[ncl-install] NCL V6.3.0 works under Windows 10 (under Cygwin/X)

Brierley, Chris c.brierley at ucl.ac.uk
Mon Jul 25 03:28:54 MDT 2016

Thank you for that effort, Mary.

It's certainly reassuring that running NCL under Windows 10 is possible. All I need to do now is get it up and running on my machine. I'm sure that I have not got the correct packages installed at present, as I didn't have original ones for it automatically update.

Would you please be able to post a list of what packages you have installed? The command is cygcheck -c


Dr Christopher Brierley,
Lecturer in Climate Modelling,
UCL Dept. of Geography, University College London,
Rm 111, Pearson Bldg,
Gower St, WC1E 6BT.
W: +44 (0)20 7679 0571
M: +44 (0)7427 647941

Good news for people wondering if they can still run NCL if they upgrade to

Windows 10:

I went through the admittedly torturous process of updating my Windows 7

system to Windows 10. I verified that I could still use the NCL 6.3.0

Cygwin binary that I had installed under Windows 7 and the older Cygwin.

After Windows 10 was installed, I upgraded X/Cygwin by downloading and

running the latest setup-x86.exe program from http://x.cygwin.com/.<http://x.cygwin.com/> This

took about 20 minutes and didn't have any problems. I didn't have to select

any new packages, because the setup program recognized what old versions of

software I had (like gcc and gfortran), and automatically upgraded all of

these for me.

One thing that is different is in how you start an X11 "xterm"

application.  Running "xterm" is necessary if you want to run NCL scripts

that display the graphics to an X11 window.

If you always send your graphics to a file, like a PNG, PS, or PDF files,

then you can simply run NCL scripts from within a Cygwin Window.

To start an X11 xterm:

   - Run Cygwin (a Cygwin Terminal window should pop up)

   - Type "startxwin" inside this terminal window. A tiny X logo should

   show up on your task bar (on my screen in was in the lower right of the


   - Left-click on this X logo and a menu should pop up. Select "System

   Tools -> XTerm" and an xterm should start up.

   - You can now run NCL scripts inside this xterm, including those that

   display their graphics to an X11 window.


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