[ncl-install] Gygwin ncl Unable to load System Resource File

息涛 xitao21 at 163.com
Mon Jan 17 05:26:12 MST 2022

Recently I installed NCL in Cygwin, when I run the sample script,I received the following error messages:

ncl xy04n.ncl
warning:Unable to load System Resource File /usr/local/lib/ncarg/sysresfile
warning:WorkstationClassInitialize:Unable to access rgb color database - named colors unsupported:[errno=2]
warning:["Palette.c":1533]:NhlLoadColormapFiles: Invalid colormap directory: /usr/local/lib/ncarg/colormaps
      1 [main] ncl 9380 cygwin_exception::open_stackdumpfile: Dumping stack trace to ncl.exe.stackdump

I set NCARG_ROOT in my ~/.bashrc file with the content following:

export NCARG_ROOT=/usr/local
export PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH
export DISPLAY=:0.0

I read NCL FAQ, it says it is likely the NCARG_ROOT is not set correctly, but when I visit '/usr/local/lib/ncarg/sysresfile' file by 'vi /usr/local/lib/ncarg/sysresfile', it shows i can access it.
I can access /usr/local/lib/ncarg/colormaps directory too.
This means NCARG_ROOT is set correctly. 
What's the problem?Any suggestions will be appreciated.

Thank you!

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