[ncl-install] NCL Source Install Document Misprint?

Huber, David dbh409 at ku.edu
Thu May 20 21:25:24 MDT 2010

I'm working through the "How to build NCL and NCAR Graphics from source code" document on the website, and I noticed something peculiar.  Under the section "HDF-EOS 5 software" there is a step stating:

     Once you have the GDAL source code, you can build and install it with:
       ./configure --with-hdf5=/usr/local --with-zlib=/usr/local --with-szlib=/usr/local --prefix=/usr/local
        make all install

Since this section is not for GDAL, I thought it odd that I should be compiling GDAL, so I assume this is actually supposed to read "Once you have the hdf5-eos source code..."

However, following these instructions, I am unable to compile hdf-eos.  Ironically, the only other supporting package I was unable to compile was GDAL!  Can someone please clarify this for me?



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