[ncl-install] ncl: command not found

Daniel Packman pack at ucar.edu
Thu Sep 2 10:47:06 MDT 2010

On Sep 2, 2010, at Sep 2   10:26 AM, Neil Berg wrote:

> Hi,
> My system administrator installed NCL on our new Linux x86_64 computer  
> using gcc version 4.4.3.  The administrator instructed us to set the  
> environment variable using "setenv NCARG_ROOT /opt/ncarg" (he was  
> prompted this after compiling).  The default shell is tcsh, so I added  
> that line to my .tcshrc file.  When typing "ncl -V" for a quick test  
> to see if NCL is working, I receive "ncl: command not found."  Should  
> I be setting the environment variables elsewhere?

The NCARG_ROOT environment variable is only part of the installation issue.
The other is your PATH. A default install in /opt/ncarg means that 
should be added to your path. Or you can set an alias for ncl pointing
it to /opt/ncarg/bin/ncl

> Moreover, I have written all my previous scripts in bash- will there  
> be any issues calling ncl routines in a bash script even though the  
> environment variables were set using tcsh?

If you start the scripts from your interactive shell, they should inherit
your environment variables.

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