[ncl-talk] ut_inv_calendar

jorge.conrado at cptec.inpe.br jorge.conrado at cptec.inpe.br
Fri Feb 27 05:58:05 MST 2015


       I don't have experience with the NCL and I downloaded a script  
(IR_download_and_crop.ncl) in the Web to download images from the ftp  


       This the script:

;########## IR_download_and_crop.ncl #############
;# This program downloads data from the NASA Merged IR database and crops to
;# the specified region and time period. A NETCDF file of the data is made
;# and the orignial fortran binary data is deleted.

;# 1. Set inital variables
;# 2. Read in 5 days of data over W. Africa write to NETCDF at 4km, 30 min

load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_code.ncl"
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_csm.ncl"
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/skewt_func.ncl"
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/contributed.ncl"


;######## SET INITIAL VARS ########

;# Reference information for the Merged IR Dataset
;# For 2006...
;# Jul begins on day 182 and ends on 212
;# Aug begins on day 213 and ends on 243
;# Sep begins on day 244 and ends on 273

;# Set intital string variables




time_array at units = "hours ref 1-1-1 00:00:0.0"

;# For the July brightness temp. array a byte array is storred to  
reduce memory requirements and storage space.
;# Convert to another data type and add 75.


;######## Begin the time loop ########


do day_ind=0,4
    do hr_ind=0,23

    file_name_download =  
    system("wget "+file_name_download)

;####### READ THE FORTRAN BINARY ##############

    file_name_read_zip =  
    file_name_read = "merg_200607"+day_31(beg+day_ind)+hr(hr_ind)+"_4km-pixel"


    system("gunzip "+file_name_read_zip)

    ;# Set Fortran read options

    ir_temp   = byte2flt(fbindirread (file_name_read ,0,  

    system("rm -f "+file_name_read)

;######## CROP THE IR GRID FOR WEST AFR #######
;# LARGE: 319.998E(8795)-59.97576E(1648),40.0013N(549)-19.9772S(2197)
;# LIMIT: 334.9874E(9207)-44.98637E(1236),25.00667N(961)-4.982578S(1785)


    lon at units      = "degrees-east"
    lat at units      = "degrees-north"

    ir_temp!2    = "lon"
    ir_temp!1    = "lat"
    ir_temp!0    = "time"




    lon_out = new((/1925/),"float")


    lat_out  = lat(961:1785)

;########## PLACE IN ARRAY #######

    tb_array(48*day_ind+hr_ind*2,:,:)=ir_temp_re_0       ;# First half hour
    tb_array(48*day_ind+hr_ind*2+1,:,:)=ir_temp_re_1     ;# Second half hour

;########## SET THE TIMES ########

    time_array(48*day_ind+hr_ind*2) =  
ut_inv_calendar(2006,7,beg+day_ind+1,hr_ind+1,0,0,time_array at units, 0)
    time_array(48*day_ind+hr_ind*2+1) =  
ut_inv_calendar(2006,7,beg+day_ind+1,hr_ind+1,30,0,time_array at units, 0)

    end do
end do

;######## CREATE THE NETCDF FILE ########

    ntim  = 240
    nlat  = 825
    nlon  = 1925

    diro = "./"                     ; Output directory
    filo = "ir_test_jul_16_to_jul_20.nc"             ; Output file
    system("/bin/rm -f " + diro + filo)    ; remove if exists
    fout  = addfile (diro + filo, "c")  ; open output file

; explicitly declare file definition mode. Improve efficiency.


; create global attributes of the file

    fAtt               = True            ; assign file attributes
    fAtt at title         = "NCL Efficient Approach to netCDF Creation"
    fAtt at source_file   =  "original-file.nc"
    fAtt at Conventions   = "None"
    fAtt at creation_date = systemfunc ("date")
    fileattdef( fout, fAtt )            ; copy file attributes

; predefine the coordinate variables and their dimensionality
; Note: to get an UNLIMITED record dimension, we set the dimensionality
; to -1 (or the actual size) and set the dimension name to True.

    dimNames = (/"time", "lat", "lon"/)
    dimSizes = (/ -1   ,  nlat,  nlon/)
    dimUnlim = (/ True , False, False/)

; predefine the the dimensionality of the variables to be written out
; Here we are using NCL functions to facilitate defining
; each variable's dimension name(s) and type.
; The following could be replaced with explicit, user defined dimension
; names different from those associated with the variable in memory.
; Say, PS(time,lat,lon) in the NCL script. They could be redefined for  
the file via:
; filevardef(fout, "PS"   ,typeof(PS) ,(/"TIME","latitude","longitude"/))

    filevardef(fout, "time" ,(/"double"/),(/"time"/))
    filevardef(fout, "lat"  ,(/"float"/),(/"lat"/))
    filevardef(fout, "lon"  ,(/"float"/),(/"lon"/))
    filevardef(fout, "TB"   ,(/"float"/),(/"time","lat","lon"/))

; Copy attributes associated with each variable to the file
; All attributes associated with each variable will be copied.

    filevarattdef(fout,"time" ,time_array)              ; copy time attributes
    filevarattdef(fout,"lat"  ,lat_out)                 ; copy lat attributes
    filevarattdef(fout,"lon"  ,lon_out)                 ; copy lon attributes
    filevarattdef(fout,"TB"   ,tb_array)                      ; copy  
PS attributes

; explicitly exit file definition mode. **NOT REQUIRED**


; output only the data values since the dimensionality and such have
; been predefined. The "(/", "/)" syntax tells NCL to only output the
; data values to the predefined locations on the file.

    fout->time   = (/time_array/)
    fout->lat    = (/lat_out/)
    fout->lon    = (/lon_out/)
    fout->TB      = (/tb_array/)


      I run it and the script download the images, but this the line

   time_array(48*day_ind+hr_ind*2) =  
ut_inv_calendar(2006,7,beg+day_ind+1,hr_ind+1,0,0,time_array at units, 0)
    time_array(48*day_ind+hr_ind*2+1) =

     I had the message:

fatal:ut_inv_calendar: Invalid specification string
fatal:["Execute.c":8578]:Execute: Error occurred at or near line 103  
in file IR_download_and_crop.ncl

      I already change the ut_inv_calendar to cd_inv_calendar but I  
had the same error.

fatal:Undefined identifier: (cv_inv_calendar) is undefined, can't continue
fatal:["Execute.c":8578]:Execute: Error occurred at or near line 103  
in file IR_download_and_crop.ncl

fatal:ut_inv_calendar: Invalid specification string
fatal:["Execute.c":8578]:Execute: Error occurred at or near line 103  
in file IR_download_and_crop.ncl

     I don't know how can I solve this error.

     Thank  for all that help me with the question I asked yesterday.


-------------- next part --------------
;########## IR_download_and_crop.ncl #############
;# This program downloads data from the NASA Merged IR database and crops to 
;# the specified region and time period. A NETCDF file of the data is made 
;# and the orignial fortran binary data is deleted.

;# 1. Set inital variables
;# 2. Read in 5 days of data over W. Africa write to NETCDF at 4km, 30 min

load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_code.ncl"
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_csm.ncl"
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/skewt_func.ncl"
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/contributed.ncl"


;######## SET INITIAL VARS ########

;# Reference information for the Merged IR Dataset
;# For 2006...
;# Jul begins on day 182 and ends on 212
;# Aug begins on day 213 and ends on 243
;# Sep begins on day 244 and ends on 273

;# Set intital string variables




time_array at units = "hours ref 1-1-1 00:00:0.0"

;# For the July brightness temp. array a byte array is storred to reduce memory requirements and storage space.
;# Convert to another data type and add 75.


;######## Begin the time loop ########


do day_ind=0,4
   do hr_ind=0,23

   file_name_download = "ftp://disc2.nascom.nasa.gov/data/s4pa/TRMM_ANCILLARY/MERG/2006/"+(beg+day_ind+182)+"/merg_200607"+day_31(beg+day_ind)+hr(hr_ind)+"_4km-pixel.Z"
   system("wget "+file_name_download)

;####### READ THE FORTRAN BINARY ##############

   file_name_read_zip = "merg_200607"+day_31(beg+day_ind)+hr(hr_ind)+"_4km-pixel.Z"
   file_name_read = "merg_200607"+day_31(beg+day_ind)+hr(hr_ind)+"_4km-pixel"

   system("gunzip "+file_name_read_zip)

   ;# Set Fortran read options

   ir_temp   = byte2flt(fbindirread (file_name_read ,0, (/2,3298,9896/),"byte"))+75.

   system("rm -f "+file_name_read)

;######## CROP THE IR GRID FOR WEST AFR #######
;# LARGE: 319.998E(8795)-59.97576E(1648),40.0013N(549)-19.9772S(2197)
;# LIMIT: 334.9874E(9207)-44.98637E(1236),25.00667N(961)-4.982578S(1785)


   lon at units      = "degrees-east"
   lat at units      = "degrees-north"
   ir_temp!2    = "lon"
   ir_temp!1    = "lat"
   ir_temp!0    = "time"


   lon_out = new((/1925/),"float")


   lat_out  = lat(961:1785)

;########## PLACE IN ARRAY #######

   tb_array(48*day_ind+hr_ind*2,:,:)=ir_temp_re_0       ;# First half hour
   tb_array(48*day_ind+hr_ind*2+1,:,:)=ir_temp_re_1     ;# Second half hour

;########## SET THE TIMES ######## 
   time_array(48*day_ind+hr_ind*2) = ut_inv_calendar(2006,7,beg+day_ind+1,hr_ind+1,0,0,time_array at units, 0)
   time_array(48*day_ind+hr_ind*2+1) = ut_inv_calendar(2006,7,beg+day_ind+1,hr_ind+1,30,0,time_array at units, 0)

   end do
end do

;######## CREATE THE NETCDF FILE ########

   ntim  = 240                                                       
   nlat  = 825
   nlon  = 1925      

   diro = "./"                     ; Output directory
   filo = "ir_test_jul_16_to_jul_20.nc"             ; Output file
   system("/bin/rm -f " + diro + filo)    ; remove if exists
   fout  = addfile (diro + filo, "c")  ; open output file

; explicitly declare file definition mode. Improve efficiency.


; create global attributes of the file

   fAtt               = True            ; assign file attributes
   fAtt at title         = "NCL Efficient Approach to netCDF Creation"  
   fAtt at source_file   =  "original-file.nc"
   fAtt at Conventions   = "None"   
   fAtt at creation_date = systemfunc ("date")        
   fileattdef( fout, fAtt )            ; copy file attributes    

; predefine the coordinate variables and their dimensionality
; Note: to get an UNLIMITED record dimension, we set the dimensionality
; to -1 (or the actual size) and set the dimension name to True.

   dimNames = (/"time", "lat", "lon"/)  
   dimSizes = (/ -1   ,  nlat,  nlon/) 
   dimUnlim = (/ True , False, False/)    

; predefine the the dimensionality of the variables to be written out
; Here we are using NCL functions to facilitate defining 
; each variable's dimension name(s) and type. 
; The following could be replaced with explicit, user defined dimension 
; names different from those associated with the variable in memory. 
; Say, PS(time,lat,lon) in the NCL script. They could be redefined for the file via: 
; filevardef(fout, "PS"   ,typeof(PS) ,(/"TIME","latitude","longitude"/)) 

   filevardef(fout, "time" ,(/"double"/),(/"time"/))                          
   filevardef(fout, "lat"  ,(/"float"/),(/"lat"/))                          
   filevardef(fout, "lon"  ,(/"float"/),(/"lon"/))                          
   filevardef(fout, "TB"   ,(/"float"/),(/"time","lat","lon"/))    
; Copy attributes associated with each variable to the file
; All attributes associated with each variable will be copied.

   filevarattdef(fout,"time" ,time_array)              ; copy time attributes
   filevarattdef(fout,"lat"  ,lat_out)                 ; copy lat attributes
   filevarattdef(fout,"lon"  ,lon_out)                 ; copy lon attributes
   filevarattdef(fout,"TB"   ,tb_array)                      ; copy PS attributes  

; explicitly exit file definition mode. **NOT REQUIRED**

; output only the data values since the dimensionality and such have
; been predefined. The "(/", "/)" syntax tells NCL to only output the
; data values to the predefined locations on the file.
   fout->time   = (/time_array/)     
   fout->lat    = (/lat_out/)
   fout->lon    = (/lon_out/) 
   fout->TB      = (/tb_array/)


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