[ncl-talk] help

張顧.煒Zane 489645692 at qq.com
Sat Oct 25 05:02:40 MDT 2014


  I have downloaded CMIP5 ocean temp. data  
  but find  that the horizontal grid is not regular grid used for GRADS 
(see below) 

  Therefor I think I need to regrid the ocean temp. data from these  
irregular grid points to the regular 1.0*1.0 grid. 

   I am asking if NCL can do the interpolation? If so, Could you point  
out to me the key sentences used in NCL scripts? 



netcdf ‍ tos_Omon_ACCESS1-0_historical_r1i1p1_185001-200512.nc{‍

Dimensions: 5

	time = 1872;

	j = 300;

	i = 360;

	bnds = 2;

	vertices = 4;

Global Attributes: 28

	: institution = "CSIRO (Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Australia), and BOM (Bureau of Meteorology, Australia)";

	: institute_id = "CSIRO-BOM";

	: experiment_id = "historical";

	: source = "ACCESS1-0 2011. Atmosphere: AGCM v1.0 (N96 grid-point, 1.875 degrees EW x approx 1.25 degree NS, 38 levels); ocean: NOAA/GFDL MOM4p1 (nominal 1.0 degree EW x 1.0 degrees NS, tripolar north of 65N, equatorial refinement to 1/3 degree from 10S to 10 N, cosine dependent NS south of 25S, 50 levels); sea ice: CICE4.1 (nominal 1.0 degree EW x 1.0 degrees NS, tripolar north of 65N, equatorial refinement to 1/3 degree from 10S to 10 N, cosine dependent NS south of 25S); land: MOSES2 (1.875 degree EW x 1.25 degree NS, 4 levels";

	: model_id = "ACCESS1-0";

	: forcing = "GHG, Oz, SA, Sl, Vl, BC, OC, (GHG = CO2, N2O, CH4, CFC11, CFC12, CFC113, HCFC22, HFC125, HFC134a)";

	: parent_experiment_id = "piControl";

	: parent_experiment_rip = "r1i1p1";

	: branch_time = 109207;

	: contact = "The ACCESS wiki: http://wiki.csiro.au/confluence/display/ACCESS/Home. Contact Tony.Hirst at csiro.au regarding the ACCESS coupled climate model. Contact Peter.Uhe at csiro.au regarding ACCESS coupled climate model CMIP5 datasets.";

	: history = "CMIP5 compliant file produced from raw ACCESS model output using the ACCESS Post-Processor and CMOR2. 2012-01-15T21:24:32Z CMOR rewrote data to comply with CF standards and CMIP5 requirements.";

	: references = "See http://wiki.csiro.au/confluence/display/ACCESS/ACCESS+Publications";

	: initialization_method = 1;

	: physics_version = 1;

	: tracking_id = "0ae7d1af-8d73-4b79-b2e3-6e6ae10ce782";

	: version_number = "v20120115";

	: product = "output";

	: experiment = "historical";

	: frequency = "mon";

	: creation_date = "2012-01-15T21:24:32Z";

	: Conventions = "CF-1.4";

	: project_id = "CMIP5";

	: table_id = "Table Omon (27 April 2011) 694b38a3f68f18e58ba80230aa4746ea";

	: title = "ACCESS1-0 model output prepared for CMIP5 historical";

	: parent_experiment = "pre-industrial control";

	: modeling_realm = "ocean";

	: realization = 1;

	: cmor_version = "2.8.0";

Variations: 9

	NC_DOUBLE time(time);

		time: bounds = "time_bnds";

		time: units = "days since 0001-01-01";

		time: calendar = "proleptic_gregorian";

		time: axis = "T";

		time: long_name = "time";

		time: standard_name = "time";

	NC_DOUBLE time_bnds(time,bnds);

	NC_INT j(j);

		j: units = "1";

		j: long_name = "cell index along second dimension";

	NC_INT i(i);

		i: units = "1";

		i: long_name = "cell index along first dimension";

	NC_FLOAT lat(j,i);

		lat: standard_name = "latitude";

		lat: long_name = "latitude coordinate";

		lat: units = "degrees_north";

		lat: bounds = "lat_vertices";

	NC_FLOAT lon(j,i);

		lon: standard_name = "longitude";

		lon: long_name = "longitude coordinate";

		lon: units = "degrees_east";

		lon: bounds = "lon_vertices";

	NC_FLOAT lat_vertices(j,i,vertices);

		lat_vertices: units = "degrees_north";

	NC_FLOAT lon_vertices(j,i,vertices);

		lon_vertices: units = "degrees_east";

	NC_FLOAT tos(time,j,i);

		tos: standard_name = "sea_surface_temperature";

		tos: long_name = "Sea Surface Temperature";

		tos: comment = ""this may differ from ""surface temperature"" in regions of sea ice."";

		tos: units = "K";

		tos: cell_methods = "time: mean";

		tos: cell_measures = "area: areacello";

		tos: history = "2012-01-15T21:24:31Z altered by CMOR: replaced missing value flag (-1e+20) with standard missing value (1e+20).";

		tos: missing_value = 1E+20;

		tos: _FillValue = 1E+20;

		tos: associated_files = "baseURL: http://cmip-pcmdi.llnl.gov/CMIP5/dataLocation gridspecFile: gridspec_ocean_fx_ACCESS1-0_historical_r0i0p0.nc areacello: areacello_fx_ACCESS1-0_historical_r0i0p0.nc";

		tos: coordinates = "lat lon";

Unlimited dimension: 0‍

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