[ncl-install] About Sum of variable

Govind Jha govind_jha65 at yahoo.com
Sun Sep 8 05:11:59 MDT 2019

Dear Sir,
I have 12 monthly netcdf files having variable called rain .I wish to calculate seasonal rainfall from monthly rainfall in NCL. 
for eg: monsoon season= sum of jun,july,aug and sept.
How could I calculate it.
Here the the monthly netcdf files.
 a = "/home/gopi/Build_WRF/work/MODE_analyis/Nirmala/GPM_july_2016" ; or manual precipitaiton same will work
  a1  = addfile(a+".nc","r")
  gp = a1 ->rain

   gsrc_lat = a1->lat            ;;---Change (maybe)
   gsrc_lon = a1->lon           ;;---Change (maybe)
      APCP = gp
      APCP!0 = "lat"
      APCP!1 = "lon" 
  a2 = "/home/gopi/Build_WRF/work/MODE_analyis/Nirmala/GPM_jun_2016" ; or manual precipitaiton same will work
   a3  = addfile(a2+".nc","r")
   gp1 = a3 ->rain

   gsrc_lat = a3->lat            ;;---Change (maybe)
   gsrc_lon = a3->lon             ;;---Change (maybe)

      APCP1 = gp1
      APCP1!0 = "lat"
      APCP1!1 = "lon"

   g = array_append_record (APCP, APCP1, 0)

      gp3 = g
      gp3!0 = "lat"
      gp3!1 = "lon"
Any help and suggestion would be highly appreciated.
Thank you in advance.

With Regards     ..................................................Govind Kumar Jha    
................................................... Assistant Meteorologist 
(Agro-Meteorology Section)
Department of Hydrology and Meteorology (DHM)
P.O. Box 406 Naxal, Nagpokhari, Kathmandu, Nepal
Tel: +977 1 4436272, 4432409
Fax: +977 1 4429919, 4432137
www.dhm.gov.np, www.hydrology.gov.np, www.mfd.gov.np
............................................................................. Mobile Number: 9779846265433 Email Id: govind_jha65 at yahoo.com..........................................................                      
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