[Met_help] [rt.rap.ucar.edu #87959] History for METviewer: (event) equalizer

John Halley Gotway via RT met_help at ucar.edu
Mon Dec 10 13:40:04 MST 2018

  Initial Request

Hello.  A question about METviewe event equalizer: in an interactive 
METviewer plot such as for the attached xml, what I'd like to do is to 
make sure that only stats for the forecast cycles where all models' data 
are present are used.  NAM/GFS stats for FSS06h are computed out to 84h, 
CONUSNEST is out to 60h and HRRR out to 36h, so I don't want to 
"equalize" the FCST_LEAD.  Looks like I cannot check the "Equalize" 
button next to FCST_VALID_BEGIN and "FCST_LEAD" directly - need to check 
"Event Equalizer", which then turns on all the "Equalize" buttons.  I 
can then un-check the "Equalize" box next to the "FCST_LEAD", but 
whether this box is checked or not, the score plot will only go out to 
36h (the forecast lead time where all four models have in common).

Question: does "event equalizer" button override all other equalizer 
buttons - when it's on, all the fixed values/independent variables must 
equalize?  On the interactive METviewer, there is no way to turn off 
"event equalizer" while leaving some other equalizer on.  I did try to 
1) click on the "event equalizer", 2) un-select the "equalizer" next to 
"FCST_LEAD", then save the xml, edit it to set event_equal to "false" 
while leaving field equalize="true" for fcst_valid_beg_0, then upload 
the xml.  It seems to work - the plot produced would show NAM/GFS out to 
84h, CONUSNEST to 60h and HRRR to 36h, but then all the "equalize" 
buttons would be unchecked, even the one next to FCST_VALID_BEGIN, so I 
don't know that the resulting plots are from forecast cycles where all 
models are present.  What's the proper way to make sure that the 
consistency check is done for model run cycles (fcst_valid_begin), but 
allow the plot to show different forecast lead times?



Ying Lin
NCEP/EMC/Verification, Post-processing and Product Generation Branch
NCWCP Cubicle No. 2015
Ying.Lin at noaa.gov

  Complete Ticket History

Subject: METviewer: (event) equalizer
From: John Halley Gotway
Time: Wed Dec 05 09:38:12 2018


In theory, the event equalization logic is very simple.  But in
(as you've found) it's pretty darn confusing!  Thanks for sending your
XML... that really helps to illustrate.

First, we defined the event equalization logic to subset the data down
the set of "cases" that are common for all "series" on the plot.  I
"case" and "series" in quotes to emphasize that they have a specific
meaning in this context.
The "series" are just the lines (typically) on the plot.  Very often
series are defined as different models.  The "case" consists of the
set of
fields which define the keys to be equalized across the series.  For
independent variable values (for example, forecast hour = 24), we
the cases for each series and subset the data so that we only keep the
cases common to all series.

What you're requesting is a partial form of event equalization.
apply the equalization logic out to a certain forecast hour, but not

Unfortunately, METviewer does not support that logic.  Event
is either on or off.  I understand what you want to do in your
example, but
the difficulty is in defining a clear rule set in the code to handle


On Thu, Nov 29, 2018 at 3:17 PM Ying Lin via RT <met_help at ucar.edu>

> Thu Nov 29 15:17:17 2018: Request 87959 was acted upon.
> Transaction: Ticket created by ying.lin at noaa.gov
>        Queue: met_help
>      Subject: METviewer: (event) equalizer
>        Owner: Nobody
>   Requestors: ying.lin at noaa.gov
>       Status: new
>  Ticket <URL:
https://rt.rap.ucar.edu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=87959 >
> Hello.  A question about METviewe event equalizer: in an interactive
> METviewer plot such as for the attached xml, what I'd like to do is
> make sure that only stats for the forecast cycles where all models'
> are present are used.  NAM/GFS stats for FSS06h are computed out to
> CONUSNEST is out to 60h and HRRR out to 36h, so I don't want to
> "equalize" the FCST_LEAD.  Looks like I cannot check the "Equalize"
> button next to FCST_VALID_BEGIN and "FCST_LEAD" directly - need to
> "Event Equalizer", which then turns on all the "Equalize" buttons.
> can then un-check the "Equalize" box next to the "FCST_LEAD", but
> whether this box is checked or not, the score plot will only go out
> 36h (the forecast lead time where all four models have in common).
> Question: does "event equalizer" button override all other equalizer
> buttons - when it's on, all the fixed values/independent variables
> equalize?  On the interactive METviewer, there is no way to turn off
> "event equalizer" while leaving some other equalizer on.  I did try
> 1) click on the "event equalizer", 2) un-select the "equalizer" next
> "FCST_LEAD", then save the xml, edit it to set event_equal to
> while leaving field equalize="true" for fcst_valid_beg_0, then
> the xml.  It seems to work - the plot produced would show NAM/GFS
out to
> 84h, CONUSNEST to 60h and HRRR to 36h, but then all the "equalize"
> buttons would be unchecked, even the one next to FCST_VALID_BEGIN,
so I
> don't know that the resulting plots are from forecast cycles where
> models are present.  What's the proper way to make sure that the
> consistency check is done for model run cycles (fcst_valid_begin),
> allow the plot to show different forecast lead times?
> Thanks!
> Ying
> --
> Ying Lin
> NCEP/EMC/Verification, Post-processing and Product Generation Branch
> NCWCP Cubicle No. 2015
> Ying.Lin at noaa.gov

Subject: Re: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #87959] METviewer: (event) equalizer
From: Ying Lin
Time: Thu Dec 06 10:10:28 2018

Hi John,

     Thank you for the very helpful and thoughtful reply.  Before we
close this, I want to make sure I understand this correctly - so when
making plots such as I described earlier (scores as a function of
lead time, Model A & B go out to 84h, Model C goes out to 36h):

1) Should only do that - if one really insists - if one is reasonably
certain there are no missing model cycles (e.g. comparing operational
models)  Turn event equalizer off.

2) When there are missing model cycles (e.g. comparing parallel models
against opnl models), event equalizer is necessary; should limit
comparisons to forecasts lengths that all models have in common (e.g.

Thanks again,


On 12/5/18 11:38 AM, John Halley Gotway via RT wrote:
> Ying,
> In theory, the event equalization logic is very simple.  But in
> (as you've found) it's pretty darn confusing!  Thanks for sending
> XML... that really helps to illustrate.
> First, we defined the event equalization logic to subset the data
down to
> the set of "cases" that are common for all "series" on the plot.  I
> "case" and "series" in quotes to emphasize that they have a specific
> meaning in this context.
> The "series" are just the lines (typically) on the plot.  Very often
> series are defined as different models.  The "case" consists of the
set of
> fields which define the keys to be equalized across the series.  For
> independent variable values (for example, forecast hour = 24), we
> the cases for each series and subset the data so that we only keep
> cases common to all series.
> What you're requesting is a partial form of event equalization.
> apply the equalization logic out to a certain forecast hour, but not
> that.
> Unfortunately, METviewer does not support that logic.  Event
> is either on or off.  I understand what you want to do in your
example, but
> the difficulty is in defining a clear rule set in the code to handle
> Thanks,
> John
> On Thu, Nov 29, 2018 at 3:17 PM Ying Lin via RT <met_help at ucar.edu>
>> Thu Nov 29 15:17:17 2018: Request 87959 was acted upon.
>> Transaction: Ticket created by ying.lin at noaa.gov
>>         Queue: met_help
>>       Subject: METviewer: (event) equalizer
>>         Owner: Nobody
>>    Requestors: ying.lin at noaa.gov
>>        Status: new
>>   Ticket <URL:
https://rt.rap.ucar.edu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=87959 >
>> Hello.  A question about METviewe event equalizer: in an
>> METviewer plot such as for the attached xml, what I'd like to do is
>> make sure that only stats for the forecast cycles where all models'
>> are present are used.  NAM/GFS stats for FSS06h are computed out to
>> CONUSNEST is out to 60h and HRRR out to 36h, so I don't want to
>> "equalize" the FCST_LEAD.  Looks like I cannot check the "Equalize"
>> button next to FCST_VALID_BEGIN and "FCST_LEAD" directly - need to
>> "Event Equalizer", which then turns on all the "Equalize" buttons.
>> can then un-check the "Equalize" box next to the "FCST_LEAD", but
>> whether this box is checked or not, the score plot will only go out
>> 36h (the forecast lead time where all four models have in common).
>> Question: does "event equalizer" button override all other
>> buttons - when it's on, all the fixed values/independent variables
>> equalize?  On the interactive METviewer, there is no way to turn
>> "event equalizer" while leaving some other equalizer on.  I did try
>> 1) click on the "event equalizer", 2) un-select the "equalizer"
next to
>> "FCST_LEAD", then save the xml, edit it to set event_equal to
>> while leaving field equalize="true" for fcst_valid_beg_0, then
>> the xml.  It seems to work - the plot produced would show NAM/GFS
out to
>> 84h, CONUSNEST to 60h and HRRR to 36h, but then all the "equalize"
>> buttons would be unchecked, even the one next to FCST_VALID_BEGIN,
so I
>> don't know that the resulting plots are from forecast cycles where
>> models are present.  What's the proper way to make sure that the
>> consistency check is done for model run cycles (fcst_valid_begin),
>> allow the plot to show different forecast lead times?
>> Thanks!
>> Ying
>> --
>> Ying Lin
>> NCEP/EMC/Verification, Post-processing and Product Generation
>> NCWCP Cubicle No. 2015
>> Ying.Lin at noaa.gov

Ying Lin
NCEP/EMC/Verification, Post-processing and Product Generation Branch
NCWCP Cubicle No. 2015
Ying.Lin at noaa.gov

Subject: METviewer: (event) equalizer
From: John Halley Gotway
Time: Fri Dec 07 14:48:00 2018


Yes, both of your statements are correct.

With event equalized turned off, you can include multiple models on
same plot and see generally how the lines compare.  But you should be
cognizant of the data being compared.  For example, perhaps HRRR is
initialized every hour while GFS is initialized every 6 hours.  You
consider defining "INIT_HOUR = 00, 06, 12, and 18" in the fixed values
section to the comparison better.

If you really want to test whether one model is doing better than
we recommend defining a pairwise difference curve.  When doing a
difference, event equalization is turned on automatically.

In METviewer, event equalization is either turned ON or OFF.  And what
*think* you'd like to see is a 3rd option...
For each independent variable value (e.g. forecast lead = 48 hours),
equalize across the series that actually contain data for that
variable value.

So if model A goes to 24 hours, model B to 36, and model C to 48...
- Equalize A, B, C from 0 to 24 hours.
- Equalize B and C from 25 to 36 hours.
- Equalize C by itself from 37 to 48.

I *think* this is the functionality you'd like to see for your
But with event equalization, things can get very confusing very


On Thu, Dec 6, 2018 at 10:11 AM Ying Lin via RT <met_help at ucar.edu>

> <URL: https://rt.rap.ucar.edu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=87959 >
> Hi John,
>      Thank you for the very helpful and thoughtful reply.  Before we
> close this, I want to make sure I understand this correctly - so
> making plots such as I described earlier (scores as a function of
> lead time, Model A & B go out to 84h, Model C goes out to 36h):
> 1) Should only do that - if one really insists - if one is
> certain there are no missing model cycles (e.g. comparing
> models)  Turn event equalizer off.
> 2) When there are missing model cycles (e.g. comparing parallel
> against opnl models), event equalizer is necessary; should limit
> comparisons to forecasts lengths that all models have in common
(e.g. 36h).
> Thanks again,
> Ying
> On 12/5/18 11:38 AM, John Halley Gotway via RT wrote:
> > Ying,
> >
> > In theory, the event equalization logic is very simple.  But in
> > (as you've found) it's pretty darn confusing!  Thanks for sending
> > XML... that really helps to illustrate.
> >
> > First, we defined the event equalization logic to subset the data
down to
> > the set of "cases" that are common for all "series" on the plot.
I put
> > "case" and "series" in quotes to emphasize that they have a
> > meaning in this context.
> > The "series" are just the lines (typically) on the plot.  Very
often the
> > series are defined as different models.  The "case" consists of
the set
> of
> > fields which define the keys to be equalized across the series.
For each
> > independent variable values (for example, forecast hour = 24), we
> > the cases for each series and subset the data so that we only keep
> > cases common to all series.
> >
> > What you're requesting is a partial form of event equalization.
> Basically,
> > apply the equalization logic out to a certain forecast hour, but
> beyond
> > that.
> >
> > Unfortunately, METviewer does not support that logic.  Event
> > is either on or off.  I understand what you want to do in your
> but
> > the difficulty is in defining a clear rule set in the code to
handle it.
> >
> > Thanks,
> > John
> >
> >
> >
> > On Thu, Nov 29, 2018 at 3:17 PM Ying Lin via RT
<met_help at ucar.edu>
> wrote:
> >
> >> Thu Nov 29 15:17:17 2018: Request 87959 was acted upon.
> >> Transaction: Ticket created by ying.lin at noaa.gov
> >>         Queue: met_help
> >>       Subject: METviewer: (event) equalizer
> >>         Owner: Nobody
> >>    Requestors: ying.lin at noaa.gov
> >>        Status: new
> >>   Ticket <URL:
> >
> >>
> >>
> >> Hello.  A question about METviewe event equalizer: in an
> >> METviewer plot such as for the attached xml, what I'd like to do
is to
> >> make sure that only stats for the forecast cycles where all
models' data
> >> are present are used.  NAM/GFS stats for FSS06h are computed out
to 84h,
> >> CONUSNEST is out to 60h and HRRR out to 36h, so I don't want to
> >> "equalize" the FCST_LEAD.  Looks like I cannot check the
> >> button next to FCST_VALID_BEGIN and "FCST_LEAD" directly - need
to check
> >> "Event Equalizer", which then turns on all the "Equalize"
buttons.  I
> >> can then un-check the "Equalize" box next to the "FCST_LEAD", but
> >> whether this box is checked or not, the score plot will only go
out to
> >> 36h (the forecast lead time where all four models have in
> >>
> >> Question: does "event equalizer" button override all other
> >> buttons - when it's on, all the fixed values/independent
variables must
> >> equalize?  On the interactive METviewer, there is no way to turn
> >> "event equalizer" while leaving some other equalizer on.  I did
try to
> >> 1) click on the "event equalizer", 2) un-select the "equalizer"
next to
> >> "FCST_LEAD", then save the xml, edit it to set event_equal to
> >> while leaving field equalize="true" for fcst_valid_beg_0, then
> >> the xml.  It seems to work - the plot produced would show NAM/GFS
out to
> >> 84h, CONUSNEST to 60h and HRRR to 36h, but then all the
> >> buttons would be unchecked, even the one next to
> >> don't know that the resulting plots are from forecast cycles
where all
> >> models are present.  What's the proper way to make sure that the
> >> consistency check is done for model run cycles
(fcst_valid_begin), but
> >> allow the plot to show different forecast lead times?
> >>
> >> Thanks!
> >>
> >> Ying
> >>
> >> --
> >> Ying Lin
> >> NCEP/EMC/Verification, Post-processing and Product Generation
> >> NCWCP Cubicle No. 2015
> >> Ying.Lin at noaa.gov
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> --
> Ying Lin
> NCEP/EMC/Verification, Post-processing and Product Generation Branch
> NCWCP Cubicle No. 2015
> Ying.Lin at noaa.gov

Subject: Re: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #87959] METviewer: (event) equalizer
From: Ying Lin
Time: Fri Dec 07 17:22:43 2018

Thank you John.  I've been learning a lot here.  Please close this
ticket at your convenience.

Yes, definitely should specify INIT_HOUR if/when event equalizer is
turned off (I'm only verifying HRRR's 00/06/12/18Z cycles, but still. 
Right now one of the regional FV3 runs is only on the 00Z cycle, so
is pretty important).

Good tip about pairwise difference curve, thanks!

On your model A/B/C example ... I haven't really thought of it in
of equalizing between two models or among N models, what I was
was along the line of "compute/display model stats for the run cycles
that all models have in common, out to each model's own forecast range
(or the range of verification), even when models' have different
forecast ranges.  I _think_ that's equivalent to what you're saying in
the A/B/C example.  The concept does get harder to grasp here (if a
model forecast cycle crashed or somehow verif for one model did not
to completion, then ...)

Anyway.  Have a great weekend.


On 12/7/18 4:48 PM, John Halley Gotway via RT wrote:
> Ying,
> Yes, both of your statements are correct.
> With event equalized turned off, you can include multiple models on
> same plot and see generally how the lines compare.  But you should
> cognizant of the data being compared.  For example, perhaps HRRR is
> initialized every hour while GFS is initialized every 6 hours.  You
> consider defining "INIT_HOUR = 00, 06, 12, and 18" in the fixed
> section to the comparison better.
> If you really want to test whether one model is doing better than
> we recommend defining a pairwise difference curve.  When doing a
> difference, event equalization is turned on automatically.
> In METviewer, event equalization is either turned ON or OFF.  And
what I
> *think* you'd like to see is a 3rd option...
> For each independent variable value (e.g. forecast lead = 48 hours),
> equalize across the series that actually contain data for that
> variable value.
> So if model A goes to 24 hours, model B to 36, and model C to 48...
> - Equalize A, B, C from 0 to 24 hours.
> - Equalize B and C from 25 to 36 hours.
> - Equalize C by itself from 37 to 48.
> I *think* this is the functionality you'd like to see for your
> But with event equalization, things can get very confusing very
> Thanks,
> John
> On Thu, Dec 6, 2018 at 10:11 AM Ying Lin via RT <met_help at ucar.edu>
>> <URL: https://rt.rap.ucar.edu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=87959 >
>> Hi John,
>>       Thank you for the very helpful and thoughtful reply.  Before
>> close this, I want to make sure I understand this correctly - so
>> making plots such as I described earlier (scores as a function of
>> lead time, Model A & B go out to 84h, Model C goes out to 36h):
>> 1) Should only do that - if one really insists - if one is
>> certain there are no missing model cycles (e.g. comparing
>> models)  Turn event equalizer off.
>> 2) When there are missing model cycles (e.g. comparing parallel
>> against opnl models), event equalizer is necessary; should limit
>> comparisons to forecasts lengths that all models have in common
(e.g. 36h).
>> Thanks again,
>> Ying
>> On 12/5/18 11:38 AM, John Halley Gotway via RT wrote:
>>> Ying,
>>> In theory, the event equalization logic is very simple.  But in
>>> (as you've found) it's pretty darn confusing!  Thanks for sending
>>> XML... that really helps to illustrate.
>>> First, we defined the event equalization logic to subset the data
down to
>>> the set of "cases" that are common for all "series" on the plot.
I put
>>> "case" and "series" in quotes to emphasize that they have a
>>> meaning in this context.
>>> The "series" are just the lines (typically) on the plot.  Very
often the
>>> series are defined as different models.  The "case" consists of
the set
>> of
>>> fields which define the keys to be equalized across the series.
For each
>>> independent variable values (for example, forecast hour = 24), we
>>> the cases for each series and subset the data so that we only keep
>>> cases common to all series.
>>> What you're requesting is a partial form of event equalization.
>> Basically,
>>> apply the equalization logic out to a certain forecast hour, but
>> beyond
>>> that.
>>> Unfortunately, METviewer does not support that logic.  Event
>>> is either on or off.  I understand what you want to do in your
>> but
>>> the difficulty is in defining a clear rule set in the code to
handle it.
>>> Thanks,
>>> John
>>> On Thu, Nov 29, 2018 at 3:17 PM Ying Lin via RT
<met_help at ucar.edu>
>> wrote:
>>>> Thu Nov 29 15:17:17 2018: Request 87959 was acted upon.
>>>> Transaction: Ticket created by ying.lin at noaa.gov
>>>>          Queue: met_help
>>>>        Subject: METviewer: (event) equalizer
>>>>          Owner: Nobody
>>>>     Requestors: ying.lin at noaa.gov
>>>>         Status: new
>>>>    Ticket <URL:
>>>> Hello.  A question about METviewe event equalizer: in an
>>>> METviewer plot such as for the attached xml, what I'd like to do
is to
>>>> make sure that only stats for the forecast cycles where all
models' data
>>>> are present are used.  NAM/GFS stats for FSS06h are computed out
to 84h,
>>>> CONUSNEST is out to 60h and HRRR out to 36h, so I don't want to
>>>> "equalize" the FCST_LEAD.  Looks like I cannot check the
>>>> button next to FCST_VALID_BEGIN and "FCST_LEAD" directly - need
to check
>>>> "Event Equalizer", which then turns on all the "Equalize"
buttons.  I
>>>> can then un-check the "Equalize" box next to the "FCST_LEAD", but
>>>> whether this box is checked or not, the score plot will only go
out to
>>>> 36h (the forecast lead time where all four models have in
>>>> Question: does "event equalizer" button override all other
>>>> buttons - when it's on, all the fixed values/independent
variables must
>>>> equalize?  On the interactive METviewer, there is no way to turn
>>>> "event equalizer" while leaving some other equalizer on.  I did
try to
>>>> 1) click on the "event equalizer", 2) un-select the "equalizer"
next to
>>>> "FCST_LEAD", then save the xml, edit it to set event_equal to
>>>> while leaving field equalize="true" for fcst_valid_beg_0, then
>>>> the xml.  It seems to work - the plot produced would show NAM/GFS
out to
>>>> 84h, CONUSNEST to 60h and HRRR to 36h, but then all the
>>>> buttons would be unchecked, even the one next to
>>>> don't know that the resulting plots are from forecast cycles
where all
>>>> models are present.  What's the proper way to make sure that the
>>>> consistency check is done for model run cycles
(fcst_valid_begin), but
>>>> allow the plot to show different forecast lead times?
>>>> Thanks!
>>>> Ying
>>>> --
>>>> Ying Lin
>>>> NCEP/EMC/Verification, Post-processing and Product Generation
>>>> NCWCP Cubicle No. 2015
>>>> Ying.Lin at noaa.gov
>> --
>> Ying Lin
>> NCEP/EMC/Verification, Post-processing and Product Generation
>> NCWCP Cubicle No. 2015
>> Ying.Lin at noaa.gov

Ying Lin
NCEP/EMC/Verification, Post-processing and Product Generation Branch
NCWCP Cubicle No. 2015
Ying.Lin at noaa.gov


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