[ncl-install] NCL error - libcrypto and libssl plus not able to load gsn_code.ncl

Khalia Hill khalia.hill at paeholmes.com
Thu Mar 10 20:59:36 MST 2011

Thank you for your reply.

Is there no way to get around those library dependencies? I am keen to use the openDAP capabilities..

I managed to figure out that although the NCAR_ROOT was set it wasn't in /etc/profile.d/ncarg.sh. Changing that allowed the program to read $NCARG_ROOT and I am now able to run the scripts.


From: Mary Haley [mailto:haley at ucar.edu]
Sent: Friday, 11 March 2011 3:16 AM
To: Khalia Hill
Cc: ncl-install at ucar.edu
Subject: Re: [ncl-install] NCL error - libcrypto and libssl plus not able to load gsn_code.ncl

On Mar 9, 2011, at 6:59 PM, Khalia Hill wrote:


I have tried to install the openDAP enabled version 5.2.1 on my laptop which is running Fedora 11.

I have two problems. The first is I get this error when I start ncl

ncl: /usr/lib/libcrypto.so.0.9.8: no version information is available (required by ncl)
ncl: /usr/lib/libssl.so.0.9.8: no version information is available (required by ncl)

I do have these two libraries, however I have the newer versions - 0.9.8n. I have tried to create a link from libcrypto.so.0.9.8 to the 'n' version which seemed to get rid of these errors for a while but now they have returned. I have also set up the LD_LIBRARY_PATH as described on your website.

Hi Khalia,

If you don't need an OPeNDAP-enabled version of NCL, then I suggest installing the non-OPeNDAP version, which doesn't have dependencies on the above libraries.

The second problem is that I'm getting this error when I try to run scripts:

fatal: could not open $NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_code.ncl
fatal: error at line 4 in file wrf_Surface.ncl

The above error is indicating that either NCARG_ROOT is not set or it is set incorrectly, or the file simply isn't there.

I'm not sure why it behaves differently when you run it interactively, but are you running it *exactly* the same way?

For example, are you typing:

   ncl wrf_Surface.ncl

and this produces the error, but then running ncl interactively:

ncl 0> load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_code.ncl"

works fine?

This really makes no sense.  I wonder if there's some other kind of error in your wrf_Surface.ncl script.

What happens if you put the line:

 system("ls $NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_code.ncl")

before the load calls?


However the gsn_code.ncl script does exist in that location, the NCARG_ROOT is set and when I start ncl and type in load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_code.ncl" there is no problem. Do you know when running the script it cannot load the file?

Kind regards,

Khalia Hill

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