[ncl-install] NCL6.0.0 build Successfully, but fails to work, thanks! 2012-05-04
sinsonglew at mail.bnu.edu.cn
Thu May 3 18:57:05 MDT 2012
Dear Mary:
I checked the Makefile of lib "hlu", it's gcc compiler used.
I wonder if the initialization of "hlu" depends on other libs, maybe it's fault of some dependent lib.
Thanks again!
Best Regards
> -----Origin email-----
> From: "Mary Haley" <haley at ucar.edu>
> Sent Time: Thursday, May 3, 2012
> To: "刘新圣" <sinsonglew at mail.bnu.edu.cn>
> Cc: ncl-install at ucar.edu
> Subject: Re: [ncl-install] NCL6.0.0 build Successfully, but fails to work, thanks!
> Unfortunately this output doesn't provide me with any new information. It almost looks like it goes into a loop.
> I do have a note in the $NCARG/ni/src/lib/hlu/README file that says this:
> I had trouble compiling Workstation.c on an x86_64 Linux system using
> the Intel (icc) compiler. I got an internal error message. So, I
> used gcc to compile just this one file.
> You are using "icc", correct? Maybe you can try this:
> cd $NCARG/ni/src/lib/hlu
> /bin/rm Create.o Workstation.o
> Edit the "Makefile" and change:
> CC = icc
> to
> CC = gcc
> Save the file and type:
> cd $NCARG/ni/src
> make all install
> This should rebuild Workstation.c and Create.c using the "gcc" compiler, and build a new "ncl" which you can try.
> I'm not sure this is going to solve the problem, though. We've had a lot of problems using the Intel compilers, and
> I usually just give up and go to gcc/gfortran.
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