[ncl-install] Help installing/running NCL

Kevin Hallock hallock at ucar.edu
Thu Dec 6 10:43:48 MST 2018

Hi Brian,

I’m sorry for the delayed response to your email.

Unfortunately, I don’t have access to a Windows machine where I can test the Cygwin installation process for NCL, and I’m not sure what the problem might be without being able to test it.

However, there is an alternative method for installing NCL on Windows, but it only works on Windows 10: https://www.ncl.ucar.edu/Download/windows_linux_subsystem.shtml <https://www.ncl.ucar.edu/Download/windows_linux_subsystem.shtml>

If you are running Windows 10 and this method seems like a viable solution for you, please let us know if it works out. Otherwise, I will try to find a Windows system to test on and see if I can reproduce the issues you’ve had with the Cygwin NCL build.

I hope this helps,

> On Nov 30, 2018, at 3:23 PM, Brian Evans via ncl-install <ncl-install at ucar.edu> wrote:
> Hello,
> I’m trying to install NCL 6.5.0 in Cygwin, following the directions here: https://www.ncl.ucar.edu/Download/windows_cygwin.shtml#InstallNCL <https://www.ncl.ucar.edu/Download/windows_cygwin.shtml#InstallNCL>
> I’ve followed all steps to the letter (with the exception of installing everything into /opt/local), but when I get to the steps to “Test NCL”:
> 1.       ncl –V doesn’t return anything
> 2.       The graphical test doesn’t open a plot, and just does the same thing as ncl –V, no output, just goes back to the command prompt
> I tried 1 in both the standard Cygwin window, and Cygwin/X, and 2 in a Cygwin/X Xterm. Both tests were done in csh (though “echo $SHELL” still returns /bin/bash, but it still acts like csh), and “which ncl” returns the correct location for the binary (/opt/local/bin/ncl). 
> Would appreciate any help you can provide!
> Thanks,
> Brian Evans
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