[ncl-talk] problem with continents projections

Vanúcia Schumacher vanucia-schumacher at hotmail.com
Thu Oct 9 12:25:50 MDT 2014

Dear all,
My graphic output (attached) is having problems with the projections of the continents, can someone tell me how to solve this problem, when I plot each file data separately, this problem does not occur, only when calculating the anomaly between them.
My script:
;========== open model datas ====================
fils =("tos_90x180.podac.nc")
f  = addfile(fils, "r")                                t =f->bsstt1 = t + 273.15copy_VarCoords(t, t1)
media= dim_avg_n_Wrap(t1, 0) 
;========================= open reanalises datas =====================
fils2 =("tos_90x180.cfsr.nc")
f1  = addfile(fils2, "r")                                t2 =f1->tos
t2 at _FillValue = -9.999999999999999e+33
t2=where(t2.ge.271, t2, t2 at _FillValue)
TIME= f1->TIMEYYYY= cd_calendar(TIME,-1)/100
time_start=ut_inv_calendar(1985,01,01,00,00,00,"minutes since 1980-01-01 00:00:00",0)
time_end=ut_inv_calendar(2009,12,31,00,00,00,"minutes since 1980-01-01 00:00:00",0)
media2= dim_avg_n_Wrap(tnew, 0) 
;=============================== anomalia ===========================
anomalia= media - media2
copy_VarCoords(media2, anomalia)
  plot = gsn_csm_contour_map_ce(wks,anomalia,res)  end
Variable: t1Type: floatTotal Size: 19440000 bytes            4860000 valuesNumber of Dimensions: 3Dimensions and sizes:	[time | 300] x [LAT | 90] x [LON | 180]Coordinates:             time: [   0..   0]            LAT: [-89..89]            LON: [-180..178]Number Of Attributes: 1  _FillValue :	9.96921e+36(0)	t1: min=270.15 max=308.121
Variable: mediaType: floatTotal Size: 64800 bytes            16200 valuesNumber of Dimensions: 2Dimensions and sizes:	[LAT | 90] x [LON | 180]Coordinates:             LAT: [-89..89]            LON: [-180..178]Number Of Attributes: 2  _FillValue :	9.96921e+36  average_op_ncl :	dim_avg_n over dimension(s): time(0)	media: min=270.15 max=302.783
Variable: tnewType: doubleTotal Size: 38880000 bytes            4860000 valuesNumber of Dimensions: 3Dimensions and sizes:	[TIME | 300] x [lat | 90] x [lon | 180]Coordinates:             TIME: [2630880..15734880]            lat: [-89.69999694824219..89.69999694824219]            lon: [   0..359.7000122070312]Number Of Attributes: 5  history :	From sst  long_name :	SST[GX=X2DEG,GY=Y2DEG]  _FillValue :	-9.999999790214768e+33  missing_value :	-9.999999999999999e+33  remap :	remapped via ESMF_regrid_with_weights: Bilinear remapping(0)	tnew: min=271 max=304.748
Variable: media2Type: doubleTotal Size: 129600 bytes            16200 valuesNumber of Dimensions: 2Dimensions and sizes:	[lat | 90] x [lon | 180]Coordinates:             lat: [-89.69999694824219..89.69999694824219]            lon: [   0..359.7000122070312]Number Of Attributes: 6  history :	From sst  long_name :	SST[GX=X2DEG,GY=Y2DEG]  _FillValue :	-9.999999790214768e+33  missing_value :	-9.999999999999999e+33  remap :	remapped via ESMF_regrid_with_weights: Bilinear remapping  average_op_ncl :	dim_avg_n over dimension(s): TIME(0)	media2: min=271.224 max=302.745
Variable: anomaliaType: doubleTotal Size: 129600 bytes            16200 valuesNumber of Dimensions: 2Dimensions and sizes:	[lat | 90] x [lon | 180]Coordinates:             lat: [-89.69999694824219..89.69999694824219]            lon: [   0..359.7000122070312]Number Of Attributes: 1  _FillValue :	9.969209968386869e+36(0)	anomalia: min=-32.37 max=10.5374
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