[mpas-developers] request to merge lateral_boundary branch to the trunk

Michael Duda duda at ucar.edu
Tue May 4 11:05:53 MDT 2010

Hi, Todd.

Actually, I've only made minimal changes to the hydrostatic
atmosphere core to handle the 'garbage' cell nCells+1; but, those
changes don't appear to have any negative effects.

I think one step that could help us in testing would be to bring
the lateral_boundary_conditions up to date with respect to the
trunk, so that the differences in the branch are exactly those we
will be proposing to make to the trunk. I've just started
experimenting with a diff tool yesterday evening, so I could try
to produce a set up updates to the branch that would bring it up
to date, and I could place those updates somewhere accessible to
other developers; if those updates pass inspection, I could commit
them. Does this sound like a reasonable approach?


On Mon, May 03, 2010 at 04:38:44PM -0600, Todd Ringler wrote:
> Hi All,
> We have been working on a clean implementation of lateral boundary  
> conditions for a while now. Michael and I put together a design and  
> requirement document on the top that was circulated for comments.
> As near I can tell, we have successfully implemented this design in  
> the shallow-water model and in the ocean model. Changes committed by  
> Michael lead me to think that the design has also been pushed into the  
> hydrostatic atmosphere model.
> Over the next couple of days Mark Petersen will be doing a review and  
> testing of the code under the lateral_boundary_conditions. His focus  
> will be on the ocean model component. Over the last couple of weeks  
> Mat Maltrud has been testing the shallow-water core with realistic  
> boundaries. All of this testing has occurred in "MPI-mode" on numerous  
> different platforms.
> Some of the changes in this design occur under frameworks, so the push  
> back to the trunk will impact all model components when rebuilt. As  
> far as we can tell, these changes are innocuous to those not enforcing  
> lateral boundary conditions.
> A quick comparison of the shallow-water models in the branch and in  
> the trunk show agreement out to ~12 digits  after 500 time steps in  
> test case #5.
> I am asking for suggestions in terms of testing and evaluation. We  
> would like to merge this branch with the trunk very soon, but we want  
> to be careful not to adversely impact the broader development effort.
> Cheers,
> Todd
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