[ncl-install] Erratic behavior on Macbook Pro with Ubuntu

Mary Haley haley at ucar.edu
Thu Sep 1 09:21:16 MDT 2016

Hi Sebastian,

I don't have access to a Debian 6.0 system any more, since we upgraded
them.  I do have a Debian 7.9 system, and already had "fix" built there.

The fix is simply a new "ncl" executable.  To get the file, which I've
renamed to "ncl630.fix.debian78"

     wget ftp.ucar.edu:/pub/scd/haley/ncl630.fix.debian78


     ftp ftp.ucar.edu
     <log in as "anonymous">
     <Use email address as password>
     cd /pub/scd/haley
     get ncl630.fix.debian78

Once you have the file, move it to $NCARG_ROOT/bin and make sure it is
executable. You can call it whatever you like. I'll use "ncl.fix" as an

    chmod gou+x ncl630.fix.debian78
     mv ncl630.fix.debian78 $NCARG_ROOT/bin/ncl.fix

Now you can use this new "ncl.fix" executable instead of the one already
installed on your system:

    ncl.fix  your_script.ncl

One thing different you will notice about the behavior when you are drawing
graphics to an X11 window:  a blank screen will pop up, and then the whole
plot will show up at once.

If you are comfortable that this executable works, you can replace your old
ncl executable with this new one. You should first make a copy of your old
one just in case, because this one still works for other output formats,
like PNG, PS, PDF, etc.

   cd $NCARG_ROOT/bin

   mv ncl ncl.old

   mv ncl.fix ncl

This should should do it.  Please let me know if you have any problems.


On Wed, Aug 31, 2016 at 10:53 AM, Sebastian Haglund El Gaidi <sheg at kth.se>

> Hi Mary,
> Thanks for your reply!
> As suggested on the installation page since I have Ubuntu I downloaded the
> Debian binary. This one to be precise:
> ncl_ncarg-6.3.0.Linux_Debian7.8_x86_64_nodap_gcc472.tar.gz
> Do you have a fix for this binary or maybe this:
> ncl_ncarg-6.3.0.Linux_Debian6.0_x86_64_nodap_gcc445.tar.gz​
> would be great!
> Best regards,
> Sebastian
> ------------------------------
> *Från:* Mary Haley <haley at ucar.edu>
> *Skickat:* den 31 augusti 2016 16:48
> *Till:* Sebastian Haglund El Gaidi
> *Kopia:* ncl-install at ucar.edu
> *Ämne:* Re: [ncl-install] Erratic behavior on Macbook Pro with Ubuntu
> Sebastian,
> We are aware of this problem, and unfortunately it seems to be an Intel
> graphics issue.
> We have a work-around, but I will need to provide you with a new "ncl"
> executable file.  Can you tell me which Linux NCL binary you downloaded,
> and I'll see if we have a "fixed" version that matches that binary.
> --Mary
> On Tue, Aug 30, 2016 at 4:05 PM, Sebastian Haglund El Gaidi <sheg at kth.se>
> wrote:
>> I am trying to install ncl on my Macbook pro that I configured for
>> Ubuntu. Everything works well with the installation but when I test ncl
>> using:
>> ng4ex gsun01n -clean
>> I get different result each time. And the result is only partial.
>> ncl -V
>> 6.3.0
>> I am on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS. I read that this problem cloud be encountered on a MacOS but since I am on Ubuntu I cannot install XQuartz as suggested here
>> http://www.ncl.ucar.edu/Download/macosx.shtml
>> Is there any fix for this problem on ubuntu?
>> Best regards,
>> Sebastian
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