[ncl-install] NCL in virtual box

SARA CORNEJO BUENO sarcorne at ucm.es
Wed Feb 28 12:00:47 MST 2018

Hi! I cann`t open a NCL archive and I followed all the steps:
downloaded ncl_ncarg-6.4.0.tar.gz and

   1. Extract the file where you want the software to be installed
   2. Set the NCARG_ROOT and PATH environment variables to point to where
   the software was installed
   3. Set the DISPLAY environment variable to indicate where to display
   graphics <https://www.ncl.ucar.edu/Download/install.shtml#SetDISPLAY> (this
   step likely not needed)
   4. Test your NCL/NCARG installation

My version is  Ubuntu (Oracle VM virtual box), and when I open the ncl
archive NCL doesn´t appear as an option to open the archive, I can´t find
it in all of my installed programs :(
Can I install it in windows10?
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