[Met_help] [rt.rap.ucar.edu #58534] History for about accumulated precipitation

John Halley Gotway via RT met_help at ucar.edu
Mon Nov 19 08:26:30 MST 2012

  Initial Request

I run WRF model for 72-hours. How can I modify WRF outputs that it has accumulated precipitation for 0-12hours, 12-24hours, 24-36hours and 36-48hours in grib format and my new files only include accumulated precipitation?
I would like my new outputs to be in grib format. How can I do that?
Please help me,

  Complete Ticket History

Subject: Re: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #58534] about accumulated precipitation
From: John Halley Gotway
Time: Mon Oct 01 07:52:52 2012


Since your output contains a runtime accumulation of precipitation, I
assume that you're running the WRF-ARW model.  It sounds like you'd
like to break that runtime accumulation down into smaller
accumulations intervals.  There are a few pieces of information that
may be helpful.

First, when you run WRF-ARW, you could configure it to dump out
precipitation every 12-hours.  By default, precipitation is
accumulated over the entire model run, but you can set the "bucket_mm"
namelist option to specify a shorter time interval if you'd like.
Take a look at page 5-34 of the WRF-ARW users guide for more

Second, you could use the pcp_combine tool within MET
to perform addition and subtraction operations for
precipitation.  MET works best when dealing with gridded data files in
GRIB format.  We recommend that WRF users post-process their model
output using the Unified Post-Processor (UPP).  The output of
UPP is in GRIB format.  Then, when you run the GRIB files through the
MET pcp_combine tool, it's output is in NetCDF format.  The NetCDF
output of pcp_combine can then be used as input to the other
MET verification tools.  Here's an example of using pcp_combine to
perform a subtraction operation:

    pcp_combine -subtract file1.grb 36 file2.grb 24 apcp_36_24.nc

It will look in file1.grb and file2.grb for 36-hour and 24-hour
accumulations of precipitation and then take their difference.

Lastly, there's a set of tools out there called the NetCDF Operators,
or NCO (http://nco.sourceforge.net).  It's a set of command-line tools
for performing operations on NetCDF files.  I have very
little experience using them, but you might be able to use them to
take a difference if you wanted to operate on the raw NetCDF output of

Hope that helps lay out some options for you.

John Halley Gotway
met_help at ucar.edu

On 09/30/2012 02:16 AM, M M via RT wrote:
> Sun Sep 30 02:16:25 2012: Request 58534 was acted upon.
> Transaction: Ticket created by weather1388 at yahoo.com
>         Queue: met_help
>       Subject: about accumulated precipitation
>         Owner: Nobody
>    Requestors: weather1388 at yahoo.com
>        Status: new
>   Ticket <URL:
https://rt.rap.ucar.edu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=58534 >
> Hello,
> I run WRF model for 72-hours. How can I modify WRF outputs that it
has accumulated precipitation for 0-12hours, 12-24hours, 24-36hours
and 36-48hours in grib format and my new files only include
accumulated precipitation?
> I would like my new outputs to be in grib format. How can I do that?
> Please help me,
> Thanks,

Subject: about accumulated precipitation 
From: M M
Time: Tue Oct 09 03:55:05 2012

No, I still have a problem.
 I don't know how subtract 00-06precipitation from 00-24 and get grib
format file. Then sum 06-24and 24-30 precipitation in grib format.
Finally I want 06-30 precipitation in grib format.
How can I get 06-30 precipitation in grib format from output of wrf?

From: John Halley Gotway via RT <met_help at ucar.edu>
To: weather1388 at yahoo.com
Sent: Monday, October 8, 2012 6:18 PM
Subject: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #58534] Resolved: about accumulated

According to our records, your request has been resolved. If you have
further questions or concerns, please respond to this message.

Subject: Re: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #58534] Resolved: about accumulated precipitation
From: John Halley Gotway
Time: Tue Oct 09 07:46:05 2012

MET cannot handle the direct output from WRF.  You must first post-
process your WRF output.  We recommend running the Unified Post
Processor (UPP) on your WRF output files.  The output of UPP is in
GRIB format.  Then you can use the MET pcp_combine tool to do the
subtraction (30 hour forecast - 6 hour forecast) that you'd like.
However, the output of pcp_combine is in NetCDF format, not GRIB.
But it is a NetCDF format that the rest of the MET tools can read.  I
assume that you want a 6-30 hour accumulation in GRIB format to use
for the MET tools.

Do those step make sense?

John Halley Gotway
met_help at ucar.edu

On 10/09/2012 03:55 AM, M M via RT wrote:
> <URL: https://rt.rap.ucar.edu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=58534 >
> No, I still have a problem.
>   I don't know how subtract 00-06precipitation from 00-24 and get
grib format file. Then sum 06-24and 24-30 precipitation in grib
format. Finally I want 06-30 precipitation in grib format.
> How can I get 06-30 precipitation in grib format from output of wrf?
> Thanks,
> ________________________________
> From: John Halley Gotway via RT <met_help at ucar.edu>
> To: weather1388 at yahoo.com
> Sent: Monday, October 8, 2012 6:18 PM
> Subject: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #58534] Resolved: about accumulated
> According to our records, your request has been resolved. If you
have any
> further questions or concerns, please respond to this message.

Subject: about accumulated precipitation 
From: M M
Time: Wed Oct 10 00:06:19 2012

I used UPP on my WRF output. But it gets me 0-06, 00-24, 24-48
accumulation in grib format and don't give me 06-30 accumulation. I
want 06-30 accumulation in grib or nc format for using in MET. How can
I sum 0-24 & 24-30 for getting 0-30 then subtract 0-06 from 00-30 for
getting 06-30 in grib or nc format? How can I have 06-30 accumulation
in grib or nc format?
Because of My observations for accumulated precipitation are from 06
to 06 next day I want to get 06-30 accumulation in grib or nc format
from WRF for verification by MET. please help me?
Thanks a lot,

From: John Halley Gotway via RT <met_help at ucar.edu>
To: weather1388 at yahoo.com
Sent: Tuesday, October 9, 2012 5:16 PM
Subject: Re: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #58534] Resolved: about accumulated

MET cannot handle the direct output from WRF.  You must first post-
process your WRF output.  We recommend running the Unified Post
Processor (UPP) on your WRF output files.  The output of UPP is in
GRIB format.  Then you can use the MET pcp_combine tool to do the
subtraction (30 hour forecast - 6 hour forecast) that you'd like.
However, the output of pcp_combine is in NetCDF format, not GRIB.
But it is a NetCDF format that the rest of the MET tools can read.  I
assume that you want a 6-30 hour accumulation in GRIB format to use
for the MET tools.

Do those step make sense?

John Halley Gotway
met_help at ucar.edu

On 10/09/2012 03:55 AM, M M via RT wrote:
> <URL: https://rt.rap.ucar.edu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=58534 >
> No, I still have a problem.
>  I don't know how subtract 00-06precipitation from 00-24 and get
grib format file. Then sum 06-24and 24-30 precipitation in grib
format. Finally I want 06-30 precipitation in grib format.
> How can I get 06-30 precipitation in grib format from output of wrf?
> Thanks,
> ________________________________
> From: John Halley Gotway via RT <met_help at ucar.edu>
> To: weather1388 at yahoo.com
> Sent: Monday, October 8, 2012 6:18 PM
> Subject: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #58534] Resolved: about accumulated
> According to our records, your request has been resolved. If you
have any
> further questions or concerns, please respond to this message.

Subject: Re: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #58534] Resolved: about accumulated precipitation
From: John Halley Gotway
Time: Wed Oct 10 10:13:16 2012

OK, I understand now.  Based on the accumulation intervals you have in
your output, it looks like the precipitation bucket is being dumped
every 24 hours.  But you would like to compute a 24-hour
accumulation between 6 and 30 hours.  It should be possible to do this
but it will be a bit clumsy two-step process which I'll describe

However, if you have control over the WRF model being run, I would
suggest reconfiguring it to control the precipitation accumulations
being written.  The way to do this differs depending on whether
you're running WRF-ARW or WRF-NMM.  For WRF-NMM, you'd set the "tprec"
namelist option to the number of hours of accumulation you'd like.
For WRF-ARW, you'd set the "prec_acc_dt" namelist option to
the number of minutes of accumulation you'd like.  See the
corresponding user's guide for more details on this.  It's up to you
to decide what accumulations you'd like, but I would suggest using
6-hour accumulations.

Now, for the data you currently have, here are the 2 steps that would
get you to a 6-30 hour accumulation:

# Add the 24-hour forecast (0 - 24 hour accumulation) to the 30-hour
forecast (24 - 30 hour accumulation) to get a 0 - 30 hour accumulation
pcp_combine -add wrf_24hr.grib 24 wrf_30hr.grib 30 apcp_0_to_30.nc

# Subtract the 6-hour forecast (0 - 6 hour accumulation) from the 0 -
30 hour accumulation
pcp_combine -subtract apcp_0_to_30.nc 'name="APCP_30"; level="(*,*)";'
wrf_6hr.grib 6 apcp_6_to_30.nc

The weird option for the first argument tells the pcp_combine tool
which field you'd like to use from that NetCDF file.

Hope that helps.


On 10/10/2012 12:06 AM, M M via RT wrote:
> <URL: https://rt.rap.ucar.edu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=58534 >
> Thanks,
> I used UPP on my WRF output. But it gets me 0-06, 00-24, 24-48
accumulation in grib format and don't give me 06-30 accumulation. I
want 06-30 accumulation in grib or nc format for using in MET. How can
I sum 0-24 & 24-30 for getting 0-30 then subtract 0-06 from 00-30 for
getting 06-30 in grib or nc format? How can I have 06-30 accumulation
in grib or nc format?
> Because of My observations for accumulated precipitation are from 06
to 06 next day I want to get 06-30 accumulation in grib or nc format
from WRF for verification by MET. please help me?
> Thanks a lot,
> ________________________________
> From: John Halley Gotway via RT <met_help at ucar.edu>
> To: weather1388 at yahoo.com
> Sent: Tuesday, October 9, 2012 5:16 PM
> Subject: Re: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #58534] Resolved: about accumulated
> MET cannot handle the direct output from WRF.  You must first post-
process your WRF output.  We recommend running the Unified Post
Processor (UPP) on your WRF output files.  The output of UPP is in
> GRIB format.  Then you can use the MET pcp_combine tool to do the
subtraction (30 hour forecast - 6 hour forecast) that you'd like.
However, the output of pcp_combine is in NetCDF format, not GRIB.
> But it is a NetCDF format that the rest of the MET tools can read.
I assume that you want a 6-30 hour accumulation in GRIB format to use
for the MET tools.
> Do those step make sense?
> Thanks,
> John Halley Gotway
> met_help at ucar.edu
> On 10/09/2012 03:55 AM, M M via RT wrote:
>> <URL: https://rt.rap.ucar.edu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=58534 >
>> No, I still have a problem.
>>    I don't know how subtract 00-06precipitation from 00-24 and get
grib format file. Then sum 06-24and 24-30 precipitation in grib
format. Finally I want 06-30 precipitation in grib format.
>> How can I get 06-30 precipitation in grib format from output of
>> Thanks,
>> ________________________________
>> From: John Halley Gotway via RT <met_help at ucar.edu>
>> To: weather1388 at yahoo.com
>> Sent: Monday, October 8, 2012 6:18 PM
>> Subject: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #58534] Resolved: about accumulated
>> According to our records, your request has been resolved. If you
have any
>> further questions or concerns, please respond to this message.

Subject: about accumulated precipitation 
From: M M
Time: Sat Oct 13 04:45:10 2012

Thanks, that was a good help for me.
I did those 2 steps for getting 6-30 hour accumulation. First I ran
pcp_combine -add wrf_d01_024.grb 24 wrf_d01_030.grb 6 apcp_0_30.nc it
give the 0-30 hour accumulation.  It was correct. Then I ran
pcp_combine -add apcp_6_24.nc 'name="APCP_30"; level="(*,*)";'
wrf_d01_030.grb 30 apcp_0_30.nc  .
 But it gives the following error:
Readinginput file: apcp_6_24.nc
  GribFile::skip_header() -> can't find "GRIB" magic cookie
ERROR: get_field() -> can't open grib file: apcp_6_24.nc
How can I fix it? How do I have 6-30 or 0-30 accumulation in grib
How do I convert nc to grib?
In MET package there are some sample forecast files. Some of them
are wrf outputs. They are in grib format and have for example sfc: 0-
24hr and: sfc: 21-24hr accumulation precipitation. How does it do to
have 0-24 and 21-24 in one file in grib format?
I ran again model for testing "tprec" option. I set "tprec"=6. Then
I used UPP on my WRF output. But it give me 0-6, 6-12,12-18,18-24,24-
30,30-36 accumulation not 6-30 accumulation. How does it set for
giving 6-30 accumulation?
Because I ran model before and now have wrfout I had to add 0-24 & 24-
30 and then subtract 0-6 from 0-30.
Please help me,

From: John Halley Gotway via RT <met_help at ucar.edu>
To: weather1388 at yahoo.com
Sent: Wednesday, October 10, 2012 7:43 PM
Subject: Re: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #58534] Resolved: about accumulated

OK, I understand now.  Based on the accumulation intervals you have in
your output, it looks like the precipitation bucket is being dumped
every 24 hours.  But you would like to compute a 24-hour
accumulation between 6 and 30 hours.  It should be possible to do this
but it will be a bit clumsy two-step process which I'll describe

However, if you have control over the WRF model being run, I would
suggest reconfiguring it to control the precipitation accumulations
being written.  The way to do this differs depending on whether
you're running WRF-ARW or WRF-NMM.  For WRF-NMM, you'd set the "tprec"
namelist option to the number of hours of accumulation you'd like.
For WRF-ARW, you'd set the "prec_acc_dt" namelist option to
the number of minutes of accumulation you'd like.  See the
corresponding user's guide for more details on this.  It's up to you
to decide what accumulations you'd like, but I would suggest using
6-hour accumulations.

Now, for the data you currently have, here are the 2 steps that would
get you to a 6-30 hour accumulation:

# Add the 24-hour forecast (0 - 24 hour accumulation) to the 30-hour
forecast (24 - 30 hour accumulation) to get a 0 - 30 hour accumulation
pcp_combine -add wrf_24hr.grib 24 wrf_30hr.grib 30 apcp_0_to_30.nc

# Subtract the 6-hour forecast (0 - 6 hour accumulation) from the 0 -
30 hour accumulation
pcp_combine -subtract apcp_0_to_30.nc 'name="APCP_30"; level="(*,*)";'
wrf_6hr.grib 6 apcp_6_to_30.nc

The weird option for the first argument tells the pcp_combine tool
which field you'd like to use from that NetCDF file.

Hope that helps.


On 10/10/2012 12:06 AM, M M via RT wrote:
> <URL: https://rt.rap.ucar.edu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=58534 >
> Thanks,
> I used UPP on my WRF output. But it gets me 0-06, 00-24, 24-48
accumulation in grib format and don't give me 06-30 accumulation. I
want 06-30 accumulation in grib or nc format for using in MET. How can
I sum 0-24 & 24-30 for getting 0-30 then subtract 0-06 from 00-30 for
getting 06-30 in grib or nc format? How can I have 06-30 accumulation
in grib or nc format?
> Because of My observations for accumulated precipitation are from 06
to 06 next day I want to get 06-30 accumulation in grib or nc format
from WRF for verification by MET. please help me?
> Thanks a lot,
> ________________________________
> From: John Halley Gotway via RT <met_help at ucar.edu>
> To: weather1388 at yahoo.com
> Sent: Tuesday, October 9, 2012 5:16 PM
> Subject: Re: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #58534] Resolved: about accumulated
> MET cannot handle the direct output from WRF.  You must first post-
process your WRF output.  We recommend running the Unified Post
Processor (UPP) on your WRF output files.  The output of UPP is in
> GRIB format.  Then you can use the MET pcp_combine tool to do the
subtraction (30 hour forecast - 6 hour forecast) that you'd like.
However, the output of pcp_combine is in NetCDF format, not GRIB.
> But it is a NetCDF format that the rest of the MET tools can read.
I assume that you want a 6-30 hour accumulation in GRIB format to use
for the MET tools.
> Do those step make sense?
> Thanks,
> John Halley Gotway
> met_help at ucar.edu
> On 10/09/2012 03:55 AM, M M via RT wrote:
>> <URL: https://rt.rap.ucar.edu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=58534 >
>> No, I still have a problem.
>>    I don't know how subtract 00-06precipitation from 00-24 and get
grib format file. Then sum 06-24and 24-30 precipitation in grib
format. Finally I want 06-30 precipitation in grib format.
>> How can I get 06-30 precipitation in grib format from output of
>> Thanks,
>> ________________________________
>> From: John Halley Gotway via RT <met_help at ucar.edu>
>> To: weather1388 at yahoo.com
>> Sent: Monday, October 8, 2012 6:18 PM
>> Subject: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #58534] Resolved: about accumulated
>> According to our records, your request has been resolved. If you
have any
>> further questions or concerns, please respond to this message.

Subject: about accumulated precipitation 
From: M M
Time: Sat Oct 13 04:49:28 2012

Excuse me last email was wrong .this is correct.
Thanks, that was a good help for me.
I did those 2 steps for getting 6-30 hour accumulation. First I ran
pcp_combine -add wrf_d01_024.grb 24 wrf_d01_030.grb 6 apcp_0_30.nc it
give the 0-30 hour accumulation.  It was correct. Then I ran
pcp_combine -subtract apcp_0_30.nc 'name="APCP_30";level="(*,*)";'
wrf_d01_006.grb 6 apcp_6_30.nc  .
 But it gives the following error:
Readinginput file: apcp_6_24.nc
  GribFile::skip_header() -> can't find "GRIB" magic cookie
ERROR: get_field() -> can't open grib file: apcp_6_24.nc
How can I fix it? How do I have 6-30 or 0-30 accumulation in grib
How do I convert nc to grib?
In MET package there are some sample forecast files. Some of them
are wrf outputs. They are in grib format and have for example sfc: 0-
24hr and: sfc: 21-24hr accumulation precipitation. How does it do to
have 0-24 and 21-24 in one file in grib format?
I ran again model for testing "tprec" option. I set "tprec"=6. Then
I used UPP on my WRF output. But it give me 0-6, 6-12,12-18,18-24,24-
30,30-36 accumulation not 6-30 accumulation. How does it set for
giving 6-30 accumulation?
Because I ran model before and now have wrfout I had to add 0-24 & 24-
30 and then subtract 0-6 from 0-30.
Please help me,

From: John Halley Gotway via RT <met_help at ucar.edu>
To: weather1388 at yahoo.com
Sent: Wednesday, October 10, 2012 7:43 PM
Subject: Re: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #58534] Resolved: about accumulated

OK, I understand now.  Based on the accumulation intervals you have in
your output, it looks like the precipitation bucket is being dumped
every 24 hours.  But you would like to compute a 24-hour
accumulation between 6 and 30 hours.  It should be possible to do this
but it will be a bit clumsy two-step process which I'll describe

However, if you have control over the WRF model being run, I would
suggest reconfiguring it to control the precipitation accumulations
being written.  The way to do this differs depending on whether
you're running WRF-ARW or WRF-NMM.  For WRF-NMM, you'd set the "tprec"
namelist option to the number of hours of accumulation you'd like.
For WRF-ARW, you'd set the "prec_acc_dt" namelist option to
the number of minutes of accumulation you'd like.  See the
corresponding user's guide for more details on this.  It's up to you
to decide what accumulations you'd like, but I would suggest using
6-hour accumulations.

Now, for the data you currently have, here are the 2 steps that would
get you to a 6-30 hour accumulation:

# Add the 24-hour forecast (0 - 24 hour accumulation) to the 30-hour
forecast (24 - 30 hour accumulation) to get a 0 - 30 hour accumulation
pcp_combine -add wrf_24hr.grib 24 wrf_30hr.grib 30 apcp_0_to_30.nc

# Subtract the 6-hour forecast (0 - 6 hour accumulation) from the 0 -
30 hour accumulation
pcp_combine -subtract apcp_0_to_30.nc 'name="APCP_30"; level="(*,*)";'
wrf_6hr.grib 6 apcp_6_to_30.nc

The weird option for the first argument tells the pcp_combine tool
which field you'd like to use from that NetCDF file.

Hope that helps.


On 10/10/2012 12:06 AM, M M via RT wrote:
> <URL: https://rt.rap.ucar.edu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=58534 >
> Thanks,
> I used UPP on my WRF output. But it gets me 0-06, 00-24, 24-48
accumulation in grib format and don't give me 06-30 accumulation. I
want 06-30 accumulation in grib or nc format for using in MET. How can
I sum 0-24 & 24-30 for getting 0-30 then subtract 0-06 from 00-30 for
getting 06-30 in grib or nc format? How can I have 06-30 accumulation
in grib or nc format?
> Because of My observations for accumulated precipitation are from 06
to 06 next day I want to get 06-30 accumulation in grib or nc format
from WRF for verification by MET. please help me?
> Thanks a lot,
> ________________________________
> From: John Halley Gotway via RT <met_help at ucar.edu>
> To: weather1388 at yahoo.com
> Sent: Tuesday, October 9, 2012 5:16 PM
> Subject: Re: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #58534] Resolved: about accumulated
> MET cannot handle the direct output from WRF.  You must first post-
process your WRF output.  We recommend running the Unified Post
Processor (UPP) on your WRF output files.  The output of UPP is in
> GRIB format.  Then you can use the MET pcp_combine tool to do the
subtraction (30 hour forecast - 6 hour forecast) that you'd like.
However, the output of pcp_combine is in NetCDF format, not GRIB.
> But it is a NetCDF format that the rest of the MET tools can read.
I assume that you want a 6-30 hour accumulation in GRIB format to use
for the MET tools.
> Do those step make sense?
> Thanks,
> John Halley Gotway
> met_help at ucar.edu
> On 10/09/2012 03:55 AM, M M via RT wrote:
>> <URL: https://rt.rap.ucar.edu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=58534 >
>> No, I still have a problem.
>>    I don't know how subtract 00-06precipitation from 00-24 and get
grib format file. Then sum 06-24and 24-30 precipitation in grib
format. Finally I want 06-30 precipitation in grib format.
>> How can I get 06-30 precipitation in grib format from output of
>> Thanks,
>> ________________________________
>> From: John Halley Gotway via RT <met_help at ucar.edu>
>> To: weather1388 at yahoo.com
>> Sent: Monday, October 8, 2012 6:18 PM
>> Subject: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #58534] Resolved: about accumulated
>> According to our records, your request has been resolved. If you
have any
>> further questions or concerns, please respond to this message.

Subject: about accumulated precipitation 
From: M M
Time: Tue Oct 16 00:04:17 2012

Thanks, that was a good help for me.

I did those 2 steps for getting 6-30 hour accumulation. First I ran
pcp_combine -add wrf_d01_024.grb 24 wrf_d01_030.grb 6 apcp_0_30.nc it
give the 0-30 hour accumulation.  It was correct. Then I ran
pcp_combine -subtract apcp_0_30.nc 'name="APCP_30";level="(*,*)";'
wrf_d01_006.grb 6 apcp_6_30.nc  .
 But it gives the following error:
Readinginput file: apcp_6_30.nc
  GribFile::skip_header() -> can't find "GRIB" magic cookie
ERROR: get_field() -> can't open grib file: apcp_6_30.nc

How can I fix it? How do I have 6-30 or 0-30 accumulation in grib
How do I convert nc to grib?

In MET package there are some sample forecast files. Some of them are
wrf outputs. They are in grib format and have for example sfc: 0-24hr
and: sfc: 21-24hr accumulation precipitation. How does it do to have
0-24 and 21-24 in one file in grib format?

I ran again model for testing "tprec" option. I set "tprec"=6. Then I
used UPP on my WRF output. But it give me 0-6, 6-12,12-18,18-24,24-
30,30-36 accumulation not 6-30 accumulation. How does it set for
giving 6-30 accumulation?
Because I ran model before and now have wrfout I had to add 0-24 & 24-
30 and then subtract 0-6 from 0-30.
Please help me,

From: John Halley Gotway via RT <met_help at ucar.edu>
To: weather1388 at yahoo.com
Sent: Monday, October 15, 2012 5:59 PM
Subject: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #58534] Resolved: about accumulated

According to our records, your request has been resolved. If you have
further questions or concerns, please respond to this message.

Subject: about accumulated precipitation 
From: M M
Time: Tue Oct 16 06:13:14 2012


Thanks, that was a good help for me.

I did those 2 steps for getting 6-30 hour accumulation. First I ran
pcp_combine -add wrf_d01_024.grb 24 wrf_d01_030.grb 6 apcp_0_30.nc it
give the 0-30 hour accumulation.  It was correct. Then I ran
pcp_combine -subtract apcp_0_30.nc 'name="APCP_30";level="(*,*)";'
wrf_d01_006.grb 6 apcp_6_30.nc  .
 But it gives the following error:
Readinginput file: apcp_6_30.nc
  GribFile::skip_header() -> can't find "GRIB" magic cookie
ERROR: get_field() -> can't open grib file: apcp_6_30.nc

How can I fix it? How do I have 6-30 or 0-30 accumulation in grib
How do I convert nc to grib?

In MET package there are some sample forecast files. Some of them are
wrf outputs. They are in grib format and have for example sfc: 0-24hr
and: sfc: 21-24hr accumulation precipitation. How does it do to have
0-24 and 21-24 in one file in grib format?

I ran again model for testing "tprec" option. I set "tprec"=6. Then I
used UPP on my WRF output. But it give me 0-6, 6-12,12-18,18-24,24-
30,30-36 accumulation not 6-30 accumulation. How does it set for
giving 6-30 accumulation?
Because I ran model before and now have wrfout I had to add 0-24 & 24-
30 and then subtract 0-6 from 0-30.
Please help me,

From: John Halley Gotway via RT <met_help at ucar.edu>
To: weather1388 at yahoo.com
Sent: Monday, October 15, 2012 5:59 PM
Subject: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #58534] Resolved: about accumulated

According to our records, your request has been resolved. If you have
further questions or concerns, please respond to this message.

Subject: Re: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #58534] Resolved: about accumulated precipitation
From: John Halley Gotway
Time: Tue Oct 16 08:48:30 2012

While debugging your issue, I ran across a bug in the METv4.0 version
of pcp_combine.  It was working fine in METv3.1, but was broken in
METv4.0.  I have fixed the bug and posted a new patch to our

Please follow the instructions on that page to rebuild MET with the
latest set of patches and then try re-running:
   pcp_combine -add wrf_d01_024.grb 24 wrf_d01_030.grb 6 apcp_0_30.nc
   pcp_combine -subtract apcp_0_30.nc 'name="APCP_30";level="(*,*)";'
wrf_d01_006.grb 6 apcp_6_30.nc

If that still does not work, please send me those two GRIB files
(wrf_d01_024.grb and wrf_d01_030.grb) by posting them to our anonymous
ftp site, as described here:

You asked a question about how a single WRF file can have multiple
accumulation intervals in it.  I'm really not an expert on
configuring/running WRF.  For details on that, I'd suggest reading WRF
User's Guide or writing a question to WRF-Help.

Now, you said that you reran with "tprec=6" and your output now has 6-
hourly accumulations.  That should be easier to work with.  You have
4, 6-hourly accumulation files that you'd like to sum up to a
6-30 hour accumulation.  You can do this two different ways, using the
-add option or the -sum option:

    # Add up the 4 files explicitly
    pcp_combine -add wrf_d01_12.grb 6 wrf_d01_18.grb 6 wrf_d01_24.grb
6 wrf_d01_30.grb 6 apcp_6_30.nc

    # Use the sum command
    pcp_combine -sum INIT_YYYYMMDD_HH 6 VALID_YYYYMMDD_HH 24

For example, suppose your model was initialized on 20121010 at 00Z,
here's the command you'd run
    pcp_combine -sum 20121010_00 6 20121011_06 24 apcp_6_30.nc

Either of these two options should produce the exact same 6 - 30 hour
accumulation with a single call to pcp_combine.

Sorry for that bug.  Hope this helps.


On 10/16/2012 06:13 AM, M M via RT wrote:
> <URL: https://rt.rap.ucar.edu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=58534 >
> Thanks, that was a good help for me.
> I did those 2 steps for getting 6-30 hour accumulation. First I ran
> pcp_combine -add wrf_d01_024.grb 24 wrf_d01_030.grb 6 apcp_0_30.nc
it give the 0-30 hour accumulation.  It was correct. Then I ran
> pcp_combine -subtract apcp_0_30.nc 'name="APCP_30";level="(*,*)";'
wrf_d01_006.grb 6 apcp_6_30.nc  .
>   But it gives the following error:
> Readinginput file: apcp_6_30.nc
>    GribFile::skip_header() -> can't find "GRIB" magic cookie
> ERROR: get_field() -> can't open grib file: apcp_6_30.nc
> How can I fix it? How do I have 6-30 or 0-30 accumulation in grib
> How do I convert nc to grib?
> In MET package there are some sample forecast files. Some of them
are wrf outputs. They are in grib format and have for example sfc: 0-
24hr and: sfc: 21-24hr accumulation precipitation. How does it do to
have 0-24 and 21-24 in one file in grib format?
> I ran again model for testing "tprec" option. I set "tprec"=6. Then
I used UPP on my WRF output. But it give me 0-6, 6-12,12-18,18-24,24-
30,30-36 accumulation not 6-30 accumulation. How does it set for
giving 6-30 accumulation?
> Because I ran model before and now have wrfout I had to add 0-24 &
24-30 and then subtract 0-6 from 0-30.
> Please help me,
> Thanks,
> ________________________________
> From: John Halley Gotway via RT <met_help at ucar.edu>
> To: weather1388 at yahoo.com
> Sent: Monday, October 15, 2012 5:59 PM
> Subject: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #58534] Resolved: about accumulated
> According to our records, your request has been resolved. If you
have any
> further questions or concerns, please respond to this message.

Subject: about accumulated precipitation 
From: M M
Time: Sun Oct 21 04:16:24 2012

Thanks a lot for your helps.
I send 3 of wrfouts (wrf_d1_006.grb, wrf_d1_024.grb, wrf_d1_030.grb)
in your ftp site in incoming/irap/met_help/ path in m_data folder.
Would you please test them for subtract and add together, then getting
6-30 accumulation precipitation in grib or nc format. (apcp_6_30)
When I do that it gets error.
pcp_combine -subtract apcp_0_30.nc 'name="APCP_30";level="(*,*)";'
wrf_d01_006.grb 6 apcp_6_30.nc  .
>  But it gives the following error:
> Readinginput file: apcp_6_30.nc
>    GribFile::skip_header() -> can't find "GRIB" magic cookie
> ERROR: get_field() -> can't open grib file: apcp_6_30.nc
And would you please sum or add 3 files together? I can add 2 grib
file together but I can't add 3 or 4 files in one command like this
pcp_combine -add wrf_d01_12.grb 6 wrf_d01_18.grb 6 wrf_d01_24.grb 6
wrf_d01_30.grb 6 apcp_6_30.nc
 It gets error. Would you help me about this too?

From: John Halley Gotway via RT <met_help at ucar.edu>
To: weather1388 at yahoo.com
Sent: Tuesday, October 16, 2012 6:18 PM
Subject: Re: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #58534] Resolved: about accumulated

While debugging your issue, I ran across a bug in the METv4.0 version
of pcp_combine.  It was working fine in METv3.1, but was broken in
METv4.0.  I have fixed the bug and posted a new patch to our

Please follow the instructions on that page to rebuild MET with the
latest set of patches and then try re-running:
  pcp_combine -add wrf_d01_024.grb 24 wrf_d01_030.grb 6 apcp_0_30.nc
  pcp_combine -subtract apcp_0_30.nc 'name="APCP_30";level="(*,*)";'
wrf_d01_006.grb 6 apcp_6_30.nc

If that still does not work, please send me those two GRIB files
(wrf_d01_024.grb and wrf_d01_030.grb) by posting them to our anonymous
ftp site, as described here:

You asked a question about how a single WRF file can have multiple
accumulation intervals in it.  I'm really not an expert on
configuring/running WRF.  For details on that, I'd suggest reading WRF
User's Guide or writing a question to WRF-Help.

Now, you said that you reran with "tprec=6" and your output now has 6-
hourly accumulations.  That should be easier to work with.  You have
4, 6-hourly accumulation files that you'd like to sum up to a
6-30 hour accumulation.  You can do this two different ways, using the
-add option or the -sum option:

    # Add up the 4 files explicitly
    pcp_combine -add wrf_d01_12.grb 6 wrf_d01_18.grb 6 wrf_d01_24.grb
6 wrf_d01_30.grb 6 apcp_6_30.nc

    # Use the sum command
    pcp_combine -sum INIT_YYYYMMDD_HH 6 VALID_YYYYMMDD_HH 24

For example, suppose your model was initialized on 20121010 at 00Z,
here's the command you'd run
    pcp_combine -sum 20121010_00 6 20121011_06 24 apcp_6_30.nc

Either of these two options should produce the exact same 6 - 30 hour
accumulation with a single call to pcp_combine.

Sorry for that bug.  Hope this helps.


On 10/16/2012 06:13 AM, M M via RT wrote:
> <URL: https://rt.rap.ucar.edu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=58534 >
> Thanks, that was a good help for me.
> I did those 2 steps for getting 6-30 hour accumulation. First I ran
> pcp_combine -add wrf_d01_024.grb 24 wrf_d01_030.grb 6 apcp_0_30.nc
it give the 0-30 hour accumulation.  It was correct. Then I ran
> pcp_combine -subtract apcp_0_30.nc 'name="APCP_30";level="(*,*)";'
wrf_d01_006.grb 6 apcp_6_30.nc  .
>  But it gives the following error:
> Readinginput file: apcp_6_30.nc
>    GribFile::skip_header() -> can't find "GRIB" magic cookie
> ERROR: get_field() -> can't open grib file: apcp_6_30.nc
> How can I fix it? How do I have 6-30 or 0-30 accumulation in grib
> How do I convert nc to grib?
> In MET package there are some sample forecast files. Some of them
are wrf outputs. They are in grib format and have for example sfc: 0-
24hr and: sfc: 21-24hr accumulation precipitation. How does it do to
have 0-24 and 21-24 in one file in grib format?
> I ran again model for testing "tprec" option. I set "tprec"=6. Then
I used UPP on my WRF output. But it give me 0-6, 6-12,12-18,18-24,24-
30,30-36 accumulation not 6-30 accumulation. How does it set for
giving 6-30 accumulation?
> Because I ran model before and now have wrfout I had to add 0-24 &
24-30 and then subtract 0-6 from 0-30.
> Please help me,
> Thanks,
> ________________________________
> From: John Halley Gotway via RT <met_help at ucar.edu>
> To: weather1388 at yahoo.com
> Sent: Monday, October 15, 2012 5:59 PM
> Subject: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #58534] Resolved: about accumulated
> According to our records, your request has been resolved. If you
have any
> further questions or concerns, please respond to this message.

Subject: Re: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #58534] Resolved: about accumulated precipitation
From: John Halley Gotway
Time: Mon Oct 22 08:32:51 2012


I ran the following three commands on your data without error:

/d1/johnhg/MET/MET_releases/METv4.0/bin/pcp_combine -add
wrf_d1_024.grb 24 wrf_d1_030.grb 6 apcp_0_30.nc
/d1/johnhg/MET/MET_releases/METv4.0/bin/pcp_combine -subtract
apcp_0_30.nc 'name="APCP_30";level="(*,*)";' wrf_d1_006.grb 6
/d1/johnhg/MET/MET_releases/METv4.0/bin/pcp_combine -add
wrf_d1_006.grb 6 wrf_d1_024.grb 24 wrf_d1_030.grb 6 test.nc

I suspect that you're not using the most recent version of the code.
I posted a bugfix for METv4.0 pcp_combine on 10/16/2012.

Please make sure that you're using METv4.0 and have applied the latest
set of patches:

Follow the instructions at the top of the page to retrieve the
patches, unpack them in the METv4.0 directory, execute a "make clean",
and then a "make".

Then, try running the 3 commands I've listed above.


On 10/21/2012 04:16 AM, M M via RT wrote:
> <URL: https://rt.rap.ucar.edu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=58534 >
> Thanks a lot for your helps.
> I send 3 of wrfouts (wrf_d1_006.grb, wrf_d1_024.grb, wrf_d1_030.grb)
in your ftp site in incoming/irap/met_help/ path in m_data folder.
> Would you please test them for subtract and add together, then
getting 6-30 accumulation precipitation in grib or nc format.
> When I do that it gets error.
> pcp_combine -subtract apcp_0_30.nc 'name="APCP_30";level="(*,*)";'
wrf_d01_006.grb 6 apcp_6_30.nc  .
>>    But it gives the following error:
>> Readinginput file: apcp_6_30.nc
>>      GribFile::skip_header() -> can't find "GRIB" magic cookie
>> ERROR: get_field() -> can't open grib file: apcp_6_30.nc
> And would you please sum or add 3 files together? I can add 2 grib
file together but I can't add 3 or 4 files in one command like this
> pcp_combine -add wrf_d01_12.grb 6 wrf_d01_18.grb 6 wrf_d01_24.grb 6
wrf_d01_30.grb 6 apcp_6_30.nc
>   It gets error. Would you help me about this too?
> Thankes,
> ________________________________
> From: John Halley Gotway via RT <met_help at ucar.edu>
> To: weather1388 at yahoo.com
> Sent: Tuesday, October 16, 2012 6:18 PM
> Subject: Re: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #58534] Resolved: about accumulated
> While debugging your issue, I ran across a bug in the METv4.0
version of pcp_combine.  It was working fine in METv3.1, but was
broken in METv4.0.  I have fixed the bug and posted a new patch to our
> website:
> Please follow the instructions on that page to rebuild MET with the
latest set of patches and then try re-running:
>    pcp_combine -add wrf_d01_024.grb 24 wrf_d01_030.grb 6
>    pcp_combine -subtract apcp_0_30.nc
'name="APCP_30";level="(*,*)";' wrf_d01_006.grb 6 apcp_6_30.nc
> If that still does not work, please send me those two GRIB files
(wrf_d01_024.grb and wrf_d01_030.grb) by posting them to our anonymous
ftp site, as described here:
>      http://www.dtcenter.org/met/users/support/met_help.php#ftp
> You asked a question about how a single WRF file can have multiple
accumulation intervals in it.  I'm really not an expert on
configuring/running WRF.  For details on that, I'd suggest reading WRF
> User's Guide or writing a question to WRF-Help.
> Now, you said that you reran with "tprec=6" and your output now has
6-hourly accumulations.  That should be easier to work with.  You have
4, 6-hourly accumulation files that you'd like to sum up to a
> 6-30 hour accumulation.  You can do this two different ways, using
the -add option or the -sum option:
>      # Add up the 4 files explicitly
>      pcp_combine -add wrf_d01_12.grb 6 wrf_d01_18.grb 6
wrf_d01_24.grb 6 wrf_d01_30.grb 6 apcp_6_30.nc
>      # Use the sum command
>      pcp_combine -sum INIT_YYYYMMDD_HH 6 VALID_YYYYMMDD_HH 24
> For example, suppose your model was initialized on 20121010 at 00Z,
here's the command you'd run
>      pcp_combine -sum 20121010_00 6 20121011_06 24 apcp_6_30.nc
> Either of these two options should produce the exact same 6 - 30
hour accumulation with a single call to pcp_combine.
> Sorry for that bug.  Hope this helps.
> Thanks,
> John
> On 10/16/2012 06:13 AM, M M via RT wrote:
>> <URL: https://rt.rap.ucar.edu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=58534 >
>> Thanks, that was a good help for me.
>> I did those 2 steps for getting 6-30 hour accumulation. First I ran
>> pcp_combine -add wrf_d01_024.grb 24 wrf_d01_030.grb 6 apcp_0_30.nc
it give the 0-30 hour accumulation.  It was correct. Then I ran
>> pcp_combine -subtract apcp_0_30.nc 'name="APCP_30";level="(*,*)";'
wrf_d01_006.grb 6 apcp_6_30.nc  .
>>    But it gives the following error:
>> Readinginput file: apcp_6_30.nc
>>      GribFile::skip_header() -> can't find "GRIB" magic cookie
>> ERROR: get_field() -> can't open grib file: apcp_6_30.nc
>> How can I fix it? How do I have 6-30 or 0-30 accumulation in grib
>> How do I convert nc to grib?
>> In MET package there are some sample forecast files. Some of them
are wrf outputs. They are in grib format and have for example sfc: 0-
24hr and: sfc: 21-24hr accumulation precipitation. How does it do to
have 0-24 and 21-24 in one file in grib format?
>> I ran again model for testing "tprec" option. I set "tprec"=6. Then
I used UPP on my WRF output. But it give me 0-6, 6-12,12-18,18-24,24-
30,30-36 accumulation not 6-30 accumulation. How does it set for
giving 6-30 accumulation?
>> Because I ran model before and now have wrfout I had to add 0-24 &
24-30 and then subtract 0-6 from 0-30.
>> Please help me,
>> Thanks,
>> ________________________________
>> From: John Halley Gotway via RT <met_help at ucar.edu>
>> To: weather1388 at yahoo.com
>> Sent: Monday, October 15, 2012 5:59 PM
>> Subject: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #58534] Resolved: about accumulated
>> According to our records, your request has been resolved. If you
have any
>> further questions or concerns, please respond to this message.

Subject: about accumulated precipitation 
From: M M
Time: Wed Oct 24 06:00:56 2012

Thanks a lot for your help,
I installed METv4.0 and its patch then ran 2 commands for add and
subtract, it has been successfully run and got me apcp_6_30.nc and it
was correct. I want to use in met for verification. I have another
question. How can I plot this file (apcp_6_30.nc)? Is it possible to
plot with grads? And how can I convert the apcp_6_30.nc file to grib

From: John Halley Gotway via RT <met_help at ucar.edu>
To: weather1388 at yahoo.com
Sent: Monday, October 22, 2012 6:02 PM
Subject: Re: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #58534] Resolved: about accumulated


I ran the following three commands on your data without error:

/d1/johnhg/MET/MET_releases/METv4.0/bin/pcp_combine -add
wrf_d1_024.grb 24 wrf_d1_030.grb 6 apcp_0_30.nc
/d1/johnhg/MET/MET_releases/METv4.0/bin/pcp_combine -subtract
apcp_0_30.nc 'name="APCP_30";level="(*,*)";' wrf_d1_006.grb 6
/d1/johnhg/MET/MET_releases/METv4.0/bin/pcp_combine -add
wrf_d1_006.grb 6 wrf_d1_024.grb 24 wrf_d1_030.grb 6 test.nc

I suspect that you're not using the most recent version of the code.
I posted a bugfix for METv4.0 pcp_combine on 10/16/2012.

Please make sure that you're using METv4.0 and have applied the latest
set of patches:

Follow the instructions at the top of the page to retrieve the
patches, unpack them in the METv4.0 directory, execute a "make clean",
and then a "make".

Then, try running the 3 commands I've listed above.


On 10/21/2012 04:16 AM, M M via RT wrote:
> <URL: https://rt.rap.ucar.edu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=58534 >
> Thanks a lot for your helps.
> I send 3 of wrfouts (wrf_d1_006.grb, wrf_d1_024.grb, wrf_d1_030.grb)
in your ftp site in incoming/irap/met_help/ path in m_data folder.
> Would you please test them for subtract and add together, then
getting 6-30 accumulation precipitation in grib or nc format.
> When I do that it gets error.
> pcp_combine -subtract apcp_0_30.nc 'name="APCP_30";level="(*,*)";'
wrf_d01_006.grb 6 apcp_6_30.nc  .
>>    But it gives the following error:
>> Readinginput file: apcp_6_30.nc
>>      GribFile::skip_header() -> can't find "GRIB" magic cookie
>> ERROR: get_field() -> can't open grib file: apcp_6_30.nc
> And would you please sum or add 3 files together? I can add 2 grib
file together but I can't add 3 or 4 files in one command like this
> pcp_combine -add wrf_d01_12.grb 6 wrf_d01_18.grb 6 wrf_d01_24.grb 6
wrf_d01_30.grb 6 apcp_6_30.nc
>  It gets error. Would you help me about this too?
> Thankes,
> ________________________________
> From: John Halley Gotway via RT <met_help at ucar.edu>
> To: weather1388 at yahoo.com
> Sent: Tuesday, October 16, 2012 6:18 PM
> Subject: Re: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #58534] Resolved: about accumulated
> While debugging your issue, I ran across a bug in the METv4.0
version of pcp_combine.  It was working fine in METv3.1, but was
broken in METv4.0.  I have fixed the bug and posted a new patch to our
> website:
> Please follow the instructions on that page to rebuild MET with the
latest set of patches and then try re-running:
>    pcp_combine -add wrf_d01_024.grb 24 wrf_d01_030.grb 6
>    pcp_combine -subtract apcp_0_30.nc
'name="APCP_30";level="(*,*)";' wrf_d01_006.grb 6 apcp_6_30.nc
> If that still does not work, please send me those two GRIB files
(wrf_d01_024.grb and wrf_d01_030.grb) by posting them to our anonymous
ftp site, as described here:
>      http://www.dtcenter.org/met/users/support/met_help.php#ftp
> You asked a question about how a single WRF file can have multiple
accumulation intervals in it.  I'm really not an expert on
configuring/running WRF.  For details on that, I'd suggest reading WRF
> User's Guide or writing a question to WRF-Help.
> Now, you said that you reran with "tprec=6" and your output now has
6-hourly accumulations.  That should be easier to work with.  You have
4, 6-hourly accumulation files that you'd like to sum up to a
> 6-30 hour accumulation.  You can do this two different ways, using
the -add option or the -sum option:
>      # Add up the 4 files explicitly
>      pcp_combine -add wrf_d01_12.grb 6 wrf_d01_18.grb 6
wrf_d01_24.grb 6 wrf_d01_30.grb 6 apcp_6_30.nc
>      # Use the sum command
>      pcp_combine -sum INIT_YYYYMMDD_HH 6 VALID_YYYYMMDD_HH 24
> For example, suppose your model was initialized on 20121010 at 00Z,
here's the command you'd run
>      pcp_combine -sum 20121010_00 6 20121011_06 24 apcp_6_30.nc
> Either of these two options should produce the exact same 6 - 30
hour accumulation with a single call to pcp_combine.
> Sorry for that bug.  Hope this helps.
> Thanks,
> John
> On 10/16/2012 06:13 AM, M M via RT wrote:
>> <URL: https://rt.rap.ucar.edu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=58534 >
>> Thanks, that was a good help for me.
>> I did those 2 steps for getting 6-30 hour accumulation. First I ran
>> pcp_combine -add wrf_d01_024.grb 24 wrf_d01_030.grb 6 apcp_0_30.nc
it give the 0-30 hour accumulation.  It was correct. Then I ran
>> pcp_combine -subtract apcp_0_30.nc 'name="APCP_30";level="(*,*)";'
wrf_d01_006.grb 6 apcp_6_30.nc  .
>>    But it gives the following error:
>> Readinginput file: apcp_6_30.nc
>>      GribFile::skip_header() -> can't find "GRIB" magic cookie
>> ERROR: get_field() -> can't open grib file: apcp_6_30.nc
>> How can I fix it? How do I have 6-30 or 0-30 accumulation in grib
>> How do I convert nc to grib?
>> In MET package there are some sample forecast files. Some of them
are wrf outputs. They are in grib format and have for example sfc: 0-
24hr and: sfc: 21-24hr accumulation precipitation. How does it do to
have 0-24 and 21-24 in one file in grib format?
>> I ran again model for testing "tprec" option. I set "tprec"=6. Then
I used UPP on my WRF output. But it give me 0-6, 6-12,12-18,18-24,24-
30,30-36 accumulation not 6-30 accumulation. How does it set for
giving 6-30 accumulation?
>> Because I ran model before and now have wrfout I had to add 0-24 &
24-30 and then subtract 0-6 from 0-30.
>> Please help me,
>> Thanks,
>> ________________________________
>> From: John Halley Gotway via RT <met_help at ucar.edu>
>> To: weather1388 at yahoo.com
>> Sent: Monday, October 15, 2012 5:59 PM
>> Subject: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #58534] Resolved: about accumulated
>> According to our records, your request has been resolved. If you
have any
>> further questions or concerns, please respond to this message.

Subject: Re: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #58534] Resolved: about accumulated precipitation
From: John Halley Gotway
Time: Wed Oct 24 08:09:26 2012

Let me answer your last question first.  I am aware of no way of
converting this file into GRIB format.  Why do you need it in GRIB?
MET is able to read it directly.

For a quick plot, you could just use ncview:
   ncview apcp_6_30.nc

Or you could use Unidata's IDV tool:

Or you could use the MET plot_data_plane utility to create a
postscript image:
   METv4.0/bin/plot_data_plane apcp_6_30.nc apcp_6_30.ps
'name="APCP_24"; level="(*,*)";'

It uses the default colortable and scales it to the min/max values
found in the data.  Just type the command with no arguments to see the
full usage statement:

Hope that helps.


On 10/24/2012 06:00 AM, M M via RT wrote:
> <URL: https://rt.rap.ucar.edu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=58534 >
> Hello,
> Thanks a lot for your help,
> I installed METv4.0 and its patch then ran 2 commands for add and
subtract, it has been successfully run and got me apcp_6_30.nc and it
was correct. I want to use in met for verification. I have another
question. How can I plot this file (apcp_6_30.nc)? Is it possible to
plot with grads? And how can I convert the apcp_6_30.nc file to grib
> Thanks,
> ________________________________
> From: John Halley Gotway via RT <met_help at ucar.edu>
> To: weather1388 at yahoo.com
> Sent: Monday, October 22, 2012 6:02 PM
> Subject: Re: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #58534] Resolved: about accumulated
> Hello,
> I ran the following three commands on your data without error:
> /d1/johnhg/MET/MET_releases/METv4.0/bin/pcp_combine -add
wrf_d1_024.grb 24 wrf_d1_030.grb 6 apcp_0_30.nc
> /d1/johnhg/MET/MET_releases/METv4.0/bin/pcp_combine -subtract
apcp_0_30.nc 'name="APCP_30";level="(*,*)";' wrf_d1_006.grb 6
> /d1/johnhg/MET/MET_releases/METv4.0/bin/pcp_combine -add
wrf_d1_006.grb 6 wrf_d1_024.grb 24 wrf_d1_030.grb 6 test.nc
> I suspect that you're not using the most recent version of the code.
I posted a bugfix for METv4.0 pcp_combine on 10/16/2012.
> Please make sure that you're using METv4.0 and have applied the
latest set of patches:
> Follow the instructions at the top of the page to retrieve the
patches, unpack them in the METv4.0 directory, execute a "make clean",
and then a "make".
> Then, try running the 3 commands I've listed above.
> Thanks,
> John
> On 10/21/2012 04:16 AM, M M via RT wrote:
>> <URL: https://rt.rap.ucar.edu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=58534 >
>> Thanks a lot for your helps.
>> I send 3 of wrfouts (wrf_d1_006.grb, wrf_d1_024.grb,
wrf_d1_030.grb) in your ftp site in incoming/irap/met_help/ path in
m_data folder.
>> Would you please test them for subtract and add together, then
getting 6-30 accumulation precipitation in grib or nc format.
>> When I do that it gets error.
>> pcp_combine -subtract apcp_0_30.nc 'name="APCP_30";level="(*,*)";'
wrf_d01_006.grb 6 apcp_6_30.nc  .
>>>      But it gives the following error:
>>> Readinginput file: apcp_6_30.nc
>>>        GribFile::skip_header() -> can't find "GRIB" magic cookie
>>> ERROR: get_field() -> can't open grib file: apcp_6_30.nc
>> And would you please sum or add 3 files together? I can add 2 grib
file together but I can't add 3 or 4 files in one command like this
>> pcp_combine -add wrf_d01_12.grb 6 wrf_d01_18.grb 6 wrf_d01_24.grb 6
wrf_d01_30.grb 6 apcp_6_30.nc
>>    It gets error. Would you help me about this too?
>> Thankes,
>> ________________________________
>> From: John Halley Gotway via RT <met_help at ucar.edu>
>> To: weather1388 at yahoo.com
>> Sent: Tuesday, October 16, 2012 6:18 PM
>> Subject: Re: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #58534] Resolved: about accumulated
>> While debugging your issue, I ran across a bug in the METv4.0
version of pcp_combine.  It was working fine in METv3.1, but was
broken in METv4.0.  I have fixed the bug and posted a new patch to our
>> website:
>> Please follow the instructions on that page to rebuild MET with the
latest set of patches and then try re-running:
>>      pcp_combine -add wrf_d01_024.grb 24 wrf_d01_030.grb 6
>>      pcp_combine -subtract apcp_0_30.nc
'name="APCP_30";level="(*,*)";' wrf_d01_006.grb 6 apcp_6_30.nc
>> If that still does not work, please send me those two GRIB files
(wrf_d01_024.grb and wrf_d01_030.grb) by posting them to our anonymous
ftp site, as described here:
>>        http://www.dtcenter.org/met/users/support/met_help.php#ftp
>> You asked a question about how a single WRF file can have multiple
accumulation intervals in it.  I'm really not an expert on
configuring/running WRF.  For details on that, I'd suggest reading WRF
>> User's Guide or writing a question to WRF-Help.
>> Now, you said that you reran with "tprec=6" and your output now has
6-hourly accumulations.  That should be easier to work with.  You have
4, 6-hourly accumulation files that you'd like to sum up to a
>> 6-30 hour accumulation.  You can do this two different ways, using
the -add option or the -sum option:
>>        # Add up the 4 files explicitly
>>        pcp_combine -add wrf_d01_12.grb 6 wrf_d01_18.grb 6
wrf_d01_24.grb 6 wrf_d01_30.grb 6 apcp_6_30.nc
>>        # Use the sum command
>>        pcp_combine -sum INIT_YYYYMMDD_HH 6 VALID_YYYYMMDD_HH 24
>> For example, suppose your model was initialized on 20121010 at 00Z,
here's the command you'd run
>>        pcp_combine -sum 20121010_00 6 20121011_06 24 apcp_6_30.nc
>> Either of these two options should produce the exact same 6 - 30
hour accumulation with a single call to pcp_combine.
>> Sorry for that bug.  Hope this helps.
>> Thanks,
>> John
>> On 10/16/2012 06:13 AM, M M via RT wrote:
>>> <URL: https://rt.rap.ucar.edu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=58534 >
>>> Thanks, that was a good help for me.
>>> I did those 2 steps for getting 6-30 hour accumulation. First I
>>> pcp_combine -add wrf_d01_024.grb 24 wrf_d01_030.grb 6 apcp_0_30.nc
it give the 0-30 hour accumulation.  It was correct. Then I ran
>>> pcp_combine -subtract apcp_0_30.nc 'name="APCP_30";level="(*,*)";'
wrf_d01_006.grb 6 apcp_6_30.nc  .
>>>      But it gives the following error:
>>> Readinginput file: apcp_6_30.nc
>>>        GribFile::skip_header() -> can't find "GRIB" magic cookie
>>> ERROR: get_field() -> can't open grib file: apcp_6_30.nc
>>> How can I fix it? How do I have 6-30 or 0-30 accumulation in grib
>>> How do I convert nc to grib?
>>> In MET package there are some sample forecast files. Some of them
are wrf outputs. They are in grib format and have for example sfc: 0-
24hr and: sfc: 21-24hr accumulation precipitation. How does it do to
have 0-24 and 21-24 in one file in grib format?
>>> I ran again model for testing "tprec" option. I set "tprec"=6.
Then I used UPP on my WRF output. But it give me 0-6, 6-12,12-18,18-
24,24-30,30-36 accumulation not 6-30 accumulation. How does it set for
giving 6-30 accumulation?
>>> Because I ran model before and now have wrfout I had to add 0-24 &
24-30 and then subtract 0-6 from 0-30.
>>> Please help me,
>>> Thanks,
>>> ________________________________
>>> From: John Halley Gotway via RT <met_help at ucar.edu>
>>> To: weather1388 at yahoo.com
>>> Sent: Monday, October 15, 2012 5:59 PM
>>> Subject: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #58534] Resolved: about accumulated
>>> According to our records, your request has been resolved. If you
have any
>>> further questions or concerns, please respond to this message.

Subject: about accumulated precipitation 
From: M M
Time: Sat Oct 27 04:13:33 2012

Thanks a lot for your help, I want to find value of accumulation
precipitation 6-30 hours for some points. If apcp_6_30.nc opened by
grads I have extracted values for some points but apcp_6_30.nc doesn't
open by grads. I wanted to convert nc to grib and use grib2ctl.pl for
making ctl file then open apcp_6_30 by grads. But I couldn't do that.
Is there any way for extracting data values of apcp_6_30.nc or the nc
file that is made by pcp_combine?

From: John Halley Gotway via RT <met_help at ucar.edu>
To: weather1388 at yahoo.com
Sent: Wednesday, October 24, 2012 5:39 PM
Subject: Re: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #58534] Resolved: about accumulated

Let me answer your last question first.  I am aware of no way of
converting this file into GRIB format.  Why do you need it in GRIB?
MET is able to read it directly.

For a quick plot, you could just use ncview:
  ncview apcp_6_30.nc

Or you could use Unidata's IDV tool:

Or you could use the MET plot_data_plane utility to create a
postscript image:
  METv4.0/bin/plot_data_plane apcp_6_30.nc apcp_6_30.ps
'name="APCP_24"; level="(*,*)";'

It uses the default colortable and scales it to the min/max values
found in the data.  Just type the command with no arguments to see the
full usage statement:

Hope that helps.


On 10/24/2012 06:00 AM, M M via RT wrote:
> <URL: https://rt.rap.ucar.edu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=58534 >
> Hello,
> Thanks a lot for your help,
> I installed METv4.0 and its patch then ran 2 commands for add and
subtract, it has been successfully run and got me apcp_6_30.nc and it
was correct. I want to use in met for verification. I have another
question. How can I plot this file (apcp_6_30.nc)? Is it possible to
plot with grads? And how can I convert the apcp_6_30.nc file to grib
> Thanks,
> ________________________________
> From: John Halley Gotway via RT <met_help at ucar.edu>
> To: weather1388 at yahoo.com
> Sent: Monday, October 22, 2012 6:02 PM
> Subject: Re: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #58534] Resolved: about accumulated
> Hello,
> I ran the following three commands on your data without error:
> /d1/johnhg/MET/MET_releases/METv4.0/bin/pcp_combine -add
wrf_d1_024.grb 24 wrf_d1_030.grb 6 apcp_0_30.nc
> /d1/johnhg/MET/MET_releases/METv4.0/bin/pcp_combine -subtract
apcp_0_30.nc 'name="APCP_30";level="(*,*)";' wrf_d1_006.grb 6
> /d1/johnhg/MET/MET_releases/METv4.0/bin/pcp_combine -add
wrf_d1_006.grb 6 wrf_d1_024.grb 24 wrf_d1_030.grb 6 test.nc
> I suspect that you're not using the most recent version of the code.
I posted a bugfix for METv4.0 pcp_combine on 10/16/2012.
> Please make sure that you're using METv4.0 and have applied the
latest set of patches:
> Follow the instructions at the top of the page to retrieve the
patches, unpack them in the METv4.0 directory, execute a "make clean",
and then a "make".
> Then, try running the 3 commands I've listed above.
> Thanks,
> John
> On 10/21/2012 04:16 AM, M M via RT wrote:
>> <URL: https://rt.rap.ucar.edu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=58534 >
>> Thanks a lot for your helps.
>> I send 3 of wrfouts (wrf_d1_006.grb, wrf_d1_024.grb,
wrf_d1_030.grb) in your ftp site in incoming/irap/met_help/ path in
m_data folder.
>> Would you please test them for subtract and add together, then
getting 6-30 accumulation precipitation in grib or nc format.
>> When I do that it gets error.
>> pcp_combine -subtract apcp_0_30.nc 'name="APCP_30";level="(*,*)";'
wrf_d01_006.grb 6 apcp_6_30.nc  .
>>>      But it gives the following error:
>>> Readinginput file: apcp_6_30.nc
>>>        GribFile::skip_header() -> can't find "GRIB" magic cookie
>>> ERROR: get_field() -> can't open grib file: apcp_6_30.nc
>> And would you please sum or add 3 files together? I can add 2 grib
file together but I can't add 3 or 4 files in one command like this
>> pcp_combine -add wrf_d01_12.grb 6 wrf_d01_18.grb 6 wrf_d01_24.grb 6
wrf_d01_30.grb 6 apcp_6_30.nc
>>    It gets error. Would you help me about this too?
>> Thankes,
>> ________________________________
>> From: John Halley Gotway via RT <met_help at ucar.edu>
>> To: weather1388 at yahoo.com
>> Sent: Tuesday, October 16, 2012 6:18 PM
>> Subject: Re: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #58534] Resolved: about accumulated
>> While debugging your issue, I ran across a bug in the METv4.0
version of pcp_combine.  It was working fine in METv3.1, but was
broken in METv4.0.  I have fixed the bug and posted a new patch to our
>> website:
>> Please follow the instructions on that page to rebuild MET with the
latest set of patches and then try re-running:
>>      pcp_combine -add wrf_d01_024.grb 24 wrf_d01_030.grb 6
>>      pcp_combine -subtract apcp_0_30.nc
'name="APCP_30";level="(*,*)";' wrf_d01_006.grb 6 apcp_6_30.nc
>> If that still does not work, please send me those two GRIB files
(wrf_d01_024.grb and wrf_d01_030.grb) by posting them to our anonymous
ftp site, as described here:
>>        http://www.dtcenter.org/met/users/support/met_help.php#ftp
>> You asked a question about how a single WRF file can have multiple
accumulation intervals in it.  I'm really not an expert on
configuring/running WRF.  For details on that, I'd suggest reading WRF
>> User's Guide or writing a question to WRF-Help.
>> Now, you said that you reran with "tprec=6" and your output now has
6-hourly accumulations.  That should be easier to work with.  You have
4, 6-hourly accumulation files that you'd like to sum up to a
>> 6-30 hour accumulation.  You can do this two different ways, using
the -add option or the -sum option:
>>        # Add up the 4 files explicitly
>>        pcp_combine -add wrf_d01_12.grb 6 wrf_d01_18.grb 6
wrf_d01_24.grb 6 wrf_d01_30.grb 6 apcp_6_30.nc
>>        # Use the sum command
>>        pcp_combine -sum INIT_YYYYMMDD_HH 6 VALID_YYYYMMDD_HH 24
>> For example, suppose your model was initialized on 20121010 at 00Z,
here's the command you'd run
>>        pcp_combine -sum 20121010_00 6 20121011_06 24 apcp_6_30.nc
>> Either of these two options should produce the exact same 6 - 30
hour accumulation with a single call to pcp_combine.
>> Sorry for that bug.  Hope this helps.
>> Thanks,
>> John
>> On 10/16/2012 06:13 AM, M M via RT wrote:
>>> <URL: https://rt.rap.ucar.edu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=58534 >
>>> Thanks, that was a good help for me.
>>> I did those 2 steps for getting 6-30 hour accumulation. First I
>>> pcp_combine -add wrf_d01_024.grb 24 wrf_d01_030.grb 6 apcp_0_30.nc
it give the 0-30 hour accumulation.  It was correct. Then I ran
>>> pcp_combine -subtract apcp_0_30.nc 'name="APCP_30";level="(*,*)";'
wrf_d01_006.grb 6 apcp_6_30.nc  .
>>>      But it gives the following error:
>>> Readinginput file: apcp_6_30.nc
>>>        GribFile::skip_header() -> can't find "GRIB" magic cookie
>>> ERROR: get_field() -> can't open grib file: apcp_6_30.nc
>>> How can I fix it? How do I have 6-30 or 0-30 accumulation in grib
>>> How do I convert nc to grib?
>>> In MET package there are some sample forecast files. Some of them
are wrf outputs. They are in grib format and have for example sfc: 0-
24hr and: sfc: 21-24hr accumulation precipitation. How does it do to
have 0-24 and 21-24 in one file in grib format?
>>> I ran again model for testing "tprec" option. I set "tprec"=6.
Then I used UPP on my WRF output. But it give me 0-6, 6-12,12-18,18-
24,24-30,30-36 accumulation not 6-30 accumulation. How does it set for
giving 6-30 accumulation?
>>> Because I ran model before and now have wrfout I had to add 0-24 &
24-30 and then subtract 0-6 from 0-30.
>>> Please help me,
>>> Thanks,
>>> ________________________________
>>> From: John Halley Gotway via RT <met_help at ucar.edu>
>>> To: weather1388 at yahoo.com
>>> Sent: Monday, October 15, 2012 5:59 PM
>>> Subject: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #58534] Resolved: about accumulated
>>> According to our records, your request has been resolved. If you
have any
>>> further questions or concerns, please respond to this message.

Subject: Re: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #58534] Resolved: about accumulated precipitation
From: John Halley Gotway
Time: Mon Oct 29 10:32:18 2012

There is no way to easily convert from this NetCDF file to a GRIB
file.  And I won't be of any help trying to get GRADS to read that
NetCDF file.  As for extracting specific points from that NetCDF
file, you could use any scripting language that has an API for NetCDF.

Personally, I would use R (www.r-project.org) with the ncdf or RNetCDF
package to open up this file an extract specific values.  But you
could also use NCL, or any other tool with a NetCDF API.


On 10/27/2012 04:13 AM, M M via RT wrote:
> <URL: https://rt.rap.ucar.edu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=58534 >
> Hello,
> Thanks a lot for your help, I want to find value of accumulation
precipitation 6-30 hours for some points. If apcp_6_30.nc opened by
grads I have extracted values for some points but apcp_6_30.nc doesn't
open by grads. I wanted to convert nc to grib and use grib2ctl.pl for
making ctl file then open apcp_6_30 by grads. But I couldn't do that.
> Is there any way for extracting data values of apcp_6_30.nc or the
nc file that is made by pcp_combine?
> Thanks,
> ________________________________
> From: John Halley Gotway via RT <met_help at ucar.edu>
> To: weather1388 at yahoo.com
> Sent: Wednesday, October 24, 2012 5:39 PM
> Subject: Re: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #58534] Resolved: about accumulated
> Let me answer your last question first.  I am aware of no way of
converting this file into GRIB format.  Why do you need it in GRIB?
MET is able to read it directly.
> For a quick plot, you could just use ncview:
>    ncview apcp_6_30.nc
> Or you could use Unidata's IDV tool:
>    http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/software/idv/
> Or you could use the MET plot_data_plane utility to create a
postscript image:
>    METv4.0/bin/plot_data_plane apcp_6_30.nc apcp_6_30.ps
'name="APCP_24"; level="(*,*)";'
> It uses the default colortable and scales it to the min/max values
found in the data.  Just type the command with no arguments to see the
full usage statement:
>    METv4.0/bin/plot_data_plane
> Hope that helps.
> John
> On 10/24/2012 06:00 AM, M M via RT wrote:
>> <URL: https://rt.rap.ucar.edu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=58534 >
>> Hello,
>> Thanks a lot for your help,
>> I installed METv4.0 and its patch then ran 2 commands for add and
subtract, it has been successfully run and got me apcp_6_30.nc and it
was correct. I want to use in met for verification. I have another
question. How can I plot this file (apcp_6_30.nc)? Is it possible to
plot with grads? And how can I convert the apcp_6_30.nc file to grib
>> Thanks,
>> ________________________________
>> From: John Halley Gotway via RT <met_help at ucar.edu>
>> To: weather1388 at yahoo.com
>> Sent: Monday, October 22, 2012 6:02 PM
>> Subject: Re: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #58534] Resolved: about accumulated
>> Hello,
>> I ran the following three commands on your data without error:
>> /d1/johnhg/MET/MET_releases/METv4.0/bin/pcp_combine -add
wrf_d1_024.grb 24 wrf_d1_030.grb 6 apcp_0_30.nc
>> /d1/johnhg/MET/MET_releases/METv4.0/bin/pcp_combine -subtract
apcp_0_30.nc 'name="APCP_30";level="(*,*)";' wrf_d1_006.grb 6
>> /d1/johnhg/MET/MET_releases/METv4.0/bin/pcp_combine -add
wrf_d1_006.grb 6 wrf_d1_024.grb 24 wrf_d1_030.grb 6 test.nc
>> I suspect that you're not using the most recent version of the
code.  I posted a bugfix for METv4.0 pcp_combine on 10/16/2012.
>> Please make sure that you're using METv4.0 and have applied the
latest set of patches:
>> Follow the instructions at the top of the page to retrieve the
patches, unpack them in the METv4.0 directory, execute a "make clean",
and then a "make".
>> Then, try running the 3 commands I've listed above.
>> Thanks,
>> John
>> On 10/21/2012 04:16 AM, M M via RT wrote:
>>> <URL: https://rt.rap.ucar.edu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=58534 >
>>> Thanks a lot for your helps.
>>> I send 3 of wrfouts (wrf_d1_006.grb, wrf_d1_024.grb,
wrf_d1_030.grb) in your ftp site in incoming/irap/met_help/ path in
m_data folder.
>>> Would you please test them for subtract and add together, then
getting 6-30 accumulation precipitation in grib or nc format.
>>> When I do that it gets error.
>>> pcp_combine -subtract apcp_0_30.nc 'name="APCP_30";level="(*,*)";'
wrf_d01_006.grb 6 apcp_6_30.nc  .
>>>>        But it gives the following error:
>>>> Readinginput file: apcp_6_30.nc
>>>>          GribFile::skip_header() -> can't find "GRIB" magic
>>>> ERROR: get_field() -> can't open grib file: apcp_6_30.nc
>>> And would you please sum or add 3 files together? I can add 2 grib
file together but I can't add 3 or 4 files in one command like this
>>> pcp_combine -add wrf_d01_12.grb 6 wrf_d01_18.grb 6 wrf_d01_24.grb
6 wrf_d01_30.grb 6 apcp_6_30.nc
>>>      It gets error. Would you help me about this too?
>>> Thankes,
>>> ________________________________
>>> From: John Halley Gotway via RT <met_help at ucar.edu>
>>> To: weather1388 at yahoo.com
>>> Sent: Tuesday, October 16, 2012 6:18 PM
>>> Subject: Re: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #58534] Resolved: about accumulated
>>> While debugging your issue, I ran across a bug in the METv4.0
version of pcp_combine.  It was working fine in METv3.1, but was
broken in METv4.0.  I have fixed the bug and posted a new patch to our
>>> website:
>>> Please follow the instructions on that page to rebuild MET with
the latest set of patches and then try re-running:
>>>        pcp_combine -add wrf_d01_024.grb 24 wrf_d01_030.grb 6
>>>        pcp_combine -subtract apcp_0_30.nc
'name="APCP_30";level="(*,*)";' wrf_d01_006.grb 6 apcp_6_30.nc
>>> If that still does not work, please send me those two GRIB files
(wrf_d01_024.grb and wrf_d01_030.grb) by posting them to our anonymous
ftp site, as described here:
>>> You asked a question about how a single WRF file can have multiple
accumulation intervals in it.  I'm really not an expert on
configuring/running WRF.  For details on that, I'd suggest reading WRF
>>> User's Guide or writing a question to WRF-Help.
>>> Now, you said that you reran with "tprec=6" and your output now
has 6-hourly accumulations.  That should be easier to work with.  You
have 4, 6-hourly accumulation files that you'd like to sum up to a
>>> 6-30 hour accumulation.  You can do this two different ways, using
the -add option or the -sum option:
>>>          # Add up the 4 files explicitly
>>>          pcp_combine -add wrf_d01_12.grb 6 wrf_d01_18.grb 6
wrf_d01_24.grb 6 wrf_d01_30.grb 6 apcp_6_30.nc
>>>          # Use the sum command
>>>          pcp_combine -sum INIT_YYYYMMDD_HH 6 VALID_YYYYMMDD_HH 24
>>> For example, suppose your model was initialized on 20121010 at
00Z, here's the command you'd run
>>>          pcp_combine -sum 20121010_00 6 20121011_06 24
>>> Either of these two options should produce the exact same 6 - 30
hour accumulation with a single call to pcp_combine.
>>> Sorry for that bug.  Hope this helps.
>>> Thanks,
>>> John
>>> On 10/16/2012 06:13 AM, M M via RT wrote:
>>>> <URL: https://rt.rap.ucar.edu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=58534 >
>>>> Thanks, that was a good help for me.
>>>> I did those 2 steps for getting 6-30 hour accumulation. First I
>>>> pcp_combine -add wrf_d01_024.grb 24 wrf_d01_030.grb 6
apcp_0_30.nc it give the 0-30 hour accumulation.  It was correct. Then
I ran
>>>> pcp_combine -subtract apcp_0_30.nc
'name="APCP_30";level="(*,*)";' wrf_d01_006.grb 6 apcp_6_30.nc  .
>>>>        But it gives the following error:
>>>> Readinginput file: apcp_6_30.nc
>>>>          GribFile::skip_header() -> can't find "GRIB" magic
>>>> ERROR: get_field() -> can't open grib file: apcp_6_30.nc
>>>> How can I fix it? How do I have 6-30 or 0-30 accumulation in grib
>>>> How do I convert nc to grib?
>>>> In MET package there are some sample forecast files. Some of them
are wrf outputs. They are in grib format and have for example sfc: 0-
24hr and: sfc: 21-24hr accumulation precipitation. How does it do to
have 0-24 and 21-24 in one file in grib format?
>>>> I ran again model for testing "tprec" option. I set "tprec"=6.
Then I used UPP on my WRF output. But it give me 0-6, 6-12,12-18,18-
24,24-30,30-36 accumulation not 6-30 accumulation. How does it set for
giving 6-30 accumulation?
>>>> Because I ran model before and now have wrfout I had to add 0-24
& 24-30 and then subtract 0-6 from 0-30.
>>>> Please help me,
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> ________________________________
>>>> From: John Halley Gotway via RT <met_help at ucar.edu>
>>>> To: weather1388 at yahoo.com
>>>> Sent: Monday, October 15, 2012 5:59 PM
>>>> Subject: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #58534] Resolved: about accumulated
>>>> According to our records, your request has been resolved. If you
have any
>>>> further questions or concerns, please respond to this message.

Subject: about accumulated precipitation 
From: M M
Time: Tue Oct 30 02:54:01 2012

Thanks a lot for your help,
After rung add & subtract for making forecast file, when I run
point_stat command for the nc file that is made with pcp_combine (add
& subtract)  and my observation nc file that was made with asscci2nc
,the command is :
./bin/point_stat myfcst/test_24.nc myobs/20110931.nc
myconfig/PointStatConfig -outdir myout -v 2
It don't run and get the following error:
DEBUG 1: Default Config File:
DEBUG 1: User Config File: myconfig/PointStatConfig
DEBUG 1: Forecast File:myfcst/test_24.nc
DEBUG 1: Climatology File: none
DEBUG 1: Observation File: myobs/20110931.nc
DEBUG 2: Reading data for APCPA24.
ERROR  : process_fcst_climo_files() -> no fields matching APCPA24
found in file: myfcst/test_24.nc
The header of test_24.nc file that was made by pcp_combine is like:
netcdf test_24 {
        lat = 277 ;
        lon = 575 ;
        float lat(lat, lon) ;
                lat:long_name = "latitude" ;
                lat:units = "degrees_north" ;
                lat:standard_name = "latitude" ;
        float lon(lat, lon) ;
                lon:long_name = "longitude" ;
                lon:units = "degrees_east" ;
                lon:standard_name = "longitude" ;
        float APCP_24(lat, lon) ;
                APCP_24:name = "APCP_24" ;
                APCP_24:long_name = "Total precipitation" ;
                APCP_24:level = "A24" ;
                APCP_24:units = "kg/m^2" ;
                APCP_24:_FillValue = -9999.f ;
                APCP_24:init_time = "20111001_000000" ;
                APCP_24:init_time_ut = 1317427200 ;
                APCP_24:valid_time = "20111002_060000" ;
                APCP_24:valid_time_ut = 1317535200 ;
                APCP_24:accum_time = "240000" ;
                APCP_24:accum_time_sec = 86400 ;
The name is: APCP_24:name = "APCP_24" ;
It seems that that name must be APCP:name = "APCP" ;  but the file
that pcp_combine make name like APCP_24:name = "APCP_24" .
Why does it happen? How does it fix?
Please help me,

From: John Halley Gotway via RT <met_help at ucar.edu>
To: weather1388 at yahoo.com
Sent: Monday, October 29, 2012 8:02 PM
Subject: Re: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #58534] Resolved: about accumulated

There is no way to easily convert from this NetCDF file to a GRIB
file.  And I won't be of any help trying to get GRADS to read that
NetCDF file.  As for extracting specific points from that NetCDF
file, you could use any scripting language that has an API for NetCDF.

Personally, I would use R (http://www.r-project.org/) with the ncdf or
RNetCDF package to open up this file an extract specific values.  But
you could also use NCL, or any other tool with a NetCDF API.


On 10/27/2012 04:13 AM, M M via RT wrote:
> <URL: https://rt.rap.ucar.edu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=58534 >
> Hello,
> Thanks a lot for your help, I want to find value of accumulation
precipitation 6-30 hours for some points. If apcp_6_30.nc opened by
grads I have extracted values for some points but apcp_6_30.nc doesn't
open by grads. I wanted to convert nc to grib and use grib2ctl.pl for
making ctl file then open apcp_6_30 by grads. But I couldn't do that.
> Is there any way for extracting data values of apcp_6_30.nc or the
nc file that is made by pcp_combine?
> Thanks,
> ________________________________
> From: John Halley Gotway via RT <met_help at ucar.edu>
> To: weather1388 at yahoo.com
> Sent: Wednesday, October 24, 2012 5:39 PM
> Subject: Re: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #58534] Resolved: about accumulated
> Let me answer your last question first.  I am aware of no way of
converting this file into GRIB format.  Why do you need it in GRIB?
MET is able to read it directly.
> For a quick plot, you could just use ncview:
>    ncview apcp_6_30.nc
> Or you could use Unidata's IDV tool:
>    http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/software/idv/
> Or you could use the MET plot_data_plane utility to create a
postscript image:
>    METv4.0/bin/plot_data_plane apcp_6_30.nc apcp_6_30.ps
'name="APCP_24"; level="(*,*)";'
> It uses the default colortable and scales it to the min/max values
found in the data.  Just type the command with no arguments to see the
full usage statement:
>    METv4.0/bin/plot_data_plane
> Hope that helps.
> John
> On 10/24/2012 06:00 AM, M M via RT wrote:
>> <URL: https://rt.rap.ucar.edu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=58534 >
>> Hello,
>> Thanks a lot for your help,
>> I installed METv4.0 and its patch then ran 2 commands for add and
subtract, it has been successfully run and got me apcp_6_30.nc and it
was correct. I want to use in met for verification. I have another
question. How can I plot this file (apcp_6_30.nc)? Is it possible to
plot with grads? And how can I convert the apcp_6_30.nc file to grib
>> Thanks,
>> ________________________________
>> From: John Halley Gotway via RT <met_help at ucar.edu>
>> To: weather1388 at yahoo.com
>> Sent: Monday, October 22, 2012 6:02 PM
>> Subject: Re: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #58534] Resolved: about accumulated
>> Hello,
>> I ran the following three commands on your data without error:
>> /d1/johnhg/MET/MET_releases/METv4.0/bin/pcp_combine -add
wrf_d1_024.grb 24 wrf_d1_030.grb 6 apcp_0_30.nc
>> /d1/johnhg/MET/MET_releases/METv4.0/bin/pcp_combine -subtract
apcp_0_30.nc 'name="APCP_30";level="(*,*)";' wrf_d1_006.grb 6
>> /d1/johnhg/MET/MET_releases/METv4.0/bin/pcp_combine -add
wrf_d1_006.grb 6 wrf_d1_024.grb 24 wrf_d1_030.grb 6 test.nc
>> I suspect that you're not using the most recent version of the
code.  I posted a bugfix for METv4.0 pcp_combine on 10/16/2012.
>> Please make sure that you're using METv4.0 and have applied the
latest set of patches:
>> Follow the instructions at the top of the page to retrieve the
patches, unpack them in the METv4.0 directory, execute a "make clean",
and then a "make".
>> Then, try running the 3 commands I've listed above.
>> Thanks,
>> John
>> On 10/21/2012 04:16 AM, M M via RT wrote:
>>> <URL: https://rt.rap.ucar.edu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=58534 >
>>> Thanks a lot for your helps.
>>> I send 3 of wrfouts (wrf_d1_006.grb, wrf_d1_024.grb,
wrf_d1_030.grb) in your ftp site in incoming/irap/met_help/ path in
m_data folder.
>>> Would you please test them for subtract and add together, then
getting 6-30 accumulation precipitation in grib or nc format.
>>> When I do that it gets error.
>>> pcp_combine -subtract apcp_0_30.nc 'name="APCP_30";level="(*,*)";'
wrf_d01_006.grb 6 apcp_6_30.nc  .
>>>>        But it gives the following error:
>>>> Readinginput file: apcp_6_30.nc
>>>>          GribFile::skip_header() -> can't find "GRIB" magic
>>>> ERROR: get_field() -> can't open grib file: apcp_6_30.nc
>>> And would you please sum or add 3 files together? I can add 2 grib
file together but I can't add 3 or 4 files in one command like this
>>> pcp_combine -add wrf_d01_12.grb 6 wrf_d01_18.grb 6 wrf_d01_24.grb
6 wrf_d01_30.grb 6 apcp_6_30.nc
>>>      It gets error. Would you help me about this too?
>>> Thankes,
>>> ________________________________
>>> From: John Halley Gotway via RT <met_help at ucar.edu>
>>> To: weather1388 at yahoo.com
>>> Sent: Tuesday, October 16, 2012 6:18 PM
>>> Subject: Re: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #58534] Resolved: about accumulated
>>> While debugging your issue, I ran across a bug in the METv4.0
version of pcp_combine.  It was working fine in METv3.1, but was
broken in METv4.0.  I have fixed the bug and posted a new patch to our
>>> website:
>>> Please follow the instructions on that page to rebuild MET with
the latest set of patches and then try re-running:
>>>        pcp_combine -add wrf_d01_024.grb 24 wrf_d01_030.grb 6
>>>        pcp_combine -subtract apcp_0_30.nc
'name="APCP_30";level="(*,*)";' wrf_d01_006.grb 6 apcp_6_30.nc
>>> If that still does not work, please send me those two GRIB files
(wrf_d01_024.grb and wrf_d01_030.grb) by posting them to our anonymous
ftp site, as described here:
>>> You asked a question about how a single WRF file can have multiple
accumulation intervals in it.  I'm really not an expert on
configuring/running WRF.  For details on that, I'd suggest reading WRF
>>> User's Guide or writing a question to WRF-Help.
>>> Now, you said that you reran with "tprec=6" and your output now
has 6-hourly accumulations.  That should be easier to work with.  You
have 4, 6-hourly accumulation files that you'd like to sum up to a
>>> 6-30 hour accumulation.  You can do this two different ways, using
the -add option or the -sum option:
>>>          # Add up the 4 files explicitly
>>>          pcp_combine -add wrf_d01_12.grb 6 wrf_d01_18.grb 6
wrf_d01_24.grb 6 wrf_d01_30.grb 6 apcp_6_30.nc
>>>          # Use the sum command
>>>          pcp_combine -sum INIT_YYYYMMDD_HH 6 VALID_YYYYMMDD_HH 24
>>> For example, suppose your model was initialized on 20121010 at
00Z, here's the command you'd run
>>>          pcp_combine -sum 20121010_00 6 20121011_06 24
>>> Either of these two options should produce the exact same 6 - 30
hour accumulation with a single call to pcp_combine.
>>> Sorry for that bug.  Hope this helps.
>>> Thanks,
>>> John
>>> On 10/16/2012 06:13 AM, M M via RT wrote:
>>>> <URL: https://rt.rap.ucar.edu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=58534 >
>>>> Thanks, that was a good help for me.
>>>> I did those 2 steps for getting 6-30 hour accumulation. First I
>>>> pcp_combine -add wrf_d01_024.grb 24 wrf_d01_030.grb 6
apcp_0_30.nc it give the 0-30 hour accumulation.  It was correct. Then
I ran
>>>> pcp_combine -subtract apcp_0_30.nc
'name="APCP_30";level="(*,*)";' wrf_d01_006.grb 6 apcp_6_30.nc  .
>>>>        But it gives the following error:
>>>> Readinginput file: apcp_6_30.nc
>>>>          GribFile::skip_header() -> can't find "GRIB" magic
>>>> ERROR: get_field() -> can't open grib file: apcp_6_30.nc
>>>> How can I fix it? How do I have 6-30 or 0-30 accumulation in grib
>>>> How do I convert nc to grib?
>>>> In MET package there are some sample forecast files. Some of them
are wrf outputs. They are in grib format and have for example sfc: 0-
24hr and: sfc: 21-24hr accumulation precipitation. How does it do to
have 0-24 and 21-24 in one file in grib format?
>>>> I ran again model for testing "tprec" option. I set "tprec"=6.
Then I used UPP on my WRF output. But it give me 0-6, 6-12,12-18,18-
24,24-30,30-36 accumulation not 6-30 accumulation. How does it set for
giving 6-30 accumulation?
>>>> Because I ran model before and now have wrfout I had to add 0-24
& 24-30 and then subtract 0-6 from 0-30.
>>>> Please help me,
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> ________________________________
>>>> From: John Halley Gotway via RT <met_help at ucar.edu>
>>>> To: weather1388 at yahoo.com
>>>> Sent: Monday, October 15, 2012 5:59 PM
>>>> Subject: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #58534] Resolved: about accumulated
>>>> According to our records, your request has been resolved. If you
have any
>>>> further questions or concerns, please respond to this message.

Subject: Re: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #58534] Resolved: about accumulated precipitation
From: John Halley Gotway
Time: Tue Oct 30 11:44:37 2012

It looks like you're trying to use Point-Stat to verify accumulated
precipitation.  You're passing Point-Stat a gridded NetCDF forecast
file and a NetCDF point observation file.

In the Point-Stat configuration file, you set up the "fcst" and "obs"
sections to tell the tool what fields you be verified.  Since you're
using the NetCDF forecast file, the "fcst" section should
    name  = "APCP_24";
    level = "(*,*)";

However the point observations must are ALWAYS specified using GRIB
conventions.  So the "obs" section should include:
    name  = "APCP";
    level = "A24";

Please try editing the config file to see if you can get it to run.
If not, just send me the input files you're using and I can help you
debug.  Specifically, I'd need:
    myfcst/test_24.nc, myobs/20110931.nc, and myconfig/PointStatConfig


On 10/30/2012 02:54 AM, M M via RT wrote:
> <URL: https://rt.rap.ucar.edu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=58534 >
> Hello,
> Thanks a lot for your help,
> After rung add & subtract for making forecast file, when I run
point_stat command for the nc file that is made with pcp_combine (add
& subtract)  and my observation nc file that was made with asscci2nc
,the command is :
> ./bin/point_stat myfcst/test_24.nc myobs/20110931.nc
myconfig/PointStatConfig -outdir myout -v 2
> It don't run and get the following error:
> DEBUG 1: Default Config File:
> DEBUG 1: User Config File: myconfig/PointStatConfig
> GSL_RNG_TYPE=mt19937
> GSL_RNG_SEED=18446744071605161808
> DEBUG 1: Forecast File:myfcst/test_24.nc
> DEBUG 1: Climatology File: none
> DEBUG 1: Observation File: myobs/20110931.nc
> DEBUG 2:
> DEBUG 2:
> DEBUG 2:
> DEBUG 2: Reading data for APCPA24.
> ERROR  :
> ERROR  : process_fcst_climo_files() -> no fields matching APCPA24
found in file: myfcst/test_24.nc
> ERROR  :
> The header of test_24.nc file that was made by pcp_combine is like:
> netcdf test_24 {
> dimensions:
>          lat = 277 ;
>          lon = 575 ;
> variables:
>          float lat(lat, lon) ;
>                  lat:long_name = "latitude" ;
>                  lat:units = "degrees_north" ;
>                  lat:standard_name = "latitude" ;
>          float lon(lat, lon) ;
>                  lon:long_name = "longitude" ;
>                  lon:units = "degrees_east" ;
>                  lon:standard_name = "longitude" ;
>          float APCP_24(lat, lon) ;
>                  APCP_24:name = "APCP_24" ;
>                  APCP_24:long_name = "Total precipitation" ;
>                  APCP_24:level = "A24" ;
>                  APCP_24:units = "kg/m^2" ;
>                  APCP_24:_FillValue = -9999.f ;
>                  APCP_24:init_time = "20111001_000000" ;
>                  APCP_24:init_time_ut = 1317427200 ;
>                  APCP_24:valid_time = "20111002_060000" ;
>                  APCP_24:valid_time_ut = 1317535200 ;
>                  APCP_24:accum_time = "240000" ;
>                  APCP_24:accum_time_sec = 86400 ;
> The name is: APCP_24:name = "APCP_24" ;
> It seems that that name must be APCP:name = "APCP" ;  but the file
that pcp_combine make name like APCP_24:name = "APCP_24" .
> Why does it happen? How does it fix?
> Please help me,
> Thanks,
> ________________________________
> From: John Halley Gotway via RT <met_help at ucar.edu>
> To: weather1388 at yahoo.com
> Sent: Monday, October 29, 2012 8:02 PM
> Subject: Re: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #58534] Resolved: about accumulated
> There is no way to easily convert from this NetCDF file to a GRIB
file.  And I won't be of any help trying to get GRADS to read that
NetCDF file.  As for extracting specific points from that NetCDF
> file, you could use any scripting language that has an API for
> Personally, I would use R (http://www.r-project.org/) with the ncdf
or RNetCDF package to open up this file an extract specific values.
But you could also use NCL, or any other tool with a NetCDF API.
> Thanks,
> John
> On 10/27/2012 04:13 AM, M M via RT wrote:
>> <URL: https://rt.rap.ucar.edu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=58534 >
>> Hello,
>> Thanks a lot for your help, I want to find value of accumulation
precipitation 6-30 hours for some points. If apcp_6_30.nc opened by
grads I have extracted values for some points but apcp_6_30.nc doesn't
open by grads. I wanted to convert nc to grib and use grib2ctl.pl for
making ctl file then open apcp_6_30 by grads. But I couldn't do that.
>> Is there any way for extracting data values of apcp_6_30.nc or the
nc file that is made by pcp_combine?
>> Thanks,
>> ________________________________
>> From: John Halley Gotway via RT <met_help at ucar.edu>
>> To: weather1388 at yahoo.com
>> Sent: Wednesday, October 24, 2012 5:39 PM
>> Subject: Re: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #58534] Resolved: about accumulated
>> Let me answer your last question first.  I am aware of no way of
converting this file into GRIB format.  Why do you need it in GRIB?
MET is able to read it directly.
>> For a quick plot, you could just use ncview:
>>      ncview apcp_6_30.nc
>> Or you could use Unidata's IDV tool:
>>      http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/software/idv/
>> Or you could use the MET plot_data_plane utility to create a
postscript image:
>>      METv4.0/bin/plot_data_plane apcp_6_30.nc apcp_6_30.ps
'name="APCP_24"; level="(*,*)";'
>> It uses the default colortable and scales it to the min/max values
found in the data.  Just type the command with no arguments to see the
full usage statement:
>>      METv4.0/bin/plot_data_plane
>> Hope that helps.
>> John
>> On 10/24/2012 06:00 AM, M M via RT wrote:
>>> <URL: https://rt.rap.ucar.edu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=58534 >
>>> Hello,
>>> Thanks a lot for your help,
>>> I installed METv4.0 and its patch then ran 2 commands for add and
subtract, it has been successfully run and got me apcp_6_30.nc and it
was correct. I want to use in met for verification. I have another
question. How can I plot this file (apcp_6_30.nc)? Is it possible to
plot with grads? And how can I convert the apcp_6_30.nc file to grib
>>> Thanks,
>>> ________________________________
>>> From: John Halley Gotway via RT <met_help at ucar.edu>
>>> To: weather1388 at yahoo.com
>>> Sent: Monday, October 22, 2012 6:02 PM
>>> Subject: Re: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #58534] Resolved: about accumulated
>>> Hello,
>>> I ran the following three commands on your data without error:
>>> /d1/johnhg/MET/MET_releases/METv4.0/bin/pcp_combine -add
wrf_d1_024.grb 24 wrf_d1_030.grb 6 apcp_0_30.nc
>>> /d1/johnhg/MET/MET_releases/METv4.0/bin/pcp_combine -subtract
apcp_0_30.nc 'name="APCP_30";level="(*,*)";' wrf_d1_006.grb 6
>>> /d1/johnhg/MET/MET_releases/METv4.0/bin/pcp_combine -add
wrf_d1_006.grb 6 wrf_d1_024.grb 24 wrf_d1_030.grb 6 test.nc
>>> I suspect that you're not using the most recent version of the
code.  I posted a bugfix for METv4.0 pcp_combine on 10/16/2012.
>>> Please make sure that you're using METv4.0 and have applied the
latest set of patches:
>>> Follow the instructions at the top of the page to retrieve the
patches, unpack them in the METv4.0 directory, execute a "make clean",
and then a "make".
>>> Then, try running the 3 commands I've listed above.
>>> Thanks,
>>> John
>>> On 10/21/2012 04:16 AM, M M via RT wrote:
>>>> <URL: https://rt.rap.ucar.edu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=58534 >
>>>> Thanks a lot for your helps.
>>>> I send 3 of wrfouts (wrf_d1_006.grb, wrf_d1_024.grb,
wrf_d1_030.grb) in your ftp site in incoming/irap/met_help/ path in
m_data folder.
>>>> Would you please test them for subtract and add together, then
getting 6-30 accumulation precipitation in grib or nc format.
>>>> When I do that it gets error.
>>>> pcp_combine -subtract apcp_0_30.nc
'name="APCP_30";level="(*,*)";' wrf_d01_006.grb 6 apcp_6_30.nc  .
>>>>>          But it gives the following error:
>>>>> Readinginput file: apcp_6_30.nc
>>>>>            GribFile::skip_header() -> can't find "GRIB" magic
>>>>> ERROR: get_field() -> can't open grib file: apcp_6_30.nc
>>>> And would you please sum or add 3 files together? I can add 2
grib file together but I can't add 3 or 4 files in one command like
>>>> pcp_combine -add wrf_d01_12.grb 6 wrf_d01_18.grb 6 wrf_d01_24.grb
6 wrf_d01_30.grb 6 apcp_6_30.nc
>>>>        It gets error. Would you help me about this too?
>>>> Thankes,
>>>> ________________________________
>>>> From: John Halley Gotway via RT <met_help at ucar.edu>
>>>> To: weather1388 at yahoo.com
>>>> Sent: Tuesday, October 16, 2012 6:18 PM
>>>> Subject: Re: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #58534] Resolved: about accumulated
>>>> While debugging your issue, I ran across a bug in the METv4.0
version of pcp_combine.  It was working fine in METv3.1, but was
broken in METv4.0.  I have fixed the bug and posted a new patch to our
>>>> website:
>>>> Please follow the instructions on that page to rebuild MET with
the latest set of patches and then try re-running:
>>>>          pcp_combine -add wrf_d01_024.grb 24 wrf_d01_030.grb 6
>>>>          pcp_combine -subtract apcp_0_30.nc
'name="APCP_30";level="(*,*)";' wrf_d01_006.grb 6 apcp_6_30.nc
>>>> If that still does not work, please send me those two GRIB files
(wrf_d01_024.grb and wrf_d01_030.grb) by posting them to our anonymous
ftp site, as described here:
>>>> You asked a question about how a single WRF file can have
multiple accumulation intervals in it.  I'm really not an expert on
configuring/running WRF.  For details on that, I'd suggest reading WRF
>>>> User's Guide or writing a question to WRF-Help.
>>>> Now, you said that you reran with "tprec=6" and your output now
has 6-hourly accumulations.  That should be easier to work with.  You
have 4, 6-hourly accumulation files that you'd like to sum up to a
>>>> 6-30 hour accumulation.  You can do this two different ways,
using the -add option or the -sum option:
>>>>            # Add up the 4 files explicitly
>>>>            pcp_combine -add wrf_d01_12.grb 6 wrf_d01_18.grb 6
wrf_d01_24.grb 6 wrf_d01_30.grb 6 apcp_6_30.nc
>>>>            # Use the sum command
>>>>            pcp_combine -sum INIT_YYYYMMDD_HH 6 VALID_YYYYMMDD_HH
24 apcp_6_30.nc
>>>> For example, suppose your model was initialized on 20121010 at
00Z, here's the command you'd run
>>>>            pcp_combine -sum 20121010_00 6 20121011_06 24
>>>> Either of these two options should produce the exact same 6 - 30
hour accumulation with a single call to pcp_combine.
>>>> Sorry for that bug.  Hope this helps.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> John
>>>> On 10/16/2012 06:13 AM, M M via RT wrote:
>>>>> <URL: https://rt.rap.ucar.edu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=58534 >
>>>>> Thanks, that was a good help for me.
>>>>> I did those 2 steps for getting 6-30 hour accumulation. First I
>>>>> pcp_combine -add wrf_d01_024.grb 24 wrf_d01_030.grb 6
apcp_0_30.nc it give the 0-30 hour accumulation.  It was correct. Then
I ran
>>>>> pcp_combine -subtract apcp_0_30.nc
'name="APCP_30";level="(*,*)";' wrf_d01_006.grb 6 apcp_6_30.nc  .
>>>>>          But it gives the following error:
>>>>> Readinginput file: apcp_6_30.nc
>>>>>            GribFile::skip_header() -> can't find "GRIB" magic
>>>>> ERROR: get_field() -> can't open grib file: apcp_6_30.nc
>>>>> How can I fix it? How do I have 6-30 or 0-30 accumulation in
grib format?
>>>>> How do I convert nc to grib?
>>>>> In MET package there are some sample forecast files. Some of
them are wrf outputs. They are in grib format and have for example
sfc: 0-24hr and: sfc: 21-24hr accumulation precipitation. How does it
do to have 0-24 and 21-24 in one file in grib format?
>>>>> I ran again model for testing "tprec" option. I set "tprec"=6.
Then I used UPP on my WRF output. But it give me 0-6, 6-12,12-18,18-
24,24-30,30-36 accumulation not 6-30 accumulation. How does it set for
giving 6-30 accumulation?
>>>>> Because I ran model before and now have wrfout I had to add 0-24
& 24-30 and then subtract 0-6 from 0-30.
>>>>> Please help me,
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> ________________________________
>>>>> From: John Halley Gotway via RT <met_help at ucar.edu>
>>>>> To: weather1388 at yahoo.com
>>>>> Sent: Monday, October 15, 2012 5:59 PM
>>>>> Subject: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #58534] Resolved: about accumulated
>>>>> According to our records, your request has been resolved. If you
have any
>>>>> further questions or concerns, please respond to this message.

Subject: about accumulated precipitation 
From: M M
Time: Wed Oct 31 00:49:03 2012

Thanksa lot for your help,
I edited config file for fcst and obs like this:
fcst = {
   wind_thresh  = [ NA ];
   message_type = [ "ADPSFC" ];
   field = [
         name       = "APCP_24";
        level      = [ "A24" ];
        cat_thresh = [ >0.5 ];
obs = {
   wind_thresh  = [ NA ];
   message_type = [ "ADPSFC" ];
   field = [
         name       = "APCP";
        level      = [ "A24" ];
        cat_thresh = [ >0.5 ];
//obs = fcst;
After running ./bin/point_stat myfcst/test_24.nc myobs/20111001.nc
myconfig/PointStatConfig -outdir myout -v 2
The result is:
DEBUG 1: Default Config File:
DEBUG 1: User Config File: myconfig/PointStatConfig
DEBUG 1: Forecast File: myfcst/test_24.nc
DEBUG 1: Climatology File: none
DEBUG 1: Observation File: myobs/20111001.nc
DEBUG 2: Reading data for APCP_24A24.
DEBUG 2: For APCP_24A24 found 1 forecast levels and 0 climatology
DEBUG 2: Searching 294 observations from 290 messages.
DEBUG 2: Processing APCP_24A24 versus APCP/A24, for observation type
ADPSFC, over region FULL, for interpolation method UW_MEAN(1), using 0
DEBUG 1: Output file: myout/point_stat_300000L_20111002_060000V.stat
DEBUG 1: Output file: myout
DEBUG 1: Output file: myout
DEBUG 1: Output file: myout
DEBUG 1: Output file: myout
DEBUG 1: Output file: myout
DEBUG 1: Output file: myout
DEBUG 1: Output file: myout
DEBUG 1: Output file: myout
DEBUG 1: Output file: myout
DEBUG 1: Output file: myout
DEBUG 1: Output file: myout
DEBUG 1: Output file: myout
DEBUG 1: Output file: myout
DEBUG 1: Output file: myout
DEBUG 1: Output file: myout
Did I edit the config file correctly? And did it
successfully run?
But why does it find 0 pairs? What is wrong?
The header for forecast file test_24 is:
netcdf test_24 {
        lat = 277 ;
        lon = 575 ;
        float lat(lat, lon) ;
                lat:long_name = "latitude" ;
                lat:units = "degrees_north" ;
                lat:standard_name = "latitude" ;
        float lon(lat, lon) ;
                lon:long_name = "longitude" ;
                lon:units = "degrees_east" ;
                lon:standard_name = "longitude" ;
        float APCP_24(lat, lon) ;
                APCP_24:name = "APCP_24" ;
                APCP_24:long_name = "Total precipitation" ;
                APCP_24:level = "A24" ;
                APCP_24:units = "kg/m^2" ;
                APCP_24:_FillValue = -9999.f ;
                APCP_24:init_time = "20111001_000000" ;
                APCP_24:init_time_ut = 1317427200 ;
                APCP_24:valid_time = "20111002_060000" ;
                APCP_24:valid_time_ut = 1317535200 ;
                APCP_24:accum_time = "240000" ;
                APCP_24:accum_time_sec = 86400 ;
And the observation text file that converted to nc by ascci2nc is
like this :
 ADPSFC  40700    20111001_240000     39.65   47.91    31.9     61
24     31.9    16.4
 ADPSFC  40701    20111001_240000     39.37   44.38   1411.3    61
24    1411.3   4.6
 ADPSFC  40702    20111001_240000     38.75   45.66   736.2     61
24    736.2    2.3
 ADPSFC  40703    20111001_240000     38.55   44.98   1103.4    61
24    1103.4   1.2
 ADPSFC  40704    20111001_240000     38.43   47.06   1390.5    61
24    1390.5   2.6
 ADPSFC  40705    20111001_240000     38.37   47.66   1560.6    61
24    1560.6   0.8
 ADPSFC  40706    20111001_240000     38.08   46.28    1361     61
24     1361    0.2
 ADPSFC  40707    20111001_240000     37.93   46.11    1641     61
24     1641    1.2
 ADPSFC  40708    20111001_240000     38.32   48.22   1335.2    61
24    1335.2   0.4
 ADPSFC  40709    20111001_240000     38.35   48.85   -21.1     61
24    -21.1    19.5
 ADPSFC  40710    20111001_240000     37.93   47.53    1682     61
24     1682    0.2
 ADPSFC  40711    20111001_240000     38.86   47.01    1180     61
24     1180    0.7
 ADPSFC  40712    20111001_240000     37.65   45.05    1328     61
24     1328    0.1
 ADPSFC  40713    20111001_240000     37.40   46.26    1344     61
24     1344    0.01
 ADPSFC  40714    20111001_240000     39.05   48.05    749      61
24     749     4.7
 ADPSFC  40715    20111001_240000     36.77   47.67    1282     61
24     1282    1.3
 ADPSFC  40716    20111001_240000     37.45   47.70    1110     61
24     1110     0
 ADPSFC  40717    20111001_240000     37.60   48.53   1797.4    61
24    1797.4   0.6
 ADPSFC  40718    20111001_240000     37.47   49.45   -23.6     61
24    -23.6    0.8
 ADPSFC  40719    20111001_240000     37.32   49.62    -8.6     61
24     -8.6     0
And its header in nc after converting is:
        mxstr = 16 ;
        hdr_arr_len = 3 ;
        obs_arr_len = 5 ;
        nhdr = 290 ;
        nobs = UNLIMITED ; // (294 currently)
        char hdr_typ(nhdr, mxstr) ;
                hdr_typ:long_name = "message type" ;
        char hdr_sid(nhdr, mxstr) ;
                hdr_sid:long_name = "station identification" ;
        char hdr_vld(nhdr, mxstr) ;
                hdr_vld:long_name = "valid time" ;
                hdr_vld:units = "YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS UTC" ;
        float hdr_arr(nhdr, hdr_arr_len) ;
                hdr_arr:long_name = "array of observation station
header values" ;
                hdr_arr:_fill_value = -9999.f ;
                hdr_arr:columns = "lat lon elv" ;
                hdr_arr:lat_long_name = "latitude" ;
                hdr_arr:lat_units = "degrees_north" ;
                hdr_arr:lon_long_name = "longitude" ;
                hdr_arr:lon_units = "degrees_east" ;
                hdr_arr:elv_long_name = "elevation " ;
                hdr_arr:elv_units = "meters above sea level (msl)" ;
        float obs_arr(nobs, obs_arr_len) ;
                obs_arr:long_name = "array of observation values" ;
                obs_arr:_fill_value = -9999.f ;
                obs_arr:columns = "hdr_id gc lvl hgt ob" ;
                obs_arr:hdr_id_long_name = "index of matching header
data" ;
                obs_arr:gc_long_name = "grib code corresponding to the
observation type" ;
                obs_arr:lvl_long_name = "pressure level (hPa) or
accumulation interval (h)" ;
                obs_arr:hgt_long_name = "height in meters above sea
level (msl)" ;
                obs_arr:ob_long_name = "observation value" ;
// global attributes:
Please  help me,

From: John Halley Gotway via RT <met_help at ucar.edu>
To: weather1388 at yahoo.com
Sent: Tuesday, October 30, 2012 9:14 PM
Subject: Re: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #58534] Resolved: about accumulated

It looks like you're trying to use Point-Stat to verify accumulated
precipitation.  You're passing Point-Stat a gridded NetCDF forecast
file and a NetCDF point observation file.

In the Point-Stat configuration file, you set up the "fcst" and "obs"
sections to tell the tool what fields you be verified.  Since you're
using the NetCDF forecast file, the "fcst" section should
    name  = "APCP_24";
    level = "(*,*)";

However the point observations must are ALWAYS specified using GRIB
conventions.  So the "obs" section should include:
    name  = "APCP";
    level = "A24";

Please try editing the config file to see if you can get it to run.
If not, just send me the input files you're using and I can help you
debug.  Specifically, I'd need:
    myfcst/test_24.nc, myobs/20110931.nc, and myconfig/PointStatConfig


On 10/30/2012 02:54 AM, M M via RT wrote:
> <URL: https://rt.rap.ucar.edu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=58534 >
> Hello,
> Thanks a lot for your help,
> After rung add & subtract for making forecast file, when I run
point_stat command for the nc file that is made with pcp_combine (add
& subtract)  and my observation nc file that was made with asscci2nc
,the command is :
> ./bin/point_stat myfcst/test_24.nc myobs/20110931.nc
myconfig/PointStatConfig -outdir myout -v 2
> It don't run and get the following error:
> DEBUG 1: Default Config File:
> DEBUG 1: User Config File: myconfig/PointStatConfig
> GSL_RNG_TYPE=mt19937
> GSL_RNG_SEED=18446744071605161808
> DEBUG 1: Forecast File:myfcst/test_24.nc
> DEBUG 1: Climatology File: none
> DEBUG 1: Observation File: myobs/20110931.nc
> DEBUG 2:
> DEBUG 2:
> DEBUG 2:
> DEBUG 2: Reading data for APCPA24.
> ERROR  :
> ERROR  : process_fcst_climo_files() -> no fields matching APCPA24
found in file: myfcst/test_24.nc
> ERROR  :
> The header of test_24.nc file that was made by pcp_combine is like:
> netcdf test_24 {
> dimensions:
>          lat = 277 ;
>          lon = 575 ;
> variables:
>          float lat(lat, lon) ;
>                  lat:long_name = "latitude" ;
>                  lat:units = "degrees_north" ;
>                  lat:standard_name = "latitude" ;
>          float lon(lat, lon) ;
>                  lon:long_name = "longitude" ;
>                  lon:units = "degrees_east" ;
>                  lon:standard_name = "longitude" ;
>          float APCP_24(lat, lon) ;
>                  APCP_24:name = "APCP_24" ;
>                  APCP_24:long_name = "Total precipitation" ;
>                  APCP_24:level = "A24" ;
>                  APCP_24:units = "kg/m^2" ;
>                  APCP_24:_FillValue = -9999.f ;
>                  APCP_24:init_time = "20111001_000000" ;
>                  APCP_24:init_time_ut = 1317427200 ;
>                  APCP_24:valid_time = "20111002_060000" ;
>                  APCP_24:valid_time_ut = 1317535200 ;
>                  APCP_24:accum_time = "240000" ;
>                  APCP_24:accum_time_sec = 86400 ;
> The name is: APCP_24:name = "APCP_24" ;
> It seems that that name must be APCP:name = "APCP" ;  but the file
that pcp_combine make name like APCP_24:name = "APCP_24" .
> Why does it happen? How does it fix?
> Please help me,
> Thanks,
> ________________________________
> From: John Halley Gotway via RT <met_help at ucar.edu>
> To: weather1388 at yahoo.com
> Sent: Monday, October 29, 2012 8:02 PM
> Subject: Re: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #58534] Resolved: about accumulated
> There is no way to easily convert from this NetCDF file to a GRIB
file.  And I won't be of any help trying to get GRADS to read that
NetCDF file.  As for extracting specific points from that NetCDF
> file, you could use any scripting language that has an API for
> Personally, I would use R (http://www.r-project.org/) with the ncdf
or RNetCDF package to open up this file an extract specific values.
But you could also use NCL, or any other tool with a NetCDF API.
> Thanks,
> John
> On 10/27/2012 04:13 AM, M M via RT wrote:
>> <URL: https://rt.rap.ucar.edu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=58534 >
>> Hello,
>> Thanks a lot for your help, I want to find value of accumulation
precipitation 6-30 hours for some points. If apcp_6_30.nc opened by
grads I have extracted values for some points but apcp_6_30.nc doesn't
open by grads. I wanted to convert nc to grib and use grib2ctl.pl for
making ctl file then open apcp_6_30 by grads. But I couldn't do that.
>> Is there any way for extracting data values of apcp_6_30.nc or the
nc file that is made by pcp_combine?
>> Thanks,
>> ________________________________
>> From: John Halley Gotway via RT <met_help at ucar.edu>
>> To: weather1388 at yahoo.com
>> Sent: Wednesday, October 24, 2012 5:39 PM
>> Subject: Re: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #58534] Resolved: about accumulated
>> Let me answer your last question first.  I am aware of no way of
converting this file into GRIB format.  Why do you need it in GRIB?
MET is able to read it directly.
>> For a quick plot, you could just use ncview:
>>      ncview apcp_6_30.nc
>> Or you could use Unidata's IDV tool:
>>      http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/software/idv/
>> Or you could use the MET plot_data_plane utility to create a
postscript image:
>>      METv4.0/bin/plot_data_plane apcp_6_30.nc apcp_6_30.ps
'name="APCP_24"; level="(*,*)";'
>> It uses the default colortable and scales it to the min/max values
found in the data.  Just type the command with no arguments to see the
full usage statement:
>>      METv4.0/bin/plot_data_plane
>> Hope that helps.
>> John
>> On 10/24/2012 06:00 AM, M M via RT wrote:
>>> <URL: https://rt.rap.ucar.edu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=58534 >
>>> Hello,
>>> Thanks a lot for your help,
>>> I installed METv4.0 and its patch then ran 2 commands for add and
subtract, it has been successfully run and got me apcp_6_30.nc and it
was correct. I want to use in met for verification. I have another
question. How can I plot this file (apcp_6_30.nc)? Is it possible to
plot with grads? And how can I convert the apcp_6_30.nc file to grib
>>> Thanks,
>>> ________________________________
>>> From: John Halley Gotway via RT <met_help at ucar.edu>
>>> To: weather1388 at yahoo.com
>>> Sent: Monday, October 22, 2012 6:02 PM
>>> Subject: Re: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #58534] Resolved: about accumulated
>>> Hello,
>>> I ran the following three commands on your data without error:
>>> /d1/johnhg/MET/MET_releases/METv4.0/bin/pcp_combine -add
wrf_d1_024.grb 24 wrf_d1_030.grb 6 apcp_0_30.nc
>>> /d1/johnhg/MET/MET_releases/METv4.0/bin/pcp_combine -subtract
apcp_0_30.nc 'name="APCP_30";level="(*,*)";' wrf_d1_006.grb 6
>>> /d1/johnhg/MET/MET_releases/METv4.0/bin/pcp_combine -add
wrf_d1_006.grb 6 wrf_d1_024.grb 24 wrf_d1_030.grb 6 test.nc
>>> I suspect that you're not using the most recent version of the
code.  I posted a bugfix for METv4.0 pcp_combine on 10/16/2012.
>>> Please make sure that you're using METv4.0 and have applied the
latest set of patches:
>>> Follow the instructions at the top of the page to retrieve the
patches, unpack them in the METv4.0 directory, execute a "make clean",
and then a "make".
>>> Then, try running the 3 commands I've listed above.
>>> Thanks,
>>> John
>>> On 10/21/2012 04:16 AM, M M via RT wrote:
>>>> <URL: https://rt.rap.ucar.edu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=58534 >
>>>> Thanks a lot for your helps.
>>>> I send 3 of wrfouts (wrf_d1_006.grb, wrf_d1_024.grb,
wrf_d1_030.grb) in your ftp site in incoming/irap/met_help/ path in
m_data folder.
>>>> Would you please test them for subtract and add together, then
getting 6-30 accumulation precipitation in grib or nc format.
>>>> When I do that it gets error.
>>>> pcp_combine -subtract apcp_0_30.nc
'name="APCP_30";level="(*,*)";' wrf_d01_006.grb 6 apcp_6_30.nc  .
>>>>>          But it gives the following error:
>>>>> Readinginput file: apcp_6_30.nc
>>>>>            GribFile::skip_header() -> can't find "GRIB" magic
>>>>> ERROR: get_field() -> can't open grib file: apcp_6_30.nc
>>>> And would you please sum or add 3 files together? I can add 2
grib file together but I can't add 3 or 4 files in one command like
>>>> pcp_combine -add wrf_d01_12.grb 6 wrf_d01_18.grb 6 wrf_d01_24.grb
6 wrf_d01_30.grb 6 apcp_6_30.nc
>>>>        It gets error. Would you help me about this too?
>>>> Thankes,
>>>> ________________________________
>>>> From: John Halley Gotway via RT <met_help at ucar.edu>
>>>> To: weather1388 at yahoo.com
>>>> Sent: Tuesday, October 16, 2012 6:18 PM
>>>> Subject: Re: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #58534] Resolved: about accumulated
>>>> While debugging your issue, I ran across a bug in the METv4.0
version of pcp_combine.  It was working fine in METv3.1, but was
broken in METv4.0.  I have fixed the bug and posted a new patch to our
>>>> website:
>>>> Please follow the instructions on that page to rebuild MET with
the latest set of patches and then try re-running:
>>>>          pcp_combine -add wrf_d01_024.grb 24 wrf_d01_030.grb 6
>>>>          pcp_combine -subtract apcp_0_30.nc
'name="APCP_30";level="(*,*)";' wrf_d01_006.grb 6 apcp_6_30.nc
>>>> If that still does not work, please send me those two GRIB files
(wrf_d01_024.grb and wrf_d01_030.grb) by posting them to our anonymous
ftp site, as described here:
>>>> You asked a question about how a single WRF file can have
multiple accumulation intervals in it.  I'm really not an expert on
configuring/running WRF.  For details on that, I'd suggest reading WRF
>>>> User's Guide or writing a question to WRF-Help.
>>>> Now, you said that you reran with "tprec=6" and your output now
has 6-hourly accumulations.  That should be easier to work with.  You
have 4, 6-hourly accumulation files that you'd like to sum up to a
>>>> 6-30 hour accumulation.  You can do this two different ways,
using the -add option or the -sum option:
>>>>            # Add up the 4 files explicitly
>>>>            pcp_combine -add wrf_d01_12.grb 6 wrf_d01_18.grb 6
wrf_d01_24.grb 6 wrf_d01_30.grb 6 apcp_6_30.nc
>>>>            # Use the sum command
>>>>            pcp_combine -sum INIT_YYYYMMDD_HH 6 VALID_YYYYMMDD_HH
24 apcp_6_30.nc
>>>> For example, suppose your model was initialized on 20121010 at
00Z, here's the command you'd run
>>>>            pcp_combine -sum 20121010_00 6 20121011_06 24
>>>> Either of these two options should produce the exact same 6 - 30
hour accumulation with a single call to pcp_combine.
>>>> Sorry for that bug.  Hope this helps.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> John
>>>> On 10/16/2012 06:13 AM, M M via RT wrote:
>>>>> <URL: https://rt.rap.ucar.edu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=58534 >
>>>>> Thanks, that was a good help for me.
>>>>> I did those 2 steps for getting 6-30 hour accumulation. First I
>>>>> pcp_combine -add wrf_d01_024.grb 24 wrf_d01_030.grb 6
apcp_0_30.nc it give the 0-30 hour accumulation.  It was correct. Then
I ran
>>>>> pcp_combine -subtract apcp_0_30.nc
'name="APCP_30";level="(*,*)";' wrf_d01_006.grb 6 apcp_6_30.nc  .
>>>>>          But it gives the following error:
>>>>> Readinginput file: apcp_6_30.nc
>>>>>            GribFile::skip_header() -> can't find "GRIB" magic
>>>>> ERROR: get_field() -> can't open grib file: apcp_6_30.nc
>>>>> How can I fix it? How do I have 6-30 or 0-30 accumulation in
grib format?
>>>>> How do I convert nc to grib?
>>>>> In MET package there are some sample forecast files. Some of
them are wrf outputs. They are in grib format and have for example
sfc: 0-24hr and: sfc: 21-24hr accumulation precipitation. How does it
do to have 0-24 and 21-24 in one file in grib format?
>>>>> I ran again model for testing "tprec" option. I set "tprec"=6.
Then I used UPP on my WRF output. But it give me 0-6, 6-12,12-18,18-
24,24-30,30-36 accumulation not 6-30 accumulation. How does it set for
giving 6-30 accumulation?
>>>>> Because I ran model before and now have wrfout I had to add 0-24
& 24-30 and then subtract 0-6 from 0-30.
>>>>> Please help me,
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> ________________________________
>>>>> From: John Halley Gotway via RT <met_help at ucar.edu>
>>>>> To: weather1388 at yahoo.com
>>>>> Sent: Monday, October 15, 2012 5:59 PM
>>>>> Subject: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #58534] Resolved: about accumulated
>>>>> According to our records, your request has been resolved. If you
have any
>>>>> further questions or concerns, please respond to this message.

Subject: Re: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #58534] Resolved: about accumulated precipitation
From: John Halley Gotway
Time: Wed Oct 31 08:50:51 2012

It looks like you're able to get Point-Stat to run but are now finding
0 matched pairs.  Please rerun Point-Stat with the verbosity turned up
to level 3 to get more detailed information about matches.
  Just pass it the "-v 3" command line argument.  When you do, you'll
see output similar to what's shown below:

DEBUG 3: Number of matched pairs  = 364
DEBUG 3: Observations processed   = 89892
DEBUG 3: Rejected: GRIB code      = 77293
DEBUG 3: Rejected: valid time     = 0
DEBUG 3: Rejected: bad obs value  = 0
DEBUG 3: Rejected: off the grid   = 6
DEBUG 3: Rejected: level mismatch = 8077
DEBUG 3: Rejected: message type   = 332
DEBUG 3: Rejected: masking region = 3820
DEBUG 3: Rejected: bad fcst value = 0

This gives you a count of the number of observation values processed
and counts for the reasons why they were not used in the verification

I see that your forecast is valid at this time, 20111002_060000, while
the observations are valid at this time, 20111001_240000.  That last
date is rather odd... shouldn't you write 20111002_000000
instead?  Anyway, my guess is that the forecast and observation valid
times aren't close enough.  If that actually is the case, they would
be counted in the "Rejected: valid time" output line.

If that's the case, you can easily reset the observation valid time
window that you'd like to use in the Point-Stat configuration file:

// Point observation time window
obs_window = {
    beg = -5400;
    end =  5400;

This defines a beginning and ending time window for retaining point
observations.  The number are listed in seconds and are defined
relative to the forecast valid time.  5400 seconds is 1.5 hours.  So
if you were using this time window for your data, Point-Stat would
only keep observations between 20111002_053000 and 20111002_073000,
which is the forecast valid time +/- 1.5 hours.

Hope that helps.


On 10/31/2012 12:49 AM, M M via RT wrote:
> <URL: https://rt.rap.ucar.edu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=58534 >
> Thanksa lot for your help,
> I edited config file for fcst and obs like this:
> fcst = {
>     wind_thresh  = [ NA ];
>     message_type = [ "ADPSFC" ];
>     field = [
>         {
>           name       = "APCP_24";
>          level      = [ "A24" ];
>          cat_thresh = [ >0.5 ];
>          }
>     ];
> };
> obs = {
>     wind_thresh  = [ NA ];
>     message_type = [ "ADPSFC" ];
>     field = [
>         {
>           name       = "APCP";
>          level      = [ "A24" ];
>          cat_thresh = [ >0.5 ];
>          }
>     ];
> };
> //obs = fcst;
> After running ./bin/point_stat myfcst/test_24.nc myobs/20111001.nc
myconfig/PointStatConfig -outdir myout -v 2
> The result is:
> DEBUG 1: Default Config File:
> DEBUG 1: User Config File: myconfig/PointStatConfig
> GSL_RNG_TYPE=mt19937
> GSL_RNG_SEED=18446744072665337936
> DEBUG 1: Forecast File: myfcst/test_24.nc
> DEBUG 1: Climatology File: none
> DEBUG 1: Observation File: myobs/20111001.nc
> DEBUG 2:
> DEBUG 2:
> DEBUG 2:
> DEBUG 2: Reading data for APCP_24A24.
> DEBUG 2: For APCP_24A24 found 1 forecast levels and 0 climatology
> DEBUG 2:
> DEBUG 2:
> DEBUG 2:
> DEBUG 2: Searching 294 observations from 290 messages.
> DEBUG 2:
> DEBUG 2:
> DEBUG 2:
> DEBUG 2: Processing APCP_24A24 versus APCP/A24, for observation type
ADPSFC, over region FULL, for interpolation method UW_MEAN(1), using 0
> DEBUG 2:
> DEBUG 2:
> DEBUG 2:
> DEBUG 1: Output file: myout/point_stat_300000L_20111002_060000V.stat
> DEBUG 1: Output file: myout
> DEBUG 1: Output file: myout
> DEBUG 1: Output file: myout
> DEBUG 1: Output file: myout
> DEBUG 1: Output file: myout
> DEBUG 1: Output file: myout
> DEBUG 1: Output file: myout
> DEBUG 1: Output file: myout
> DEBUG 1: Output file: myout
> DEBUG 1: Output file: myout
> DEBUG 1: Output file: myout
> DEBUG 1: Output file: myout
> DEBUG 1: Output file: myout
> DEBUG 1: Output file: myout
> DEBUG 1: Output file: myout
> Did I edit the config file correctly? And did it successfully run?
> But why does it find 0 pairs? What is wrong?
> The header for forecast file test_24 is:
> netcdf test_24 {
> dimensions:
>          lat = 277 ;
>          lon = 575 ;
> variables:
>          float lat(lat, lon) ;
>                  lat:long_name = "latitude" ;
>                  lat:units = "degrees_north" ;
>                  lat:standard_name = "latitude" ;
>          float lon(lat, lon) ;
>                  lon:long_name = "longitude" ;
>                  lon:units = "degrees_east" ;
>                  lon:standard_name = "longitude" ;
>          float APCP_24(lat, lon) ;
>                  APCP_24:name = "APCP_24" ;
>                  APCP_24:long_name = "Total precipitation" ;
>                  APCP_24:level = "A24" ;
>                  APCP_24:units = "kg/m^2" ;
>                  APCP_24:_FillValue = -9999.f ;
>                  APCP_24:init_time = "20111001_000000" ;
>                  APCP_24:init_time_ut = 1317427200 ;
>                  APCP_24:valid_time = "20111002_060000" ;
>                  APCP_24:valid_time_ut = 1317535200 ;
>                  APCP_24:accum_time = "240000" ;
>                  APCP_24:accum_time_sec = 86400 ;
> And the observation text file that converted to nc by ascci2nc is
like this :
>   ADPSFC  40700    20111001_240000     39.65   47.91    31.9     61
24     31.9    16.4
>   ADPSFC  40701    20111001_240000     39.37   44.38   1411.3    61
24    1411.3   4.6
>   ADPSFC  40702    20111001_240000     38.75   45.66   736.2     61
24    736.2    2.3
>   ADPSFC  40703    20111001_240000     38.55   44.98   1103.4    61
24    1103.4   1.2
>   ADPSFC  40704    20111001_240000     38.43   47.06   1390.5    61
24    1390.5   2.6
>   ADPSFC  40705    20111001_240000     38.37   47.66   1560.6    61
24    1560.6   0.8
>   ADPSFC  40706    20111001_240000     38.08   46.28    1361     61
24     1361    0.2
>   ADPSFC  40707    20111001_240000     37.93   46.11    1641     61
24     1641    1.2
>   ADPSFC  40708    20111001_240000     38.32   48.22   1335.2    61
24    1335.2   0.4
>   ADPSFC  40709    20111001_240000     38.35   48.85   -21.1     61
24    -21.1    19.5
>   ADPSFC  40710    20111001_240000     37.93   47.53    1682     61
24     1682    0.2
>   ADPSFC  40711    20111001_240000     38.86   47.01    1180     61
24     1180    0.7
>   ADPSFC  40712    20111001_240000     37.65   45.05    1328     61
24     1328    0.1
>   ADPSFC  40713    20111001_240000     37.40   46.26    1344     61
24     1344    0.01
>   ADPSFC  40714    20111001_240000     39.05   48.05    749      61
24     749     4.7
>   ADPSFC  40715    20111001_240000     36.77   47.67    1282     61
24     1282    1.3
>   ADPSFC  40716    20111001_240000     37.45   47.70    1110     61
24     1110     0
>   ADPSFC  40717    20111001_240000     37.60   48.53   1797.4    61
24    1797.4   0.6
>   ADPSFC  40718    20111001_240000     37.47   49.45   -23.6     61
24    -23.6    0.8
>   ADPSFC  40719    20111001_240000     37.32   49.62    -8.6     61
24     -8.6     0
> And its header in nc after converting is:
> dimensions:
>          mxstr = 16 ;
>          hdr_arr_len = 3 ;
>          obs_arr_len = 5 ;
>          nhdr = 290 ;
>          nobs = UNLIMITED ; // (294 currently)
> variables:
>          char hdr_typ(nhdr, mxstr) ;
>                  hdr_typ:long_name = "message type" ;
>          char hdr_sid(nhdr, mxstr) ;
>                  hdr_sid:long_name = "station identification" ;
>          char hdr_vld(nhdr, mxstr) ;
>                  hdr_vld:long_name = "valid time" ;
>                  hdr_vld:units = "YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS UTC" ;
>          float hdr_arr(nhdr, hdr_arr_len) ;
>                  hdr_arr:long_name = "array of observation station
header values" ;
>                  hdr_arr:_fill_value = -9999.f ;
>                  hdr_arr:columns = "lat lon elv" ;
>                  hdr_arr:lat_long_name = "latitude" ;
>                  hdr_arr:lat_units = "degrees_north" ;
>                  hdr_arr:lon_long_name = "longitude" ;
>                  hdr_arr:lon_units = "degrees_east" ;
>                  hdr_arr:elv_long_name = "elevation " ;
>                  hdr_arr:elv_units = "meters above sea level (msl)"
>          float obs_arr(nobs, obs_arr_len) ;
>                  obs_arr:long_name = "array of observation values" ;
>                  obs_arr:_fill_value = -9999.f ;
>                  obs_arr:columns = "hdr_id gc lvl hgt ob" ;
>                  obs_arr:hdr_id_long_name = "index of matching
header data" ;
>                  obs_arr:gc_long_name = "grib code corresponding to
the observation type" ;
>                  obs_arr:lvl_long_name = "pressure level (hPa) or
accumulation interval (h)" ;
>                  obs_arr:hgt_long_name = "height in meters above sea
level (msl)" ;
>                  obs_arr:ob_long_name = "observation value" ;
> // global attributes:
> Please  help me,
> Thanks,
> ________________________________
> From: John Halley Gotway via RT <met_help at ucar.edu>
> To: weather1388 at yahoo.com
> Sent: Tuesday, October 30, 2012 9:14 PM
> Subject: Re: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #58534] Resolved: about accumulated
> It looks like you're trying to use Point-Stat to verify accumulated
precipitation.  You're passing Point-Stat a gridded NetCDF forecast
file and a NetCDF point observation file.
> In the Point-Stat configuration file, you set up the "fcst" and
"obs" sections to tell the tool what fields you be verified.  Since
you're using the NetCDF forecast file, the "fcst" section should
> include:
>      name  = "APCP_24";
>      level = "(*,*)";
> However the point observations must are ALWAYS specified using GRIB
conventions.  So the "obs" section should include:
>      name  = "APCP";
>      level = "A24";
> Please try editing the config file to see if you can get it to run.
If not, just send me the input files you're using and I can help you
debug.  Specifically, I'd need:
>      myfcst/test_24.nc, myobs/20110931.nc, and
> Thanks,
> John
> On 10/30/2012 02:54 AM, M M via RT wrote:
>> <URL: https://rt.rap.ucar.edu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=58534 >
>> Hello,
>> Thanks a lot for your help,
>> After rung add & subtract for making forecast file, when I run
point_stat command for the nc file that is made with pcp_combine (add
& subtract)  and my observation nc file that was made with asscci2nc
,the command is :
>> ./bin/point_stat myfcst/test_24.nc myobs/20110931.nc
myconfig/PointStatConfig -outdir myout -v 2
>> It don't run and get the following error:
>> DEBUG 1: Default Config File:
>> DEBUG 1: User Config File: myconfig/PointStatConfig
>> GSL_RNG_TYPE=mt19937
>> GSL_RNG_SEED=18446744071605161808
>> DEBUG 1: Forecast File:myfcst/test_24.nc
>> DEBUG 1: Climatology File: none
>> DEBUG 1: Observation File: myobs/20110931.nc
>> DEBUG 2:
>> DEBUG 2:
>> DEBUG 2:
>> DEBUG 2: Reading data for APCPA24.
>> ERROR  :
>> ERROR  : process_fcst_climo_files() -> no fields matching APCPA24
found in file: myfcst/test_24.nc
>> ERROR  :
>> The header of test_24.nc file that was made by pcp_combine is like:
>> netcdf test_24 {
>> dimensions:
>>            lat = 277 ;
>>            lon = 575 ;
>> variables:
>>            float lat(lat, lon) ;
>>                    lat:long_name = "latitude" ;
>>                    lat:units = "degrees_north" ;
>>                    lat:standard_name = "latitude" ;
>>            float lon(lat, lon) ;
>>                    lon:long_name = "longitude" ;
>>                    lon:units = "degrees_east" ;
>>                    lon:standard_name = "longitude" ;
>>            float APCP_24(lat, lon) ;
>>                    APCP_24:name = "APCP_24" ;
>>                    APCP_24:long_name = "Total precipitation" ;
>>                    APCP_24:level = "A24" ;
>>                    APCP_24:units = "kg/m^2" ;
>>                    APCP_24:_FillValue = -9999.f ;
>>                    APCP_24:init_time = "20111001_000000" ;
>>                    APCP_24:init_time_ut = 1317427200 ;
>>                    APCP_24:valid_time = "20111002_060000" ;
>>                    APCP_24:valid_time_ut = 1317535200 ;
>>                    APCP_24:accum_time = "240000" ;
>>                    APCP_24:accum_time_sec = 86400 ;
>> The name is: APCP_24:name = "APCP_24" ;
>> It seems that that name must be APCP:name = "APCP" ;  but the file
that pcp_combine make name like APCP_24:name = "APCP_24" .
>> Why does it happen? How does it fix?
>> Please help me,
>> Thanks,
>> ________________________________
>> From: John Halley Gotway via RT <met_help at ucar.edu>
>> To: weather1388 at yahoo.com
>> Sent: Monday, October 29, 2012 8:02 PM
>> Subject: Re: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #58534] Resolved: about accumulated
>> There is no way to easily convert from this NetCDF file to a GRIB
file.  And I won't be of any help trying to get GRADS to read that
NetCDF file.  As for extracting specific points from that NetCDF
>> file, you could use any scripting language that has an API for
>> Personally, I would use R (http://www.r-project.org/) with the ncdf
or RNetCDF package to open up this file an extract specific values.
But you could also use NCL, or any other tool with a NetCDF API.
>> Thanks,
>> John
>> On 10/27/2012 04:13 AM, M M via RT wrote:
>>> <URL: https://rt.rap.ucar.edu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=58534 >
>>> Hello,
>>> Thanks a lot for your help, I want to find value of accumulation
precipitation 6-30 hours for some points. If apcp_6_30.nc opened by
grads I have extracted values for some points but apcp_6_30.nc doesn't
open by grads. I wanted to convert nc to grib and use grib2ctl.pl for
making ctl file then open apcp_6_30 by grads. But I couldn't do that.
>>> Is there any way for extracting data values of apcp_6_30.nc or the
nc file that is made by pcp_combine?
>>> Thanks,
>>> ________________________________
>>> From: John Halley Gotway via RT <met_help at ucar.edu>
>>> To: weather1388 at yahoo.com
>>> Sent: Wednesday, October 24, 2012 5:39 PM
>>> Subject: Re: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #58534] Resolved: about accumulated
>>> Let me answer your last question first.  I am aware of no way of
converting this file into GRIB format.  Why do you need it in GRIB?
MET is able to read it directly.
>>> For a quick plot, you could just use ncview:
>>>        ncview apcp_6_30.nc
>>> Or you could use Unidata's IDV tool:
>>>        http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/software/idv/
>>> Or you could use the MET plot_data_plane utility to create a
postscript image:
>>>        METv4.0/bin/plot_data_plane apcp_6_30.nc apcp_6_30.ps
'name="APCP_24"; level="(*,*)";'
>>> It uses the default colortable and scales it to the min/max values
found in the data.  Just type the command with no arguments to see the
full usage statement:
>>>        METv4.0/bin/plot_data_plane
>>> Hope that helps.
>>> John
>>> On 10/24/2012 06:00 AM, M M via RT wrote:
>>>> <URL: https://rt.rap.ucar.edu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=58534 >
>>>> Hello,
>>>> Thanks a lot for your help,
>>>> I installed METv4.0 and its patch then ran 2 commands for add and
subtract, it has been successfully run and got me apcp_6_30.nc and it
was correct. I want to use in met for verification. I have another
question. How can I plot this file (apcp_6_30.nc)? Is it possible to
plot with grads? And how can I convert the apcp_6_30.nc file to grib
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> ________________________________
>>>> From: John Halley Gotway via RT <met_help at ucar.edu>
>>>> To: weather1388 at yahoo.com
>>>> Sent: Monday, October 22, 2012 6:02 PM
>>>> Subject: Re: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #58534] Resolved: about accumulated
>>>> Hello,
>>>> I ran the following three commands on your data without error:
>>>> /d1/johnhg/MET/MET_releases/METv4.0/bin/pcp_combine -add
wrf_d1_024.grb 24 wrf_d1_030.grb 6 apcp_0_30.nc
>>>> /d1/johnhg/MET/MET_releases/METv4.0/bin/pcp_combine -subtract
apcp_0_30.nc 'name="APCP_30";level="(*,*)";' wrf_d1_006.grb 6
>>>> /d1/johnhg/MET/MET_releases/METv4.0/bin/pcp_combine -add
wrf_d1_006.grb 6 wrf_d1_024.grb 24 wrf_d1_030.grb 6 test.nc
>>>> I suspect that you're not using the most recent version of the
code.  I posted a bugfix for METv4.0 pcp_combine on 10/16/2012.
>>>> Please make sure that you're using METv4.0 and have applied the
latest set of patches:
>>>> Follow the instructions at the top of the page to retrieve the
patches, unpack them in the METv4.0 directory, execute a "make clean",
and then a "make".
>>>> Then, try running the 3 commands I've listed above.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> John
>>>> On 10/21/2012 04:16 AM, M M via RT wrote:
>>>>> <URL: https://rt.rap.ucar.edu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=58534 >
>>>>> Thanks a lot for your helps.
>>>>> I send 3 of wrfouts (wrf_d1_006.grb, wrf_d1_024.grb,
wrf_d1_030.grb) in your ftp site in incoming/irap/met_help/ path in
m_data folder.
>>>>> Would you please test them for subtract and add together, then
getting 6-30 accumulation precipitation in grib or nc format.
>>>>> When I do that it gets error.
>>>>> pcp_combine -subtract apcp_0_30.nc
'name="APCP_30";level="(*,*)";' wrf_d01_006.grb 6 apcp_6_30.nc  .
>>>>>>            But it gives the following error:
>>>>>> Readinginput file: apcp_6_30.nc
>>>>>>              GribFile::skip_header() -> can't find "GRIB" magic
>>>>>> ERROR: get_field() -> can't open grib file: apcp_6_30.nc
>>>>> And would you please sum or add 3 files together? I can add 2
grib file together but I can't add 3 or 4 files in one command like
>>>>> pcp_combine -add wrf_d01_12.grb 6 wrf_d01_18.grb 6
wrf_d01_24.grb 6 wrf_d01_30.grb 6 apcp_6_30.nc
>>>>>          It gets error. Would you help me about this too?
>>>>> Thankes,
>>>>> ________________________________
>>>>> From: John Halley Gotway via RT <met_help at ucar.edu>
>>>>> To: weather1388 at yahoo.com
>>>>> Sent: Tuesday, October 16, 2012 6:18 PM
>>>>> Subject: Re: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #58534] Resolved: about
accumulated precipitation
>>>>> While debugging your issue, I ran across a bug in the METv4.0
version of pcp_combine.  It was working fine in METv3.1, but was
broken in METv4.0.  I have fixed the bug and posted a new patch to our
>>>>> website:
>>>>> Please follow the instructions on that page to rebuild MET with
the latest set of patches and then try re-running:
>>>>>            pcp_combine -add wrf_d01_024.grb 24 wrf_d01_030.grb 6
>>>>>            pcp_combine -subtract apcp_0_30.nc
'name="APCP_30";level="(*,*)";' wrf_d01_006.grb 6 apcp_6_30.nc
>>>>> If that still does not work, please send me those two GRIB files
(wrf_d01_024.grb and wrf_d01_030.grb) by posting them to our anonymous
ftp site, as described here:
>>>>> You asked a question about how a single WRF file can have
multiple accumulation intervals in it.  I'm really not an expert on
configuring/running WRF.  For details on that, I'd suggest reading WRF
>>>>> User's Guide or writing a question to WRF-Help.
>>>>> Now, you said that you reran with "tprec=6" and your output now
has 6-hourly accumulations.  That should be easier to work with.  You
have 4, 6-hourly accumulation files that you'd like to sum up to a
>>>>> 6-30 hour accumulation.  You can do this two different ways,
using the -add option or the -sum option:
>>>>>              # Add up the 4 files explicitly
>>>>>              pcp_combine -add wrf_d01_12.grb 6 wrf_d01_18.grb 6
wrf_d01_24.grb 6 wrf_d01_30.grb 6 apcp_6_30.nc
>>>>>              # Use the sum command
>>>>>              pcp_combine -sum INIT_YYYYMMDD_HH 6
VALID_YYYYMMDD_HH 24 apcp_6_30.nc
>>>>> For example, suppose your model was initialized on 20121010 at
00Z, here's the command you'd run
>>>>>              pcp_combine -sum 20121010_00 6 20121011_06 24
>>>>> Either of these two options should produce the exact same 6 - 30
hour accumulation with a single call to pcp_combine.
>>>>> Sorry for that bug.  Hope this helps.
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> John
>>>>> On 10/16/2012 06:13 AM, M M via RT wrote:
>>>>>> <URL: https://rt.rap.ucar.edu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=58534 >
>>>>>> Thanks, that was a good help for me.
>>>>>> I did those 2 steps for getting 6-30 hour accumulation. First I
>>>>>> pcp_combine -add wrf_d01_024.grb 24 wrf_d01_030.grb 6
apcp_0_30.nc it give the 0-30 hour accumulation.  It was correct. Then
I ran
>>>>>> pcp_combine -subtract apcp_0_30.nc
'name="APCP_30";level="(*,*)";' wrf_d01_006.grb 6 apcp_6_30.nc  .
>>>>>>            But it gives the following error:
>>>>>> Readinginput file: apcp_6_30.nc
>>>>>>              GribFile::skip_header() -> can't find "GRIB" magic
>>>>>> ERROR: get_field() -> can't open grib file: apcp_6_30.nc
>>>>>> How can I fix it? How do I have 6-30 or 0-30 accumulation in
grib format?
>>>>>> How do I convert nc to grib?
>>>>>> In MET package there are some sample forecast files. Some of
them are wrf outputs. They are in grib format and have for example
sfc: 0-24hr and: sfc: 21-24hr accumulation precipitation. How does it
do to have 0-24 and 21-24 in one file in grib format?
>>>>>> I ran again model for testing "tprec" option. I set "tprec"=6.
Then I used UPP on my WRF output. But it give me 0-6, 6-12,12-18,18-
24,24-30,30-36 accumulation not 6-30 accumulation. How does it set for
giving 6-30 accumulation?
>>>>>> Because I ran model before and now have wrfout I had to add 0-
24 & 24-30 and then subtract 0-6 from 0-30.
>>>>>> Please help me,
>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>> ________________________________
>>>>>> From: John Halley Gotway via RT <met_help at ucar.edu>
>>>>>> To: weather1388 at yahoo.com
>>>>>> Sent: Monday, October 15, 2012 5:59 PM
>>>>>> Subject: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #58534] Resolved: about accumulated
>>>>>> According to our records, your request has been resolved. If
you have any
>>>>>> further questions or concerns, please respond to this message.

Subject: about accumulated precipitation 
From: M M
Time: Tue Nov 06 23:25:05 2012

Thanks a lot for your good helps,
I ran point_stat again with the observation that had valid time close
to forecast. It ran correct and got the correct output. At now how can
I analyze the cnt, ctc, cts ,fho and stat output files and draw
Please help about that,

From: John Halley Gotway via RT <met_help at ucar.edu>
To: weather1388 at yahoo.com
Sent: Wednesday, October 31, 2012 6:20 PM
Subject: Re: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #58534] Resolved: about accumulated

It looks like you're able to get Point-Stat to run but are now finding
0 matched pairs.  Please rerun Point-Stat with the verbosity turned up
to level 3 to get more detailed information about matches.
  Just pass it the "-v 3" command line argument.  When you do, you'll
see output similar to what's shown below:

DEBUG 3: Number of matched pairs  = 364
DEBUG 3: Observations processed  = 89892
DEBUG 3: Rejected: GRIB code      = 77293
DEBUG 3: Rejected: valid time    = 0
DEBUG 3: Rejected: bad obs value  = 0
DEBUG 3: Rejected: off the grid  = 6
DEBUG 3: Rejected: level mismatch = 8077
DEBUG 3: Rejected: message type  = 332
DEBUG 3: Rejected: masking region = 3820
DEBUG 3: Rejected: bad fcst value = 0

This gives you a count of the number of observation values processed
and counts for the reasons why they were not used in the verification

I see that your forecast is valid at this time, 20111002_060000, while
the observations are valid at this time, 20111001_240000.  That last
date is rather odd... shouldn't you write 20111002_000000
instead?  Anyway, my guess is that the forecast and observation valid
times aren't close enough.  If that actually is the case, they would
be counted in the "Rejected: valid time" output line.

If that's the case, you can easily reset the observation valid time
window that you'd like to use in the Point-Stat configuration file:

// Point observation time window
obs_window = {
    beg = -5400;
    end =  5400;

This defines a beginning and ending time window for retaining point
observations.  The number are listed in seconds and are defined
relative to the forecast valid time.  5400 seconds is 1.5 hours.  So
if you were using this time window for your data, Point-Stat would
only keep observations between 20111002_053000 and 20111002_073000,
which is the forecast valid time +/- 1.5 hours.

Hope that helps.


On 10/31/2012 12:49 AM, M M via RT wrote:
> <URL: https://rt.rap.ucar.edu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=58534 >
> Thanksa lot for your help,
> I edited config file for fcst and obs like this:
> fcst = {
>    wind_thresh  = [ NA ];
>    message_type = [ "ADPSFC" ];
>    field = [
>        {
>          name      = "APCP_24";
>          level      = [ "A24" ];
>          cat_thresh = [ >0.5 ];
>          }
>    ];
> };
> obs = {
>    wind_thresh  = [ NA ];
>    message_type = [ "ADPSFC" ];
>    field = [
>        {
>          name      = "APCP";
>          level      = [ "A24" ];
>          cat_thresh = [ >0.5 ];
>          }
>    ];
> };
> //obs = fcst;
> After running ./bin/point_stat myfcst/test_24.nc myobs/20111001.nc
myconfig/PointStatConfig -outdir myout -v 2
> The result is:
> DEBUG 1: Default Config File:
> DEBUG 1: User Config File: myconfig/PointStatConfig
> GSL_RNG_TYPE=mt19937
> GSL_RNG_SEED=18446744072665337936
> DEBUG 1: Forecast File: myfcst/test_24.nc
> DEBUG 1: Climatology File: none
> DEBUG 1: Observation File: myobs/20111001.nc
> DEBUG 2:
> DEBUG 2:
> DEBUG 2:
> DEBUG 2: Reading data for APCP_24A24.
> DEBUG 2: For APCP_24A24 found 1 forecast levels and 0 climatology
> DEBUG 2:
> DEBUG 2:
> DEBUG 2:
> DEBUG 2: Searching 294 observations from 290 messages.
> DEBUG 2:
> DEBUG 2:
> DEBUG 2:
> DEBUG 2: Processing APCP_24A24 versus APCP/A24, for observation type
ADPSFC, over region FULL, for interpolation method UW_MEAN(1), using 0
> DEBUG 2:
> DEBUG 2:
> DEBUG 2:
> DEBUG 1: Output file: myout/point_stat_300000L_20111002_060000V.stat
> DEBUG 1: Output file: myout
> DEBUG 1: Output file: myout
> DEBUG 1: Output file: myout
> DEBUG 1: Output file: myout
> DEBUG 1: Output file: myout
> DEBUG 1: Output file: myout
> DEBUG 1: Output file: myout
> DEBUG 1: Output file: myout
> DEBUG 1: Output file: myout
> DEBUG 1: Output file: myout
> DEBUG 1: Output file: myout
> DEBUG 1: Output file: myout
> DEBUG 1: Output file: myout
> DEBUG 1: Output file: myout
> DEBUG 1: Output file: myout
> Did I edit the config file correctly? And did it successfully run?
> But why does it find 0 pairs? What is wrong?
> The header for forecast file test_24 is:
> netcdf test_24 {
> dimensions:
>          lat = 277 ;
>          lon = 575 ;
> variables:
>          float lat(lat, lon) ;
>                  lat:long_name = "latitude" ;
>                  lat:units = "degrees_north" ;
>                  lat:standard_name = "latitude" ;
>          float lon(lat, lon) ;
>                  lon:long_name = "longitude" ;
>                  lon:units = "degrees_east" ;
>                  lon:standard_name = "longitude" ;
>          float APCP_24(lat, lon) ;
>                  APCP_24:name = "APCP_24" ;
>                  APCP_24:long_name = "Total precipitation" ;
>                  APCP_24:level = "A24" ;
>                  APCP_24:units = "kg/m^2" ;
>                  APCP_24:_FillValue = -9999.f ;
>                  APCP_24:init_time = "20111001_000000" ;
>                  APCP_24:init_time_ut = 1317427200 ;
>                  APCP_24:valid_time = "20111002_060000" ;
>                  APCP_24:valid_time_ut = 1317535200 ;
>                  APCP_24:accum_time = "240000" ;
>                  APCP_24:accum_time_sec = 86400 ;
> And the observation text file that converted to nc by ascci2nc is
like this :
>  ADPSFC  40700    20111001_240000    39.65  47.91    31.9    61
24    31.9    16.4
>  ADPSFC  40701    20111001_240000    39.37  44.38  1411.3    61
24    1411.3  4.6
>  ADPSFC  40702    20111001_240000    38.75  45.66  736.2    61
24    736.2    2.3
>  ADPSFC  40703    20111001_240000    38.55  44.98  1103.4    61
24    1103.4  1.2
>  ADPSFC  40704    20111001_240000    38.43  47.06  1390.5    61
24    1390.5  2.6
>  ADPSFC  40705    20111001_240000    38.37  47.66  1560.6    61
24    1560.6  0.8
>  ADPSFC  40706    20111001_240000    38.08  46.28    1361    61
24    1361    0.2
>  ADPSFC  40707    20111001_240000    37.93  46.11    1641    61
24    1641    1.2
>  ADPSFC  40708    20111001_240000    38.32  48.22  1335.2    61
24    1335.2  0.4
>  ADPSFC  40709    20111001_240000    38.35  48.85  -21.1    61
24    -21.1    19.5
>  ADPSFC  40710    20111001_240000    37.93  47.53    1682    61
24    1682    0.2
>  ADPSFC  40711    20111001_240000    38.86  47.01    1180    61
24    1180    0.7
>  ADPSFC  40712    20111001_240000    37.65  45.05    1328    61
24    1328    0.1
>  ADPSFC  40713    20111001_240000    37.40  46.26    1344    61
24    1344    0.01
>  ADPSFC  40714    20111001_240000    39.05  48.05    749      61
24    749    4.7
>  ADPSFC  40715    20111001_240000    36.77  47.67    1282    61
24    1282    1.3
>  ADPSFC  40716    20111001_240000    37.45  47.70    1110    61
24    1110    0
>  ADPSFC  40717    20111001_240000    37.60  48.53  1797.4    61
24    1797.4  0.6
>  ADPSFC  40718    20111001_240000    37.47  49.45  -23.6    61
24    -23.6    0.8
>  ADPSFC  40719    20111001_240000    37.32  49.62    -8.6    61
24    -8.6    0
> And its header in nc after converting is:
> dimensions:
>          mxstr = 16 ;
>          hdr_arr_len = 3 ;
>          obs_arr_len = 5 ;
>          nhdr = 290 ;
>          nobs = UNLIMITED ; // (294 currently)
> variables:
>          char hdr_typ(nhdr, mxstr) ;
>                  hdr_typ:long_name = "message type" ;
>          char hdr_sid(nhdr, mxstr) ;
>                  hdr_sid:long_name = "station identification" ;
>          char hdr_vld(nhdr, mxstr) ;
>                  hdr_vld:long_name = "valid time" ;
>                  hdr_vld:units = "YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS UTC" ;
>          float hdr_arr(nhdr, hdr_arr_len) ;
>                  hdr_arr:long_name = "array of observation station
header values" ;
>                  hdr_arr:_fill_value = -9999.f ;
>                  hdr_arr:columns = "lat lon elv" ;
>                  hdr_arr:lat_long_name = "latitude" ;
>                  hdr_arr:lat_units = "degrees_north" ;
>                  hdr_arr:lon_long_name = "longitude" ;
>                  hdr_arr:lon_units = "degrees_east" ;
>                  hdr_arr:elv_long_name = "elevation " ;
>                  hdr_arr:elv_units = "meters above sea level (msl)"
>          float obs_arr(nobs, obs_arr_len) ;
>                  obs_arr:long_name = "array of observation values" ;
>                  obs_arr:_fill_value = -9999.f ;
>                  obs_arr:columns = "hdr_id gc lvl hgt ob" ;
>                  obs_arr:hdr_id_long_name = "index of matching
header data" ;
>                  obs_arr:gc_long_name = "grib code corresponding to
the observation type" ;
>                  obs_arr:lvl_long_name = "pressure level (hPa) or
accumulation interval (h)" ;
>                  obs_arr:hgt_long_name = "height in meters above sea
level (msl)" ;
>                  obs_arr:ob_long_name = "observation value" ;
> // global attributes:
> Please  help me,
> Thanks,
> ________________________________
> From: John Halley Gotway via RT <met_help at ucar.edu>
> To: weather1388 at yahoo.com
> Sent: Tuesday, October 30, 2012 9:14 PM
> Subject: Re: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #58534] Resolved: about accumulated
> It looks like you're trying to use Point-Stat to verify accumulated
precipitation.  You're passing Point-Stat a gridded NetCDF forecast
file and a NetCDF point observation file.
> In the Point-Stat configuration file, you set up the "fcst" and
"obs" sections to tell the tool what fields you be verified.  Since
you're using the NetCDF forecast file, the "fcst" section should
> include:
>      name  = "APCP_24";
>      level = "(*,*)";
> However the point observations must are ALWAYS specified using GRIB
conventions.  So the "obs" section should include:
>      name  = "APCP";
>      level = "A24";
> Please try editing the config file to see if you can get it to run.
If not, just send me the input files you're using and I can help you
debug.  Specifically, I'd need:
>      myfcst/test_24.nc, myobs/20110931.nc, and
> Thanks,
> John
> On 10/30/2012 02:54 AM, M M via RT wrote:
>> <URL: https://rt.rap.ucar.edu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=58534 >
>> Hello,
>> Thanks a lot for your help,
>> After rung add & subtract for making forecast file, when I run
point_stat command for the nc file that is made with pcp_combine (add
& subtract)  and my observation nc file that was made with asscci2nc
,the command is :
>> ./bin/point_stat myfcst/test_24.nc myobs/20110931.nc
myconfig/PointStatConfig -outdir myout -v 2
>> It don't run and get the following error:
>> DEBUG 1: Default Config File:
>> DEBUG 1: User Config File: myconfig/PointStatConfig
>> GSL_RNG_TYPE=mt19937
>> GSL_RNG_SEED=18446744071605161808
>> DEBUG 1: Forecast File:myfcst/test_24.nc
>> DEBUG 1: Climatology File: none
>> DEBUG 1: Observation File: myobs/20110931.nc
>> DEBUG 2:
>> DEBUG 2:
>> DEBUG 2:
>> DEBUG 2: Reading data for APCPA24.
>> ERROR  :
>> ERROR  : process_fcst_climo_files() -> no fields matching APCPA24
found in file: myfcst/test_24.nc
>> ERROR  :
>> The header of test_24.nc file that was made by pcp_combine is like:
>> netcdf test_24 {
>> dimensions:
>>            lat = 277 ;
>>            lon = 575 ;
>> variables:
>>            float lat(lat, lon) ;
>>                    lat:long_name = "latitude" ;
>>                    lat:units = "degrees_north" ;
>>                    lat:standard_name = "latitude" ;
>>            float lon(lat, lon) ;
>>                    lon:long_name = "longitude" ;
>>                    lon:units = "degrees_east" ;
>>                    lon:standard_name = "longitude" ;
>>            float APCP_24(lat, lon) ;
>>                    APCP_24:name = "APCP_24" ;
>>                    APCP_24:long_name = "Total precipitation" ;
>>                    APCP_24:level = "A24" ;
>>                    APCP_24:units = "kg/m^2" ;
>>                    APCP_24:_FillValue = -9999.f ;
>>                    APCP_24:init_time = "20111001_000000" ;
>>                    APCP_24:init_time_ut = 1317427200 ;
>>                    APCP_24:valid_time = "20111002_060000" ;
>>                    APCP_24:valid_time_ut = 1317535200 ;
>>                    APCP_24:accum_time = "240000" ;
>>                    APCP_24:accum_time_sec = 86400 ;
>> The name is: APCP_24:name = "APCP_24" ;
>> It seems that that name must be APCP:name = "APCP" ;  but the file
that pcp_combine make name like APCP_24:name = "APCP_24" .
>> Why does it happen? How does it fix?
>> Please help me,
>> Thanks,
>> ________________________________
>> From: John Halley Gotway via RT <met_help at ucar.edu>
>> To: weather1388 at yahoo.com
>> Sent: Monday, October 29, 2012 8:02 PM
>> Subject: Re: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #58534] Resolved: about accumulated
>> There is no way to easily convert from this NetCDF file to a GRIB
file.  And I won't be of any help trying to get GRADS to read that
NetCDF file.  As for extracting specific points from that NetCDF
>> file, you could use any scripting language that has an API for
>> Personally, I would use R (http://www.r-project.org/) with the ncdf
or RNetCDF package to open up this file an extract specific values.
But you could also use NCL, or any other tool with a NetCDF API.
>> Thanks,
>> John
>> On 10/27/2012 04:13 AM, M M via RT wrote:
>>> <URL: https://rt.rap.ucar.edu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=58534 >
>>> Hello,
>>> Thanks a lot for your help, I want to find value of accumulation
precipitation 6-30 hours for some points. If apcp_6_30.nc opened by
grads I have extracted values for some points but apcp_6_30.nc doesn't
open by grads. I wanted to convert nc to grib and use grib2ctl.pl for
making ctl file then open apcp_6_30 by grads. But I couldn't do that.
>>> Is there any way for extracting data values of apcp_6_30.nc or the
nc file that is made by pcp_combine?
>>> Thanks,
>>> ________________________________
>>> From: John Halley Gotway via RT <met_help at ucar.edu>
>>> To: weather1388 at yahoo.com
>>> Sent: Wednesday, October 24, 2012 5:39 PM
>>> Subject: Re: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #58534] Resolved: about accumulated
>>> Let me answer your last question first.  I am aware of no way of
converting this file into GRIB format.  Why do you need it in GRIB?
MET is able to read it directly.
>>> For a quick plot, you could just use ncview:
>>>        ncview apcp_6_30.nc
>>> Or you could use Unidata's IDV tool:
>>>        http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/software/idv/
>>> Or you could use the MET plot_data_plane utility to create a
postscript image:
>>>        METv4.0/bin/plot_data_plane apcp_6_30.nc apcp_6_30.ps
'name="APCP_24"; level="(*,*)";'
>>> It uses the default colortable and scales it to the min/max values
found in the data.  Just type the command with no arguments to see the
full usage statement:
>>>        METv4.0/bin/plot_data_plane
>>> Hope that helps.
>>> John
>>> On 10/24/2012 06:00 AM, M M via RT wrote:
>>>> <URL: https://rt.rap.ucar.edu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=58534 >
>>>> Hello,
>>>> Thanks a lot for your help,
>>>> I installed METv4.0 and its patch then ran 2 commands for add and
subtract, it has been successfully run and got me apcp_6_30.nc and it
was correct. I want to use in met for verification. I have another
question. How can I plot this file (apcp_6_30.nc)? Is it possible to
plot with grads? And how can I convert the apcp_6_30.nc file to grib
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> ________________________________
>>>> From: John Halley Gotway via RT <met_help at ucar.edu>
>>>> To: weather1388 at yahoo.com
>>>> Sent: Monday, October 22, 2012 6:02 PM
>>>> Subject: Re: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #58534] Resolved: about accumulated
>>>> Hello,
>>>> I ran the following three commands on your data without error:
>>>> /d1/johnhg/MET/MET_releases/METv4.0/bin/pcp_combine -add
wrf_d1_024.grb 24 wrf_d1_030.grb 6 apcp_0_30.nc
>>>> /d1/johnhg/MET/MET_releases/METv4.0/bin/pcp_combine -subtract
apcp_0_30.nc 'name="APCP_30";level="(*,*)";' wrf_d1_006.grb 6
>>>> /d1/johnhg/MET/MET_releases/METv4.0/bin/pcp_combine -add
wrf_d1_006.grb 6 wrf_d1_024.grb 24 wrf_d1_030.grb 6 test.nc
>>>> I suspect that you're not using the most recent version of the
code.  I posted a bugfix for METv4.0 pcp_combine on 10/16/2012.
>>>> Please make sure that you're using METv4.0 and have applied the
latest set of patches:
>>>> Follow the instructions at the top of the page to retrieve the
patches, unpack them in the METv4.0 directory, execute a "make clean",
and then a "make".
>>>> Then, try running the 3 commands I've listed above.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> John
>>>> On 10/21/2012 04:16 AM, M M via RT wrote:
>>>>> <URL: https://rt.rap.ucar.edu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=58534 >
>>>>> Thanks a lot for your helps.
>>>>> I send 3 of wrfouts (wrf_d1_006.grb, wrf_d1_024.grb,
wrf_d1_030.grb) in your ftp site in incoming/irap/met_help/ path in
m_data folder.
>>>>> Would you please test them for subtract and add together, then
getting 6-30 accumulation precipitation in grib or nc format.
>>>>> When I do that it gets error.
>>>>> pcp_combine -subtract apcp_0_30.nc
'name="APCP_30";level="(*,*)";' wrf_d01_006.grb 6 apcp_6_30.nc  .
>>>>>>            But it gives the following error:
>>>>>> Readinginput file: apcp_6_30.nc
>>>>>>              GribFile::skip_header() -> can't find "GRIB" magic
>>>>>> ERROR: get_field() -> can't open grib file: apcp_6_30.nc
>>>>> And would you please sum or add 3 files together? I can add 2
grib file together but I can't add 3 or 4 files in one command like
>>>>> pcp_combine -add wrf_d01_12.grb 6 wrf_d01_18.grb 6
wrf_d01_24.grb 6 wrf_d01_30.grb 6 apcp_6_30.nc
>>>>>          It gets error. Would you help me about this too?
>>>>> Thankes,
>>>>> ________________________________
>>>>> From: John Halley Gotway via RT <met_help at ucar.edu>
>>>>> To: weather1388 at yahoo.com
>>>>> Sent: Tuesday, October 16, 2012 6:18 PM
>>>>> Subject: Re: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #58534] Resolved: about
accumulated precipitation
>>>>> While debugging your issue, I ran across a bug in the METv4.0
version of pcp_combine.  It was working fine in METv3.1, but was
broken in METv4.0.  I have fixed the bug and posted a new patch to our
>>>>> website:
>>>>> Please follow the instructions on that page to rebuild MET with
the latest set of patches and then try re-running:
>>>>>            pcp_combine -add wrf_d01_024.grb 24 wrf_d01_030.grb 6
>>>>>            pcp_combine -subtract apcp_0_30.nc
'name="APCP_30";level="(*,*)";' wrf_d01_006.grb 6 apcp_6_30.nc
>>>>> If that still does not work, please send me those two GRIB files
(wrf_d01_024.grb and wrf_d01_030.grb) by posting them to our anonymous
ftp site, as described here:
>>>>> You asked a question about how a single WRF file can have
multiple accumulation intervals in it.  I'm really not an expert on
configuring/running WRF.  For details on that, I'd suggest reading WRF
>>>>> User's Guide or writing a question to WRF-Help.
>>>>> Now, you said that you reran with "tprec=6" and your output now
has 6-hourly accumulations.  That should be easier to work with.  You
have 4, 6-hourly accumulation files that you'd like to sum up to a
>>>>> 6-30 hour accumulation.  You can do this two different ways,
using the -add option or the -sum option:
>>>>>              # Add up the 4 files explicitly
>>>>>              pcp_combine -add wrf_d01_12.grb 6 wrf_d01_18.grb 6
wrf_d01_24.grb 6 wrf_d01_30.grb 6 apcp_6_30.nc
>>>>>              # Use the sum command
>>>>>              pcp_combine -sum INIT_YYYYMMDD_HH 6
VALID_YYYYMMDD_HH 24 apcp_6_30.nc
>>>>> For example, suppose your model was initialized on 20121010 at
00Z, here's the command you'd run
>>>>>              pcp_combine -sum 20121010_00 6 20121011_06 24
>>>>> Either of these two options should produce the exact same 6 - 30
hour accumulation with a single call to pcp_combine.
>>>>> Sorry for that bug.  Hope this helps.
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> John
>>>>> On 10/16/2012 06:13 AM, M M via RT wrote:
>>>>>> <URL: https://rt.rap.ucar.edu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=58534 >
>>>>>> Thanks, that was a good help for me.
>>>>>> I did those 2 steps for getting 6-30 hour accumulation. First I
>>>>>> pcp_combine -add wrf_d01_024.grb 24 wrf_d01_030.grb 6
apcp_0_30.nc it give the 0-30 hour accumulation.  It was correct. Then
I ran
>>>>>> pcp_combine -subtract apcp_0_30.nc
'name="APCP_30";level="(*,*)";' wrf_d01_006.grb 6 apcp_6_30.nc  .
>>>>>>            But it gives the following error:
>>>>>> Readinginput file: apcp_6_30.nc
>>>>>>              GribFile::skip_header() -> can't find "GRIB" magic
>>>>>> ERROR: get_field() -> can't open grib file: apcp_6_30.nc
>>>>>> How can I fix it? How do I have 6-30 or 0-30 accumulation in
grib format?
>>>>>> How do I convert nc to grib?
>>>>>> In MET package there are some sample forecast files. Some of
them are wrf outputs. They are in grib format and have for example
sfc: 0-24hr and: sfc: 21-24hr accumulation precipitation. How does it
do to have 0-24 and 21-24 in one file in grib format?
>>>>>> I ran again model for testing "tprec" option. I set "tprec"=6.
Then I used UPP on my WRF output. But it give me 0-6, 6-12,12-18,18-
24,24-30,30-36 accumulation not 6-30 accumulation. How does it set for
giving 6-30 accumulation?
>>>>>> Because I ran model before and now have wrfout I had to add 0-
24 & 24-30 and then subtract 0-6 from 0-30.
>>>>>> Please help me,
>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>> ________________________________
>>>>>> From: John Halley Gotway via RT <met_help at ucar.edu>
>>>>>> To: weather1388 at yahoo.com
>>>>>> Sent: Monday, October 15, 2012 5:59 PM
>>>>>> Subject: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #58534] Resolved: about accumulated
>>>>>> According to our records, your request has been resolved. If
you have any
>>>>>> further questions or concerns, please respond to this message.

Subject: Re: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #58534] Resolved: about accumulated precipitation
From: John Halley Gotway
Time: Wed Nov 07 07:56:39 2012

Ultimately the plotting of your statistical output is up to you.  The
MET output is just columnar ASCII output, so any number of tools could
be used to plot it.  Please use whichever plotting tools
you prefer.  Some user's create plot using R or IDL.  By way of
example, there are a couple of sample plotting scripts posted on the
MET website:

The plot_mpr.R and plot_cnt.R Rscripts on that site may be used to
create a few plots of the MPR and CNT lines, respectively.  However,
the MET team does not provide general support for plotting.
That's up to you.  But I'm happy to answer specific questions about
those sample scripts.

Hope that helps.


On 11/06/2012 11:25 PM, M M via RT wrote:
> <URL: https://rt.rap.ucar.edu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=58534 >
> Hello,
> Thanks a lot for your good helps,
> I ran point_stat again with the observation that had valid time
close to forecast. It ran correct and got the correct output. At now
how can I analyze the cnt, ctc, cts ,fho and stat output files and
draw graphs?
> Please help about that,
> Thanks,
> ________________________________
> From: John Halley Gotway via RT <met_help at ucar.edu>
> To: weather1388 at yahoo.com
> Sent: Wednesday, October 31, 2012 6:20 PM
> Subject: Re: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #58534] Resolved: about accumulated
> It looks like you're able to get Point-Stat to run but are now
finding 0 matched pairs.  Please rerun Point-Stat with the verbosity
turned up to level 3 to get more detailed information about matches.
>    Just pass it the "-v 3" command line argument.  When you do,
you'll see output similar to what's shown below:
> DEBUG 3: Number of matched pairs  = 364
> DEBUG 3: Observations processed  = 89892
> DEBUG 3: Rejected: GRIB code      = 77293
> DEBUG 3: Rejected: valid time    = 0
> DEBUG 3: Rejected: bad obs value  = 0
> DEBUG 3: Rejected: off the grid  = 6
> DEBUG 3: Rejected: level mismatch = 8077
> DEBUG 3: Rejected: message type  = 332
> DEBUG 3: Rejected: masking region = 3820
> DEBUG 3: Rejected: bad fcst value = 0
> This gives you a count of the number of observation values processed
and counts for the reasons why they were not used in the verification
> I see that your forecast is valid at this time, 20111002_060000,
while the observations are valid at this time, 20111001_240000.  That
last date is rather odd... shouldn't you write 20111002_000000
> instead?  Anyway, my guess is that the forecast and observation
valid times aren't close enough.  If that actually is the case, they
would be counted in the "Rejected: valid time" output line.
> If that's the case, you can easily reset the observation valid time
window that you'd like to use in the Point-Stat configuration file:
> //
> // Point observation time window
> //
> obs_window = {
>      beg = -5400;
>      end =  5400;
> }
> This defines a beginning and ending time window for retaining point
observations.  The number are listed in seconds and are defined
relative to the forecast valid time.  5400 seconds is 1.5 hours.  So
> if you were using this time window for your data, Point-Stat would
only keep observations between 20111002_053000 and 20111002_073000,
which is the forecast valid time +/- 1.5 hours.
> Hope that helps.
> John
> On 10/31/2012 12:49 AM, M M via RT wrote:
>> <URL: https://rt.rap.ucar.edu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=58534 >
>> Thanksa lot for your help,
>> I edited config file for fcst and obs like this:
>> fcst = {
>>      wind_thresh  = [ NA ];
>>      message_type = [ "ADPSFC" ];
>>      field = [
>>          {
>>            name      = "APCP_24";
>>            level      = [ "A24" ];
>>            cat_thresh = [ >0.5 ];
>>            }
>>      ];
>> };
>> obs = {
>>      wind_thresh  = [ NA ];
>>      message_type = [ "ADPSFC" ];
>>      field = [
>>          {
>>            name      = "APCP";
>>            level      = [ "A24" ];
>>            cat_thresh = [ >0.5 ];
>>            }
>>      ];
>> };
>> //obs = fcst;
>> After running ./bin/point_stat myfcst/test_24.nc myobs/20111001.nc
myconfig/PointStatConfig -outdir myout -v 2
>> The result is:
>> DEBUG 1: Default Config File:
>> DEBUG 1: User Config File: myconfig/PointStatConfig
>> GSL_RNG_TYPE=mt19937
>> GSL_RNG_SEED=18446744072665337936
>> DEBUG 1: Forecast File: myfcst/test_24.nc
>> DEBUG 1: Climatology File: none
>> DEBUG 1: Observation File: myobs/20111001.nc
>> DEBUG 2:
>> DEBUG 2:
>> DEBUG 2:
>> DEBUG 2: Reading data for APCP_24A24.
>> DEBUG 2: For APCP_24A24 found 1 forecast levels and 0 climatology
>> DEBUG 2:
>> DEBUG 2:
>> DEBUG 2:
>> DEBUG 2: Searching 294 observations from 290 messages.
>> DEBUG 2:
>> DEBUG 2:
>> DEBUG 2:
>> DEBUG 2: Processing APCP_24A24 versus APCP/A24, for observation
type ADPSFC, over region FULL, for interpolation method UW_MEAN(1),
using 0 pairs.
>> DEBUG 2:
>> DEBUG 2:
>> DEBUG 2:
>> DEBUG 1: Output file:
>> DEBUG 1: Output file: myout
>> DEBUG 1: Output file: myout
>> DEBUG 1: Output file: myout
>> DEBUG 1: Output file: myout
>> DEBUG 1: Output file: myout
>> DEBUG 1: Output file: myout
>> DEBUG 1: Output file: myout
>> DEBUG 1: Output file: myout
>> DEBUG 1: Output file: myout
>> DEBUG 1: Output file: myout
>> DEBUG 1: Output file: myout
>> DEBUG 1: Output file: myout
>> DEBUG 1: Output file: myout
>> DEBUG 1: Output file: myout
>> DEBUG 1: Output file: myout
>> Did I edit the config file correctly? And did it successfully run?
>> But why does it find 0 pairs? What is wrong?
>> The header for forecast file test_24 is:
>> netcdf test_24 {
>> dimensions:
>>            lat = 277 ;
>>            lon = 575 ;
>> variables:
>>            float lat(lat, lon) ;
>>                    lat:long_name = "latitude" ;
>>                    lat:units = "degrees_north" ;
>>                    lat:standard_name = "latitude" ;
>>            float lon(lat, lon) ;
>>                    lon:long_name = "longitude" ;
>>                    lon:units = "degrees_east" ;
>>                    lon:standard_name = "longitude" ;
>>            float APCP_24(lat, lon) ;
>>                    APCP_24:name = "APCP_24" ;
>>                    APCP_24:long_name = "Total precipitation" ;
>>                    APCP_24:level = "A24" ;
>>                    APCP_24:units = "kg/m^2" ;
>>                    APCP_24:_FillValue = -9999.f ;
>>                    APCP_24:init_time = "20111001_000000" ;
>>                    APCP_24:init_time_ut = 1317427200 ;
>>                    APCP_24:valid_time = "20111002_060000" ;
>>                    APCP_24:valid_time_ut = 1317535200 ;
>>                    APCP_24:accum_time = "240000" ;
>>                    APCP_24:accum_time_sec = 86400 ;
>> And the observation text file that converted to nc by ascci2nc is
like this :
>>    ADPSFC  40700    20111001_240000    39.65  47.91    31.9    61
24    31.9    16.4
>>    ADPSFC  40701    20111001_240000    39.37  44.38  1411.3    61
24    1411.3  4.6
>>    ADPSFC  40702    20111001_240000    38.75  45.66  736.2    61
24    736.2    2.3
>>    ADPSFC  40703    20111001_240000    38.55  44.98  1103.4    61
24    1103.4  1.2
>>    ADPSFC  40704    20111001_240000    38.43  47.06  1390.5    61
24    1390.5  2.6
>>    ADPSFC  40705    20111001_240000    38.37  47.66  1560.6    61
24    1560.6  0.8
>>    ADPSFC  40706    20111001_240000    38.08  46.28    1361    61
24    1361    0.2
>>    ADPSFC  40707    20111001_240000    37.93  46.11    1641    61
24    1641    1.2
>>    ADPSFC  40708    20111001_240000    38.32  48.22  1335.2    61
24    1335.2  0.4
>>    ADPSFC  40709    20111001_240000    38.35  48.85  -21.1    61
24    -21.1    19.5
>>    ADPSFC  40710    20111001_240000    37.93  47.53    1682    61
24    1682    0.2
>>    ADPSFC  40711    20111001_240000    38.86  47.01    1180    61
24    1180    0.7
>>    ADPSFC  40712    20111001_240000    37.65  45.05    1328    61
24    1328    0.1
>>    ADPSFC  40713    20111001_240000    37.40  46.26    1344    61
24    1344    0.01
>>    ADPSFC  40714    20111001_240000    39.05  48.05    749      61
24    749    4.7
>>    ADPSFC  40715    20111001_240000    36.77  47.67    1282    61
24    1282    1.3
>>    ADPSFC  40716    20111001_240000    37.45  47.70    1110    61
24    1110    0
>>    ADPSFC  40717    20111001_240000    37.60  48.53  1797.4    61
24    1797.4  0.6
>>    ADPSFC  40718    20111001_240000    37.47  49.45  -23.6    61
24    -23.6    0.8
>>    ADPSFC  40719    20111001_240000    37.32  49.62    -8.6    61
24    -8.6    0
>> And its header in nc after converting is:
>> dimensions:
>>            mxstr = 16 ;
>>            hdr_arr_len = 3 ;
>>            obs_arr_len = 5 ;
>>            nhdr = 290 ;
>>            nobs = UNLIMITED ; // (294 currently)
>> variables:
>>            char hdr_typ(nhdr, mxstr) ;
>>                    hdr_typ:long_name = "message type" ;
>>            char hdr_sid(nhdr, mxstr) ;
>>                    hdr_sid:long_name = "station identification" ;
>>            char hdr_vld(nhdr, mxstr) ;
>>                    hdr_vld:long_name = "valid time" ;
>>                    hdr_vld:units = "YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS UTC" ;
>>            float hdr_arr(nhdr, hdr_arr_len) ;
>>                    hdr_arr:long_name = "array of observation
station header values" ;
>>                    hdr_arr:_fill_value = -9999.f ;
>>                    hdr_arr:columns = "lat lon elv" ;
>>                    hdr_arr:lat_long_name = "latitude" ;
>>                    hdr_arr:lat_units = "degrees_north" ;
>>                    hdr_arr:lon_long_name = "longitude" ;
>>                    hdr_arr:lon_units = "degrees_east" ;
>>                    hdr_arr:elv_long_name = "elevation " ;
>>                    hdr_arr:elv_units = "meters above sea level
(msl)" ;
>>            float obs_arr(nobs, obs_arr_len) ;
>>                    obs_arr:long_name = "array of observation
values" ;
>>                    obs_arr:_fill_value = -9999.f ;
>>                    obs_arr:columns = "hdr_id gc lvl hgt ob" ;
>>                    obs_arr:hdr_id_long_name = "index of matching
header data" ;
>>                    obs_arr:gc_long_name = "grib code corresponding
to the observation type" ;
>>                    obs_arr:lvl_long_name = "pressure level (hPa) or
accumulation interval (h)" ;
>>                    obs_arr:hgt_long_name = "height in meters above
sea level (msl)" ;
>>                    obs_arr:ob_long_name = "observation value" ;
>> // global attributes:
>> Please  help me,
>> Thanks,
>> ________________________________
>> From: John Halley Gotway via RT <met_help at ucar.edu>
>> To: weather1388 at yahoo.com
>> Sent: Tuesday, October 30, 2012 9:14 PM
>> Subject: Re: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #58534] Resolved: about accumulated
>> It looks like you're trying to use Point-Stat to verify accumulated
precipitation.  You're passing Point-Stat a gridded NetCDF forecast
file and a NetCDF point observation file.
>> In the Point-Stat configuration file, you set up the "fcst" and
"obs" sections to tell the tool what fields you be verified.  Since
you're using the NetCDF forecast file, the "fcst" section should
>> include:
>>        name  = "APCP_24";
>>        level = "(*,*)";
>> However the point observations must are ALWAYS specified using GRIB
conventions.  So the "obs" section should include:
>>        name  = "APCP";
>>        level = "A24";
>> Please try editing the config file to see if you can get it to run.
If not, just send me the input files you're using and I can help you
debug.  Specifically, I'd need:
>>        myfcst/test_24.nc, myobs/20110931.nc, and
>> Thanks,
>> John
>> On 10/30/2012 02:54 AM, M M via RT wrote:
>>> <URL: https://rt.rap.ucar.edu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=58534 >
>>> Hello,
>>> Thanks a lot for your help,
>>> After rung add & subtract for making forecast file, when I run
point_stat command for the nc file that is made with pcp_combine (add
& subtract)  and my observation nc file that was made with asscci2nc
,the command is :
>>> ./bin/point_stat myfcst/test_24.nc myobs/20110931.nc
myconfig/PointStatConfig -outdir myout -v 2
>>> It don't run and get the following error:
>>> DEBUG 1: Default Config File:
>>> DEBUG 1: User Config File: myconfig/PointStatConfig
>>> GSL_RNG_TYPE=mt19937
>>> GSL_RNG_SEED=18446744071605161808
>>> DEBUG 1: Forecast File:myfcst/test_24.nc
>>> DEBUG 1: Climatology File: none
>>> DEBUG 1: Observation File: myobs/20110931.nc
>>> DEBUG 2:
>>> DEBUG 2:
>>> DEBUG 2:
>>> DEBUG 2: Reading data for APCPA24.
>>> ERROR  :
>>> ERROR  : process_fcst_climo_files() -> no fields matching APCPA24
found in file: myfcst/test_24.nc
>>> ERROR  :
>>> The header of test_24.nc file that was made by pcp_combine is
>>> netcdf test_24 {
>>> dimensions:
>>>              lat = 277 ;
>>>              lon = 575 ;
>>> variables:
>>>              float lat(lat, lon) ;
>>>                      lat:long_name = "latitude" ;
>>>                      lat:units = "degrees_north" ;
>>>                      lat:standard_name = "latitude" ;
>>>              float lon(lat, lon) ;
>>>                      lon:long_name = "longitude" ;
>>>                      lon:units = "degrees_east" ;
>>>                      lon:standard_name = "longitude" ;
>>>              float APCP_24(lat, lon) ;
>>>                      APCP_24:name = "APCP_24" ;
>>>                      APCP_24:long_name = "Total precipitation" ;
>>>                      APCP_24:level = "A24" ;
>>>                      APCP_24:units = "kg/m^2" ;
>>>                      APCP_24:_FillValue = -9999.f ;
>>>                      APCP_24:init_time = "20111001_000000" ;
>>>                      APCP_24:init_time_ut = 1317427200 ;
>>>                      APCP_24:valid_time = "20111002_060000" ;
>>>                      APCP_24:valid_time_ut = 1317535200 ;
>>>                      APCP_24:accum_time = "240000" ;
>>>                      APCP_24:accum_time_sec = 86400 ;
>>> The name is: APCP_24:name = "APCP_24" ;
>>> It seems that that name must be APCP:name = "APCP" ;  but the file
that pcp_combine make name like APCP_24:name = "APCP_24" .
>>> Why does it happen? How does it fix?
>>> Please help me,
>>> Thanks,
>>> ________________________________
>>> From: John Halley Gotway via RT <met_help at ucar.edu>
>>> To: weather1388 at yahoo.com
>>> Sent: Monday, October 29, 2012 8:02 PM
>>> Subject: Re: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #58534] Resolved: about accumulated
>>> There is no way to easily convert from this NetCDF file to a GRIB
file.  And I won't be of any help trying to get GRADS to read that
NetCDF file.  As for extracting specific points from that NetCDF
>>> file, you could use any scripting language that has an API for
>>> Personally, I would use R (http://www.r-project.org/) with the
ncdf or RNetCDF package to open up this file an extract specific
values.  But you could also use NCL, or any other tool with a NetCDF
>>> Thanks,
>>> John
>>> On 10/27/2012 04:13 AM, M M via RT wrote:
>>>> <URL: https://rt.rap.ucar.edu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=58534 >
>>>> Hello,
>>>> Thanks a lot for your help, I want to find value of accumulation
precipitation 6-30 hours for some points. If apcp_6_30.nc opened by
grads I have extracted values for some points but apcp_6_30.nc doesn't
open by grads. I wanted to convert nc to grib and use grib2ctl.pl for
making ctl file then open apcp_6_30 by grads. But I couldn't do that.
>>>> Is there any way for extracting data values of apcp_6_30.nc or
the nc file that is made by pcp_combine?
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> ________________________________
>>>> From: John Halley Gotway via RT <met_help at ucar.edu>
>>>> To: weather1388 at yahoo.com
>>>> Sent: Wednesday, October 24, 2012 5:39 PM
>>>> Subject: Re: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #58534] Resolved: about accumulated
>>>> Let me answer your last question first.  I am aware of no way of
converting this file into GRIB format.  Why do you need it in GRIB?
MET is able to read it directly.
>>>> For a quick plot, you could just use ncview:
>>>>          ncview apcp_6_30.nc
>>>> Or you could use Unidata's IDV tool:
>>>>          http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/software/idv/
>>>> Or you could use the MET plot_data_plane utility to create a
postscript image:
>>>>          METv4.0/bin/plot_data_plane apcp_6_30.nc apcp_6_30.ps
'name="APCP_24"; level="(*,*)";'
>>>> It uses the default colortable and scales it to the min/max
values found in the data.  Just type the command with no arguments to
see the full usage statement:
>>>>          METv4.0/bin/plot_data_plane
>>>> Hope that helps.
>>>> John
>>>> On 10/24/2012 06:00 AM, M M via RT wrote:
>>>>> <URL: https://rt.rap.ucar.edu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=58534 >
>>>>> Hello,
>>>>> Thanks a lot for your help,
>>>>> I installed METv4.0 and its patch then ran 2 commands for add
and subtract, it has been successfully run and got me apcp_6_30.nc and
it was correct. I want to use in met for verification. I have another
question. How can I plot this file (apcp_6_30.nc)? Is it possible to
plot with grads? And how can I convert the apcp_6_30.nc file to grib
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> ________________________________
>>>>> From: John Halley Gotway via RT <met_help at ucar.edu>
>>>>> To: weather1388 at yahoo.com
>>>>> Sent: Monday, October 22, 2012 6:02 PM
>>>>> Subject: Re: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #58534] Resolved: about
accumulated precipitation
>>>>> Hello,
>>>>> I ran the following three commands on your data without error:
>>>>> /d1/johnhg/MET/MET_releases/METv4.0/bin/pcp_combine -add
wrf_d1_024.grb 24 wrf_d1_030.grb 6 apcp_0_30.nc
>>>>> /d1/johnhg/MET/MET_releases/METv4.0/bin/pcp_combine -subtract
apcp_0_30.nc 'name="APCP_30";level="(*,*)";' wrf_d1_006.grb 6
>>>>> /d1/johnhg/MET/MET_releases/METv4.0/bin/pcp_combine -add
wrf_d1_006.grb 6 wrf_d1_024.grb 24 wrf_d1_030.grb 6 test.nc
>>>>> I suspect that you're not using the most recent version of the
code.  I posted a bugfix for METv4.0 pcp_combine on 10/16/2012.
>>>>> Please make sure that you're using METv4.0 and have applied the
latest set of patches:
>>>>> Follow the instructions at the top of the page to retrieve the
patches, unpack them in the METv4.0 directory, execute a "make clean",
and then a "make".
>>>>> Then, try running the 3 commands I've listed above.
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> John
>>>>> On 10/21/2012 04:16 AM, M M via RT wrote:
>>>>>> <URL: https://rt.rap.ucar.edu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=58534 >
>>>>>> Thanks a lot for your helps.
>>>>>> I send 3 of wrfouts (wrf_d1_006.grb, wrf_d1_024.grb,
wrf_d1_030.grb) in your ftp site in incoming/irap/met_help/ path in
m_data folder.
>>>>>> Would you please test them for subtract and add together, then
getting 6-30 accumulation precipitation in grib or nc format.
>>>>>> When I do that it gets error.
>>>>>> pcp_combine -subtract apcp_0_30.nc
'name="APCP_30";level="(*,*)";' wrf_d01_006.grb 6 apcp_6_30.nc  .
>>>>>>>              But it gives the following error:
>>>>>>> Readinginput file: apcp_6_30.nc
>>>>>>>                GribFile::skip_header() -> can't find "GRIB"
magic cookie
>>>>>>> ERROR: get_field() -> can't open grib file: apcp_6_30.nc
>>>>>> And would you please sum or add 3 files together? I can add 2
grib file together but I can't add 3 or 4 files in one command like
>>>>>> pcp_combine -add wrf_d01_12.grb 6 wrf_d01_18.grb 6
wrf_d01_24.grb 6 wrf_d01_30.grb 6 apcp_6_30.nc
>>>>>>            It gets error. Would you help me about this too?
>>>>>> Thankes,
>>>>>> ________________________________
>>>>>> From: John Halley Gotway via RT <met_help at ucar.edu>
>>>>>> To: weather1388 at yahoo.com
>>>>>> Sent: Tuesday, October 16, 2012 6:18 PM
>>>>>> Subject: Re: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #58534] Resolved: about
accumulated precipitation
>>>>>> While debugging your issue, I ran across a bug in the METv4.0
version of pcp_combine.  It was working fine in METv3.1, but was
broken in METv4.0.  I have fixed the bug and posted a new patch to our
>>>>>> website:
>>>>>> Please follow the instructions on that page to rebuild MET with
the latest set of patches and then try re-running:
>>>>>>              pcp_combine -add wrf_d01_024.grb 24
wrf_d01_030.grb 6 apcp_0_30.nc
>>>>>>              pcp_combine -subtract apcp_0_30.nc
'name="APCP_30";level="(*,*)";' wrf_d01_006.grb 6 apcp_6_30.nc
>>>>>> If that still does not work, please send me those two GRIB
files (wrf_d01_024.grb and wrf_d01_030.grb) by posting them to our
anonymous ftp site, as described here:
>>>>>> You asked a question about how a single WRF file can have
multiple accumulation intervals in it.  I'm really not an expert on
configuring/running WRF.  For details on that, I'd suggest reading WRF
>>>>>> User's Guide or writing a question to WRF-Help.
>>>>>> Now, you said that you reran with "tprec=6" and your output now
has 6-hourly accumulations.  That should be easier to work with.  You
have 4, 6-hourly accumulation files that you'd like to sum up to a
>>>>>> 6-30 hour accumulation.  You can do this two different ways,
using the -add option or the -sum option:
>>>>>>                # Add up the 4 files explicitly
>>>>>>                pcp_combine -add wrf_d01_12.grb 6 wrf_d01_18.grb
6 wrf_d01_24.grb 6 wrf_d01_30.grb 6 apcp_6_30.nc
>>>>>>                # Use the sum command
>>>>>>                pcp_combine -sum INIT_YYYYMMDD_HH 6
VALID_YYYYMMDD_HH 24 apcp_6_30.nc
>>>>>> For example, suppose your model was initialized on 20121010 at
00Z, here's the command you'd run
>>>>>>                pcp_combine -sum 20121010_00 6 20121011_06 24
>>>>>> Either of these two options should produce the exact same 6 -
30 hour accumulation with a single call to pcp_combine.
>>>>>> Sorry for that bug.  Hope this helps.
>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>> John
>>>>>> On 10/16/2012 06:13 AM, M M via RT wrote:
>>>>>>> <URL: https://rt.rap.ucar.edu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=58534
>>>>>>> Thanks, that was a good help for me.
>>>>>>> I did those 2 steps for getting 6-30 hour accumulation. First
I ran
>>>>>>> pcp_combine -add wrf_d01_024.grb 24 wrf_d01_030.grb 6
apcp_0_30.nc it give the 0-30 hour accumulation.  It was correct. Then
I ran
>>>>>>> pcp_combine -subtract apcp_0_30.nc
'name="APCP_30";level="(*,*)";' wrf_d01_006.grb 6 apcp_6_30.nc  .
>>>>>>>              But it gives the following error:
>>>>>>> Readinginput file: apcp_6_30.nc
>>>>>>>                GribFile::skip_header() -> can't find "GRIB"
magic cookie
>>>>>>> ERROR: get_field() -> can't open grib file: apcp_6_30.nc
>>>>>>> How can I fix it? How do I have 6-30 or 0-30 accumulation in
grib format?
>>>>>>> How do I convert nc to grib?
>>>>>>> In MET package there are some sample forecast files. Some of
them are wrf outputs. They are in grib format and have for example
sfc: 0-24hr and: sfc: 21-24hr accumulation precipitation. How does it
do to have 0-24 and 21-24 in one file in grib format?
>>>>>>> I ran again model for testing "tprec" option. I set "tprec"=6.
Then I used UPP on my WRF output. But it give me 0-6, 6-12,12-18,18-
24,24-30,30-36 accumulation not 6-30 accumulation. How does it set for
giving 6-30 accumulation?
>>>>>>> Because I ran model before and now have wrfout I had to add 0-
24 & 24-30 and then subtract 0-6 from 0-30.
>>>>>>> Please help me,
>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>> ________________________________
>>>>>>> From: John Halley Gotway via RT <met_help at ucar.edu>
>>>>>>> To: weather1388 at yahoo.com
>>>>>>> Sent: Monday, October 15, 2012 5:59 PM
>>>>>>> Subject: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #58534] Resolved: about accumulated
>>>>>>> According to our records, your request has been resolved. If
you have any
>>>>>>> further questions or concerns, please respond to this message.

Subject: about accumulated precipitation 
From: M M
Time: Sat Nov 10 23:14:33 2012

Thanks a lot for your help; I studied those scripts plot_mpr.R and
plot_cnt.R. I installed R software but I am beginner in R and don't
know how to use those scripts.
Could you please help me for using scripts? How can I run those
scripts in R?
I ran WRF for one month (I have 30 wrf output files) then run
MET(Point_stat) for 24hr accumulated precipitation for 30 files, and
collect all 30 cnt point_stat outputs in one cnt file and also 30 cts
point_stat outputs in one cns file. My cnt output is like this:
RMSE     RMSE_BCL RMSE_BCU E10       E10_BCL   E10_BCU   E25
E25_BCL   E25_BCU  E50      E50_BCL  E50_BCU  E75     E75_BCL E75_BCU
 E90_BCL E90_BCU
V4.0    WRF   300000    20110902_060000 20110902_060000 000000
20110902_043000 20110902_073000 APCP_24  A24      APCP_24 A24
ADPSFC FULL    UW_MEAN     9           NA          NA         NA
0.05000 CNT       295   0.01961 0.00962  0.02960  0.01104  0.03080
0.08753 0.08099    0.09523    0.04828    0.12611    0.00305 -0.00140
0.00750  0.00000  0.00814  0.03900 0.03609    0.04243    0.00000
0.06496    -0.01792 -0.13185    0.09648     -0.03233    -0.01144
-0.37056 -0.30691 42    14         39         0.01656 0.00555 0.02757
0.00660 0.02840 0.09646 0.08926    0.10495    0.05747    0.13594
6.42839 2.01227   23.44222  0.02282 0.01329 0.03445 0.00955 0.00349
0.01910 0.00927 0.00329   0.01842   0.09771 0.05910  0.13820  0.00000
0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.01111 0.00000 0.07561
V4.0    WRF   300000    20110903_060000 20110903_060000 000000
20110903_043000 20110903_073000 APCP_24  A24      APCP_24 A24
ADPSFC FULL    UW_MEAN     9           NA          NA         NA
0.05000 CNT       296   0.03377 0.01829  0.04926  0.02025  0.05070
0.13593 0.12579    0.14786    0.08257    0.17971    0.00000 0.00000
0.00000  0.00000  0.00000  0.00000 0.00000    0.00000    0.00000
0.00000    NA      NA          NA          NA          NA          NA
NA      51    7          50         0.03377 0.01829 0.04926 0.02025
0.05070 0.13593 0.12579    0.14786    0.08257    0.17971    NA    NA
NA        0.03382 0.02029 0.05077 0.01955 0.00722 0.03479 0.01841
0.00679   0.03219   0.13984 0.08498  0.18652  0.00000 0.00000
 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
0.00000 0.00000 0.03444 0.01556 0.14444
V4.0    WRF   300000    20110904_060000 20110904_060000 000000
20110904_043000 20110904_073000 APCP_24  A24      APCP_24 A24
ADPSFC FULL    UW_MEAN     9           NA          NA         NA
0.05000 CNT       296   0.00845 0.00381  0.01308  0.00446  0.01396
0.04070 0.03767    0.04428    0.01869    0.06132    0.00000 0.00000
0.00000  0.00000  0.00000  0.00000 0.00000    0.00000    0.00000
0.00000    NA      NA          NA          NA          NA          NA
NA      34    6          33         0.00845 0.00381 0.01308 0.00446
0.01396 0.04070 0.03767    0.04428    0.01869    0.06132    NA    NA
NA        0.00851 0.00454 0.01404 0.00172 0.00037 0.00394 0.00165
0.00035   0.00375   0.04150 0.01917  0.06278  0.00000 0.00000
 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
0.00000 0.00000 0.00444 0.00000 0.02778
V4.0    WRF   300000    20110905_060000 20110905_060000 000000
20110905_043000 20110905_073000 APCP_24  A24      APCP_24 A24
ADPSFC FULL    UW_MEAN     9           NA          NA         NA
0.05000 CNT       295   0.01875 0.00787  0.02963  0.00939  0.02891
0.09536 0.08823    0.10374    0.05875    0.12471    0.00000 0.00000
0.00000  0.00000  0.00000  0.00000 0.00000    0.00000    0.00000
0.00000    NA      NA          NA          NA          NA          NA
NA      23    2          22         0.01875 0.00787 0.02963 0.00939
0.02891 0.09536 0.08823    0.10374    0.05875    0.12471    NA    NA
NA        0.01877 0.00940 0.02896 0.00941 0.00360 0.01628 0.00906
0.00344   0.01550   0.09702 0.06004  0.12761  0.00000 0.00000
 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00667
V4.0    WRF   300000    20110906_060000 20110906_060000 000000
20110906_043000 20110906_073000 APCP_24  A24      APCP_24 A24
ADPSFC FULL    UW_MEAN     9           NA          NA         NA
0.05000 CNT       297   0.63090 0.36020  0.90160  0.38573  0.91084
2.38022 2.20295    2.58876    1.57223    3.09248    0.00000 0.00000
0.00000  0.00000  0.00000  0.00000 0.00000    0.00000    0.00000
0.00000    NA      NA          NA          NA          NA          NA
NA      83    13         82         0.63090 0.36020 0.90160 0.38573
0.91084 2.38022 2.20295    2.58876    1.57223    3.09248    NA    NA
NA        0.63090 0.38573 0.91084 6.04440 2.61156 10.34743 5.64636
2.46358   9.53122   2.45854 1.61603  3.21674  0.00000 0.00000
 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.03333
0.00000 0.12222 0.85556 0.44444 1.90882
V4.0    WRF   300000    20110907_060000 20110907_060000 000000
20110907_043000 20110907_073000 APCP_24  A24      APCP_24 A24
ADPSFC FULL    UW_MEAN     9           NA          NA         NA
0.05000 CNT       296   1.74838 1.19211  2.30465  1.22512  2.30941
4.88297 4.51874    5.31159    3.85167    5.78834    0.12443 -0.06658
0.31543  0.01287  0.32514  1.67662 1.55155    1.82379    0.12030
2.88407    0.26822 0.15908     0.37088     0.11878     0.45793
0.35108 0.28481 113   21         102        1.62395 1.08644 2.16147
1.10933 2.15824 4.71835 4.36639    5.13251    3.67572    5.60346
14.05159 5.23966   117.07798 1.66910 1.15971 2.20014 24.82480 14.57362
35.99779 22.18757 13.46525  31.29263  4.98245 3.81754  5.99981
0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
 0.00000 0.21639 0.07778 0.66111 4.43944 2.41889 6.79222
Is it correct collecting all cnt outputs in on cnt file?
Are plot_mpr.R and plot_cnt.R useful for my outputs?

From: John Halley Gotway via RT <met_help at ucar.edu>
To: weather1388 at yahoo.com
Sent: Wednesday, November 7, 2012 6:26 PM
Subject: Re: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #58534] Resolved: about accumulated

Ultimately the plotting of your statistical output is up to you.  The
MET output is just columnar ASCII output, so any number of tools could
be used to plot it.  Please use whichever plotting tools
you prefer.  Some user's create plot using R or IDL.  By way of
example, there are a couple of sample plotting scripts posted on the
MET website:

The plot_mpr.R and plot_cnt.R Rscripts on that site may be used to
create a few plots of the MPR and CNT lines, respectively.  However,
the MET team does not provide general support for plotting.
That's up to you.  But I'm happy to answer specific questions about
those sample scripts.

Hope that helps.


On 11/06/2012 11:25 PM, M M via RT wrote:
> <URL: https://rt.rap.ucar.edu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=58534 >
> Hello,
> Thanks a lot for your good helps,
> I ran point_stat again with the observation that had valid time
close to forecast. It ran correct and got the correct output. At now
how can I analyze the cnt, ctc, cts ,fho and stat output files and
draw graphs?
> Please help about that,
> Thanks,
> ________________________________
> From: John Halley Gotway via RT <met_help at ucar.edu>
> To: weather1388 at yahoo.com
> Sent: Wednesday, October 31, 2012 6:20 PM
> Subject: Re: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #58534] Resolved: about accumulated
> It looks like you're able to get Point-Stat to run but are now
finding 0 matched pairs.  Please rerun Point-Stat with the verbosity
turned up to level 3 to get more detailed information about matches.
>    Just pass it the "-v 3" command line argument.  When you do,
you'll see output similar to what's shown below:
> DEBUG 3: Number of matched pairs  = 364
> DEBUG 3: Observations processed  = 89892
> DEBUG 3: Rejected: GRIB code      = 77293
> DEBUG 3: Rejected: valid time    = 0
> DEBUG 3: Rejected: bad obs value  = 0
> DEBUG 3: Rejected: off the grid  = 6
> DEBUG 3: Rejected: level mismatch = 8077
> DEBUG 3: Rejected: message type  = 332
> DEBUG 3: Rejected: masking region = 3820
> DEBUG 3: Rejected: bad fcst value = 0
> This gives you a count of the number of observation values processed
and counts for the reasons why they were not used in the verification
> I see that your forecast is valid at this time, 20111002_060000,
while the observations are valid at this time, 20111001_240000.  That
last date is rather odd... shouldn't you write 20111002_000000
> instead?  Anyway, my guess is that the forecast and observation
valid times aren't close enough.  If that actually is the case, they
would be counted in the "Rejected: valid time" output line.
> If that's the case, you can easily reset the observation valid time
window that you'd like to use in the Point-Stat configuration file:
> //
> // Point observation time window
> //
> obs_window = {
>      beg = -5400;
>      end =  5400;
> }
> This defines a beginning and ending time window for retaining point
observations.  The number are listed in seconds and are defined
relative to the forecast valid time.  5400 seconds is 1.5 hours.  So
> if you were using this time window for your data, Point-Stat would
only keep observations between 20111002_053000 and 20111002_073000,
which is the forecast valid time +/- 1.5 hours.
> Hope that helps.
> John
> On 10/31/2012 12:49 AM, M M via RT wrote:
>> <URL: https://rt.rap.ucar.edu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=58534 >
>> Thanksa lot for your help,
>> I edited config file for fcst and obs like this:
>> fcst = {
>>      wind_thresh  = [ NA ];
>>      message_type = [ "ADPSFC" ];
>>      field = [
>>          {
>>            name      = "APCP_24";
>>            level      = [ "A24" ];
>>            cat_thresh = [ >0.5 ];
>>            }
>>      ];
>> };
>> obs = {
>>      wind_thresh  = [ NA ];
>>      message_type = [ "ADPSFC" ];
>>      field = [
>>          {
>>            name      = "APCP";
>>            level      = [ "A24" ];
>>            cat_thresh = [ >0.5 ];
>>            }
>>      ];
>> };
>> //obs = fcst;
>> After running ./bin/point_stat myfcst/test_24.nc myobs/20111001.nc
myconfig/PointStatConfig -outdir myout -v 2
>> The result is:
>> DEBUG 1: Default Config File:
>> DEBUG 1: User Config File: myconfig/PointStatConfig
>> GSL_RNG_TYPE=mt19937
>> GSL_RNG_SEED=18446744072665337936
>> DEBUG 1: Forecast File: myfcst/test_24.nc
>> DEBUG 1: Climatology File: none
>> DEBUG 1: Observation File: myobs/20111001.nc
>> DEBUG 2:
>> DEBUG 2:
>> DEBUG 2:
>> DEBUG 2: Reading data for APCP_24A24.
>> DEBUG 2: For APCP_24A24 found 1 forecast levels and 0 climatology
>> DEBUG 2:
>> DEBUG 2:
>> DEBUG 2:
>> DEBUG 2: Searching 294 observations from 290 messages.
>> DEBUG 2:
>> DEBUG 2:
>> DEBUG 2:
>> DEBUG 2: Processing APCP_24A24 versus APCP/A24, for observation
type ADPSFC, over region FULL, for interpolation method UW_MEAN(1),
using 0 pairs.
>> DEBUG 2:
>> DEBUG 2:
>> DEBUG 2:
>> DEBUG 1: Output file:
>> DEBUG 1: Output file: myout
>> DEBUG 1: Output file: myout
>> DEBUG 1: Output file: myout
>> DEBUG 1: Output file: myout
>> DEBUG 1: Output file: myout
>> DEBUG 1: Output file: myout
>> DEBUG 1: Output file: myout
>> DEBUG 1: Output file: myout
>> DEBUG 1: Output file: myout
>> DEBUG 1: Output file: myout
>> DEBUG 1: Output file: myout
>> DEBUG 1: Output file: myout
>> DEBUG 1: Output file: myout
>> DEBUG 1: Output file: myout
>> DEBUG 1: Output file: myout
>> Did I edit the config file correctly? And did it successfully run?
>> But why does it find 0 pairs? What is wrong?
>> The header for forecast file test_24 is:
>> netcdf test_24 {
>> dimensions:
>>            lat = 277 ;
>>            lon = 575 ;
>> variables:
>>            float lat(lat, lon) ;
>>                    lat:long_name = "latitude" ;
>>                    lat:units = "degrees_north" ;
>>                    lat:standard_name = "latitude" ;
>>            float lon(lat, lon) ;
>>                    lon:long_name = "longitude" ;
>>                    lon:units = "degrees_east" ;
>>                    lon:standard_name = "longitude" ;
>>            float APCP_24(lat, lon) ;
>>                    APCP_24:name = "APCP_24" ;
>>                    APCP_24:long_name = "Total precipitation" ;
>>                    APCP_24:level = "A24" ;
>>                    APCP_24:units = "kg/m^2" ;
>>                    APCP_24:_FillValue = -9999.f ;
>>                    APCP_24:init_time = "20111001_000000" ;
>>                    APCP_24:init_time_ut = 1317427200 ;
>>                    APCP_24:valid_time = "20111002_060000" ;
>>                    APCP_24:valid_time_ut = 1317535200 ;
>>                    APCP_24:accum_time = "240000" ;
>>                    APCP_24:accum_time_sec = 86400 ;
>> And the observation text file that converted to nc by ascci2nc is
like this :
>>    ADPSFC  40700    20111001_240000    39.65  47.91    31.9    61
24    31.9    16.4
>>    ADPSFC  40701    20111001_240000    39.37  44.38  1411.3    61
24    1411.3  4.6
>>    ADPSFC  40702    20111001_240000    38.75  45.66  736.2    61
24    736.2    2.3
>>    ADPSFC  40703    20111001_240000    38.55  44.98  1103.4    61
24    1103.4  1.2
>>    ADPSFC  40704    20111001_240000    38.43  47.06  1390.5    61
24    1390.5  2.6
>>    ADPSFC  40705    20111001_240000    38.37  47.66  1560.6    61
24    1560.6  0.8
>>    ADPSFC  40706    20111001_240000    38.08  46.28    1361    61
24    1361    0.2
>>    ADPSFC  40707    20111001_240000    37.93  46.11    1641    61
24    1641    1.2
>>    ADPSFC  40708    20111001_240000    38.32  48.22  1335.2    61
24    1335.2  0.4
>>    ADPSFC  40709    20111001_240000    38.35  48.85  -21.1    61
24    -21.1    19.5
>>    ADPSFC  40710    20111001_240000    37.93  47.53    1682    61
24    1682    0.2
>>    ADPSFC  40711    20111001_240000    38.86  47.01    1180    61
24    1180    0.7
>>    ADPSFC  40712    20111001_240000    37.65  45.05    1328    61
24    1328    0.1
>>    ADPSFC  40713    20111001_240000    37.40  46.26    1344    61
24    1344    0.01
>>    ADPSFC  40714    20111001_240000    39.05  48.05    749      61
24    749    4.7
>>    ADPSFC  40715    20111001_240000    36.77  47.67    1282    61
24    1282    1.3
>>    ADPSFC  40716    20111001_240000    37.45  47.70    1110    61
24    1110    0
>>    ADPSFC  40717    20111001_240000    37.60  48.53  1797.4    61
24    1797.4  0.6
>>    ADPSFC  40718    20111001_240000    37.47  49.45  -23.6    61
24    -23.6    0.8
>>    ADPSFC  40719    20111001_240000    37.32  49.62    -8.6    61
24    -8.6    0
>> And its header in nc after converting is:
>> dimensions:
>>            mxstr = 16 ;
>>            hdr_arr_len = 3 ;
>>            obs_arr_len = 5 ;
>>            nhdr = 290 ;
>>            nobs = UNLIMITED ; // (294 currently)
>> variables:
>>            char hdr_typ(nhdr, mxstr) ;
>>                    hdr_typ:long_name = "message type" ;
>>            char hdr_sid(nhdr, mxstr) ;
>>                    hdr_sid:long_name = "station identification" ;
>>            char hdr_vld(nhdr, mxstr) ;
>>                    hdr_vld:long_name = "valid time" ;
>>                    hdr_vld:units = "YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS UTC" ;
>>            float hdr_arr(nhdr, hdr_arr_len) ;
>>                    hdr_arr:long_name = "array of observation
station header values" ;
>>                    hdr_arr:_fill_value = -9999.f ;
>>                    hdr_arr:columns = "lat lon elv" ;
>>                    hdr_arr:lat_long_name = "latitude" ;
>>                    hdr_arr:lat_units = "degrees_north" ;
>>                    hdr_arr:lon_long_name = "longitude" ;
>>                    hdr_arr:lon_units = "degrees_east" ;
>>                    hdr_arr:elv_long_name = "elevation " ;
>>                    hdr_arr:elv_units = "meters above sea level
(msl)" ;
>>            float obs_arr(nobs, obs_arr_len) ;
>>                    obs_arr:long_name = "array of observation
values" ;
>>                    obs_arr:_fill_value = -9999.f ;
>>                    obs_arr:columns = "hdr_id gc lvl hgt ob" ;
>>                    obs_arr:hdr_id_long_name = "index of matching
header data" ;
>>                    obs_arr:gc_long_name = "grib code corresponding
to the observation type" ;
>>                    obs_arr:lvl_long_name = "pressure level (hPa) or
accumulation interval (h)" ;
>>                    obs_arr:hgt_long_name = "height in meters above
sea level (msl)" ;
>>                    obs_arr:ob_long_name = "observation value" ;
>> // global attributes:
>> Please  help me,
>> Thanks,
>> ________________________________
>> From: John Halley Gotway via RT <met_help at ucar.edu>
>> To: weather1388 at yahoo.com
>> Sent: Tuesday, October 30, 2012 9:14 PM
>> Subject: Re: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #58534] Resolved: about accumulated
>> It looks like you're trying to use Point-Stat to verify accumulated
precipitation.  You're passing Point-Stat a gridded NetCDF forecast
file and a NetCDF point observation file.
>> In the Point-Stat configuration file, you set up the "fcst" and
"obs" sections to tell the tool what fields you be verified.  Since
you're using the NetCDF forecast file, the "fcst" section should
>> include:
>>        name  = "APCP_24";
>>        level = "(*,*)";
>> However the point observations must are ALWAYS specified using GRIB
conventions.  So the "obs" section should include:
>>        name  = "APCP";
>>        level = "A24";
>> Please try editing the config file to see if you can get it to run.
If not, just send me the input files you're using and I can help you
debug.  Specifically, I'd need:
>>        myfcst/test_24.nc, myobs/20110931.nc, and
>> Thanks,
>> John
>> On 10/30/2012 02:54 AM, M M via RT wrote:
>>> <URL: https://rt.rap.ucar.edu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=58534 >
>>> Hello,
>>> Thanks a lot for your help,
>>> After rung add & subtract for making forecast file, when I run
point_stat command for the nc file that is made with pcp_combine (add
& subtract)  and my observation nc file that was made with asscci2nc
,the command is :
>>> ./bin/point_stat myfcst/test_24.nc myobs/20110931.nc
myconfig/PointStatConfig -outdir myout -v 2
>>> It don't run and get the following error:
>>> DEBUG 1: Default Config File:
>>> DEBUG 1: User Config File: myconfig/PointStatConfig
>>> GSL_RNG_TYPE=mt19937
>>> GSL_RNG_SEED=18446744071605161808
>>> DEBUG 1: Forecast File:myfcst/test_24.nc
>>> DEBUG 1: Climatology File: none
>>> DEBUG 1: Observation File: myobs/20110931.nc
>>> DEBUG 2:
>>> DEBUG 2:
>>> DEBUG 2:
>>> DEBUG 2: Reading data for APCPA24.
>>> ERROR  :
>>> ERROR  : process_fcst_climo_files() -> no fields matching APCPA24
found in file: myfcst/test_24.nc
>>> ERROR  :
>>> The header of test_24.nc file that was made by pcp_combine is
>>> netcdf test_24 {
>>> dimensions:
>>>              lat = 277 ;
>>>              lon = 575 ;
>>> variables:
>>>              float lat(lat, lon) ;
>>>                      lat:long_name = "latitude" ;
>>>                      lat:units = "degrees_north" ;
>>>                      lat:standard_name = "latitude" ;
>>>              float lon(lat, lon) ;
>>>                      lon:long_name = "longitude" ;
>>>                      lon:units = "degrees_east" ;
>>>                      lon:standard_name = "longitude" ;
>>>              float APCP_24(lat, lon) ;
>>>                      APCP_24:name = "APCP_24" ;
>>>                      APCP_24:long_name = "Total precipitation" ;
>>>                      APCP_24:level = "A24" ;
>>>                      APCP_24:units = "kg/m^2" ;
>>>                      APCP_24:_FillValue = -9999.f ;
>>>                      APCP_24:init_time = "20111001_000000" ;
>>>                      APCP_24:init_time_ut = 1317427200 ;
>>>                      APCP_24:valid_time = "20111002_060000" ;
>>>                      APCP_24:valid_time_ut = 1317535200 ;
>>>                      APCP_24:accum_time = "240000" ;
>>>                      APCP_24:accum_time_sec = 86400 ;
>>> The name is: APCP_24:name = "APCP_24" ;
>>> It seems that that name must be APCP:name = "APCP" ;  but the file
that pcp_combine make name like APCP_24:name = "APCP_24" .
>>> Why does it happen? How does it fix?
>>> Please help me,
>>> Thanks,
>>> ________________________________
>>> From: John Halley Gotway via RT <met_help at ucar.edu>
>>> To: weather1388 at yahoo.com
>>> Sent: Monday, October 29, 2012 8:02 PM
>>> Subject: Re: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #58534] Resolved: about accumulated
>>> There is no way to easily convert from this NetCDF file to a GRIB
file.  And I won't be of any help trying to get GRADS to read that
NetCDF file.  As for extracting specific points from that NetCDF
>>> file, you could use any scripting language that has an API for
>>> Personally, I would use R (http://www.r-project.org/) with the
ncdf or RNetCDF package to open up this file an extract specific
values.  But you could also use NCL, or any other tool with a NetCDF
>>> Thanks,
>>> John
>>> On 10/27/2012 04:13 AM, M M via RT wrote:
>>>> <URL: https://rt.rap.ucar.edu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=58534 >
>>>> Hello,
>>>> Thanks a lot for your help, I want to find value of accumulation
precipitation 6-30 hours for some points. If apcp_6_30.nc opened by
grads I have extracted values for some points but apcp_6_30.nc doesn't
open by grads. I wanted to convert nc to grib and use grib2ctl.pl for
making ctl file then open apcp_6_30 by grads. But I couldn't do that.
>>>> Is there any way for extracting data values of apcp_6_30.nc or
the nc file that is made by pcp_combine?
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> ________________________________
>>>> From: John Halley Gotway via RT <met_help at ucar.edu>
>>>> To: weather1388 at yahoo.com
>>>> Sent: Wednesday, October 24, 2012 5:39 PM
>>>> Subject: Re: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #58534] Resolved: about accumulated
>>>> Let me answer your last question first.  I am aware of no way of
converting this file into GRIB format.  Why do you need it in GRIB?
MET is able to read it directly.
>>>> For a quick plot, you could just use ncview:
>>>>          ncview apcp_6_30.nc
>>>> Or you could use Unidata's IDV tool:
>>>>          http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/software/idv/
>>>> Or you could use the MET plot_data_plane utility to create a
postscript image:
>>>>          METv4.0/bin/plot_data_plane apcp_6_30.nc apcp_6_30.ps
'name="APCP_24"; level="(*,*)";'
>>>> It uses the default colortable and scales it to the min/max
values found in the data.  Just type the command with no arguments to
see the full usage statement:
>>>>          METv4.0/bin/plot_data_plane
>>>> Hope that helps.
>>>> John
>>>> On 10/24/2012 06:00 AM, M M via RT wrote:
>>>>> <URL: https://rt.rap.ucar.edu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=58534 >
>>>>> Hello,
>>>>> Thanks a lot for your help,
>>>>> I installed METv4.0 and its patch then ran 2 commands for add
and subtract, it has been successfully run and got me apcp_6_30.nc and
it was correct. I want to use in met for verification. I have another
question. How can I plot this file (apcp_6_30.nc)? Is it possible to
plot with grads? And how can I convert the apcp_6_30.nc file to grib
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> ________________________________
>>>>> From: John Halley Gotway via RT <met_help at ucar.edu>
>>>>> To: weather1388 at yahoo.com
>>>>> Sent: Monday, October 22, 2012 6:02 PM
>>>>> Subject: Re: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #58534] Resolved: about
accumulated precipitation
>>>>> Hello,
>>>>> I ran the following three commands on your data without error:
>>>>> /d1/johnhg/MET/MET_releases/METv4.0/bin/pcp_combine -add
wrf_d1_024.grb 24 wrf_d1_030.grb 6 apcp_0_30.nc
>>>>> /d1/johnhg/MET/MET_releases/METv4.0/bin/pcp_combine -subtract
apcp_0_30.nc 'name="APCP_30";level="(*,*)";' wrf_d1_006.grb 6
>>>>> /d1/johnhg/MET/MET_releases/METv4.0/bin/pcp_combine -add
wrf_d1_006.grb 6 wrf_d1_024.grb 24 wrf_d1_030.grb 6 test.nc
>>>>> I suspect that you're not using the most recent version of the
code.  I posted a bugfix for METv4.0 pcp_combine on 10/16/2012.
>>>>> Please make sure that you're using METv4.0 and have applied the
latest set of patches:
>>>>> Follow the instructions at the top of the page to retrieve the
patches, unpack them in the METv4.0 directory, execute a "make clean",
and then a "make".
>>>>> Then, try running the 3 commands I've listed above.
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> John
>>>>> On 10/21/2012 04:16 AM, M M via RT wrote:
>>>>>> <URL: https://rt.rap.ucar.edu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=58534 >
>>>>>> Thanks a lot for your helps.
>>>>>> I send 3 of wrfouts (wrf_d1_006.grb, wrf_d1_024.grb,
wrf_d1_030.grb) in your ftp site in incoming/irap/met_help/ path in
m_data folder.
>>>>>> Would you please test them for subtract and add together, then
getting 6-30 accumulation precipitation in grib or nc format.
>>>>>> When I do that it gets error.
>>>>>> pcp_combine -subtract apcp_0_30.nc
'name="APCP_30";level="(*,*)";' wrf_d01_006.grb 6 apcp_6_30.nc  .
>>>>>>>              But it gives the following error:
>>>>>>> Readinginput file: apcp_6_30.nc
>>>>>>>                GribFile::skip_header() -> can't find "GRIB"
magic cookie
>>>>>>> ERROR: get_field() -> can't open grib file: apcp_6_30.nc
>>>>>> And would you please sum or add 3 files together? I can add 2
grib file together but I can't add 3 or 4 files in one command like
>>>>>> pcp_combine -add wrf_d01_12.grb 6 wrf_d01_18.grb 6
wrf_d01_24.grb 6 wrf_d01_30.grb 6 apcp_6_30.nc
>>>>>>            It gets error. Would you help me about this too?
>>>>>> Thankes,
>>>>>> ________________________________
>>>>>> From: John Halley Gotway via RT <met_help at ucar.edu>
>>>>>> To: weather1388 at yahoo.com
>>>>>> Sent: Tuesday, October 16, 2012 6:18 PM
>>>>>> Subject: Re: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #58534] Resolved: about
accumulated precipitation
>>>>>> While debugging your issue, I ran across a bug in the METv4.0
version of pcp_combine.  It was working fine in METv3.1, but was
broken in METv4.0.  I have fixed the bug and posted a new patch to our
>>>>>> website:
>>>>>> Please follow the instructions on that page to rebuild MET with
the latest set of patches and then try re-running:
>>>>>>              pcp_combine -add wrf_d01_024.grb 24
wrf_d01_030.grb 6 apcp_0_30.nc
>>>>>>              pcp_combine -subtract apcp_0_30.nc
'name="APCP_30";level="(*,*)";' wrf_d01_006.grb 6 apcp_6_30.nc
>>>>>> If that still does not work, please send me those two GRIB
files (wrf_d01_024.grb and wrf_d01_030.grb) by posting them to our
anonymous ftp site, as described here:
>>>>>> You asked a question about how a single WRF file can have
multiple accumulation intervals in it.  I'm really not an expert on
configuring/running WRF.  For details on that, I'd suggest reading WRF
>>>>>> User's Guide or writing a question to WRF-Help.
>>>>>> Now, you said that you reran with "tprec=6" and your output now
has 6-hourly accumulations.  That should be easier to work with.  You
have 4, 6-hourly accumulation files that you'd like to sum up to a
>>>>>> 6-30 hour accumulation.  You can do this two different ways,
using the -add option or the -sum option:
>>>>>>                # Add up the 4 files explicitly
>>>>>>                pcp_combine -add wrf_d01_12.grb 6 wrf_d01_18.grb
6 wrf_d01_24.grb 6 wrf_d01_30.grb 6 apcp_6_30.nc
>>>>>>                # Use the sum command
>>>>>>                pcp_combine -sum INIT_YYYYMMDD_HH 6
VALID_YYYYMMDD_HH 24 apcp_6_30.nc
>>>>>> For example, suppose your model was initialized on 20121010 at
00Z, here's the command you'd run
>>>>>>                pcp_combine -sum 20121010_00 6 20121011_06 24
>>>>>> Either of these two options should produce the exact same 6 -
30 hour accumulation with a single call to pcp_combine.
>>>>>> Sorry for that bug.  Hope this helps.
>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>> John
>>>>>> On 10/16/2012 06:13 AM, M M via RT wrote:
>>>>>>> <URL: https://rt.rap.ucar.edu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=58534
>>>>>>> Thanks, that was a good help for me.
>>>>>>> I did those 2 steps for getting 6-30 hour accumulation. First
I ran
>>>>>>> pcp_combine -add wrf_d01_024.grb 24 wrf_d01_030.grb 6
apcp_0_30.nc it give the 0-30 hour accumulation.  It was correct. Then
I ran
>>>>>>> pcp_combine -subtract apcp_0_30.nc
'name="APCP_30";level="(*,*)";' wrf_d01_006.grb 6 apcp_6_30.nc  .
>>>>>>>              But it gives the following error:
>>>>>>> Readinginput file: apcp_6_30.nc
>>>>>>>                GribFile::skip_header() -> can't find "GRIB"
magic cookie
>>>>>>> ERROR: get_field() -> can't open grib file: apcp_6_30.nc
>>>>>>> How can I fix it? How do I have 6-30 or 0-30 accumulation in
grib format?
>>>>>>> How do I convert nc to grib?
>>>>>>> In MET package there are some sample forecast files. Some of
them are wrf outputs. They are in grib format and have for example
sfc: 0-24hr and: sfc: 21-24hr accumulation precipitation. How does it
do to have 0-24 and 21-24 in one file in grib format?
>>>>>>> I ran again model for testing "tprec" option. I set "tprec"=6.
Then I used UPP on my WRF output. But it give me 0-6, 6-12,12-18,18-
24,24-30,30-36 accumulation not 6-30 accumulation. How does it set for
giving 6-30 accumulation?
>>>>>>> Because I ran model before and now have wrfout I had to add 0-
24 & 24-30 and then subtract 0-6 from 0-30.
>>>>>>> Please help me,
>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>> ________________________________
>>>>>>> From: John Halley Gotway via RT <met_help at ucar.edu>
>>>>>>> To: weather1388 at yahoo.com
>>>>>>> Sent: Monday, October 15, 2012 5:59 PM
>>>>>>> Subject: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #58534] Resolved: about accumulated
>>>>>>> According to our records, your request has been resolved. If
you have any
>>>>>>> further questions or concerns, please respond to this message.

Subject: Re: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #58534] Resolved: about accumulated precipitation
From: John Halley Gotway
Time: Mon Nov 12 11:54:12 2012

Please open up the plot_cnt.R script and read the header:

It contains information about how to run the script - namely that you
running using the "Rscript" command.  The following is an example of
running this script on the output of the sample MET test scripts:

cd METv4.0
Rscript plot_cnt.R out/grid_stat/*.stat -column RMSE

This makes very uninteresting plots containing only a single point.
But if you pass it a more complete dataset, it should make more
interesting plots.


On 11/10/2012 11:14 PM, M M via RT wrote:
> <URL: https://rt.rap.ucar.edu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=58534 >
> Hello,
> Thanks a lot for your help; I studied those scripts plot_mpr.R and
plot_cnt.R. I installed R software but I am beginner in R and don't
know how to use those scripts.
> Could you please help me for using scripts? How can I run those
scripts in R?
> I ran WRF for one month (I have 30 wrf output files) then run
MET(Point_stat) for 24hr accumulated precipitation for 30 files, and
collect all 30 cnt point_stat outputs in one cnt file and also 30 cts
point_stat outputs in one cns file. My cnt output is like this:
RMSE     RMSE_BCL RMSE_BCU E10       E10_BCL   E10_BCU   E25
E25_BCL   E25_BCU  E50      E50_BCL  E50_BCU  E75     E75_BCL E75_BCU
>   E90_BCL E90_BCU
> V4.0    WRF   300000    20110902_060000 20110902_060000 000000
20110902_043000 20110902_073000 APCP_24  A24      APCP_24 A24
ADPSFC FULL    UW_MEAN     9           NA          NA         NA
0.05000 CNT       295   0.01961 0.00962  0.02960  0.01104  0.03080
0.08753 0.08099    0.09523    0.04828    0.12611    0.00305 -0.00140
0.00750  0.00000  0.00814  0.03900 0.03609    0.04243    0.00000
0.06496    -0.01792 -0.13185    0.09648     -0.03233    -0.01144
-0.37056 -0.30691 42    14         39         0.01656 0.00555 0.02757
0.00660 0.02840 0.09646 0.08926    0.10495    0.05747    0.13594
6.42839 2.01227   23.44222  0.02282 0.01329 0.03445 0.00955 0.00349
0.01910 0.00927 0.00329   0.01842   0.09771 0.05910  0.13820  0.00000
0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
>   0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.01111 0.00000 0.07561
> V4.0    WRF   300000    20110903_060000 20110903_060000 000000
20110903_043000 20110903_073000 APCP_24  A24      APCP_24 A24
ADPSFC FULL    UW_MEAN     9           NA          NA         NA
0.05000 CNT       296   0.03377 0.01829  0.04926  0.02025  0.05070
0.13593 0.12579    0.14786    0.08257    0.17971    0.00000 0.00000
0.00000  0.00000  0.00000  0.00000 0.00000    0.00000    0.00000
0.00000    NA      NA          NA          NA          NA          NA
NA      51    7          50         0.03377 0.01829 0.04926 0.02025
0.05070 0.13593 0.12579    0.14786    0.08257    0.17971    NA    NA
NA        0.03382 0.02029 0.05077 0.01955 0.00722 0.03479 0.01841
0.00679   0.03219   0.13984 0.08498  0.18652  0.00000 0.00000
>   0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
0.00000 0.00000 0.03444 0.01556 0.14444
> V4.0    WRF   300000    20110904_060000 20110904_060000 000000
20110904_043000 20110904_073000 APCP_24  A24      APCP_24 A24
ADPSFC FULL    UW_MEAN     9           NA          NA         NA
0.05000 CNT       296   0.00845 0.00381  0.01308  0.00446  0.01396
0.04070 0.03767    0.04428    0.01869    0.06132    0.00000 0.00000
0.00000  0.00000  0.00000  0.00000 0.00000    0.00000    0.00000
0.00000    NA      NA          NA          NA          NA          NA
NA      34    6          33         0.00845 0.00381 0.01308 0.00446
0.01396 0.04070 0.03767    0.04428    0.01869    0.06132    NA    NA
NA        0.00851 0.00454 0.01404 0.00172 0.00037 0.00394 0.00165
0.00035   0.00375   0.04150 0.01917  0.06278  0.00000 0.00000
>   0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
0.00000 0.00000 0.00444 0.00000 0.02778
> V4.0    WRF   300000    20110905_060000 20110905_060000 000000
20110905_043000 20110905_073000 APCP_24  A24      APCP_24 A24
ADPSFC FULL    UW_MEAN     9           NA          NA         NA
0.05000 CNT       295   0.01875 0.00787  0.02963  0.00939  0.02891
0.09536 0.08823    0.10374    0.05875    0.12471    0.00000 0.00000
0.00000  0.00000  0.00000  0.00000 0.00000    0.00000    0.00000
0.00000    NA      NA          NA          NA          NA          NA
NA      23    2          22         0.01875 0.00787 0.02963 0.00939
0.02891 0.09536 0.08823    0.10374    0.05875    0.12471    NA    NA
NA        0.01877 0.00940 0.02896 0.00941 0.00360 0.01628 0.00906
0.00344   0.01550   0.09702 0.06004  0.12761  0.00000 0.00000
>   0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00667
> V4.0    WRF   300000    20110906_060000 20110906_060000 000000
20110906_043000 20110906_073000 APCP_24  A24      APCP_24 A24
ADPSFC FULL    UW_MEAN     9           NA          NA         NA
0.05000 CNT       297   0.63090 0.36020  0.90160  0.38573  0.91084
2.38022 2.20295    2.58876    1.57223    3.09248    0.00000 0.00000
0.00000  0.00000  0.00000  0.00000 0.00000    0.00000    0.00000
0.00000    NA      NA          NA          NA          NA          NA
NA      83    13         82         0.63090 0.36020 0.90160 0.38573
0.91084 2.38022 2.20295    2.58876    1.57223    3.09248    NA    NA
NA        0.63090 0.38573 0.91084 6.04440 2.61156 10.34743 5.64636
2.46358   9.53122   2.45854 1.61603  3.21674  0.00000 0.00000
>   0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.03333
0.00000 0.12222 0.85556 0.44444 1.90882
> V4.0    WRF   300000    20110907_060000 20110907_060000 000000
20110907_043000 20110907_073000 APCP_24  A24      APCP_24 A24
ADPSFC FULL    UW_MEAN     9           NA          NA         NA
0.05000 CNT       296   1.74838 1.19211  2.30465  1.22512  2.30941
4.88297 4.51874    5.31159    3.85167    5.78834    0.12443 -0.06658
0.31543  0.01287  0.32514  1.67662 1.55155    1.82379    0.12030
2.88407    0.26822 0.15908     0.37088     0.11878     0.45793
0.35108 0.28481 113   21         102        1.62395 1.08644 2.16147
1.10933 2.15824 4.71835 4.36639    5.13251    3.67572    5.60346
14.05159 5.23966   117.07798 1.66910 1.15971 2.20014 24.82480 14.57362
35.99779 22.18757 13.46525  31.29263  4.98245 3.81754  5.99981
0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
>   0.00000 0.21639 0.07778 0.66111 4.43944 2.41889 6.79222
> Is it correct collecting all cnt outputs in on cnt file?
> Are plot_mpr.R and plot_cnt.R useful for my outputs?
> Thanks,
> ________________________________
> From: John Halley Gotway via RT <met_help at ucar.edu>
> To: weather1388 at yahoo.com
> Sent: Wednesday, November 7, 2012 6:26 PM
> Subject: Re: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #58534] Resolved: about accumulated
> Ultimately the plotting of your statistical output is up to you.
The MET output is just columnar ASCII output, so any number of tools
could be used to plot it.  Please use whichever plotting tools
> you prefer.  Some user's create plot using R or IDL.  By way of
example, there are a couple of sample plotting scripts posted on the
MET website:
> The plot_mpr.R and plot_cnt.R Rscripts on that site may be used to
create a few plots of the MPR and CNT lines, respectively.  However,
the MET team does not provide general support for plotting.
> That's up to you.  But I'm happy to answer specific questions about
those sample scripts.
> Hope that helps.
> John
> On 11/06/2012 11:25 PM, M M via RT wrote:
>> <URL: https://rt.rap.ucar.edu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=58534 >
>> Hello,
>> Thanks a lot for your good helps,
>> I ran point_stat again with the observation that had valid time
close to forecast. It ran correct and got the correct output. At now
how can I analyze the cnt, ctc, cts ,fho and stat output files and
draw graphs?
>> Please help about that,
>> Thanks,
>> ________________________________
>> From: John Halley Gotway via RT <met_help at ucar.edu>
>> To: weather1388 at yahoo.com
>> Sent: Wednesday, October 31, 2012 6:20 PM
>> Subject: Re: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #58534] Resolved: about accumulated
>> It looks like you're able to get Point-Stat to run but are now
finding 0 matched pairs.  Please rerun Point-Stat with the verbosity
turned up to level 3 to get more detailed information about matches.
>>      Just pass it the "-v 3" command line argument.  When you do,
you'll see output similar to what's shown below:
>> DEBUG 3: Number of matched pairs  = 364
>> DEBUG 3: Observations processed  = 89892
>> DEBUG 3: Rejected: GRIB code      = 77293
>> DEBUG 3: Rejected: valid time    = 0
>> DEBUG 3: Rejected: bad obs value  = 0
>> DEBUG 3: Rejected: off the grid  = 6
>> DEBUG 3: Rejected: level mismatch = 8077
>> DEBUG 3: Rejected: message type  = 332
>> DEBUG 3: Rejected: masking region = 3820
>> DEBUG 3: Rejected: bad fcst value = 0
>> This gives you a count of the number of observation values
processed and counts for the reasons why they were not used in the
verification task.
>> I see that your forecast is valid at this time, 20111002_060000,
while the observations are valid at this time, 20111001_240000.  That
last date is rather odd... shouldn't you write 20111002_000000
>> instead?  Anyway, my guess is that the forecast and observation
valid times aren't close enough.  If that actually is the case, they
would be counted in the "Rejected: valid time" output line.
>> If that's the case, you can easily reset the observation valid time
window that you'd like to use in the Point-Stat configuration file:
>> //
>> // Point observation time window
>> //
>> obs_window = {
>>        beg = -5400;
>>        end =  5400;
>> }
>> This defines a beginning and ending time window for retaining point
observations.  The number are listed in seconds and are defined
relative to the forecast valid time.  5400 seconds is 1.5 hours.  So
>> if you were using this time window for your data, Point-Stat would
only keep observations between 20111002_053000 and 20111002_073000,
which is the forecast valid time +/- 1.5 hours.
>> Hope that helps.
>> John
>> On 10/31/2012 12:49 AM, M M via RT wrote:
>>> <URL: https://rt.rap.ucar.edu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=58534 >
>>> Thanksa lot for your help,
>>> I edited config file for fcst and obs like this:
>>> fcst = {
>>>        wind_thresh  = [ NA ];
>>>        message_type = [ "ADPSFC" ];
>>>        field = [
>>>            {
>>>              name      = "APCP_24";
>>>              level      = [ "A24" ];
>>>              cat_thresh = [ >0.5 ];
>>>              }
>>>        ];
>>> };
>>> obs = {
>>>        wind_thresh  = [ NA ];
>>>        message_type = [ "ADPSFC" ];
>>>        field = [
>>>            {
>>>              name      = "APCP";
>>>              level      = [ "A24" ];
>>>              cat_thresh = [ >0.5 ];
>>>              }
>>>        ];
>>> };
>>> //obs = fcst;
>>> After running ./bin/point_stat myfcst/test_24.nc myobs/20111001.nc
myconfig/PointStatConfig -outdir myout -v 2
>>> The result is:
>>> DEBUG 1: Default Config File:
>>> DEBUG 1: User Config File: myconfig/PointStatConfig
>>> GSL_RNG_TYPE=mt19937
>>> GSL_RNG_SEED=18446744072665337936
>>> DEBUG 1: Forecast File: myfcst/test_24.nc
>>> DEBUG 1: Climatology File: none
>>> DEBUG 1: Observation File: myobs/20111001.nc
>>> DEBUG 2:
>>> DEBUG 2:
>>> DEBUG 2:
>>> DEBUG 2: Reading data for APCP_24A24.
>>> DEBUG 2: For APCP_24A24 found 1 forecast levels and 0 climatology
>>> DEBUG 2:
>>> DEBUG 2:
>>> DEBUG 2:
>>> DEBUG 2: Searching 294 observations from 290 messages.
>>> DEBUG 2:
>>> DEBUG 2:
>>> DEBUG 2:
>>> DEBUG 2: Processing APCP_24A24 versus APCP/A24, for observation
type ADPSFC, over region FULL, for interpolation method UW_MEAN(1),
using 0 pairs.
>>> DEBUG 2:
>>> DEBUG 2:
>>> DEBUG 2:
>>> DEBUG 1: Output file:
>>> DEBUG 1: Output file: myout
>>> DEBUG 1: Output file: myout
>>> DEBUG 1: Output file: myout
>>> DEBUG 1: Output file: myout
>>> DEBUG 1: Output file: myout
>>> DEBUG 1: Output file: myout
>>> DEBUG 1: Output file: myout
>>> DEBUG 1: Output file: myout
>>> DEBUG 1: Output file: myout
>>> DEBUG 1: Output file: myout
>>> DEBUG 1: Output file: myout
>>> DEBUG 1: Output file: myout
>>> DEBUG 1: Output file: myout
>>> DEBUG 1: Output file: myout
>>> DEBUG 1: Output file: myout
>>> Did I edit the config file correctly? And did it successfully run?
>>> But why does it find 0 pairs? What is wrong?
>>> The header for forecast file test_24 is:
>>> netcdf test_24 {
>>> dimensions:
>>>              lat = 277 ;
>>>              lon = 575 ;
>>> variables:
>>>              float lat(lat, lon) ;
>>>                      lat:long_name = "latitude" ;
>>>                      lat:units = "degrees_north" ;
>>>                      lat:standard_name = "latitude" ;
>>>              float lon(lat, lon) ;
>>>                      lon:long_name = "longitude" ;
>>>                      lon:units = "degrees_east" ;
>>>                      lon:standard_name = "longitude" ;
>>>              float APCP_24(lat, lon) ;
>>>                      APCP_24:name = "APCP_24" ;
>>>                      APCP_24:long_name = "Total precipitation" ;
>>>                      APCP_24:level = "A24" ;
>>>                      APCP_24:units = "kg/m^2" ;
>>>                      APCP_24:_FillValue = -9999.f ;
>>>                      APCP_24:init_time = "20111001_000000" ;
>>>                      APCP_24:init_time_ut = 1317427200 ;
>>>                      APCP_24:valid_time = "20111002_060000" ;
>>>                      APCP_24:valid_time_ut = 1317535200 ;
>>>                      APCP_24:accum_time = "240000" ;
>>>                      APCP_24:accum_time_sec = 86400 ;
>>> And the observation text file that converted to nc by ascci2nc is
like this :
>>>      ADPSFC  40700    20111001_240000    39.65  47.91    31.9
61      24    31.9    16.4
>>>      ADPSFC  40701    20111001_240000    39.37  44.38  1411.3
61      24    1411.3  4.6
>>>      ADPSFC  40702    20111001_240000    38.75  45.66  736.2    61
24    736.2    2.3
>>>      ADPSFC  40703    20111001_240000    38.55  44.98  1103.4
61      24    1103.4  1.2
>>>      ADPSFC  40704    20111001_240000    38.43  47.06  1390.5
61      24    1390.5  2.6
>>>      ADPSFC  40705    20111001_240000    38.37  47.66  1560.6
61      24    1560.6  0.8
>>>      ADPSFC  40706    20111001_240000    38.08  46.28    1361
61      24    1361    0.2
>>>      ADPSFC  40707    20111001_240000    37.93  46.11    1641
61      24    1641    1.2
>>>      ADPSFC  40708    20111001_240000    38.32  48.22  1335.2
61      24    1335.2  0.4
>>>      ADPSFC  40709    20111001_240000    38.35  48.85  -21.1    61
24    -21.1    19.5
>>>      ADPSFC  40710    20111001_240000    37.93  47.53    1682
61      24    1682    0.2
>>>      ADPSFC  40711    20111001_240000    38.86  47.01    1180
61      24    1180    0.7
>>>      ADPSFC  40712    20111001_240000    37.65  45.05    1328
61      24    1328    0.1
>>>      ADPSFC  40713    20111001_240000    37.40  46.26    1344
61      24    1344    0.01
>>>      ADPSFC  40714    20111001_240000    39.05  48.05    749
61      24    749    4.7
>>>      ADPSFC  40715    20111001_240000    36.77  47.67    1282
61      24    1282    1.3
>>>      ADPSFC  40716    20111001_240000    37.45  47.70    1110
61      24    1110    0
>>>      ADPSFC  40717    20111001_240000    37.60  48.53  1797.4
61      24    1797.4  0.6
>>>      ADPSFC  40718    20111001_240000    37.47  49.45  -23.6    61
24    -23.6    0.8
>>>      ADPSFC  40719    20111001_240000    37.32  49.62    -8.6
61      24    -8.6    0
>>> And its header in nc after converting is:
>>> dimensions:
>>>              mxstr = 16 ;
>>>              hdr_arr_len = 3 ;
>>>              obs_arr_len = 5 ;
>>>              nhdr = 290 ;
>>>              nobs = UNLIMITED ; // (294 currently)
>>> variables:
>>>              char hdr_typ(nhdr, mxstr) ;
>>>                      hdr_typ:long_name = "message type" ;
>>>              char hdr_sid(nhdr, mxstr) ;
>>>                      hdr_sid:long_name = "station identification"
>>>              char hdr_vld(nhdr, mxstr) ;
>>>                      hdr_vld:long_name = "valid time" ;
>>>                      hdr_vld:units = "YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS UTC" ;
>>>              float hdr_arr(nhdr, hdr_arr_len) ;
>>>                      hdr_arr:long_name = "array of observation
station header values" ;
>>>                      hdr_arr:_fill_value = -9999.f ;
>>>                      hdr_arr:columns = "lat lon elv" ;
>>>                      hdr_arr:lat_long_name = "latitude" ;
>>>                      hdr_arr:lat_units = "degrees_north" ;
>>>                      hdr_arr:lon_long_name = "longitude" ;
>>>                      hdr_arr:lon_units = "degrees_east" ;
>>>                      hdr_arr:elv_long_name = "elevation " ;
>>>                      hdr_arr:elv_units = "meters above sea level
(msl)" ;
>>>              float obs_arr(nobs, obs_arr_len) ;
>>>                      obs_arr:long_name = "array of observation
values" ;
>>>                      obs_arr:_fill_value = -9999.f ;
>>>                      obs_arr:columns = "hdr_id gc lvl hgt ob" ;
>>>                      obs_arr:hdr_id_long_name = "index of matching
header data" ;
>>>                      obs_arr:gc_long_name = "grib code
corresponding to the observation type" ;
>>>                      obs_arr:lvl_long_name = "pressure level (hPa)
or accumulation interval (h)" ;
>>>                      obs_arr:hgt_long_name = "height in meters
above sea level (msl)" ;
>>>                      obs_arr:ob_long_name = "observation value" ;
>>> // global attributes:
>>> Please  help me,
>>> Thanks,
>>> ________________________________
>>> From: John Halley Gotway via RT <met_help at ucar.edu>
>>> To: weather1388 at yahoo.com
>>> Sent: Tuesday, October 30, 2012 9:14 PM
>>> Subject: Re: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #58534] Resolved: about accumulated
>>> It looks like you're trying to use Point-Stat to verify
accumulated precipitation.  You're passing Point-Stat a gridded NetCDF
forecast file and a NetCDF point observation file.
>>> In the Point-Stat configuration file, you set up the "fcst" and
"obs" sections to tell the tool what fields you be verified.  Since
you're using the NetCDF forecast file, the "fcst" section should
>>> include:
>>>          name  = "APCP_24";
>>>          level = "(*,*)";
>>> However the point observations must are ALWAYS specified using
GRIB conventions.  So the "obs" section should include:
>>>          name  = "APCP";
>>>          level = "A24";
>>> Please try editing the config file to see if you can get it to
run.  If not, just send me the input files you're using and I can help
you debug.  Specifically, I'd need:
>>>          myfcst/test_24.nc, myobs/20110931.nc, and
>>> Thanks,
>>> John
>>> On 10/30/2012 02:54 AM, M M via RT wrote:
>>>> <URL: https://rt.rap.ucar.edu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=58534 >
>>>> Hello,
>>>> Thanks a lot for your help,
>>>> After rung add & subtract for making forecast file, when I run
point_stat command for the nc file that is made with pcp_combine (add
& subtract)  and my observation nc file that was made with asscci2nc
,the command is :
>>>> ./bin/point_stat myfcst/test_24.nc myobs/20110931.nc
myconfig/PointStatConfig -outdir myout -v 2
>>>> It don't run and get the following error:
>>>> DEBUG 1: Default Config File:
>>>> DEBUG 1: User Config File: myconfig/PointStatConfig
>>>> GSL_RNG_TYPE=mt19937
>>>> GSL_RNG_SEED=18446744071605161808
>>>> DEBUG 1: Forecast File:myfcst/test_24.nc
>>>> DEBUG 1: Climatology File: none
>>>> DEBUG 1: Observation File: myobs/20110931.nc
>>>> DEBUG 2:
>>>> DEBUG 2:
>>>> DEBUG 2:
>>>> DEBUG 2: Reading data for APCPA24.
>>>> ERROR  :
>>>> ERROR  : process_fcst_climo_files() -> no fields matching APCPA24
found in file: myfcst/test_24.nc
>>>> ERROR  :
>>>> The header of test_24.nc file that was made by pcp_combine is
>>>> netcdf test_24 {
>>>> dimensions:
>>>>                lat = 277 ;
>>>>                lon = 575 ;
>>>> variables:
>>>>                float lat(lat, lon) ;
>>>>                        lat:long_name = "latitude" ;
>>>>                        lat:units = "degrees_north" ;
>>>>                        lat:standard_name = "latitude" ;
>>>>                float lon(lat, lon) ;
>>>>                        lon:long_name = "longitude" ;
>>>>                        lon:units = "degrees_east" ;
>>>>                        lon:standard_name = "longitude" ;
>>>>                float APCP_24(lat, lon) ;
>>>>                        APCP_24:name = "APCP_24" ;
>>>>                        APCP_24:long_name = "Total precipitation"
>>>>                        APCP_24:level = "A24" ;
>>>>                        APCP_24:units = "kg/m^2" ;
>>>>                        APCP_24:_FillValue = -9999.f ;
>>>>                        APCP_24:init_time = "20111001_000000" ;
>>>>                        APCP_24:init_time_ut = 1317427200 ;
>>>>                        APCP_24:valid_time = "20111002_060000" ;
>>>>                        APCP_24:valid_time_ut = 1317535200 ;
>>>>                        APCP_24:accum_time = "240000" ;
>>>>                        APCP_24:accum_time_sec = 86400 ;
>>>> The name is: APCP_24:name = "APCP_24" ;
>>>> It seems that that name must be APCP:name = "APCP" ;  but the
file that pcp_combine make name like APCP_24:name = "APCP_24" .
>>>> Why does it happen? How does it fix?
>>>> Please help me,
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> ________________________________
>>>> From: John Halley Gotway via RT <met_help at ucar.edu>
>>>> To: weather1388 at yahoo.com
>>>> Sent: Monday, October 29, 2012 8:02 PM
>>>> Subject: Re: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #58534] Resolved: about accumulated
>>>> There is no way to easily convert from this NetCDF file to a GRIB
file.  And I won't be of any help trying to get GRADS to read that
NetCDF file.  As for extracting specific points from that NetCDF
>>>> file, you could use any scripting language that has an API for
>>>> Personally, I would use R (http://www.r-project.org/) with the
ncdf or RNetCDF package to open up this file an extract specific
values.  But you could also use NCL, or any other tool with a NetCDF
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> John
>>>> On 10/27/2012 04:13 AM, M M via RT wrote:
>>>>> <URL: https://rt.rap.ucar.edu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=58534 >
>>>>> Hello,
>>>>> Thanks a lot for your help, I want to find value of accumulation
precipitation 6-30 hours for some points. If apcp_6_30.nc opened by
grads I have extracted values for some points but apcp_6_30.nc doesn't
open by grads. I wanted to convert nc to grib and use grib2ctl.pl for
making ctl file then open apcp_6_30 by grads. But I couldn't do that.
>>>>> Is there any way for extracting data values of apcp_6_30.nc or
the nc file that is made by pcp_combine?
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> ________________________________
>>>>> From: John Halley Gotway via RT <met_help at ucar.edu>
>>>>> To: weather1388 at yahoo.com
>>>>> Sent: Wednesday, October 24, 2012 5:39 PM
>>>>> Subject: Re: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #58534] Resolved: about
accumulated precipitation
>>>>> Let me answer your last question first.  I am aware of no way of
converting this file into GRIB format.  Why do you need it in GRIB?
MET is able to read it directly.
>>>>> For a quick plot, you could just use ncview:
>>>>>            ncview apcp_6_30.nc
>>>>> Or you could use Unidata's IDV tool:
>>>>>            http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/software/idv/
>>>>> Or you could use the MET plot_data_plane utility to create a
postscript image:
>>>>>            METv4.0/bin/plot_data_plane apcp_6_30.nc apcp_6_30.ps
'name="APCP_24"; level="(*,*)";'
>>>>> It uses the default colortable and scales it to the min/max
values found in the data.  Just type the command with no arguments to
see the full usage statement:
>>>>>            METv4.0/bin/plot_data_plane
>>>>> Hope that helps.
>>>>> John
>>>>> On 10/24/2012 06:00 AM, M M via RT wrote:
>>>>>> <URL: https://rt.rap.ucar.edu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=58534 >
>>>>>> Hello,
>>>>>> Thanks a lot for your help,
>>>>>> I installed METv4.0 and its patch then ran 2 commands for add
and subtract, it has been successfully run and got me apcp_6_30.nc and
it was correct. I want to use in met for verification. I have another
question. How can I plot this file (apcp_6_30.nc)? Is it possible to
plot with grads? And how can I convert the apcp_6_30.nc file to grib
>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>> ________________________________
>>>>>> From: John Halley Gotway via RT <met_help at ucar.edu>
>>>>>> To: weather1388 at yahoo.com
>>>>>> Sent: Monday, October 22, 2012 6:02 PM
>>>>>> Subject: Re: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #58534] Resolved: about
accumulated precipitation
>>>>>> Hello,
>>>>>> I ran the following three commands on your data without error:
>>>>>> /d1/johnhg/MET/MET_releases/METv4.0/bin/pcp_combine -add
wrf_d1_024.grb 24 wrf_d1_030.grb 6 apcp_0_30.nc
>>>>>> /d1/johnhg/MET/MET_releases/METv4.0/bin/pcp_combine -subtract
apcp_0_30.nc 'name="APCP_30";level="(*,*)";' wrf_d1_006.grb 6
>>>>>> /d1/johnhg/MET/MET_releases/METv4.0/bin/pcp_combine -add
wrf_d1_006.grb 6 wrf_d1_024.grb 24 wrf_d1_030.grb 6 test.nc
>>>>>> I suspect that you're not using the most recent version of the
code.  I posted a bugfix for METv4.0 pcp_combine on 10/16/2012.
>>>>>> Please make sure that you're using METv4.0 and have applied the
latest set of patches:
>>>>>> Follow the instructions at the top of the page to retrieve the
patches, unpack them in the METv4.0 directory, execute a "make clean",
and then a "make".
>>>>>> Then, try running the 3 commands I've listed above.
>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>> John
>>>>>> On 10/21/2012 04:16 AM, M M via RT wrote:
>>>>>>> <URL: https://rt.rap.ucar.edu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=58534
>>>>>>> Thanks a lot for your helps.
>>>>>>> I send 3 of wrfouts (wrf_d1_006.grb, wrf_d1_024.grb,
wrf_d1_030.grb) in your ftp site in incoming/irap/met_help/ path in
m_data folder.
>>>>>>> Would you please test them for subtract and add together, then
getting 6-30 accumulation precipitation in grib or nc format.
>>>>>>> When I do that it gets error.
>>>>>>> pcp_combine -subtract apcp_0_30.nc
'name="APCP_30";level="(*,*)";' wrf_d01_006.grb 6 apcp_6_30.nc  .
>>>>>>>>                But it gives the following error:
>>>>>>>> Readinginput file: apcp_6_30.nc
>>>>>>>>                  GribFile::skip_header() -> can't find "GRIB"
magic cookie
>>>>>>>> ERROR: get_field() -> can't open grib file: apcp_6_30.nc
>>>>>>> And would you please sum or add 3 files together? I can add 2
grib file together but I can't add 3 or 4 files in one command like
>>>>>>> pcp_combine -add wrf_d01_12.grb 6 wrf_d01_18.grb 6
wrf_d01_24.grb 6 wrf_d01_30.grb 6 apcp_6_30.nc
>>>>>>>              It gets error. Would you help me about this too?
>>>>>>> Thankes,
>>>>>>> ________________________________
>>>>>>> From: John Halley Gotway via RT <met_help at ucar.edu>
>>>>>>> To: weather1388 at yahoo.com
>>>>>>> Sent: Tuesday, October 16, 2012 6:18 PM
>>>>>>> Subject: Re: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #58534] Resolved: about
accumulated precipitation
>>>>>>> While debugging your issue, I ran across a bug in the METv4.0
version of pcp_combine.  It was working fine in METv3.1, but was
broken in METv4.0.  I have fixed the bug and posted a new patch to our
>>>>>>> website:
>>>>>>> Please follow the instructions on that page to rebuild MET
with the latest set of patches and then try re-running:
>>>>>>>                pcp_combine -add wrf_d01_024.grb 24
wrf_d01_030.grb 6 apcp_0_30.nc
>>>>>>>                pcp_combine -subtract apcp_0_30.nc
'name="APCP_30";level="(*,*)";' wrf_d01_006.grb 6 apcp_6_30.nc
>>>>>>> If that still does not work, please send me those two GRIB
files (wrf_d01_024.grb and wrf_d01_030.grb) by posting them to our
anonymous ftp site, as described here:
>>>>>>> You asked a question about how a single WRF file can have
multiple accumulation intervals in it.  I'm really not an expert on
configuring/running WRF.  For details on that, I'd suggest reading WRF
>>>>>>> User's Guide or writing a question to WRF-Help.
>>>>>>> Now, you said that you reran with "tprec=6" and your output
now has 6-hourly accumulations.  That should be easier to work with.
You have 4, 6-hourly accumulation files that you'd like to sum up to a
>>>>>>> 6-30 hour accumulation.  You can do this two different ways,
using the -add option or the -sum option:
>>>>>>>                  # Add up the 4 files explicitly
>>>>>>>                  pcp_combine -add wrf_d01_12.grb 6
wrf_d01_18.grb 6 wrf_d01_24.grb 6 wrf_d01_30.grb 6 apcp_6_30.nc
>>>>>>>                  # Use the sum command
>>>>>>>                  pcp_combine -sum INIT_YYYYMMDD_HH 6
VALID_YYYYMMDD_HH 24 apcp_6_30.nc
>>>>>>> For example, suppose your model was initialized on 20121010 at
00Z, here's the command you'd run
>>>>>>>                  pcp_combine -sum 20121010_00 6 20121011_06 24
>>>>>>> Either of these two options should produce the exact same 6 -
30 hour accumulation with a single call to pcp_combine.
>>>>>>> Sorry for that bug.  Hope this helps.
>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>> John
>>>>>>> On 10/16/2012 06:13 AM, M M via RT wrote:
>>>>>>>> <URL: https://rt.rap.ucar.edu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=58534
>>>>>>>> Thanks, that was a good help for me.
>>>>>>>> I did those 2 steps for getting 6-30 hour accumulation. First
I ran
>>>>>>>> pcp_combine -add wrf_d01_024.grb 24 wrf_d01_030.grb 6
apcp_0_30.nc it give the 0-30 hour accumulation.  It was correct. Then
I ran
>>>>>>>> pcp_combine -subtract apcp_0_30.nc
'name="APCP_30";level="(*,*)";' wrf_d01_006.grb 6 apcp_6_30.nc  .
>>>>>>>>                But it gives the following error:
>>>>>>>> Readinginput file: apcp_6_30.nc
>>>>>>>>                  GribFile::skip_header() -> can't find "GRIB"
magic cookie
>>>>>>>> ERROR: get_field() -> can't open grib file: apcp_6_30.nc
>>>>>>>> How can I fix it? How do I have 6-30 or 0-30 accumulation in
grib format?
>>>>>>>> How do I convert nc to grib?
>>>>>>>> In MET package there are some sample forecast files. Some of
them are wrf outputs. They are in grib format and have for example
sfc: 0-24hr and: sfc: 21-24hr accumulation precipitation. How does it
do to have 0-24 and 21-24 in one file in grib format?
>>>>>>>> I ran again model for testing "tprec" option. I set
"tprec"=6. Then I used UPP on my WRF output. But it give me 0-6, 6-
12,12-18,18-24,24-30,30-36 accumulation not 6-30 accumulation. How
does it set for giving 6-30 accumulation?
>>>>>>>> Because I ran model before and now have wrfout I had to add
0-24 & 24-30 and then subtract 0-6 from 0-30.
>>>>>>>> Please help me,
>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>> ________________________________
>>>>>>>> From: John Halley Gotway via RT <met_help at ucar.edu>
>>>>>>>> To: weather1388 at yahoo.com
>>>>>>>> Sent: Monday, October 15, 2012 5:59 PM
>>>>>>>> Subject: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #58534] Resolved: about accumulated
>>>>>>>> According to our records, your request has been resolved. If
you have any
>>>>>>>> further questions or concerns, please respond to this


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