[Met_help] [rt.rap.ucar.edu #67410] History for Wind direction statistics by station

John Halley Gotway via RT met_help at ucar.edu
Tue Jun 3 11:20:05 MDT 2014

  Initial Request

Dear MET help team

hope you are doing fine at your end

I am Victor Almanza and am using  MET to evaluate WRF model runs.

I would like to ask for your help with the following questions:

1)  is it possible to obtain aggregated statistics of surface wind direction (10 m) by station with "stat_analysis".

I am interested in the model performance for wind direction at several monitoring stations. Specifically, to obtain aggregated "AGGR_WDIR" lines at each station over a defined time period (day,week, month) similar to when running for MPR lines (Temp for instance) with the "-by" flag.

I don't have it clear if this is possible, or if am overlooking something obvious.  If so, could you provide please any hints/advice on that ?

2) I am interested in obtaining the BIAS of wind direction.

 Is it possible to do it with MET ?.. if not, could you provide directions of which  subroutines to look at in the code ?

Thank you in advance for your time


  Complete Ticket History

Subject: Re: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #67410] Wind direction statistics by station
From: John Halley Gotway
Time: Mon Jun 02 10:23:40 2014


Unfortunately, Stat-Analysis does not currently have the capability of
computing wind direction errors from the MPR line type.

It can only compute wind direction errors from the VL1L2 line type.
There is a way to do the analysis you're after, but it's a bit clumsy.
When you run Point-Stat, you'd have to define each of the
stations in which you're interested as a separate masking region.
Then you'd end up with 1 VL1L2 line type for each station.  It'd
basically just have 1 point in it.  The name of the masking region
would just be the name of the station.  Then you could run the
following type of Stat-Analysis job:
    -job aggregate_stat -line_type VL1L2 -out_line_type WDIR -by

That'd compute wind direction error for each unique entry in the
VX_MASK column - which would be the stations for which you've computed
VL1L2 output lines.

That would do it, but I realize that this is clunky to have to define
separate masking regions for each station of interest.

It occurs to me that we probably could create a new Stat-Analysis job
type that would convert MPR lines to wind direction errors.  It would
search for pairs of UGRD and VGRD matched pairs and use them
to compute wind direction errors.  I'll document this idea as an area
for future development, but for now you're stuck with the VL1L2 to
WDIR conversion.

Hope that helps clarify.

As for your question about bias, here's the info I received from our
resident statistician...

The aggregated wdir mean error is  the bias. It will be most
meaningful when conditional biases do not cancel each other out, so
small areas (or single stations) with similar prevailing wind
directions (e.g. don't mix seasons, day and night, etc. if they are
very different).


On 05/30/2014 08:03 PM, Victor Almanza via RT wrote:
> Fri May 30 20:03:10 2014: Request 67410 was acted upon.
> Transaction: Ticket created by halmanset at yahoo.com
>         Queue: met_help
>       Subject: Wind direction statistics by station
>         Owner: Nobody
>    Requestors: halmanset at yahoo.com
>        Status: new
>   Ticket <URL:
https://rt.rap.ucar.edu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=67410 >
> Dear MET help team
> hope you are doing fine at your end
> I am Victor Almanza and am using  MET to evaluate WRF model runs.
> I would like to ask for your help with the following questions:
> 1)  is it possible to obtain aggregated statistics of surface wind
direction (10 m) by station with "stat_analysis".
> I am interested in the model performance for wind direction at
several monitoring stations. Specifically, to obtain aggregated
"AGGR_WDIR" lines at each station over a defined time period
(day,week, month) similar to when running for MPR lines (Temp for
instance) with the "-by" flag.
> I don't have it clear if this is possible, or if am overlooking
something obvious.  If so, could you provide please any hints/advice
on that ?
> 2) I am interested in obtaining the BIAS of wind direction.
>   Is it possible to do it with MET ?.. if not, could you provide
directions of which  subroutines to look at in the code ?
> Thank you in advance for your time
> Best
> Victor

Subject: Wind direction statistics by station
From: Victor Almanza
Time: Mon Jun 02 11:13:18 2014

Dear John,

It did clarify my questions.
That hint is helpful indeed. 

I have a small region in complex terrain with rather few stations. I
think this helps in evaluating WRF results by station (T, Wind Speed,
RH, Wind Direction). 

Thank you very much for your time

Best !


 De: John Halley Gotway via RT <met_help at ucar.edu>
Para: halmanset at yahoo.com
Enviado: Lunes, 2 de junio, 2014 9:23 A.M.
Asunto: Re: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #67410] Wind direction statistics by


Unfortunately, Stat-Analysis does not currently have the capability of
computing wind direction errors from the MPR line type.

It can only compute wind direction errors from the VL1L2 line type. 
There is a way to do the analysis you're after, but it's a bit
clumsy.  When you run Point-Stat, you'd have to define each of the
stations in which you're interested as a separate masking region. 
Then you'd end up with 1 VL1L2 line type for each station.  It'd
basically just have 1 point in it.  The name of the masking region
would just be the name of the station.  Then you could run the
following type of Stat-Analysis job:
    -job aggregate_stat -line_type VL1L2 -out_line_type WDIR -by

That'd compute wind direction error for each unique entry in the
VX_MASK column - which would be the stations for which you've computed
VL1L2 output lines.

That would do it, but I realize that this is clunky to have to define
separate masking regions for each station of interest.

It occurs to me that we probably could create a new Stat-Analysis job
type that would convert MPR lines to wind direction errors.  It would
search for pairs of UGRD and VGRD matched pairs and use them
to compute wind direction errors.  I'll document this idea as an area
for future development, but for now you're stuck with the VL1L2 to
WDIR conversion.

Hope that helps clarify.

As for your question about bias, here's the info I received from our
resident statistician...

The aggregated wdir mean error is  the bias. It will be most
meaningful when conditional biases do not cancel each other out, so
small areas (or single stations) with similar prevailing wind
directions (e.g. don't mix seasons, day and night, etc. if they are
very different).


On 05/30/2014 08:03 PM, Victor Almanza via RT wrote:
> Fri May 30 20:03:10 2014: Request 67410 was acted upon.
> Transaction: Ticket created by halmanset at yahoo.com
>         Queue: met_help
>       Subject: Wind direction statistics by station
>         Owner: Nobody
>    Requestors: halmanset at yahoo.com
>        Status: new
>   Ticket <URL:
https://rt.rap.ucar.edu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=67410 >
> Dear MET help team
> hope you are doing fine at your end
> I am Victor Almanza and am using  MET to evaluate WRF model runs.
> I would like to ask for your help with the following questions:
> 1)  is it possible to obtain aggregated statistics of surface wind
direction (10 m) by station with "stat_analysis".
> I am interested in the model performance for wind direction at
several monitoring stations. Specifically, to obtain aggregated
"AGGR_WDIR" lines at each station over a defined time period
(day,week, month) similar to when running for MPR lines (Temp for
instance) with the "-by" flag.
> I don't have it clear if this is possible, or if am overlooking
something obvious.  If so, could you provide please any hints/advice
on that ?
> 2) I am interested in obtaining the BIAS of wind direction.
>   Is it possible to do it with MET ?.. if not, could you provide
directions of which  subroutines to look at in the code ?
> Thank you in advance for your time
> Best
> Victor

Subject: Wind direction statistics by station
From: Victor Almanza
Time: Mon Jun 02 21:16:12 2014

Dear John

I followed your advice and think am having the WDIR by station.

I just want to make sure it is being doing right:

- I defined in the pointStat configuration file the stations ID (for
now it is just a test, so I didn't include all of them)  am interested
in, within the "sid" field: a comma-separated array of stations ID
- then ran pointStat for a small period...
- then ran statAnalysis

I obtained the following "out" file.  

Thank you in advance for your time and help



JOB_LIST:      -job aggregate_stat -fcst_lev Z10 -interp_mthd UW_MEAN
-line_type VL1L2 -by VX_MASK -dump_row out/statAnalysis/aggr-stat_job-
mil-wdir-by-stn.stat -out_line_type WDIR
     COL_NAME: VX_MASK TOTAL FBAR      OBAR      ME        MAE
ROW_MEAN_WDIR: 76003   24    161.75494 175.26312 -10.22146 21.24104
    AGGR_WDIR: 76003   24    175.05710 184.59730 -9.54019  NA
ROW_MEAN_WDIR: 76004   30    163.43686 211.67779 -50.11654 50.11654
    AGGR_WDIR: 76004   30    176.53086 219.06307 -42.53221 NA
ROW_MEAN_WDIR: 76006   31    155.83850 173.87529 -17.68601 18.40499
    AGGR_WDIR: 76006   31    165.33436 177.76244 -12.42808 NA
ROW_MEAN_WDIR: 76007   33    177.74966 186.75497 -10.33529 16.57426
    AGGR_WDIR: 76007   33    179.14361 183.98678 -4.84317  NA
ROW_MEAN_WDIR: 76008   27    153.67546 154.30870 8.96001   19.77858
    AGGR_WDIR: 76008   27    163.05044 158.08629 4.96415   NA
ROW_MEAN_WDIR: 76011   19    172.47562 195.93538 14.50380  42.45971
    AGGR_WDIR: 76011   19    173.52899 161.25917 12.26982  NA

 De: John Halley Gotway via RT <met_help at ucar.edu>
Para: halmanset at yahoo.com
Enviado: Lunes, 2 de junio, 2014 10:13 A.M.
Asunto: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #67410] Resolved: Wind direction statistics
by station

According to our records, your request has been resolved. If you have
further questions or concerns, please respond to this message.

Subject: Re: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #67410] Resolved: Wind direction statistics by station
From: John Halley Gotway
Time: Tue Jun 03 09:43:05 2014


Yes, that all look correct to me.  I'll go ahead and resolve this
ticket.  If more questions arise, feel free to write again.


On 06/02/2014 09:16 PM, Victor Almanza via RT wrote:
> <URL: https://rt.rap.ucar.edu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=67410 >
> Dear John
> I followed your advice and think am having the WDIR by station.
> I just want to make sure it is being doing right:
> - I defined in the pointStat configuration file the stations ID (for
now it is just a test, so I didn't include all of them)  am interested
in, within the "sid" field: a comma-separated array of stations ID
> - then ran pointStat for a small period...
> - then ran statAnalysis
> I obtained the following "out" file.
> Thank you in advance for your time and help
> Best
> Victor
> JOB_LIST:      -job aggregate_stat -fcst_lev Z10 -interp_mthd
UW_MEAN -line_type VL1L2 -by VX_MASK -dump_row out/statAnalysis/aggr-
stat_job-mil-wdir-by-stn.stat -out_line_type WDIR
>       COL_NAME: VX_MASK TOTAL FBAR      OBAR      ME        MAE
> ROW_MEAN_WDIR: 76003   24    161.75494 175.26312 -10.22146 21.24104
>      AGGR_WDIR: 76003   24    175.05710 184.59730 -9.54019  NA
> ROW_MEAN_WDIR: 76004   30    163.43686 211.67779 -50.11654 50.11654
>      AGGR_WDIR: 76004   30    176.53086 219.06307 -42.53221 NA
> ROW_MEAN_WDIR: 76006   31    155.83850 173.87529 -17.68601 18.40499
>      AGGR_WDIR: 76006   31    165.33436 177.76244 -12.42808 NA
> ROW_MEAN_WDIR: 76007   33    177.74966 186.75497 -10.33529 16.57426
>      AGGR_WDIR: 76007   33    179.14361 183.98678 -4.84317  NA
> ROW_MEAN_WDIR: 76008   27    153.67546 154.30870 8.96001   19.77858
>      AGGR_WDIR: 76008   27    163.05044 158.08629 4.96415   NA
> ROW_MEAN_WDIR: 76011   19    172.47562 195.93538 14.50380  42.45971
>      AGGR_WDIR: 76011   19    173.52899 161.25917 12.26982  NA
> ________________________________
>   De: John Halley Gotway via RT <met_help at ucar.edu>
> Para: halmanset at yahoo.com
> Enviado: Lunes, 2 de junio, 2014 10:13 A.M.
> Asunto: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #67410] Resolved: Wind direction statistics
by station
> According to our records, your request has been resolved. If you
have any
> further questions or concerns, please respond to this message.

Subject: Wind direction statistics by station
From: Victor Almanza
Time: Tue Jun 03 10:58:43 2014

Dear John

Once again, thank you very much for your hints/guidance on this 



 De: John Halley Gotway via RT <met_help at ucar.edu>
Para: halmanset at yahoo.com
Enviado: Martes, 3 de junio, 2014 8:43 A.M.
Asunto: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #67410] Resolved: Wind direction statistics
by station

According to our records, your request has been resolved. If you have
further questions or concerns, please respond to this message.


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