[mpas-developers] request to merge lateral_boundary branch to the trunk

Todd Ringler ringler at lanl.gov
Tue May 4 11:31:46 MDT 2010

Hi Michael,

Based on some tips from Mark Petersen, I have done an svn merge from  
the trunk to the lateral boundary branch as

svn merge --dry-run -r 160:240 https://svn-mpas-model.cgd.ucar.edu/trunk/mpas 
  .     (see what would change)
svn merge -r   60:240 https://svn-mpas-model.cgd.ucar.edu/trunk/ 
mpas .  (merge trunk onto branch)

(supposedly) this merges the repository at .../trunk/mpas at rev 240  
(which is the head) onto the branch that was created at rev 160. I am  
testing this code right now. Note that the "dry-run" option tells us  
what changes without actually doing the merge.

Having not done this before, I am learning as I go -- so suggestions  
are welcome.

Once I think I have the merge done correctly, I will commit the  
changes to the branch -- at that point we should be able to identify  
the changes that would occur by merging the branch to the trunk.


On May 4, 2010, at 11:05 AM, Michael Duda wrote:

> Hi, Todd.
> Actually, I've only made minimal changes to the hydrostatic
> atmosphere core to handle the 'garbage' cell nCells+1; but, those
> changes don't appear to have any negative effects.
> I think one step that could help us in testing would be to bring
> the lateral_boundary_conditions up to date with respect to the
> trunk, so that the differences in the branch are exactly those we
> will be proposing to make to the trunk. I've just started
> experimenting with a diff tool yesterday evening, so I could try
> to produce a set up updates to the branch that would bring it up
> to date, and I could place those updates somewhere accessible to
> other developers; if those updates pass inspection, I could commit
> them. Does this sound like a reasonable approach?
> Cheers,
> Michael
> On Mon, May 03, 2010 at 04:38:44PM -0600, Todd Ringler wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> We have been working on a clean implementation of lateral boundary
>> conditions for a while now. Michael and I put together a design and
>> requirement document on the top that was circulated for comments.
>> As near I can tell, we have successfully implemented this design in
>> the shallow-water model and in the ocean model. Changes committed by
>> Michael lead me to think that the design has also been pushed into  
>> the
>> hydrostatic atmosphere model.
>> Over the next couple of days Mark Petersen will be doing a review and
>> testing of the code under the lateral_boundary_conditions. His focus
>> will be on the ocean model component. Over the last couple of weeks
>> Mat Maltrud has been testing the shallow-water core with realistic
>> boundaries. All of this testing has occurred in "MPI-mode" on  
>> numerous
>> different platforms.
>> Some of the changes in this design occur under frameworks, so the  
>> push
>> back to the trunk will impact all model components when rebuilt. As
>> far as we can tell, these changes are innocuous to those not  
>> enforcing
>> lateral boundary conditions.
>> A quick comparison of the shallow-water models in the branch and in
>> the trunk show agreement out to ~12 digits  after 500 time steps in
>> test case #5.
>> I am asking for suggestions in terms of testing and evaluation. We
>> would like to merge this branch with the trunk very soon, but we want
>> to be careful not to adversely impact the broader development effort.
>> Cheers,
>> Todd
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