[ncl-talk] Animate_1.ncl doubt

Sebastian Otarola-Bustos sotarola at nd.edu
Wed Feb 11 16:44:44 MST 2015

Hello, I am new at WRF and I'm trying to postprocess some results. I've
been trying to run the example script animate_1.ncl which I found in the
NCL_page. But It threw me some errors. Particularly, when I use Idt, it
doesn't recognize the command. You know what can I do to solve this.
Another thing I am wondering to know, can you tell me if the files are well
loaded, because It doesn't threw me any error, I' ve loaded directly a
wrfout.nc file.I attached you the script so it would be great if you can
help me with this. Finally, I would like to share the video, how can I
export ncgm to multimedia stantar format.

Best regards,
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