[ncl-talk] CMORPH Rainfall

Geeta Geeta geetag54 at yahoo.com
Mon Dec 21 10:33:57 MST 2015

Thanks Rick and Dennis for your help.. 
So the Rf values are now being wriiten properly.  how to see the 1st and 2nd records.  
  nlat        =  1649
  nlon        =  4948;--------------------------------------------------
 lat         = 59.963614 + ispan(0,nlat-1,1)*0.072771377 lat!0       = "latitude" lat at units   = "degrees_north"                printVarSummary(lat)
 lon         = 0.036378335 + ispan(0,nlon-1,1)*0.072756669 lon!0       = "longitude" lon at units   = "degrees_east"                printVarSummary(lon)

; Reading File-----------------rf           =  fbindirread("test.bin",0,(/nlat,nlon/),"ubyte");  res1         =  fbindirread("test.bin",1,-1,"float")                  asciiwrite("rf.txt",rf);                  print(res1)                  printVarSummary(rf)
 ;rf at _FillValue= 255
 cmorrf        = where(rf.eq.255,255,rf*0.2)                 asciiwrite("crf.txt",cmorrf) cmorrf at _FillValue  = 255 cmorrf at units      = "mm"                  printVarSummary(cmorrf)
This doc mentions that there are 6 records. ;; Each file contains 6 records. The 1st 3 records pertain to the top half;; of the hour (00-29 minus after the hour) and the last 3 records are for the
;; bottom half of the hour.  Within each group:
;;   -  the 1st record contains the CMORPH precipitation estimates 
;;   -  the 2nd record contains the time (in half hour units) since the most
;;      recent microwave pass.  Note that since we do both a forward &
;;        backward interpolation in time, the nearest time may be prior to
;;        the file time stamp or after it.  
;;   -  the 3rd record contains an ID that tells the satellite from which the last
;;        microwave observation was made which can be interpretted by the following
;;        table (as of the time of the last update of this documentation):
How should I see the rest of them?? 

    On Monday, 21 December 2015 8:03 PM, Dennis Shea <shea at ucar.edu> wrote:

 Also ... *you* must read the documentation carefully. The documentation states:
            "Each direct access record is a 4948 x 1649 CHARACTER*1"

You are using 'fbinrecread' which is for fortran sequential records.
You should use 'fbindirread' which is for direct access records.

Ypu have 'lat' going from South-to-North. The documentation states the
data are N->S.

Since the max byte is 255, I think unsigned byte type should be used.

Under 'Datasets' ... Click 'High Res Precipitation'

Minor modifications to existing CMORPH examples resulted in cmorph_4.ncl

On Mon, Dec 21, 2015 at 6:46 AM, Rick Brownrigg <brownrig at ucar.edu> wrote:
> Hi,
> According to the docs at:
> ftp://ftp.cpc.ncep.noaa.gov/precip/global_CMORPH/README.cmorph.8km_30minute
> the data are given as unsigned bytes, not floats. This would explain the
> warning about file size.  By the comments in the GRADS definition, you
> multiply the cmorph values by 0.2 to get mm/hr. With that in mind, I *think*
> you need something like (untested!):
> cmorrf_ubytes  =    fbinrecread("test.bin",0,(/nlat,nlon/),"ubyte")
> cmorrf_ubytes at _FillValue = 255B
> cmorrf = cmorrf_ubytes * 0.2  ; convert to floats, units are mm/hr
> As a side note, since its byte data, the setfileoption(...) is superfluous.
> Hope that helps..
> Rick
> On Sun, Dec 20, 2015 at 4:39 AM, Geeta Geeta <geetag54 at yahoo.com> wrote:
>> I have to plot 8km_30minutes resolution CMORPH rainfall.
>> The data is binary format. and has 24 files of each hour.
>> -rw-r--r-- 1 aditya aditya 48955512 Dec  1 19:33
>> CMORPH_8KM-30MIN_2015113021
>> -rw-r--r-- 1 aditya aditya 48955512 Dec  1 19:33
>> CMORPH_8KM-30MIN_2015113022
>> -rw-r--r-- 1 aditya aditya 48955512 Dec  1 19:33
>> CMORPH_8KM-30MIN_2015113023
>> As per the documentation of this data from
>> (ftp://ftp.cpc.ncep.noaa.gov/precip/global_CMORPH/CMORPH_8km-30-minute.ctl)
>> /your-data-set-path/advt-8km-intrp-prim-sat-spat-2lag-2.5+5dovlp8kmIR-%y4%m2%d2%h2
>> OPTIONS yrev big_endian template
>> UNDEF  255
>> TITLE  correlation estimates
>> XDEF 4948 LINEAR  0.036378335 0.072756669
>> YDEF 1649 LINEAR -59.963614    0.072771377
>> ZDEF  01 LEVELS 1
>> TDEF 99999  LINEAR  00z21dec2002 30mn
>> VARS 3
>> cmorph  1  -1,40,1,-1 xxxxxx yyyyy  (mult. by 0.2 to get mm/hr units)
>> time    1  -1,40,1,-1 xxxxxx yyyyy
>> satid    1  -1,40,1,-1 xxxxxx yyyyy
>> there are 3 records, 1st record being the desired parameter.
>> (ftp://ftp.cpc.ncep.noaa.gov/precip/global_CMORPH/README.cmorph.8km_30minute).
>> I have to plot each hourly file and then get 24 hrs rainfall for a day.
>> ;;;;;;;Code;
>>  print(isbigendian)
>> ; ----Defining for Once -----
>>  wks        = gsn_open_wks("ps","CMO-v1")
>>                gsn_define_colormap(wks,"prcp_2")
>>  nlat        =  1649
>>  nlon        =  4948
>> ;--------------------------------------------------
>>  lat        = -59.963614 + ispan(0,nlat-1,1)*0.072771377
>> ;                print(lat)
>>  lon        = 0.036378335 + ispan(0,nlon-1,1)*0.072756669
>> ;                print(lon)
>>                setfileoption("bin","ReadByteOrder","BigEndian")
>> ; cmorrf  =    fbinrecread("test.bin",0,(/nlat,nlon/),"float")  ; print
>> 0th record.
>> cmorrf  =    fbinrecread("test.bin",0,-1,"float")  ; print 0th record.
>>                print("Sizeof rf  ="+dimsizes(cmorrf))
>> ;              print(cmorrf)
>>                asciiwrite("rf.txt",cmorrf)
>> When I run this,
>> See http://www.ncl.ucar.edu/ for more details.
>> (0) False
>> warning:fbinrecread: size specified is greater than record size, filling
>> with missing values
>> (0) Sizeof rf  =1649
>> (1) Sizeof rf  =4948
>> when I use -1 in line defining cmorphh, I get this output.
>> aditya at agniilap:~/geeta/ncl/CMORPH$  See http://www.ncl.ucar.edu/ for more
>> details.
>> (0) False
>> (0) Sizeof rf  =0
>> no rainfall is written to the file.
>> Also the 1st and 2nd  records are not being shown.
>> Pls suggest.
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