[ncl-install] szip

Rick Grubin grubin at ucar.edu
Fri Nov 16 22:32:01 MST 2007

Hi Mark

> Well, I'm getting a little further with the full ncl/ncarg install  
> on my Mac ppc G5 but still not quite there:
> I'm getting this error sprinkled in parts of the make output:
> /usr/bin/ld: Undefined symbols:
> _SZ_encoder_enabled
> _SZ_BufftoBuffCompress
> _SZ_BufftoBuffDecompress
> which I assume is related to szip.  But I thought you don't need  
> this if you don't want netcdf-4 support,
> and I answer "no" to that in the configure script as I'm just using  
> netcdf v3.6.2.

Those are definitely symbols in the szip (libsz) library, so  
something is looking for them.  If it's not netCDF-4, it
is likely HDF4, which can be configured/built with szip.  Are you  
able to check if your local installation of
HDF-4 was built with the szip package?

Rick Grubin      NCAR/TDD/CISL/VETS
Visualization + Enabling Technologies
grubin at ucar.edu             303.497.1832

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