[Met_help] [rt.rap.ucar.edu #100772] History for Specifying the correct level?

George McCabe via RT met_help at ucar.edu
Wed Aug 4 09:34:30 MDT 2021

  Initial Request


I'm processing grib output from the RRFS-CMAQ system with new max/ave.
output from post upp.  I've made all the adjustments but am facing an issue
that appears linked to how the levels are being specified.  The original
message is attached below.  In the past I set the forecast level to "L1".
I don't think it works for this case.  Notice that the original output was
on sigma levels while this output is on hybrid levels.

Hi Lin,

I made some structural changes in the code to accommodate the differences
in file structure.  In the past we separated the fields out and grouped
days 1, 2, and 3 for each file.  For instance, for OZMAX8, there will be
three entries in a grib file corresponding to day 1, 2, and 3.  In your
example you lump all fields into one file.  In the future we may want to
adapt the offline approach to separating data so that we don't have to
change the code.

Unfortunately, the error still occurs.  You can see this in my log file (
I only applied this to *OZMAX1*, so please look at that field, not the
others.  The references in the log suggest that everything is pointed to
the right locations.  For instance, I parsed out the *OZMAX1* field from
your post output and put it a ptmp directory that can be found here (

This is what the header info reads for that file; notice the OZMAX1 field
is there:
[Edward.Strobach at v71a3 scripts]$
*1:0:d=2019081512:OZMAX1:1 hybrid level:16-39 hour ave fcst:*

The step to generate the observations for verification, using the prepbufr
data and converting that to netcdf file format (that is stored here:
<http://prepbufr.aqm.2019081500.nc>*), worked and is supposed to be used
and combined with the out_ozmax1.grb2 file to generate point stat files.
Unfortunately, that doesn't happen because of this error:

*WARNING:WARNING: process_fcst_climo_files() -> no fields matching
OZMAX1/L1 found in file:
 :ERROR  : process_fcst_climo_files() -> no requested forecast data found!
Exiting...ERROR  :07/22 17:48:32.013 metplus.PointStat (command_runner.py:*

Note also that I never changed the FCST name or level information.  I
shouldn't have to since they are supposedly consistent.  Note, however,
that when wgrib2'ing the file that we have used for the offline system,
that I get this:

*[Edward.Strobach at v71a1 20190807]$
aqm.t12z.max_1hr_o3.148.grib2 1:0:d=2019080712:OZMAX1:1 sigma
level:-2147483641--2147483618 hour ave fcst:2:144034:d=2019080712:OZMAX1:1
sigma level:17-40 hour ave fcst:*

I highlighted in blue the difference in the level information.  The
vertical coordinate from the inline system is a hybrid sigma-pressure
coordinate system, I believe, while the offline system is pure sigma.  I'm
not sure what the level distinction should be.  Could it be that the "*L1*"
specification is resulting in this error?  What then would be the
appropriate specification.  Will need help to figure this out I think.
Once this is resolved, then I think it should work and we can then generate
the stats needed.  Thanks for working and coordinating on this issue.  Let
me know what needs to be done or if more information is needed.

  Complete Ticket History

Subject: Specifying the correct level?
From: George McCabe
Time: Wed Aug 04 09:34:22 2021

This question was moved to GitHub Discussions.


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