con * dlat               ; dy is constant
dxdy = dx * dy                  ; dxdy(nlat)
dydx = dy * dx                  ; dydx(nlat)

wgt  = new((/180, 360/), typeof(t1))
wgt  = conform(wgt, dxdy, 0)
bc_sum(i) = wgt_areasum2(bc_density, wgt, 0)
end do

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