[ncl-talk] Fwd: Pennants wind barbs thickness

David Brown dbrown at ucar.edu
Fri Jul 25 13:21:34 MDT 2014

Hi Rabah,
I have created a ticket for this issue: NCL-2005. No guarantee when we can
attend to it, but we will put it in the queue.

On Thu, Jul 24, 2014 at 4:11 PM, Rabah Hachelaf <hachelaf at sca.uqam.ca>

> Thanks for you David and Kyle.
> 2014-07-24 18:08 GMT-04:00 David Brown <dbrown at ucar.edu>:
> Hi Rabah,
>> I definitely agree with Kyle's advice. It would be a very time consuming
>> (and not very rewarding) effort to try to create your own wind barbs using
>> polylines and polygons. Post-processing the plot with adobe illustrator
>> would be much easier.
>>  -dave
>> On Thu, Jul 24, 2014 at 1:41 PM, Kyle Griffin <ksgriffin2 at wisc.edu>
>> wrote:
>>> I would suggest making such an effect in a program like Adobe
>>> Illustrator or similar - it would honestly be an order of magnitude faster
>>> to do, or even to learn if you are unfamiliar with such software. In
>>> reality though, it would probably be easier for you to simply choose
>>> another color to plot in if you are worried about visibility.
>>> The implementation of such a procedure from your end would likely take
>>> several days to accurately script and be terribly inefficient, as the
>>> native NCL code is written in a more efficient language. It would also
>>> still be lacking in many of the basic features that already exist. If you
>>> really want to get started on such a project, I strongly suggest using the
>>> NCL documentation as much as possible (including the search) and looking
>>> over the polygon/polyline example page at
>>> http://ncl.ucar.edu/Applications/polyg.shtml
>>> I cannot possibly guide you beyond this as this is not something I would
>>> recommend anyone try without being very familiar with the intricacies of
>>> NCL or, preferably, the underlying code. That's why it's wonderful to have
>>> such responsive developers helping us out and taking requests such as these
>>> into consideration - even if these requests take a bit of time to fully
>>> implement.
>>> Kyle
>>> ----------------------------------------
>>> Kyle S. Griffin
>>> Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences
>>> University of Wisconsin - Madison
>>> Room 1421
>>> 1225 W Dayton St, Madison, WI 53706
>>> Email: ksgriffin2 at wisc.edu
>>> On Thu, Jul 24, 2014 at 2:29 PM, Rabah Hachelaf <hachelaf at sca.uqam.ca>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi Kyle,
>>>> My goal is overlay a green windbarb over a black ones with a higher
>>>> thickness to get a green barb with a black borders like image attached.
>>>> I success to do that but for winds speed over 50KT the problem about
>>>> pennant occur.
>>>> Please can you tell me what is steps to do to create a filled polygone
>>>> and rotated it to the angle of each wind barb line.
>>>> Thanks.
>>>>  2014-07-24 15:13 GMT-04:00 Kyle Griffin <ksgriffin2 at wisc.edu>:
>>>> As Dave is one of the developers, he does usually know best. However,
>>>>> if it is very important to you to change it and you have a reasonable
>>>>> number on your plot, I would recommend outputting your file as a PS, EPS,
>>>>> or PDF and taking the vector file into a post-processing program such as
>>>>> Adobe Illustrator or similar. There, you can edit the
>>>>> length/width/color/position of the lines as necessary. Beyond that, I doubt
>>>>> this feature is simple to address. If you were going to set about fixing
>>>>> this as a user, you could start writing the code to draw each line
>>>>> individually relative to a base point and use the gsn_add_polyline(...)
>>>>> function or similar to try and construct these on your own. For the
>>>>> pennants, you would likely need gsn_add_polygon(...) to create a filled
>>>>> polygon, once again rotated to the angle of each wind barb line. Of course,
>>>>> this would be duplicating much of the code already written
>>>>> behind-the-scenes in NCL, but it IS possible if you really need a
>>>>> customized implementation in the immediate future.
>>>>> Kyle
>>>>> ----------------------------------------
>>>>> Kyle S. Griffin
>>>>> Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences
>>>>> University of Wisconsin - Madison
>>>>> Room 1421
>>>>> 1225 W Dayton St, Madison, WI 53706
>>>>> Email: ksgriffin2 at wisc.edu
>>>>> On Thu, Jul 24, 2014 at 1:50 PM, Rabah Hachelaf <hachelaf at sca.uqam.ca>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi David,
>>>>>> Yes i re-post my question maybe some one from NCL users has an other
>>>>>> idea.
>>>>>> Rabah
>>>>>> 2014-07-24 14:11 GMT-04:00 David Brown <dbrown at ucar.edu>:
>>>>>> Hi Rabah,
>>>>>>> As you know I previously answered this question for you personally
>>>>>>> prior to your joining ncl-talk. For the record I am now answering on
>>>>>>> ncl-talk:
>>>>>>> You have diagnosed the problem correctly, and unfortunately there is
>>>>>>> no resource to directly control the size of the pennant part of the wind
>>>>>>> barb glyphs. The size and area of the pennants is fully determined by
>>>>>>> the vcWindBarbTickLengthF and the vcWindBarbTickAngleF. Unfortunately there
>>>>>>> is currently no adjustment made to account for the width of the lines,
>>>>>>> which also has the effect of making the barbs longer than their nominal
>>>>>>> length. No one has ever asked for this kind of flexibility in the past, but
>>>>>>> I can see that it could be useful.
>>>>>>> You could try playing with the tick length and tick angle resources.
>>>>>>> They may help give you a combination that looks better. But until we can
>>>>>>> add another option, my suggestion would be to just try to keep the width as
>>>>>>> small as feasible for your purposes.
>>>>>>>  -dave
>>>>>>> On Tue, Jul 22, 2014 at 4:54 PM, Rabah Hachelaf <
>>>>>>> hachelaf at sca.uqam.ca> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi NCL users,
>>>>>>>> I have problem with plotting wind barb with a relatively big
>>>>>>>> thickness
>>>>>>>> I am using vcWindBarbLineThicknessF command to increase wind barb
>>>>>>>> thickness
>>>>>>>> it's correct for all wind barbs only for higher than 50KT ones
>>>>>>>> where the pennants or small triangle aren't affected by the thickness set.
>>>>>>>> When reading some documentation i noted that
>>>>>>>>   " The pennants are drawn using a filled polygon, while the
>>>>>>>> ticks, the shaft, and the calm circle are all rendered with polylines.
>>>>>>>> "
>>>>>>>> So i think this is why pennants aren't affected by the thickness
>>>>>>>> change.
>>>>>>>> Have you some tricks to solve this problem and get the same
>>>>>>>> pennants thickness like the ticks.
>>>>>>>> Attached you can find an example of my case, where wind speed is
>>>>>>>> supposed to be about between 55KT and 60KT
>>>>>>>> Thank you.
>>>>>>>> ------------------------------
>>>>>>>> Cordialement,
>>>>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>>>>> Rabah Hachelaf
>>>>>>>> Msc Studient UQAM
>>>>>>>> Montréal/CANADA
>>>>>>>>      ____
>>>>>>>>     (       )
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>>>>>>>>   (___ __)
>>>>>>>>    /////////
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>>>>>> ------------------------------
>>>>>> Cordialement,
>>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>>> Rabah Hachelaf
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>>>> --
>>>> ------------------------------
>>>> Cordialement,
>>>> Best regards,
>>>> Rabah Hachelaf
> --
> ------------------------------
> Cordialement,
> Best regards,
> Rabah Hachelaf
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