[Met_help] [rt.rap.ucar.edu #100815] History for regrid data plane only outputs -9999

John Halley Gotway via RT met_help at ucar.edu
Mon Aug 2 14:58:52 MDT 2021

  Initial Request

Dear Met Office,

I created a netcdf that should have the "internals" of the pcp_combine and I created a mask to evaluate hail > 25.4mm. I have been trying to use the regrid_data_plane to regrid onto G211 and I have not been able to produce a value other than -9999. Is there a reason why any option I've tried using while using the regrid_data_plane keeps giving me

DEBUG 2: Range of regridded data (name="MAX_HAIL_24_mask"; level="(*,*)";) is -9999 to -9999.

[root at 464a5650bbb0 bin]# ./regrid_data_plane /fsx-downscaling/runs/20110426_50L/max_hail_fake_pcp_mask.nc G211 /fsx-downscaling/runs/20110426_50L/max_hail_fake_pcp_mask_211.nc -field 'name="MAX_HAIL_24_mask"; level="(*,*)";' -method MAXGAUSS -width 5 -gaussian_radius 120 -gaussian_dx 81.271 -v 10

DEBUG 7: GaussianInfo::compute() max_r: 5
DEBUG 1: Reading data file: /fsx-downscaling/runs/20110426_50L/max_hail_fake_pcp_mask.nc
DEBUG 4: Met2dDataFileFactory::new_met_2d_data_file() -> created new Met2dDataFile object of type "FileType_NcMet".
DEBUG 4: Lambert Conformal Grid Data:
DEBUG 4:    hemisphere:
DEBUG 4:   scale_lat_1: -9999
DEBUG 4:   scale_lat_2: -9999
DEBUG 4:       lat_pin: -9999
DEBUG 4:       lon_pin: 9999
DEBUG 4:         x_pin: 0
DEBUG 4:         y_pin: 0
DEBUG 4:    lon_orient: 9999
DEBUG 4:          d_km: 4
DEBUG 4:          r_km: 6371
DEBUG 4:            nx: 1199
DEBUG 4:            ny: 799
DEBUG 4:     so2_angle: 0
DEBUG 4: VarInfoFactory::new_var_info() -> created new VarInfo object of type "FileType_NcMet".
DEBUG 2: Input grid: Projection: Lambert Conformal Nx: 1199 Ny: 799 Lat_LL: 81.000 Lon_LL: -81.000 Lon_orient: -81.000 Alpha: 3106.588 Cone: 0.988 Bx: 0.0000 By: 252.2668
DEBUG 3: Use the grid named "G211".
DEBUG 3: Grid Definition: Projection: Lambert Conformal Nx: 93 Ny: 65 Lat_LL: 12.190 Lon_LL: 133.459 Lon_orient: 95.000 Alpha: 203.408 Cone: 0.423 Bx: 51.9999 By: 178.3635
DEBUG 2: Output grid: Projection: Lambert Conformal Nx: 93 Ny: 65 Lat_LL: 12.190 Lon_LL: 133.459 Lon_orient: 95.000 Alpha: 203.408 Cone: 0.423 Bx: 51.9999 By: 178.3635
DEBUG 2: Interpolation options: method = MAXGAUSS, width = 5, shape = SQUARE, vld_thresh = 0.5
DEBUG 7: check_nc_data_2d() count: valid=958001, zero=0, missing=0, 958001 == 958001
DEBUG 7: MetNcFile::data() const -> took 0.01 seconds to read NetCDF data
DEBUG 7: MetNcFile::data() const -> took 0 seconds to fill data plane
DEBUG 4: Data plane information:
DEBUG 4:       plane min: 0
DEBUG 4:       plane max: 1
DEBUG 4:      valid time: 20110426_060000
DEBUG 4:       lead time: 000000
DEBUG 4:       init time: 20110426_060000
DEBUG 4:      accum time: NA
DEBUG 5: interp_gaussian_dp() weight_sum: 0.998469 weight_cnt: 89 nx: 93, ny: 65 max_r: 5
DEBUG 2: Range of input data (name="MAX_HAIL_24_mask"; level="(*,*)";) is 0 to 1.
DEBUG 2: Range of regridded data (name="MAX_HAIL_24_mask"; level="(*,*)";) is -9999 to -9999.
DEBUG 1: Writing output file: /fsx-downscaling/runs/20110426_50L/max_hail_fake_pcp_mask_211.nc



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