[Met_help] [rt.rap.ucar.edu #56393] History for met error in reading records for U

Paul Oldenburg via RT met_help at ucar.edu
Thu May 17 16:08:48 MDT 2012

  Initial Request


We tried to validate U and V and encountered the following errors after running point_stat

 /discover/nobackup/szhou/nu-wrf-trunk/nu-wrf_v2beta2-3.2.1/MET/bin/point_stat wrfout_d01_2010-05-30_00:00:00_PLEV ./data_20100530.t00z.nc PointStatConfig_SFC_WRF_sjz

Forecast File: wrfout_d01_2010-05-30_00:00:00_PLEV
Climatology File: none
Configuration File: PointStatConfig_SFC_WRF_sjz
Observation File: ./data_20100530.t00z.nc


Reading records for T2(0,*,*).
For T2(0,*,*) found 1 forecast levels and 0 climatology levels.


Reading records for Q2(0,*,*).
For Q2(0,*,*) found 1 forecast levels and 0 climatology levels.


Reading records for U(0,*,*).

ERROR: read_levels_pinterp() -> error reading U(0,*,*) from the p_interp NetCDF file wrfout_d01_2010-05-30_00:00:00_PLEV

ERROR: read_levels_pinterp() -> the valid time for the U(0,*,*) variable in the p_interp NetCDF file wrfout_d01_2010-05-30_00
:00:00_PLEV does not match the requested valid time: (19700101_000000 != 20100530_000000

Here is the script for point_stat:

// Default point_stat configuration file

// Specify a name to designate the model being verified.  This name will be
// written to the second column of the ASCII output generated.
model = "WRF";

// Beginning and ending time offset values in seconds for observations
// to be used.  These time offsets are defined in reference to the
// forecast valid time, v.  Observations with a valid time falling in the
// window [v+beg_ds, v+end_ds] will be used.
// These selections are overridden by the command line arguments
// -obs_valid_beg and -obs_valid_end.
beg_ds = -3600;
end_ds =  3600;

// Specify a comma-separated list of fields to be verified.  The forecast and
// observation fields may be specified separately.  If the obs_field parameter
// is left blank, it will default to the contents of fcst_field.
// Each field is specified as a GRIB code or abbreviation followed by an
// accumulation or vertical level indicator for GRIB files or as a variable name
// followed by a list of dimensions for NetCDF files output from p_interp or MET.
// Specifying verification fields for GRIB files:
//    GC/ANNN for accumulation interval NNN
//    GC/ZNNN for vertical level NNN
//    GC/ZNNN-NNN for a range of vertical levels (MSL or AGL)
//    GC/PNNN for pressure level NNN in hPa
//    GC/PNNN-NNN for a range of pressure levels in hPa
//    GC/LNNN for a generic level type
//    GC/RNNN for a specific GRIB record number
//    Where GC is the number of or abbreviation for the grib code
//    to be verified.
// http://www.nco.ncep.noaa.gov/pmb/docs/on388/table2.html
// Specifying verification fields for NetCDF files:
//    var_name(i,...,j,*,*) for a single field
//    var_name(i-j,*,*) for a range of fields
//    Where var_name is the name of the NetCDF variable,
//    and i,...,j specifies fixed dimension values,
//    and i-j specifies a range of values for a single dimension,
//    and *,* specifies the two dimensions for the gridded field.
//    NOTE: To verify winds as vectors rather than scalars,
//          specify UGRD (or 33) followed by VGRD (or 34) with the
//          same level values.
//    NOTE: To process a probability field, add "/PROB", such as "POP/Z0/PROB".
// e.g. fcst_field[] = [ "SPFH/P500", "TMP/P500" ]; for a GRIB input
// e.g. fcst_field[] = [ "QVAPOR(0,5,*,*)", "TT(0,5,*,*)" ]; for NetCDF input
//sjz what are TMP/Z2 and SPFH/Z2 ??
fcst_field[] = [ "T2(0,*,*)", "Q2(0,*,*)", "U(0,*,*)", "V(0,*,*)" ];
//fcst_field[] = [ "T2(0,*,*)"];
obs_field[]  = [ "TMP/Z2", "SPFH/Z2","UGRD/Z10", "VGRD/Z10" ];
//obs_field[]  = [ "TMP/Z2"];

// Specify a comma-separated list of groups of thresholds to be applied to the
// fields listed above.  Thresholds for the forecast and observation fields
// may be specified separately.  If the obs_thresh parameter is left blank,
// it will default to the contents of fcst_thresh.
// At least one threshold must be provided for each field listed above.  The
// lengths of the "fcst_field" and "fcst_thresh" arrays must match, as must
// lengths of the "obs_field" and "obs_thresh" arrays.  To apply multiple
// thresholds to a field, separate the threshold values with a space.
// Each threshold must be preceded by a two letter indicator for the type of
// thresholding to be performed:
//    'lt' for less than     'le' for less than or equal to
//    'eq' for equal to      'ne' for not equal to
//    'gt' for greater than  'ge' for greater than or equal to
// NOTE: Thresholds for probabilities must begin with 0.0, end with 1.0,
//       and be preceeded by "ge".
// e.g. fcst_thresh[] = [ "gt80", "gt273" ];
// sjz is 300 too high?
fcst_thresh[] = [ "gt300", "gt0.0", "lt100", "lt100" ];
//fcst_thresh[] = [ "gt300"];
obs_thresh[]  = [];

// Specify a comma-separated list of thresholds to be used when computing
// VL1L2 and VAL1L2 partial sums for winds.  The thresholds are applied to the
// wind speed values derived from each U/V pair.  Only those U/V pairs which meet
// the wind speed threshold criteria are retained.  If the obs_wind_thresh
// parameter is left blank, it will default to the contents of fcst_wind_thresh.
// To apply multiple wind speed thresholds, separate the threshold values with a
// space.  Use "NA" to indicate that no wind speed threshold should be applied.
// Each threshold must be preceded by a two letter indicator for the type of
// thresholding to be performed:
//    'lt' for less than     'le' for less than or equal to
//    'eq' for equal to      'ne' for not equal to
//    'gt' for greater than  'ge' for greater than or equal to
//    'NA' for no threshold
// e.g. fcst_wind_thresh[] = [ "NA", "ge1.0" ];
fcst_wind_thresh[] = [ "NA" ];
obs_wind_thresh[]  = [];

// Specify a comma-separated list of PrepBufr message types with which
// to perform the verification.  Statistics will be computed separately
// for each message type specified.  At least one PrepBufr message type
// must be provided.
// List of valid message types:
// http://www.emc.ncep.noaa.gov/mmb/data_processing/prepbufr.doc/table_1.htm
// e.g. message_type[] = [ "ADPUPA", "AIRCAR" ];
//message_type[] = [ "ADPSFC" ];
message_type[] = [ "ANYSFC" ];

// Specify a comma-separated list of grids to be used in masking the data over
// which to perform scoring.  An empty list indicates that no masking grid
// should be performed.  The standard NCEP grids are named "GNNN" where NNN
// indicates the three digit grid number.  Enter "FULL" to score over the
// entire domain.
// http://www.nco.ncep.noaa.gov/pmb/docs/on388/tableb.html
// e.g. mask_grid[] = [ "FULL" ];
mask_grid[] = [ ];

// Specify a comma-separated list of masking regions to be applied.
// An empty list indicates that no additional masks should be used.
// The masking regions may be defined in one of 4 ways:
// (1) An ASCII file containing a lat/lon polygon.
//     Latitude in degrees north and longitude in degrees east.
//     By default, the first and last polygon points are connected.
//     e.g. "MET_BASE/data/poly/EAST.poly" which consists of n points:
//          "poly_name lat1 lon1 lat2 lon2... latn lonn"
// (2) The NetCDF output of the gen_poly_mask tool.
// (3) A NetCDF data file, followed by the name of the NetCDF variable
//     to be used, and optionally, a threshold to be applied to the field.
//     e.g. "sample.nc var_name gt0.00"
// (4) A GRIB data file, followed by a description of the field
//     to be used, and optionally, a threshold to be applied to the field.
//     e.g. "sample.grb APCP/A3 gt0.00"
// Any NetCDF or GRIB file used must have the same grid dimensions as the
// data being verified.
// MET_BASE may be used in the path for the files above.
// e.g. mask_poly[] = [ "MET_BASE/data/poly/EAST.poly",
//                      "poly_mask.ncf",
//                      "sample.nc APCP",
//                      "sample.grb HGT/Z0 gt100.0" ];
//mask_poly[] = [ "/gpfsm/dnb32/akumar3/NU-WRF/nu-wrf_v2dev4-3.2.1/MET/anil_test/SPL.poly" ];
//mask_poly[] = [ "/discover/nobackup/szhou/test_met/zhining_test/CalNex_LIS32/CONUS.poly" ];
mask_poly[] = [ "/discover/nobackup/szhou/test_met/zhining_april19_2012/WestCoast.poly" ];
//mask_poly[] = [ ];
// Specify the name of an ASCII file containing a space-separated list of
// station ID's at which to perform verification.  Each station ID specified
// is treated as an individual masking region.
// An empty list file name indicates that no station ID masks should be used.
// MET_BASE may be used in the path for the station ID mask file name.
// e.g. mask_sid = "MET_BASE/data/stations/CONUS.stations";
mask_sid = "";

// Specify a comma-separated list of values for alpha to be used when computing
// confidence intervals.  Values of alpha must be between 0 and 1.
// e.g. ci_alpha[] = [ 0.05, 0.10 ];
ci_alpha[] = [ 0.05 ];

// Specify the method to be used for computing bootstrap confidence intervals.
// The value for this is interpreted as follows:
//    (0) Use the BCa interval method (computationally intensive)
//    (1) Use the percentile interval method
boot_interval = 1;

// Specify a proportion between 0 and 1 to define the replicate sample size
// to be used when computing percentile intervals.  The replicate sample
// size is set to boot_rep_prop * n, where n is the number of raw data points.
// e.g boot_rep_prop = 0.80;
boot_rep_prop = 1.0;

// Specify the number of times each set of matched pair data should be
// resampled when computing bootstrap confidence intervals.  A value of
// zero disables the computation of bootstrap condifence intervals.
// e.g. n_boot_rep = 1000;
n_boot_rep = 0;

// Specify the name of the random number generator to be used.  See the MET
// Users Guide for a list of possible random number generators.
boot_rng = "mt19937";

// Specify the seed value to be used when computing bootstrap confidence
// intervals.  If left unspecified, the seed will change for each run and
// the computed bootstrap confidence intervals will not be reproducable.
boot_seed = "";

// Specify a comma-separated list of interpolation method(s) to be used
// for comparing the forecast grid to the observation points.  String values
// are interpreted as follows:
//    MIN     = Minimum in the neighborhood
//    MAX     = Maximum in the neighborhood
//    MEDIAN  = Median in the neighborhood
//    UW_MEAN = Unweighted mean in the neighborhood
//    DW_MEAN = Distance-weighted mean in the neighborhood
//    LS_FIT  = Least-squares fit in the neighborhood
// In all cases, vertical interpolation is performed in the natural log
// of pressure of the levels above and below the observation.
// e.g. interp_method[] = [ "UW_MEAN", "MEDIAN" ];
interp_method[] = [ "DW_MEAN" ];

// Specify a comma-separated list of box widths to be used by the
// interpolation techniques listed above.  A value of 1 indicates that
// the nearest neighbor approach should be used.  For a value of n
// greater than 1, the n*n grid points closest to the observation define
// the neighborhood.
// e.g. interp_width = [ 1, 3, 5 ];
interp_width[] = [ 3 ];

// When interpolating, compute a ratio of the number of valid data points
// to the total number of points in the neighborhood.  If that ratio is
// less than this threshold, do not include the observation.  This
// threshold must be between 0 and 1.  Setting this threshold to 1 will
// require that each observation be surrounded by n*n valid forecast
// points.
// e.g. interp_thresh = 1.0;
interp_thresh = 1.0;

// Specify flags to indicate the type of data to be output:
//    (1) STAT and FHO Text Files, Forecast, Hit, Observation Rates:
//           Total (TOTAL),
//           Forecast Rate (F_RATE),
//           Hit Rate (H_RATE),
//           Observation Rate (O_RATE)
//    (2) STAT and CTC Text Files, Contingency Table Counts:
//           Total (TOTAL),
//           Forecast Yes and Observation Yes Count (FY_OY),
//           Forecast Yes and Observation No Count (FY_ON),
//           Forecast No and Observation Yes Count (FN_OY),
//           Forecast No and Observation No Count (FN_ON)
//    (3) STAT and CTS Text Files, Contingency Table Scores:
//           Total (TOTAL),
//           Base Rate (BASER),
//           Forecast Mean (FMEAN),
//           Accuracy (ACC),
//           Frequency Bias (FBIAS),
//           Probability of Detecting Yes (PODY),
//           Probability of Detecting No (PODN),
//           Probability of False Detection (POFD),
//           False Alarm Ratio (FAR),
//           Critical Success Index (CSI),
//           Gilbert Skill Score (GSS),
//           Hanssen and Kuipers Discriminant (HK),
//           Heidke Skill Score (HSS),
//           Odds Ratio (ODDS),
//           NOTE: All statistics listed above contain parametric and/or
//                 non-parametric confidence interval limits.
//    (4) STAT and MCTC Text Files, NxN Multi-Category Contingency Table Counts:
//           Total (TOTAL),
//           Number of Categories (N_CAT),
//           Contingency Table Count columns repeated N_CAT*N_CAT times
//    (5) STAT and MCTS Text Files, NxN Multi-Category Contingency Table Scores:
//           Total (TOTAL),
//           Number of Categories (N_CAT),
//           Accuracy (ACC),
//           Hanssen and Kuipers Discriminant (HK),
//           Heidke Skill Score (HSS),
//           Gerrity Score (GER),
//           NOTE: All statistics listed above contain parametric and/or
//                 non-parametric confidence interval limits.
//    (6) STAT and CNT Text Files, Statistics of Continuous Variables:
//           Total (TOTAL),
//           Forecast Mean (FBAR),
//           Forecast Standard Deviation (FSTDEV),
//           Observation Mean (OBAR),
//           Observation Standard Deviation (OSTDEV),
//           Pearson's Correlation Coefficient (PR_CORR),
//           Spearman's Rank Correlation Coefficient (SP_CORR),
//           Kendall Tau Rank Correlation Coefficient (KT_CORR),
//           Number of ranks compared (RANKS),
//           Number of tied ranks in the forecast field (FRANK_TIES),
//           Number of tied ranks in the observation field (ORANK_TIES),
//           Mean Error (ME),
//           Standard Deviation of the Error (ESTDEV),
//           Multiplicative Bias (MBIAS = FBAR - OBAR),
//           Mean Absolute Error (MAE),
//           Mean Squared Error (MSE),
//           Bias-Corrected Mean Squared Error (BCMSE),
//           Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE),
//           Percentiles of the Error (E10, E25, E50, E75, E90)
//           NOTE: Most statistics listed above contain parametric and/or
//                 non-parametric confidence interval limits.
//    (7) STAT and SL1L2 Text Files, Scalar Partial Sums:
//           Total (TOTAL),
//           Forecast Mean (FBAR),
//              = mean(f)
//           Observation Mean (OBAR),
//              = mean(o)
//           Forecast*Observation Product Mean (FOBAR),
//              = mean(f*o)
//           Forecast Squared Mean (FFBAR),
//              = mean(f^2)
//           Observation Squared Mean (OOBAR)
//              = mean(o^2)
//    (8) STAT and SAL1L2 Text Files, Scalar Anomaly Partial Sums:
//           Total (TOTAL),
//           Forecast Anomaly Mean (FABAR),
//              = mean(f-c)
//           Observation Anomaly Mean (OABAR),
//              = mean(o-c)
//           Product of Forecast and Observation Anomalies Mean (FOABAR),
//              = mean((f-c)*(o-c))
//           Forecast Anomaly Squared Mean (FFABAR),
//              = mean((f-c)^2)
//           Observation Anomaly Squared Mean (OOABAR)
//              = mean((o-c)^2)
//    (9) STAT and VL1L2 Text Files, Vector Partial Sums:
//           Total (TOTAL),
//           U-Forecast Mean (UFBAR),
//              = mean(uf)
//           V-Forecast Mean (VFBAR),
//              = mean(vf)
//           U-Observation Mean (UOBAR),
//              = mean(uo)
//           V-Observation Mean (VOBAR),
//              = mean(vo)
//           U-Product Plus V-Product (UVFOBAR),
//              = mean(uf*uo+vf*vo)
//           U-Forecast Squared Plus V-Forecast Squared (UVFFBAR),
//              = mean(uf^2+vf^2)
//           U-Observation Squared Plus V-Observation Squared (UVOOBAR)
//              = mean(uo^2+vo^2)
//   (10) STAT and VAL1L2 Text Files, Vector Anomaly Partial Sums:
//           U-Forecast Anomaly Mean (UFABAR),
//              = mean(uf-uc)
//           V-Forecast Anomaly Mean (VFABAR),
//              = mean(vf-vc)
//           U-Observation Anomaly Mean (UOABAR),
//              = mean(uo-uc)
//           V-Observation Anomaly Mean (VOABAR),
//              = mean(vo-vc)
//           U-Anomaly Product Plus V-Anomaly Product (UVFOABAR),
//              = mean((uf-uc)*(uo-uc)+(vf-vc)*(vo-vc))
//           U-Forecast Anomaly Squared Plus V-Forecast Anomaly Squared (UVFFABAR),
//              = mean((uf-uc)^2+(vf-vc)^2)
//           U-Observation Anomaly Squared Plus V-Observation Anomaly Squared (UVOOABAR)
//              = mean((uo-uc)^2+(vo-vc)^2)
//   (11) STAT and PCT Text Files, Nx2 Probability Contingency Table Counts:
//           Total (TOTAL),
//           Number of Forecast Probability Thresholds (N_THRESH),
//           Probability Threshold Value (THRESH_i),
//           Row Observation Yes Count (OY_i),
//           Row Observation No Count (ON_i),
//           NOTE: Previous 3 columns repeated for each row in the table.
//           Last Probability Threshold Value (THRESH_n)
//   (12) STAT and PSTD Text Files, Nx2 Probability Contingency Table Scores:
//           Total (TOTAL),
//           Number of Forecast Probability Thresholds (N_THRESH),
//           Base Rate (BASER) with confidence interval limits,
//           Reliability (RELIABILITY),
//           Resolution (RESOLUTION),
//           Uncertainty (UNCERTAINTY),
//           Area Under the ROC Curve (ROC_AUC),
//           Brier Score (BRIER) with confidence interval limits,
//           Probability Threshold Value (THRESH_i)
//           NOTE: Previous column repeated for each probability threshold.
//   (13) STAT and PJC Text Files, Joint/Continuous Statistics of
//                                 Probabilistic Variables:
//           Total (TOTAL),
//           Number of Forecast Probability Thresholds (N_THRESH),
//           Probability Threshold Value (THRESH_i),
//           Observation Yes Count Divided by Total (OY_TP_i),
//           Observation No Count Divided by Total (ON_TP_i),
//           Calibration (CALIBRATION_i),
//           Refinement (REFINEMENT_i),
//           Likelikhood (LIKELIHOOD_i),
//           Base Rate (BASER_i),
//           NOTE: Previous 7 columns repeated for each row in the table.
//           Last Probability Threshold Value (THRESH_n)
//   (14) STAT and PRC Text Files, ROC Curve Points for
//                                 Probabilistic Variables:
//           Total (TOTAL),
//           Number of Forecast Probability Thresholds (N_THRESH),
//           Probability Threshold Value (THRESH_i),
//           Probability of Detecting Yes (PODY_i),
//           Probability of False Detection (POFD_i),
//           NOTE: Previous 3 columns repeated for each row in the table.
//           Last Probability Threshold Value (THRESH_n)
//   (15) STAT and MPR Text Files, Matched Pair Data:
//           Total (TOTAL),
//           Index (INDEX),
//           Observation Station ID (OBS_SID),
//           Observation Latitude (OBS_LAT),
//           Observation Longitude (OBS_LON),
//           Observation Level (OBS_LVL),
//           Observation Elevation (OBS_ELV),
//           Forecast Value (FCST),
//           Observation Value (OBS),
//           Climatological Value (CLIMO)
//   In the expressions above, f are forecast values, o are observed values,
//   and c are climatological values.
// Values for these flags are interpreted as follows:
//    (0) Do not generate output of this type
//    (1) Write output to a STAT file
//    (2) Write output to a STAT file and a text file
output_flag[] = [ 2, 2, 2, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ];

// Flag to indicate whether Kendall's Tau and Spearman's Rank Correlation
// Coefficients should be computed.  Computing them over large datasets is
// computationally intensive and slows down the runtime execution significantly.
//    (0) Do not compute these correlation coefficients
//    (1) Compute these correlation coefficients
rank_corr_flag = 0;

// Specify the GRIB Table 2 parameter table version number to be used
// for interpreting GRIB codes.
// http://www.nco.ncep.noaa.gov/pmb/docs/on388/table2.html
grib_ptv = 2;

// Directory where temporary files should be written.
tmp_dir = "./tmp";

// Prefix to be used for the output file names.
output_prefix = "";

// Indicate a version number for the contents of this configuration file.
// The value should generally not be modified.
version = "V3.0";


Please let me know how to fix the problem. In addition, do you have an exemplary script in validating soil moisture variable?



  Complete Ticket History

Subject: Re: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #56393] met error in reading records for U
From: Paul Oldenburg
Time: Fri May 11 10:09:27 2012


Can you please send me the model data and obs data that you are using?
You can upload the data to our FTP site using
the instructions here:
http://www.dtcenter.org/met/users/support/met_help.php#ftp.  It
appears that you are trying to
verify p_interp data, correct?  If so, there may be a problem in how
point_stat handles p_interp data.

Regarding your question about soil moisture, we do not have any
example scripts for this.  I did find the following
discussion that includes talk about soil moisture:


I found using the google search 'met_help archive soil moisture'.
Sorry I can't be more help on this topic.

If you have any questions, please let me know.


On 05/11/2012 09:48 AM, Shujia Zhou via RT wrote:
> Fri May 11 09:48:36 2012: Request 56393 was acted upon.
> Transaction: Ticket created by shujia.zhou-1 at nasa.gov
>         Queue: met_help
>       Subject: met error in reading records for U
>         Owner: Nobody
>    Requestors: shujia.zhou-1 at nasa.gov
>        Status: new
>   Ticket<URL:
> Hi,
> We tried to validate U and V and encountered the following errors
after running point_stat
>   /discover/nobackup/szhou/nu-wrf-trunk/nu-wrf_v2beta2-
3.2.1/MET/bin/point_stat wrfout_d01_2010-05-30_00:00:00_PLEV
./data_20100530.t00z.nc PointStatConfig_SFC_WRF_sjz
> GSL_RNG_TYPE=mt19937
> GSL_RNG_SEED=1160424783
> Forecast File: wrfout_d01_2010-05-30_00:00:00_PLEV
> Climatology File: none
> Configuration File: PointStatConfig_SFC_WRF_sjz
> Observation File: ./data_20100530.t00z.nc
> Reading records for T2(0,*,*).
> For T2(0,*,*) found 1 forecast levels and 0 climatology levels.
> Reading records for Q2(0,*,*).
> For Q2(0,*,*) found 1 forecast levels and 0 climatology levels.
> Reading records for U(0,*,*).
> ERROR: read_levels_pinterp() ->  error reading U(0,*,*) from the
p_interp NetCDF file wrfout_d01_2010-05-30_00:00:00_PLEV
> ERROR: read_levels_pinterp() ->  the valid time for the U(0,*,*)
variable in the p_interp NetCDF file wrfout_d01_2010-05-30_00
> :00:00_PLEV does not match the requested valid time:
(19700101_000000 != 20100530_000000
> Here is the script for point_stat:
> //
> // Default point_stat configuration file
> //
> //
> // Specify a name to designate the model being verified.  This name
will be
> // written to the second column of the ASCII output generated.
> //
> model = "WRF";
> //
> // Beginning and ending time offset values in seconds for
> // to be used.  These time offsets are defined in reference to the
> // forecast valid time, v.  Observations with a valid time falling
in the
> // window [v+beg_ds, v+end_ds] will be used.
> // These selections are overridden by the command line arguments
> // -obs_valid_beg and -obs_valid_end.
> //
> beg_ds = -3600;
> end_ds =  3600;
> //
> // Specify a comma-separated list of fields to be verified.  The
forecast and
> // observation fields may be specified separately.  If the obs_field
> // is left blank, it will default to the contents of fcst_field.
> //
> // Each field is specified as a GRIB code or abbreviation followed
by an
> // accumulation or vertical level indicator for GRIB files or as a
variable name
> // followed by a list of dimensions for NetCDF files output from
p_interp or MET.
> //
> // Specifying verification fields for GRIB files:
> //    GC/ANNN for accumulation interval NNN
> //    GC/ZNNN for vertical level NNN
> //    GC/ZNNN-NNN for a range of vertical levels (MSL or AGL)
> //    GC/PNNN for pressure level NNN in hPa
> //    GC/PNNN-NNN for a range of pressure levels in hPa
> //    GC/LNNN for a generic level type
> //    GC/RNNN for a specific GRIB record number
> //    Where GC is the number of or abbreviation for the grib code
> //    to be verified.
> // http://www.nco.ncep.noaa.gov/pmb/docs/on388/table2.html
> //
> // Specifying verification fields for NetCDF files:
> //    var_name(i,...,j,*,*) for a single field
> //    var_name(i-j,*,*) for a range of fields
> //    Where var_name is the name of the NetCDF variable,
> //    and i,...,j specifies fixed dimension values,
> //    and i-j specifies a range of values for a single dimension,
> //    and *,* specifies the two dimensions for the gridded field.
> //
> //    NOTE: To verify winds as vectors rather than scalars,
> //          specify UGRD (or 33) followed by VGRD (or 34) with the
> //          same level values.
> //
> //    NOTE: To process a probability field, add "/PROB", such as
> //
> // e.g. fcst_field[] = [ "SPFH/P500", "TMP/P500" ]; for a GRIB input
> // e.g. fcst_field[] = [ "QVAPOR(0,5,*,*)", "TT(0,5,*,*)" ]; for
NetCDF input
> //
> //sjz what are TMP/Z2 and SPFH/Z2 ??
> fcst_field[] = [ "T2(0,*,*)", "Q2(0,*,*)", "U(0,*,*)", "V(0,*,*)" ];
> //fcst_field[] = [ "T2(0,*,*)"];
> obs_field[]  = [ "TMP/Z2", "SPFH/Z2","UGRD/Z10", "VGRD/Z10" ];
> //obs_field[]  = [ "TMP/Z2"];
> //
> // Specify a comma-separated list of groups of thresholds to be
applied to the
> // fields listed above.  Thresholds for the forecast and observation
> // may be specified separately.  If the obs_thresh parameter is left
> // it will default to the contents of fcst_thresh.
> //
> // At least one threshold must be provided for each field listed
above.  The
> // lengths of the "fcst_field" and "fcst_thresh" arrays must match,
as must
> // lengths of the "obs_field" and "obs_thresh" arrays.  To apply
> // thresholds to a field, separate the threshold values with a
> //
> // Each threshold must be preceded by a two letter indicator for the
type of
> // thresholding to be performed:
> //    'lt' for less than     'le' for less than or equal to
> //    'eq' for equal to      'ne' for not equal to
> //    'gt' for greater than  'ge' for greater than or equal to
> //
> // NOTE: Thresholds for probabilities must begin with 0.0, end with
> //       and be preceeded by "ge".
> //
> // e.g. fcst_thresh[] = [ "gt80", "gt273" ];
> //
> // sjz is 300 too high?
> fcst_thresh[] = [ "gt300", "gt0.0", "lt100", "lt100" ];
> //fcst_thresh[] = [ "gt300"];
> obs_thresh[]  = [];
> //
> // Specify a comma-separated list of thresholds to be used when
> // VL1L2 and VAL1L2 partial sums for winds.  The thresholds are
applied to the
> // wind speed values derived from each U/V pair.  Only those U/V
pairs which meet
> // the wind speed threshold criteria are retained.  If the
> // parameter is left blank, it will default to the contents of
> //
> // To apply multiple wind speed thresholds, separate the threshold
values with a
> // space.  Use "NA" to indicate that no wind speed threshold should
be applied.
> //
> // Each threshold must be preceded by a two letter indicator for the
type of
> // thresholding to be performed:
> //    'lt' for less than     'le' for less than or equal to
> //    'eq' for equal to      'ne' for not equal to
> //    'gt' for greater than  'ge' for greater than or equal to
> //    'NA' for no threshold
> //
> // e.g. fcst_wind_thresh[] = [ "NA", "ge1.0" ];
> //
> fcst_wind_thresh[] = [ "NA" ];
> obs_wind_thresh[]  = [];
> //
> // Specify a comma-separated list of PrepBufr message types with
> // to perform the verification.  Statistics will be computed
> // for each message type specified.  At least one PrepBufr message
> // must be provided.
> // List of valid message types:
> //
> //
> // e.g. message_type[] = [ "ADPUPA", "AIRCAR" ];
> //
> //message_type[] = [ "ADPSFC" ];
> message_type[] = [ "ANYSFC" ];
> //
> // Specify a comma-separated list of grids to be used in masking the
data over
> // which to perform scoring.  An empty list indicates that no
masking grid
> // should be performed.  The standard NCEP grids are named "GNNN"
where NNN
> // indicates the three digit grid number.  Enter "FULL" to score
over the
> // entire domain.
> // http://www.nco.ncep.noaa.gov/pmb/docs/on388/tableb.html
> //
> // e.g. mask_grid[] = [ "FULL" ];
> //
> mask_grid[] = [ ];
> //
> // Specify a comma-separated list of masking regions to be applied.
> // An empty list indicates that no additional masks should be used.
> // The masking regions may be defined in one of 4 ways:
> //
> // (1) An ASCII file containing a lat/lon polygon.
> //     Latitude in degrees north and longitude in degrees east.
> //     By default, the first and last polygon points are connected.
> //     e.g. "MET_BASE/data/poly/EAST.poly" which consists of n
> //          "poly_name lat1 lon1 lat2 lon2... latn lonn"
> //
> // (2) The NetCDF output of the gen_poly_mask tool.
> //
> // (3) A NetCDF data file, followed by the name of the NetCDF
> //     to be used, and optionally, a threshold to be applied to the
> //     e.g. "sample.nc var_name gt0.00"
> //
> // (4) A GRIB data file, followed by a description of the field
> //     to be used, and optionally, a threshold to be applied to the
> //     e.g. "sample.grb APCP/A3 gt0.00"
> //
> // Any NetCDF or GRIB file used must have the same grid dimensions
as the
> // data being verified.
> //
> // MET_BASE may be used in the path for the files above.
> //
> // e.g. mask_poly[] = [ "MET_BASE/data/poly/EAST.poly",
> //                      "poly_mask.ncf",
> //                      "sample.nc APCP",
> //                      "sample.grb HGT/Z0 gt100.0" ];
> //
> //mask_poly[] = [ "/gpfsm/dnb32/akumar3/NU-WRF/nu-wrf_v2dev4-
3.2.1/MET/anil_test/SPL.poly" ];
> //mask_poly[] = [
> mask_poly[] = [
> //mask_poly[] = [ ];
> //
> // Specify the name of an ASCII file containing a space-separated
list of
> // station ID's at which to perform verification.  Each station ID
> // is treated as an individual masking region.
> //
> // An empty list file name indicates that no station ID masks should
be used.
> //
> // MET_BASE may be used in the path for the station ID mask file
> //
> // e.g. mask_sid = "MET_BASE/data/stations/CONUS.stations";
> //
> mask_sid = "";
> //
> // Specify a comma-separated list of values for alpha to be used
when computing
> // confidence intervals.  Values of alpha must be between 0 and 1.
> //
> // e.g. ci_alpha[] = [ 0.05, 0.10 ];
> //
> ci_alpha[] = [ 0.05 ];
> //
> // Specify the method to be used for computing bootstrap confidence
> // The value for this is interpreted as follows:
> //    (0) Use the BCa interval method (computationally intensive)
> //    (1) Use the percentile interval method
> //
> boot_interval = 1;
> //
> // Specify a proportion between 0 and 1 to define the replicate
sample size
> // to be used when computing percentile intervals.  The replicate
> // size is set to boot_rep_prop * n, where n is the number of raw
data points.
> //
> // e.g boot_rep_prop = 0.80;
> //
> boot_rep_prop = 1.0;
> //
> // Specify the number of times each set of matched pair data should
> // resampled when computing bootstrap confidence intervals.  A value
> // zero disables the computation of bootstrap condifence intervals.
> //
> // e.g. n_boot_rep = 1000;
> //
> n_boot_rep = 0;
> //
> // Specify the name of the random number generator to be used.  See
the MET
> // Users Guide for a list of possible random number generators.
> //
> boot_rng = "mt19937";
> //
> // Specify the seed value to be used when computing bootstrap
> // intervals.  If left unspecified, the seed will change for each
run and
> // the computed bootstrap confidence intervals will not be
> //
> boot_seed = "";
> //
> // Specify a comma-separated list of interpolation method(s) to be
> // for comparing the forecast grid to the observation points.
String values
> // are interpreted as follows:
> //    MIN     = Minimum in the neighborhood
> //    MAX     = Maximum in the neighborhood
> //    MEDIAN  = Median in the neighborhood
> //    UW_MEAN = Unweighted mean in the neighborhood
> //    DW_MEAN = Distance-weighted mean in the neighborhood
> //    LS_FIT  = Least-squares fit in the neighborhood
> //
> // In all cases, vertical interpolation is performed in the natural
> // of pressure of the levels above and below the observation.
> //
> // e.g. interp_method[] = [ "UW_MEAN", "MEDIAN" ];
> //
> interp_method[] = [ "DW_MEAN" ];
> //
> // Specify a comma-separated list of box widths to be used by the
> // interpolation techniques listed above.  A value of 1 indicates
> // the nearest neighbor approach should be used.  For a value of n
> // greater than 1, the n*n grid points closest to the observation
> // the neighborhood.
> //
> // e.g. interp_width = [ 1, 3, 5 ];
> //
> interp_width[] = [ 3 ];
> //
> // When interpolating, compute a ratio of the number of valid data
> // to the total number of points in the neighborhood.  If that ratio
> // less than this threshold, do not include the observation.  This
> // threshold must be between 0 and 1.  Setting this threshold to 1
> // require that each observation be surrounded by n*n valid forecast
> // points.
> //
> // e.g. interp_thresh = 1.0;
> //
> interp_thresh = 1.0;
> //
> // Specify flags to indicate the type of data to be output:
> //    (1) STAT and FHO Text Files, Forecast, Hit, Observation Rates:
> //           Total (TOTAL),
> //           Forecast Rate (F_RATE),
> //           Hit Rate (H_RATE),
> //           Observation Rate (O_RATE)
> //
> //    (2) STAT and CTC Text Files, Contingency Table Counts:
> //           Total (TOTAL),
> //           Forecast Yes and Observation Yes Count (FY_OY),
> //           Forecast Yes and Observation No Count (FY_ON),
> //           Forecast No and Observation Yes Count (FN_OY),
> //           Forecast No and Observation No Count (FN_ON)
> //
> //    (3) STAT and CTS Text Files, Contingency Table Scores:
> //           Total (TOTAL),
> //           Base Rate (BASER),
> //           Forecast Mean (FMEAN),
> //           Accuracy (ACC),
> //           Frequency Bias (FBIAS),
> //           Probability of Detecting Yes (PODY),
> //           Probability of Detecting No (PODN),
> //           Probability of False Detection (POFD),
> //           False Alarm Ratio (FAR),
> //           Critical Success Index (CSI),
> //           Gilbert Skill Score (GSS),
> //           Hanssen and Kuipers Discriminant (HK),
> //           Heidke Skill Score (HSS),
> //           Odds Ratio (ODDS),
> //           NOTE: All statistics listed above contain parametric
> //                 non-parametric confidence interval limits.
> //
> //    (4) STAT and MCTC Text Files, NxN Multi-Category Contingency
Table Counts:
> //           Total (TOTAL),
> //           Number of Categories (N_CAT),
> //           Contingency Table Count columns repeated N_CAT*N_CAT
> //
> //    (5) STAT and MCTS Text Files, NxN Multi-Category Contingency
Table Scores:
> //           Total (TOTAL),
> //           Number of Categories (N_CAT),
> //           Accuracy (ACC),
> //           Hanssen and Kuipers Discriminant (HK),
> //           Heidke Skill Score (HSS),
> //           Gerrity Score (GER),
> //           NOTE: All statistics listed above contain parametric
> //                 non-parametric confidence interval limits.
> //
> //    (6) STAT and CNT Text Files, Statistics of Continuous
> //           Total (TOTAL),
> //           Forecast Mean (FBAR),
> //           Forecast Standard Deviation (FSTDEV),
> //           Observation Mean (OBAR),
> //           Observation Standard Deviation (OSTDEV),
> //           Pearson's Correlation Coefficient (PR_CORR),
> //           Spearman's Rank Correlation Coefficient (SP_CORR),
> //           Kendall Tau Rank Correlation Coefficient (KT_CORR),
> //           Number of ranks compared (RANKS),
> //           Number of tied ranks in the forecast field
> //           Number of tied ranks in the observation field
> //           Mean Error (ME),
> //           Standard Deviation of the Error (ESTDEV),
> //           Multiplicative Bias (MBIAS = FBAR - OBAR),
> //           Mean Absolute Error (MAE),
> //           Mean Squared Error (MSE),
> //           Bias-Corrected Mean Squared Error (BCMSE),
> //           Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE),
> //           Percentiles of the Error (E10, E25, E50, E75, E90)
> //           NOTE: Most statistics listed above contain parametric
> //                 non-parametric confidence interval limits.
> //
> //    (7) STAT and SL1L2 Text Files, Scalar Partial Sums:
> //           Total (TOTAL),
> //           Forecast Mean (FBAR),
> //              = mean(f)
> //           Observation Mean (OBAR),
> //              = mean(o)
> //           Forecast*Observation Product Mean (FOBAR),
> //              = mean(f*o)
> //           Forecast Squared Mean (FFBAR),
> //              = mean(f^2)
> //           Observation Squared Mean (OOBAR)
> //              = mean(o^2)
> //
> //    (8) STAT and SAL1L2 Text Files, Scalar Anomaly Partial Sums:
> //           Total (TOTAL),
> //           Forecast Anomaly Mean (FABAR),
> //              = mean(f-c)
> //           Observation Anomaly Mean (OABAR),
> //              = mean(o-c)
> //           Product of Forecast and Observation Anomalies Mean
> //              = mean((f-c)*(o-c))
> //           Forecast Anomaly Squared Mean (FFABAR),
> //              = mean((f-c)^2)
> //           Observation Anomaly Squared Mean (OOABAR)
> //              = mean((o-c)^2)
> //
> //    (9) STAT and VL1L2 Text Files, Vector Partial Sums:
> //           Total (TOTAL),
> //           U-Forecast Mean (UFBAR),
> //              = mean(uf)
> //           V-Forecast Mean (VFBAR),
> //              = mean(vf)
> //           U-Observation Mean (UOBAR),
> //              = mean(uo)
> //           V-Observation Mean (VOBAR),
> //              = mean(vo)
> //           U-Product Plus V-Product (UVFOBAR),
> //              = mean(uf*uo+vf*vo)
> //           U-Forecast Squared Plus V-Forecast Squared (UVFFBAR),
> //              = mean(uf^2+vf^2)
> //           U-Observation Squared Plus V-Observation Squared
> //              = mean(uo^2+vo^2)
> //
> //   (10) STAT and VAL1L2 Text Files, Vector Anomaly Partial Sums:
> //           U-Forecast Anomaly Mean (UFABAR),
> //              = mean(uf-uc)
> //           V-Forecast Anomaly Mean (VFABAR),
> //              = mean(vf-vc)
> //           U-Observation Anomaly Mean (UOABAR),
> //              = mean(uo-uc)
> //           V-Observation Anomaly Mean (VOABAR),
> //              = mean(vo-vc)
> //           U-Anomaly Product Plus V-Anomaly Product (UVFOABAR),
> //              = mean((uf-uc)*(uo-uc)+(vf-vc)*(vo-vc))
> //           U-Forecast Anomaly Squared Plus V-Forecast Anomaly
Squared (UVFFABAR),
> //              = mean((uf-uc)^2+(vf-vc)^2)
> //           U-Observation Anomaly Squared Plus V-Observation
Anomaly Squared (UVOOABAR)
> //              = mean((uo-uc)^2+(vo-vc)^2)
> //
> //   (11) STAT and PCT Text Files, Nx2 Probability Contingency Table
> //           Total (TOTAL),
> //           Number of Forecast Probability Thresholds (N_THRESH),
> //           Probability Threshold Value (THRESH_i),
> //           Row Observation Yes Count (OY_i),
> //           Row Observation No Count (ON_i),
> //           NOTE: Previous 3 columns repeated for each row in the
> //           Last Probability Threshold Value (THRESH_n)
> //
> //   (12) STAT and PSTD Text Files, Nx2 Probability Contingency
Table Scores:
> //           Total (TOTAL),
> //           Number of Forecast Probability Thresholds (N_THRESH),
> //           Base Rate (BASER) with confidence interval limits,
> //           Reliability (RELIABILITY),
> //           Resolution (RESOLUTION),
> //           Uncertainty (UNCERTAINTY),
> //           Area Under the ROC Curve (ROC_AUC),
> //           Brier Score (BRIER) with confidence interval limits,
> //           Probability Threshold Value (THRESH_i)
> //           NOTE: Previous column repeated for each probability
> //
> //   (13) STAT and PJC Text Files, Joint/Continuous Statistics of
> //                                 Probabilistic Variables:
> //           Total (TOTAL),
> //           Number of Forecast Probability Thresholds (N_THRESH),
> //           Probability Threshold Value (THRESH_i),
> //           Observation Yes Count Divided by Total (OY_TP_i),
> //           Observation No Count Divided by Total (ON_TP_i),
> //           Calibration (CALIBRATION_i),
> //           Refinement (REFINEMENT_i),
> //           Likelikhood (LIKELIHOOD_i),
> //           Base Rate (BASER_i),
> //           NOTE: Previous 7 columns repeated for each row in the
> //           Last Probability Threshold Value (THRESH_n)
> //
> //   (14) STAT and PRC Text Files, ROC Curve Points for
> //                                 Probabilistic Variables:
> //           Total (TOTAL),
> //           Number of Forecast Probability Thresholds (N_THRESH),
> //           Probability Threshold Value (THRESH_i),
> //           Probability of Detecting Yes (PODY_i),
> //           Probability of False Detection (POFD_i),
> //           NOTE: Previous 3 columns repeated for each row in the
> //           Last Probability Threshold Value (THRESH_n)
> //
> //   (15) STAT and MPR Text Files, Matched Pair Data:
> //           Total (TOTAL),
> //           Index (INDEX),
> //           Observation Station ID (OBS_SID),
> //           Observation Latitude (OBS_LAT),
> //           Observation Longitude (OBS_LON),
> //           Observation Level (OBS_LVL),
> //           Observation Elevation (OBS_ELV),
> //           Forecast Value (FCST),
> //           Observation Value (OBS),
> //           Climatological Value (CLIMO)
> //
> //   In the expressions above, f are forecast values, o are observed
> //   and c are climatological values.
> //
> // Values for these flags are interpreted as follows:
> //    (0) Do not generate output of this type
> //    (1) Write output to a STAT file
> //    (2) Write output to a STAT file and a text file
> //
> output_flag[] = [ 2, 2, 2, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ];
> //
> // Flag to indicate whether Kendall's Tau and Spearman's Rank
> // Coefficients should be computed.  Computing them over large
datasets is
> // computationally intensive and slows down the runtime execution
> //    (0) Do not compute these correlation coefficients
> //    (1) Compute these correlation coefficients
> //
> rank_corr_flag = 0;
> //
> // Specify the GRIB Table 2 parameter table version number to be
> // for interpreting GRIB codes.
> // http://www.nco.ncep.noaa.gov/pmb/docs/on388/table2.html
> //
> grib_ptv = 2;
> //
> // Directory where temporary files should be written.
> //
> tmp_dir = "./tmp";
> //
> // Prefix to be used for the output file names.
> //
> output_prefix = "";
> //
> // Indicate a version number for the contents of this configuration
> // The value should generally not be modified.
> //
> version = "V3.0";
> Please let me know how to fix the problem. In addition, do you have
an exemplary script in validating soil moisture variable?
> Thanks,
> Shujia

Subject: Re: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #56393] met error in reading records for U
From: Shujia Zhou
Time: Fri May 11 10:53:15 2012

Hi, Paul:

I have put the relevant files into zhou_may11_2012.

257 "/incoming/irap/met_help/zhou_may11_2012" is current directory.
ftp> ls
227 Entering Passive Mode (128,117,192,211,195,36)
150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for /bin/ls.
total 1659316
-rw-r--r-- 1 120 120      8326 May 11 16:32
-rw-r--r-- 1 120 120     20599 May 11 16:32
-rw-r--r-- 1 120 120      5510 May 11 16:33 WestCoast.poly
-rw-r--r-- 1 120 120    186824 May 11 16:20 data_20100530.t00z.nc
-rw-r--r-- 1 120 120       997 May 11 16:51 namelist.pinterp
-rw-r--r-- 1 120 120 872812156 May 11 16:45 wrfout_d01_2010_05_30_00
---->rename to make ftp work
-rw-r--r-- 1 120 120 824413720 May 11 16:32
wrfout_d01_2010_05_30_00_PLEV --->rename



On May 11, 2012, at 12:09 PM, Paul Oldenburg via RT wrote:

> Shujia,
> Can you please send me the model data and obs data that you are
using?  You can upload the data to our FTP site using
> the instructions here:
http://www.dtcenter.org/met/users/support/met_help.php#ftp.  It
appears that you are trying to
> verify p_interp data, correct?  If so, there may be a problem in how
point_stat handles p_interp data.
> Regarding your question about soil moisture, we do not have any
example scripts for this.  I did find the following
> discussion that includes talk about soil moisture:
> http://mailman.ucar.edu/pipermail/met_help/2009-August/000919.html
> I found using the google search 'met_help archive soil moisture'.
Sorry I can't be more help on this topic.
> If you have any questions, please let me know.
> Paul
> On 05/11/2012 09:48 AM, Shujia Zhou via RT wrote:
>> Fri May 11 09:48:36 2012: Request 56393 was acted upon.
>> Transaction: Ticket created by shujia.zhou-1 at nasa.gov
>>        Queue: met_help
>>      Subject: met error in reading records for U
>>        Owner: Nobody
>>   Requestors: shujia.zhou-1 at nasa.gov
>>       Status: new
>>  Ticket<URL:
>> Hi,
>> We tried to validate U and V and encountered the following errors
after running point_stat
>>  /discover/nobackup/szhou/nu-wrf-trunk/nu-wrf_v2beta2-
3.2.1/MET/bin/point_stat wrfout_d01_2010-05-30_00:00:00_PLEV
./data_20100530.t00z.nc PointStatConfig_SFC_WRF_sjz
>> GSL_RNG_TYPE=mt19937
>> GSL_RNG_SEED=1160424783
>> Forecast File: wrfout_d01_2010-05-30_00:00:00_PLEV
>> Climatology File: none
>> Configuration File: PointStatConfig_SFC_WRF_sjz
>> Observation File: ./data_20100530.t00z.nc
>> Reading records for T2(0,*,*).
>> For T2(0,*,*) found 1 forecast levels and 0 climatology levels.
>> Reading records for Q2(0,*,*).
>> For Q2(0,*,*) found 1 forecast levels and 0 climatology levels.
>> Reading records for U(0,*,*).
>> ERROR: read_levels_pinterp() ->  error reading U(0,*,*) from the
p_interp NetCDF file wrfout_d01_2010-05-30_00:00:00_PLEV
>> ERROR: read_levels_pinterp() ->  the valid time for the U(0,*,*)
variable in the p_interp NetCDF file wrfout_d01_2010-05-30_00
>> :00:00_PLEV does not match the requested valid time:
(19700101_000000 != 20100530_000000
>> Here is the script for point_stat:
>> //
>> // Default point_stat configuration file
>> //
>> //
>> // Specify a name to designate the model being verified.  This name
will be
>> // written to the second column of the ASCII output generated.
>> //
>> model = "WRF";
>> //
>> // Beginning and ending time offset values in seconds for
>> // to be used.  These time offsets are defined in reference to the
>> // forecast valid time, v.  Observations with a valid time falling
in the
>> // window [v+beg_ds, v+end_ds] will be used.
>> // These selections are overridden by the command line arguments
>> // -obs_valid_beg and -obs_valid_end.
>> //
>> beg_ds = -3600;
>> end_ds =  3600;
>> //
>> // Specify a comma-separated list of fields to be verified.  The
forecast and
>> // observation fields may be specified separately.  If the
obs_field parameter
>> // is left blank, it will default to the contents of fcst_field.
>> //
>> // Each field is specified as a GRIB code or abbreviation followed
by an
>> // accumulation or vertical level indicator for GRIB files or as a
variable name
>> // followed by a list of dimensions for NetCDF files output from
p_interp or MET.
>> //
>> // Specifying verification fields for GRIB files:
>> //    GC/ANNN for accumulation interval NNN
>> //    GC/ZNNN for vertical level NNN
>> //    GC/ZNNN-NNN for a range of vertical levels (MSL or AGL)
>> //    GC/PNNN for pressure level NNN in hPa
>> //    GC/PNNN-NNN for a range of pressure levels in hPa
>> //    GC/LNNN for a generic level type
>> //    GC/RNNN for a specific GRIB record number
>> //    Where GC is the number of or abbreviation for the grib code
>> //    to be verified.
>> // http://www.nco.ncep.noaa.gov/pmb/docs/on388/table2.html
>> //
>> // Specifying verification fields for NetCDF files:
>> //    var_name(i,...,j,*,*) for a single field
>> //    var_name(i-j,*,*) for a range of fields
>> //    Where var_name is the name of the NetCDF variable,
>> //    and i,...,j specifies fixed dimension values,
>> //    and i-j specifies a range of values for a single dimension,
>> //    and *,* specifies the two dimensions for the gridded field.
>> //
>> //    NOTE: To verify winds as vectors rather than scalars,
>> //          specify UGRD (or 33) followed by VGRD (or 34) with the
>> //          same level values.
>> //
>> //    NOTE: To process a probability field, add "/PROB", such as
>> //
>> // e.g. fcst_field[] = [ "SPFH/P500", "TMP/P500" ]; for a GRIB
>> // e.g. fcst_field[] = [ "QVAPOR(0,5,*,*)", "TT(0,5,*,*)" ]; for
NetCDF input
>> //
>> //sjz what are TMP/Z2 and SPFH/Z2 ??
>> fcst_field[] = [ "T2(0,*,*)", "Q2(0,*,*)", "U(0,*,*)", "V(0,*,*)"
>> //fcst_field[] = [ "T2(0,*,*)"];
>> obs_field[]  = [ "TMP/Z2", "SPFH/Z2","UGRD/Z10", "VGRD/Z10" ];
>> //obs_field[]  = [ "TMP/Z2"];
>> //
>> // Specify a comma-separated list of groups of thresholds to be
applied to the
>> // fields listed above.  Thresholds for the forecast and
observation fields
>> // may be specified separately.  If the obs_thresh parameter is
left blank,
>> // it will default to the contents of fcst_thresh.
>> //
>> // At least one threshold must be provided for each field listed
above.  The
>> // lengths of the "fcst_field" and "fcst_thresh" arrays must match,
as must
>> // lengths of the "obs_field" and "obs_thresh" arrays.  To apply
>> // thresholds to a field, separate the threshold values with a
>> //
>> // Each threshold must be preceded by a two letter indicator for
the type of
>> // thresholding to be performed:
>> //    'lt' for less than     'le' for less than or equal to
>> //    'eq' for equal to      'ne' for not equal to
>> //    'gt' for greater than  'ge' for greater than or equal to
>> //
>> // NOTE: Thresholds for probabilities must begin with 0.0, end with
>> //       and be preceeded by "ge".
>> //
>> // e.g. fcst_thresh[] = [ "gt80", "gt273" ];
>> //
>> // sjz is 300 too high?
>> fcst_thresh[] = [ "gt300", "gt0.0", "lt100", "lt100" ];
>> //fcst_thresh[] = [ "gt300"];
>> obs_thresh[]  = [];
>> //
>> // Specify a comma-separated list of thresholds to be used when
>> // VL1L2 and VAL1L2 partial sums for winds.  The thresholds are
applied to the
>> // wind speed values derived from each U/V pair.  Only those U/V
pairs which meet
>> // the wind speed threshold criteria are retained.  If the
>> // parameter is left blank, it will default to the contents of
>> //
>> // To apply multiple wind speed thresholds, separate the threshold
values with a
>> // space.  Use "NA" to indicate that no wind speed threshold should
be applied.
>> //
>> // Each threshold must be preceded by a two letter indicator for
the type of
>> // thresholding to be performed:
>> //    'lt' for less than     'le' for less than or equal to
>> //    'eq' for equal to      'ne' for not equal to
>> //    'gt' for greater than  'ge' for greater than or equal to
>> //    'NA' for no threshold
>> //
>> // e.g. fcst_wind_thresh[] = [ "NA", "ge1.0" ];
>> //
>> fcst_wind_thresh[] = [ "NA" ];
>> obs_wind_thresh[]  = [];
>> //
>> // Specify a comma-separated list of PrepBufr message types with
>> // to perform the verification.  Statistics will be computed
>> // for each message type specified.  At least one PrepBufr message
>> // must be provided.
>> // List of valid message types:
>> //
>> //
>> // e.g. message_type[] = [ "ADPUPA", "AIRCAR" ];
>> //
>> //message_type[] = [ "ADPSFC" ];
>> message_type[] = [ "ANYSFC" ];
>> //
>> // Specify a comma-separated list of grids to be used in masking
the data over
>> // which to perform scoring.  An empty list indicates that no
masking grid
>> // should be performed.  The standard NCEP grids are named "GNNN"
where NNN
>> // indicates the three digit grid number.  Enter "FULL" to score
over the
>> // entire domain.
>> // http://www.nco.ncep.noaa.gov/pmb/docs/on388/tableb.html
>> //
>> // e.g. mask_grid[] = [ "FULL" ];
>> //
>> mask_grid[] = [ ];
>> //
>> // Specify a comma-separated list of masking regions to be applied.
>> // An empty list indicates that no additional masks should be used.
>> // The masking regions may be defined in one of 4 ways:
>> //
>> // (1) An ASCII file containing a lat/lon polygon.
>> //     Latitude in degrees north and longitude in degrees east.
>> //     By default, the first and last polygon points are connected.
>> //     e.g. "MET_BASE/data/poly/EAST.poly" which consists of n
>> //          "poly_name lat1 lon1 lat2 lon2... latn lonn"
>> //
>> // (2) The NetCDF output of the gen_poly_mask tool.
>> //
>> // (3) A NetCDF data file, followed by the name of the NetCDF
>> //     to be used, and optionally, a threshold to be applied to the
>> //     e.g. "sample.nc var_name gt0.00"
>> //
>> // (4) A GRIB data file, followed by a description of the field
>> //     to be used, and optionally, a threshold to be applied to the
>> //     e.g. "sample.grb APCP/A3 gt0.00"
>> //
>> // Any NetCDF or GRIB file used must have the same grid dimensions
as the
>> // data being verified.
>> //
>> // MET_BASE may be used in the path for the files above.
>> //
>> // e.g. mask_poly[] = [ "MET_BASE/data/poly/EAST.poly",
>> //                      "poly_mask.ncf",
>> //                      "sample.nc APCP",
>> //                      "sample.grb HGT/Z0 gt100.0" ];
>> //
>> //mask_poly[] = [ "/gpfsm/dnb32/akumar3/NU-WRF/nu-wrf_v2dev4-
3.2.1/MET/anil_test/SPL.poly" ];
>> //mask_poly[] = [
>> mask_poly[] = [
>> //mask_poly[] = [ ];
>> //
>> // Specify the name of an ASCII file containing a space-separated
list of
>> // station ID's at which to perform verification.  Each station ID
>> // is treated as an individual masking region.
>> //
>> // An empty list file name indicates that no station ID masks
should be used.
>> //
>> // MET_BASE may be used in the path for the station ID mask file
>> //
>> // e.g. mask_sid = "MET_BASE/data/stations/CONUS.stations";
>> //
>> mask_sid = "";
>> //
>> // Specify a comma-separated list of values for alpha to be used
when computing
>> // confidence intervals.  Values of alpha must be between 0 and 1.
>> //
>> // e.g. ci_alpha[] = [ 0.05, 0.10 ];
>> //
>> ci_alpha[] = [ 0.05 ];
>> //
>> // Specify the method to be used for computing bootstrap confidence
>> // The value for this is interpreted as follows:
>> //    (0) Use the BCa interval method (computationally intensive)
>> //    (1) Use the percentile interval method
>> //
>> boot_interval = 1;
>> //
>> // Specify a proportion between 0 and 1 to define the replicate
sample size
>> // to be used when computing percentile intervals.  The replicate
>> // size is set to boot_rep_prop * n, where n is the number of raw
data points.
>> //
>> // e.g boot_rep_prop = 0.80;
>> //
>> boot_rep_prop = 1.0;
>> //
>> // Specify the number of times each set of matched pair data should
>> // resampled when computing bootstrap confidence intervals.  A
value of
>> // zero disables the computation of bootstrap condifence intervals.
>> //
>> // e.g. n_boot_rep = 1000;
>> //
>> n_boot_rep = 0;
>> //
>> // Specify the name of the random number generator to be used.  See
the MET
>> // Users Guide for a list of possible random number generators.
>> //
>> boot_rng = "mt19937";
>> //
>> // Specify the seed value to be used when computing bootstrap
>> // intervals.  If left unspecified, the seed will change for each
run and
>> // the computed bootstrap confidence intervals will not be
>> //
>> boot_seed = "";
>> //
>> // Specify a comma-separated list of interpolation method(s) to be
>> // for comparing the forecast grid to the observation points.
String values
>> // are interpreted as follows:
>> //    MIN     = Minimum in the neighborhood
>> //    MAX     = Maximum in the neighborhood
>> //    MEDIAN  = Median in the neighborhood
>> //    UW_MEAN = Unweighted mean in the neighborhood
>> //    DW_MEAN = Distance-weighted mean in the neighborhood
>> //    LS_FIT  = Least-squares fit in the neighborhood
>> //
>> // In all cases, vertical interpolation is performed in the natural
>> // of pressure of the levels above and below the observation.
>> //
>> // e.g. interp_method[] = [ "UW_MEAN", "MEDIAN" ];
>> //
>> interp_method[] = [ "DW_MEAN" ];
>> //
>> // Specify a comma-separated list of box widths to be used by the
>> // interpolation techniques listed above.  A value of 1 indicates
>> // the nearest neighbor approach should be used.  For a value of n
>> // greater than 1, the n*n grid points closest to the observation
>> // the neighborhood.
>> //
>> // e.g. interp_width = [ 1, 3, 5 ];
>> //
>> interp_width[] = [ 3 ];
>> //
>> // When interpolating, compute a ratio of the number of valid data
>> // to the total number of points in the neighborhood.  If that
ratio is
>> // less than this threshold, do not include the observation.  This
>> // threshold must be between 0 and 1.  Setting this threshold to 1
>> // require that each observation be surrounded by n*n valid
>> // points.
>> //
>> // e.g. interp_thresh = 1.0;
>> //
>> interp_thresh = 1.0;
>> //
>> // Specify flags to indicate the type of data to be output:
>> //    (1) STAT and FHO Text Files, Forecast, Hit, Observation
>> //           Total (TOTAL),
>> //           Forecast Rate (F_RATE),
>> //           Hit Rate (H_RATE),
>> //           Observation Rate (O_RATE)
>> //
>> //    (2) STAT and CTC Text Files, Contingency Table Counts:
>> //           Total (TOTAL),
>> //           Forecast Yes and Observation Yes Count (FY_OY),
>> //           Forecast Yes and Observation No Count (FY_ON),
>> //           Forecast No and Observation Yes Count (FN_OY),
>> //           Forecast No and Observation No Count (FN_ON)
>> //
>> //    (3) STAT and CTS Text Files, Contingency Table Scores:
>> //           Total (TOTAL),
>> //           Base Rate (BASER),
>> //           Forecast Mean (FMEAN),
>> //           Accuracy (ACC),
>> //           Frequency Bias (FBIAS),
>> //           Probability of Detecting Yes (PODY),
>> //           Probability of Detecting No (PODN),
>> //           Probability of False Detection (POFD),
>> //           False Alarm Ratio (FAR),
>> //           Critical Success Index (CSI),
>> //           Gilbert Skill Score (GSS),
>> //           Hanssen and Kuipers Discriminant (HK),
>> //           Heidke Skill Score (HSS),
>> //           Odds Ratio (ODDS),
>> //           NOTE: All statistics listed above contain parametric
>> //                 non-parametric confidence interval limits.
>> //
>> //    (4) STAT and MCTC Text Files, NxN Multi-Category Contingency
Table Counts:
>> //           Total (TOTAL),
>> //           Number of Categories (N_CAT),
>> //           Contingency Table Count columns repeated N_CAT*N_CAT
>> //
>> //    (5) STAT and MCTS Text Files, NxN Multi-Category Contingency
Table Scores:
>> //           Total (TOTAL),
>> //           Number of Categories (N_CAT),
>> //           Accuracy (ACC),
>> //           Hanssen and Kuipers Discriminant (HK),
>> //           Heidke Skill Score (HSS),
>> //           Gerrity Score (GER),
>> //           NOTE: All statistics listed above contain parametric
>> //                 non-parametric confidence interval limits.
>> //
>> //    (6) STAT and CNT Text Files, Statistics of Continuous
>> //           Total (TOTAL),
>> //           Forecast Mean (FBAR),
>> //           Forecast Standard Deviation (FSTDEV),
>> //           Observation Mean (OBAR),
>> //           Observation Standard Deviation (OSTDEV),
>> //           Pearson's Correlation Coefficient (PR_CORR),
>> //           Spearman's Rank Correlation Coefficient (SP_CORR),
>> //           Kendall Tau Rank Correlation Coefficient (KT_CORR),
>> //           Number of ranks compared (RANKS),
>> //           Number of tied ranks in the forecast field
>> //           Number of tied ranks in the observation field
>> //           Mean Error (ME),
>> //           Standard Deviation of the Error (ESTDEV),
>> //           Multiplicative Bias (MBIAS = FBAR - OBAR),
>> //           Mean Absolute Error (MAE),
>> //           Mean Squared Error (MSE),
>> //           Bias-Corrected Mean Squared Error (BCMSE),
>> //           Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE),
>> //           Percentiles of the Error (E10, E25, E50, E75, E90)
>> //           NOTE: Most statistics listed above contain parametric
>> //                 non-parametric confidence interval limits.
>> //
>> //    (7) STAT and SL1L2 Text Files, Scalar Partial Sums:
>> //           Total (TOTAL),
>> //           Forecast Mean (FBAR),
>> //              = mean(f)
>> //           Observation Mean (OBAR),
>> //              = mean(o)
>> //           Forecast*Observation Product Mean (FOBAR),
>> //              = mean(f*o)
>> //           Forecast Squared Mean (FFBAR),
>> //              = mean(f^2)
>> //           Observation Squared Mean (OOBAR)
>> //              = mean(o^2)
>> //
>> //    (8) STAT and SAL1L2 Text Files, Scalar Anomaly Partial Sums:
>> //           Total (TOTAL),
>> //           Forecast Anomaly Mean (FABAR),
>> //              = mean(f-c)
>> //           Observation Anomaly Mean (OABAR),
>> //              = mean(o-c)
>> //           Product of Forecast and Observation Anomalies Mean
>> //              = mean((f-c)*(o-c))
>> //           Forecast Anomaly Squared Mean (FFABAR),
>> //              = mean((f-c)^2)
>> //           Observation Anomaly Squared Mean (OOABAR)
>> //              = mean((o-c)^2)
>> //
>> //    (9) STAT and VL1L2 Text Files, Vector Partial Sums:
>> //           Total (TOTAL),
>> //           U-Forecast Mean (UFBAR),
>> //              = mean(uf)
>> //           V-Forecast Mean (VFBAR),
>> //              = mean(vf)
>> //           U-Observation Mean (UOBAR),
>> //              = mean(uo)
>> //           V-Observation Mean (VOBAR),
>> //              = mean(vo)
>> //           U-Product Plus V-Product (UVFOBAR),
>> //              = mean(uf*uo+vf*vo)
>> //           U-Forecast Squared Plus V-Forecast Squared (UVFFBAR),
>> //              = mean(uf^2+vf^2)
>> //           U-Observation Squared Plus V-Observation Squared
>> //              = mean(uo^2+vo^2)
>> //
>> //   (10) STAT and VAL1L2 Text Files, Vector Anomaly Partial Sums:
>> //           U-Forecast Anomaly Mean (UFABAR),
>> //              = mean(uf-uc)
>> //           V-Forecast Anomaly Mean (VFABAR),
>> //              = mean(vf-vc)
>> //           U-Observation Anomaly Mean (UOABAR),
>> //              = mean(uo-uc)
>> //           V-Observation Anomaly Mean (VOABAR),
>> //              = mean(vo-vc)
>> //           U-Anomaly Product Plus V-Anomaly Product (UVFOABAR),
>> //              = mean((uf-uc)*(uo-uc)+(vf-vc)*(vo-vc))
>> //           U-Forecast Anomaly Squared Plus V-Forecast Anomaly
Squared (UVFFABAR),
>> //              = mean((uf-uc)^2+(vf-vc)^2)
>> //           U-Observation Anomaly Squared Plus V-Observation
Anomaly Squared (UVOOABAR)
>> //              = mean((uo-uc)^2+(vo-vc)^2)
>> //
>> //   (11) STAT and PCT Text Files, Nx2 Probability Contingency
Table Counts:
>> //           Total (TOTAL),
>> //           Number of Forecast Probability Thresholds (N_THRESH),
>> //           Probability Threshold Value (THRESH_i),
>> //           Row Observation Yes Count (OY_i),
>> //           Row Observation No Count (ON_i),
>> //           NOTE: Previous 3 columns repeated for each row in the
>> //           Last Probability Threshold Value (THRESH_n)
>> //
>> //   (12) STAT and PSTD Text Files, Nx2 Probability Contingency
Table Scores:
>> //           Total (TOTAL),
>> //           Number of Forecast Probability Thresholds (N_THRESH),
>> //           Base Rate (BASER) with confidence interval limits,
>> //           Reliability (RELIABILITY),
>> //           Resolution (RESOLUTION),
>> //           Uncertainty (UNCERTAINTY),
>> //           Area Under the ROC Curve (ROC_AUC),
>> //           Brier Score (BRIER) with confidence interval limits,
>> //           Probability Threshold Value (THRESH_i)
>> //           NOTE: Previous column repeated for each probability
>> //
>> //   (13) STAT and PJC Text Files, Joint/Continuous Statistics of
>> //                                 Probabilistic Variables:
>> //           Total (TOTAL),
>> //           Number of Forecast Probability Thresholds (N_THRESH),
>> //           Probability Threshold Value (THRESH_i),
>> //           Observation Yes Count Divided by Total (OY_TP_i),
>> //           Observation No Count Divided by Total (ON_TP_i),
>> //           Calibration (CALIBRATION_i),
>> //           Refinement (REFINEMENT_i),
>> //           Likelikhood (LIKELIHOOD_i),
>> //           Base Rate (BASER_i),
>> //           NOTE: Previous 7 columns repeated for each row in the
>> //           Last Probability Threshold Value (THRESH_n)
>> //
>> //   (14) STAT and PRC Text Files, ROC Curve Points for
>> //                                 Probabilistic Variables:
>> //           Total (TOTAL),
>> //           Number of Forecast Probability Thresholds (N_THRESH),
>> //           Probability Threshold Value (THRESH_i),
>> //           Probability of Detecting Yes (PODY_i),
>> //           Probability of False Detection (POFD_i),
>> //           NOTE: Previous 3 columns repeated for each row in the
>> //           Last Probability Threshold Value (THRESH_n)
>> //
>> //   (15) STAT and MPR Text Files, Matched Pair Data:
>> //           Total (TOTAL),
>> //           Index (INDEX),
>> //           Observation Station ID (OBS_SID),
>> //           Observation Latitude (OBS_LAT),
>> //           Observation Longitude (OBS_LON),
>> //           Observation Level (OBS_LVL),
>> //           Observation Elevation (OBS_ELV),
>> //           Forecast Value (FCST),
>> //           Observation Value (OBS),
>> //           Climatological Value (CLIMO)
>> //
>> //   In the expressions above, f are forecast values, o are
observed values,
>> //   and c are climatological values.
>> //
>> // Values for these flags are interpreted as follows:
>> //    (0) Do not generate output of this type
>> //    (1) Write output to a STAT file
>> //    (2) Write output to a STAT file and a text file
>> //
>> output_flag[] = [ 2, 2, 2, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ];
>> //
>> // Flag to indicate whether Kendall's Tau and Spearman's Rank
>> // Coefficients should be computed.  Computing them over large
datasets is
>> // computationally intensive and slows down the runtime execution
>> //    (0) Do not compute these correlation coefficients
>> //    (1) Compute these correlation coefficients
>> //
>> rank_corr_flag = 0;
>> //
>> // Specify the GRIB Table 2 parameter table version number to be
>> // for interpreting GRIB codes.
>> // http://www.nco.ncep.noaa.gov/pmb/docs/on388/table2.html
>> //
>> grib_ptv = 2;
>> //
>> // Directory where temporary files should be written.
>> //
>> tmp_dir = "./tmp";
>> //
>> // Prefix to be used for the output file names.
>> //
>> output_prefix = "";
>> //
>> // Indicate a version number for the contents of this configuration
>> // The value should generally not be modified.
>> //
>> version = "V3.0";
>> Please let me know how to fix the problem. In addition, do you have
an exemplary script in validating soil moisture variable?
>> Thanks,
>> Shujia

Subject: Re: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #56393] met error in reading records for U
From: Paul Oldenburg
Time: Fri May 11 12:13:28 2012


We tried to get point_stat to verify UU and VV (instead of U and V),
but when we saw the variable dimensions, we
realized that MET does not support verification on a staggered grid:

         float UU(Time, num_metgrid_levels, south_north,
west_east_stag) ;

If possible, we recommend that you use the WRF Unified Post Processor
(UPP -
http://www.dtcenter.org/wrf-nmm/users/overview/upp_overview.php) to
post-process your WRF output files.  MET provides
much better support for verifying the GRIB output of UPP, as opposed
to the output of the p_interp post-processor.  I'm
sorry I can't be more help.  Please let me know if you have any


On 05/11/2012 10:53 AM, Shujia Zhou via RT wrote:
> <URL: https://rt.rap.ucar.edu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=56393>
> Hi, Paul:
> I have put the relevant files into zhou_may11_2012.
> 257 "/incoming/irap/met_help/zhou_may11_2012" is current directory.
> ftp>  ls
> 227 Entering Passive Mode (128,117,192,211,195,36)
> 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for /bin/ls.
> total 1659316
> -rw-r--r-- 1 120 120      8326 May 11 16:32
> -rw-r--r-- 1 120 120     20599 May 11 16:32
> -rw-r--r-- 1 120 120      5510 May 11 16:33 WestCoast.poly
> -rw-r--r-- 1 120 120    186824 May 11 16:20 data_20100530.t00z.nc
> -rw-r--r-- 1 120 120       997 May 11 16:51 namelist.pinterp
> -rw-r--r-- 1 120 120 872812156 May 11 16:45 wrfout_d01_2010_05_30_00
---->rename to make ftp work
> -rw-r--r-- 1 120 120 824413720 May 11 16:32
wrfout_d01_2010_05_30_00_PLEV --->rename
> Thanks,
> Shujia
> On May 11, 2012, at 12:09 PM, Paul Oldenburg via RT wrote:
>> Shujia,
>> Can you please send me the model data and obs data that you are
using?  You can upload the data to our FTP site using
>> the instructions here:
http://www.dtcenter.org/met/users/support/met_help.php#ftp.  It
appears that you are trying to
>> verify p_interp data, correct?  If so, there may be a problem in
how point_stat handles p_interp data.
>> Regarding your question about soil moisture, we do not have any
example scripts for this.  I did find the following
>> discussion that includes talk about soil moisture:
>> http://mailman.ucar.edu/pipermail/met_help/2009-August/000919.html
>> I found using the google search 'met_help archive soil moisture'.
Sorry I can't be more help on this topic.
>> If you have any questions, please let me know.
>> Paul
>> On 05/11/2012 09:48 AM, Shujia Zhou via RT wrote:
>>> Fri May 11 09:48:36 2012: Request 56393 was acted upon.
>>> Transaction: Ticket created by shujia.zhou-1 at nasa.gov
>>>         Queue: met_help
>>>       Subject: met error in reading records for U
>>>         Owner: Nobody
>>>    Requestors: shujia.zhou-1 at nasa.gov
>>>        Status: new
>>>   Ticket<URL:
>>> Hi,
>>> We tried to validate U and V and encountered the following errors
after running point_stat
>>>   /discover/nobackup/szhou/nu-wrf-trunk/nu-wrf_v2beta2-
3.2.1/MET/bin/point_stat wrfout_d01_2010-05-30_00:00:00_PLEV
./data_20100530.t00z.nc PointStatConfig_SFC_WRF_sjz
>>> GSL_RNG_TYPE=mt19937
>>> GSL_RNG_SEED=1160424783
>>> Forecast File: wrfout_d01_2010-05-30_00:00:00_PLEV
>>> Climatology File: none
>>> Configuration File: PointStatConfig_SFC_WRF_sjz
>>> Observation File: ./data_20100530.t00z.nc
>>> Reading records for T2(0,*,*).
>>> For T2(0,*,*) found 1 forecast levels and 0 climatology levels.
>>> Reading records for Q2(0,*,*).
>>> For Q2(0,*,*) found 1 forecast levels and 0 climatology levels.
>>> Reading records for U(0,*,*).
>>> ERROR: read_levels_pinterp() ->   error reading U(0,*,*) from the
p_interp NetCDF file wrfout_d01_2010-05-30_00:00:00_PLEV
>>> ERROR: read_levels_pinterp() ->   the valid time for the U(0,*,*)
variable in the p_interp NetCDF file wrfout_d01_2010-05-30_00
>>> :00:00_PLEV does not match the requested valid time:
(19700101_000000 != 20100530_000000
>>> Here is the script for point_stat:
>>> //
>>> // Default point_stat configuration file
>>> //
>>> //
>>> // Specify a name to designate the model being verified.  This
name will be
>>> // written to the second column of the ASCII output generated.
>>> //
>>> model = "WRF";
>>> //
>>> // Beginning and ending time offset values in seconds for
>>> // to be used.  These time offsets are defined in reference to the
>>> // forecast valid time, v.  Observations with a valid time falling
in the
>>> // window [v+beg_ds, v+end_ds] will be used.
>>> // These selections are overridden by the command line arguments
>>> // -obs_valid_beg and -obs_valid_end.
>>> //
>>> beg_ds = -3600;
>>> end_ds =  3600;
>>> //
>>> // Specify a comma-separated list of fields to be verified.  The
forecast and
>>> // observation fields may be specified separately.  If the
obs_field parameter
>>> // is left blank, it will default to the contents of fcst_field.
>>> //
>>> // Each field is specified as a GRIB code or abbreviation followed
by an
>>> // accumulation or vertical level indicator for GRIB files or as a
variable name
>>> // followed by a list of dimensions for NetCDF files output from
p_interp or MET.
>>> //
>>> // Specifying verification fields for GRIB files:
>>> //    GC/ANNN for accumulation interval NNN
>>> //    GC/ZNNN for vertical level NNN
>>> //    GC/ZNNN-NNN for a range of vertical levels (MSL or AGL)
>>> //    GC/PNNN for pressure level NNN in hPa
>>> //    GC/PNNN-NNN for a range of pressure levels in hPa
>>> //    GC/LNNN for a generic level type
>>> //    GC/RNNN for a specific GRIB record number
>>> //    Where GC is the number of or abbreviation for the grib code
>>> //    to be verified.
>>> // http://www.nco.ncep.noaa.gov/pmb/docs/on388/table2.html
>>> //
>>> // Specifying verification fields for NetCDF files:
>>> //    var_name(i,...,j,*,*) for a single field
>>> //    var_name(i-j,*,*) for a range of fields
>>> //    Where var_name is the name of the NetCDF variable,
>>> //    and i,...,j specifies fixed dimension values,
>>> //    and i-j specifies a range of values for a single dimension,
>>> //    and *,* specifies the two dimensions for the gridded field.
>>> //
>>> //    NOTE: To verify winds as vectors rather than scalars,
>>> //          specify UGRD (or 33) followed by VGRD (or 34) with the
>>> //          same level values.
>>> //
>>> //    NOTE: To process a probability field, add "/PROB", such as
>>> //
>>> // e.g. fcst_field[] = [ "SPFH/P500", "TMP/P500" ]; for a GRIB
>>> // e.g. fcst_field[] = [ "QVAPOR(0,5,*,*)", "TT(0,5,*,*)" ]; for
NetCDF input
>>> //
>>> //sjz what are TMP/Z2 and SPFH/Z2 ??
>>> fcst_field[] = [ "T2(0,*,*)", "Q2(0,*,*)", "U(0,*,*)", "V(0,*,*)"
>>> //fcst_field[] = [ "T2(0,*,*)"];
>>> obs_field[]  = [ "TMP/Z2", "SPFH/Z2","UGRD/Z10", "VGRD/Z10" ];
>>> //obs_field[]  = [ "TMP/Z2"];
>>> //
>>> // Specify a comma-separated list of groups of thresholds to be
applied to the
>>> // fields listed above.  Thresholds for the forecast and
observation fields
>>> // may be specified separately.  If the obs_thresh parameter is
left blank,
>>> // it will default to the contents of fcst_thresh.
>>> //
>>> // At least one threshold must be provided for each field listed
above.  The
>>> // lengths of the "fcst_field" and "fcst_thresh" arrays must
match, as must
>>> // lengths of the "obs_field" and "obs_thresh" arrays.  To apply
>>> // thresholds to a field, separate the threshold values with a
>>> //
>>> // Each threshold must be preceded by a two letter indicator for
the type of
>>> // thresholding to be performed:
>>> //    'lt' for less than     'le' for less than or equal to
>>> //    'eq' for equal to      'ne' for not equal to
>>> //    'gt' for greater than  'ge' for greater than or equal to
>>> //
>>> // NOTE: Thresholds for probabilities must begin with 0.0, end
with 1.0,
>>> //       and be preceeded by "ge".
>>> //
>>> // e.g. fcst_thresh[] = [ "gt80", "gt273" ];
>>> //
>>> // sjz is 300 too high?
>>> fcst_thresh[] = [ "gt300", "gt0.0", "lt100", "lt100" ];
>>> //fcst_thresh[] = [ "gt300"];
>>> obs_thresh[]  = [];
>>> //
>>> // Specify a comma-separated list of thresholds to be used when
>>> // VL1L2 and VAL1L2 partial sums for winds.  The thresholds are
applied to the
>>> // wind speed values derived from each U/V pair.  Only those U/V
pairs which meet
>>> // the wind speed threshold criteria are retained.  If the
>>> // parameter is left blank, it will default to the contents of
>>> //
>>> // To apply multiple wind speed thresholds, separate the threshold
values with a
>>> // space.  Use "NA" to indicate that no wind speed threshold
should be applied.
>>> //
>>> // Each threshold must be preceded by a two letter indicator for
the type of
>>> // thresholding to be performed:
>>> //    'lt' for less than     'le' for less than or equal to
>>> //    'eq' for equal to      'ne' for not equal to
>>> //    'gt' for greater than  'ge' for greater than or equal to
>>> //    'NA' for no threshold
>>> //
>>> // e.g. fcst_wind_thresh[] = [ "NA", "ge1.0" ];
>>> //
>>> fcst_wind_thresh[] = [ "NA" ];
>>> obs_wind_thresh[]  = [];
>>> //
>>> // Specify a comma-separated list of PrepBufr message types with
>>> // to perform the verification.  Statistics will be computed
>>> // for each message type specified.  At least one PrepBufr message
>>> // must be provided.
>>> // List of valid message types:
>>> //
>>> //
>>> // e.g. message_type[] = [ "ADPUPA", "AIRCAR" ];
>>> //
>>> //message_type[] = [ "ADPSFC" ];
>>> message_type[] = [ "ANYSFC" ];
>>> //
>>> // Specify a comma-separated list of grids to be used in masking
the data over
>>> // which to perform scoring.  An empty list indicates that no
masking grid
>>> // should be performed.  The standard NCEP grids are named "GNNN"
where NNN
>>> // indicates the three digit grid number.  Enter "FULL" to score
over the
>>> // entire domain.
>>> // http://www.nco.ncep.noaa.gov/pmb/docs/on388/tableb.html
>>> //
>>> // e.g. mask_grid[] = [ "FULL" ];
>>> //
>>> mask_grid[] = [ ];
>>> //
>>> // Specify a comma-separated list of masking regions to be
>>> // An empty list indicates that no additional masks should be
>>> // The masking regions may be defined in one of 4 ways:
>>> //
>>> // (1) An ASCII file containing a lat/lon polygon.
>>> //     Latitude in degrees north and longitude in degrees east.
>>> //     By default, the first and last polygon points are
>>> //     e.g. "MET_BASE/data/poly/EAST.poly" which consists of n
>>> //          "poly_name lat1 lon1 lat2 lon2... latn lonn"
>>> //
>>> // (2) The NetCDF output of the gen_poly_mask tool.
>>> //
>>> // (3) A NetCDF data file, followed by the name of the NetCDF
>>> //     to be used, and optionally, a threshold to be applied to
the field.
>>> //     e.g. "sample.nc var_name gt0.00"
>>> //
>>> // (4) A GRIB data file, followed by a description of the field
>>> //     to be used, and optionally, a threshold to be applied to
the field.
>>> //     e.g. "sample.grb APCP/A3 gt0.00"
>>> //
>>> // Any NetCDF or GRIB file used must have the same grid dimensions
as the
>>> // data being verified.
>>> //
>>> // MET_BASE may be used in the path for the files above.
>>> //
>>> // e.g. mask_poly[] = [ "MET_BASE/data/poly/EAST.poly",
>>> //                      "poly_mask.ncf",
>>> //                      "sample.nc APCP",
>>> //                      "sample.grb HGT/Z0 gt100.0" ];
>>> //
>>> //mask_poly[] = [ "/gpfsm/dnb32/akumar3/NU-WRF/nu-wrf_v2dev4-
3.2.1/MET/anil_test/SPL.poly" ];
>>> //mask_poly[] = [
>>> mask_poly[] = [
>>> //mask_poly[] = [ ];
>>> //
>>> // Specify the name of an ASCII file containing a space-separated
list of
>>> // station ID's at which to perform verification.  Each station ID
>>> // is treated as an individual masking region.
>>> //
>>> // An empty list file name indicates that no station ID masks
should be used.
>>> //
>>> // MET_BASE may be used in the path for the station ID mask file
>>> //
>>> // e.g. mask_sid = "MET_BASE/data/stations/CONUS.stations";
>>> //
>>> mask_sid = "";
>>> //
>>> // Specify a comma-separated list of values for alpha to be used
when computing
>>> // confidence intervals.  Values of alpha must be between 0 and 1.
>>> //
>>> // e.g. ci_alpha[] = [ 0.05, 0.10 ];
>>> //
>>> ci_alpha[] = [ 0.05 ];
>>> //
>>> // Specify the method to be used for computing bootstrap
confidence intervals.
>>> // The value for this is interpreted as follows:
>>> //    (0) Use the BCa interval method (computationally intensive)
>>> //    (1) Use the percentile interval method
>>> //
>>> boot_interval = 1;
>>> //
>>> // Specify a proportion between 0 and 1 to define the replicate
sample size
>>> // to be used when computing percentile intervals.  The replicate
>>> // size is set to boot_rep_prop * n, where n is the number of raw
data points.
>>> //
>>> // e.g boot_rep_prop = 0.80;
>>> //
>>> boot_rep_prop = 1.0;
>>> //
>>> // Specify the number of times each set of matched pair data
should be
>>> // resampled when computing bootstrap confidence intervals.  A
value of
>>> // zero disables the computation of bootstrap condifence
>>> //
>>> // e.g. n_boot_rep = 1000;
>>> //
>>> n_boot_rep = 0;
>>> //
>>> // Specify the name of the random number generator to be used.
See the MET
>>> // Users Guide for a list of possible random number generators.
>>> //
>>> boot_rng = "mt19937";
>>> //
>>> // Specify the seed value to be used when computing bootstrap
>>> // intervals.  If left unspecified, the seed will change for each
run and
>>> // the computed bootstrap confidence intervals will not be
>>> //
>>> boot_seed = "";
>>> //
>>> // Specify a comma-separated list of interpolation method(s) to be
>>> // for comparing the forecast grid to the observation points.
String values
>>> // are interpreted as follows:
>>> //    MIN     = Minimum in the neighborhood
>>> //    MAX     = Maximum in the neighborhood
>>> //    MEDIAN  = Median in the neighborhood
>>> //    UW_MEAN = Unweighted mean in the neighborhood
>>> //    DW_MEAN = Distance-weighted mean in the neighborhood
>>> //    LS_FIT  = Least-squares fit in the neighborhood
>>> //
>>> // In all cases, vertical interpolation is performed in the
natural log
>>> // of pressure of the levels above and below the observation.
>>> //
>>> // e.g. interp_method[] = [ "UW_MEAN", "MEDIAN" ];
>>> //
>>> interp_method[] = [ "DW_MEAN" ];
>>> //
>>> // Specify a comma-separated list of box widths to be used by the
>>> // interpolation techniques listed above.  A value of 1 indicates
>>> // the nearest neighbor approach should be used.  For a value of n
>>> // greater than 1, the n*n grid points closest to the observation
>>> // the neighborhood.
>>> //
>>> // e.g. interp_width = [ 1, 3, 5 ];
>>> //
>>> interp_width[] = [ 3 ];
>>> //
>>> // When interpolating, compute a ratio of the number of valid data
>>> // to the total number of points in the neighborhood.  If that
ratio is
>>> // less than this threshold, do not include the observation.  This
>>> // threshold must be between 0 and 1.  Setting this threshold to 1
>>> // require that each observation be surrounded by n*n valid
>>> // points.
>>> //
>>> // e.g. interp_thresh = 1.0;
>>> //
>>> interp_thresh = 1.0;
>>> //
>>> // Specify flags to indicate the type of data to be output:
>>> //    (1) STAT and FHO Text Files, Forecast, Hit, Observation
>>> //           Total (TOTAL),
>>> //           Forecast Rate (F_RATE),
>>> //           Hit Rate (H_RATE),
>>> //           Observation Rate (O_RATE)
>>> //
>>> //    (2) STAT and CTC Text Files, Contingency Table Counts:
>>> //           Total (TOTAL),
>>> //           Forecast Yes and Observation Yes Count (FY_OY),
>>> //           Forecast Yes and Observation No Count (FY_ON),
>>> //           Forecast No and Observation Yes Count (FN_OY),
>>> //           Forecast No and Observation No Count (FN_ON)
>>> //
>>> //    (3) STAT and CTS Text Files, Contingency Table Scores:
>>> //           Total (TOTAL),
>>> //           Base Rate (BASER),
>>> //           Forecast Mean (FMEAN),
>>> //           Accuracy (ACC),
>>> //           Frequency Bias (FBIAS),
>>> //           Probability of Detecting Yes (PODY),
>>> //           Probability of Detecting No (PODN),
>>> //           Probability of False Detection (POFD),
>>> //           False Alarm Ratio (FAR),
>>> //           Critical Success Index (CSI),
>>> //           Gilbert Skill Score (GSS),
>>> //           Hanssen and Kuipers Discriminant (HK),
>>> //           Heidke Skill Score (HSS),
>>> //           Odds Ratio (ODDS),
>>> //           NOTE: All statistics listed above contain parametric
>>> //                 non-parametric confidence interval limits.
>>> //
>>> //    (4) STAT and MCTC Text Files, NxN Multi-Category Contingency
Table Counts:
>>> //           Total (TOTAL),
>>> //           Number of Categories (N_CAT),
>>> //           Contingency Table Count columns repeated N_CAT*N_CAT
>>> //
>>> //    (5) STAT and MCTS Text Files, NxN Multi-Category Contingency
Table Scores:
>>> //           Total (TOTAL),
>>> //           Number of Categories (N_CAT),
>>> //           Accuracy (ACC),
>>> //           Hanssen and Kuipers Discriminant (HK),
>>> //           Heidke Skill Score (HSS),
>>> //           Gerrity Score (GER),
>>> //           NOTE: All statistics listed above contain parametric
>>> //                 non-parametric confidence interval limits.
>>> //
>>> //    (6) STAT and CNT Text Files, Statistics of Continuous
>>> //           Total (TOTAL),
>>> //           Forecast Mean (FBAR),
>>> //           Forecast Standard Deviation (FSTDEV),
>>> //           Observation Mean (OBAR),
>>> //           Observation Standard Deviation (OSTDEV),
>>> //           Pearson's Correlation Coefficient (PR_CORR),
>>> //           Spearman's Rank Correlation Coefficient (SP_CORR),
>>> //           Kendall Tau Rank Correlation Coefficient (KT_CORR),
>>> //           Number of ranks compared (RANKS),
>>> //           Number of tied ranks in the forecast field
>>> //           Number of tied ranks in the observation field
>>> //           Mean Error (ME),
>>> //           Standard Deviation of the Error (ESTDEV),
>>> //           Multiplicative Bias (MBIAS = FBAR - OBAR),
>>> //           Mean Absolute Error (MAE),
>>> //           Mean Squared Error (MSE),
>>> //           Bias-Corrected Mean Squared Error (BCMSE),
>>> //           Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE),
>>> //           Percentiles of the Error (E10, E25, E50, E75, E90)
>>> //           NOTE: Most statistics listed above contain parametric
>>> //                 non-parametric confidence interval limits.
>>> //
>>> //    (7) STAT and SL1L2 Text Files, Scalar Partial Sums:
>>> //           Total (TOTAL),
>>> //           Forecast Mean (FBAR),
>>> //              = mean(f)
>>> //           Observation Mean (OBAR),
>>> //              = mean(o)
>>> //           Forecast*Observation Product Mean (FOBAR),
>>> //              = mean(f*o)
>>> //           Forecast Squared Mean (FFBAR),
>>> //              = mean(f^2)
>>> //           Observation Squared Mean (OOBAR)
>>> //              = mean(o^2)
>>> //
>>> //    (8) STAT and SAL1L2 Text Files, Scalar Anomaly Partial Sums:
>>> //           Total (TOTAL),
>>> //           Forecast Anomaly Mean (FABAR),
>>> //              = mean(f-c)
>>> //           Observation Anomaly Mean (OABAR),
>>> //              = mean(o-c)
>>> //           Product of Forecast and Observation Anomalies Mean
>>> //              = mean((f-c)*(o-c))
>>> //           Forecast Anomaly Squared Mean (FFABAR),
>>> //              = mean((f-c)^2)
>>> //           Observation Anomaly Squared Mean (OOABAR)
>>> //              = mean((o-c)^2)
>>> //
>>> //    (9) STAT and VL1L2 Text Files, Vector Partial Sums:
>>> //           Total (TOTAL),
>>> //           U-Forecast Mean (UFBAR),
>>> //              = mean(uf)
>>> //           V-Forecast Mean (VFBAR),
>>> //              = mean(vf)
>>> //           U-Observation Mean (UOBAR),
>>> //              = mean(uo)
>>> //           V-Observation Mean (VOBAR),
>>> //              = mean(vo)
>>> //           U-Product Plus V-Product (UVFOBAR),
>>> //              = mean(uf*uo+vf*vo)
>>> //           U-Forecast Squared Plus V-Forecast Squared (UVFFBAR),
>>> //              = mean(uf^2+vf^2)
>>> //           U-Observation Squared Plus V-Observation Squared
>>> //              = mean(uo^2+vo^2)
>>> //
>>> //   (10) STAT and VAL1L2 Text Files, Vector Anomaly Partial Sums:
>>> //           U-Forecast Anomaly Mean (UFABAR),
>>> //              = mean(uf-uc)
>>> //           V-Forecast Anomaly Mean (VFABAR),
>>> //              = mean(vf-vc)
>>> //           U-Observation Anomaly Mean (UOABAR),
>>> //              = mean(uo-uc)
>>> //           V-Observation Anomaly Mean (VOABAR),
>>> //              = mean(vo-vc)
>>> //           U-Anomaly Product Plus V-Anomaly Product (UVFOABAR),
>>> //              = mean((uf-uc)*(uo-uc)+(vf-vc)*(vo-vc))
>>> //           U-Forecast Anomaly Squared Plus V-Forecast Anomaly
Squared (UVFFABAR),
>>> //              = mean((uf-uc)^2+(vf-vc)^2)
>>> //           U-Observation Anomaly Squared Plus V-Observation
Anomaly Squared (UVOOABAR)
>>> //              = mean((uo-uc)^2+(vo-vc)^2)
>>> //
>>> //   (11) STAT and PCT Text Files, Nx2 Probability Contingency
Table Counts:
>>> //           Total (TOTAL),
>>> //           Number of Forecast Probability Thresholds (N_THRESH),
>>> //           Probability Threshold Value (THRESH_i),
>>> //           Row Observation Yes Count (OY_i),
>>> //           Row Observation No Count (ON_i),
>>> //           NOTE: Previous 3 columns repeated for each row in the
>>> //           Last Probability Threshold Value (THRESH_n)
>>> //
>>> //   (12) STAT and PSTD Text Files, Nx2 Probability Contingency
Table Scores:
>>> //           Total (TOTAL),
>>> //           Number of Forecast Probability Thresholds (N_THRESH),
>>> //           Base Rate (BASER) with confidence interval limits,
>>> //           Reliability (RELIABILITY),
>>> //           Resolution (RESOLUTION),
>>> //           Uncertainty (UNCERTAINTY),
>>> //           Area Under the ROC Curve (ROC_AUC),
>>> //           Brier Score (BRIER) with confidence interval limits,
>>> //           Probability Threshold Value (THRESH_i)
>>> //           NOTE: Previous column repeated for each probability
>>> //
>>> //   (13) STAT and PJC Text Files, Joint/Continuous Statistics of
>>> //                                 Probabilistic Variables:
>>> //           Total (TOTAL),
>>> //           Number of Forecast Probability Thresholds (N_THRESH),
>>> //           Probability Threshold Value (THRESH_i),
>>> //           Observation Yes Count Divided by Total (OY_TP_i),
>>> //           Observation No Count Divided by Total (ON_TP_i),
>>> //           Calibration (CALIBRATION_i),
>>> //           Refinement (REFINEMENT_i),
>>> //           Likelikhood (LIKELIHOOD_i),
>>> //           Base Rate (BASER_i),
>>> //           NOTE: Previous 7 columns repeated for each row in the
>>> //           Last Probability Threshold Value (THRESH_n)
>>> //
>>> //   (14) STAT and PRC Text Files, ROC Curve Points for
>>> //                                 Probabilistic Variables:
>>> //           Total (TOTAL),
>>> //           Number of Forecast Probability Thresholds (N_THRESH),
>>> //           Probability Threshold Value (THRESH_i),
>>> //           Probability of Detecting Yes (PODY_i),
>>> //           Probability of False Detection (POFD_i),
>>> //           NOTE: Previous 3 columns repeated for each row in the
>>> //           Last Probability Threshold Value (THRESH_n)
>>> //
>>> //   (15) STAT and MPR Text Files, Matched Pair Data:
>>> //           Total (TOTAL),
>>> //           Index (INDEX),
>>> //           Observation Station ID (OBS_SID),
>>> //           Observation Latitude (OBS_LAT),
>>> //           Observation Longitude (OBS_LON),
>>> //           Observation Level (OBS_LVL),
>>> //           Observation Elevation (OBS_ELV),
>>> //           Forecast Value (FCST),
>>> //           Observation Value (OBS),
>>> //           Climatological Value (CLIMO)
>>> //
>>> //   In the expressions above, f are forecast values, o are
observed values,
>>> //   and c are climatological values.
>>> //
>>> // Values for these flags are interpreted as follows:
>>> //    (0) Do not generate output of this type
>>> //    (1) Write output to a STAT file
>>> //    (2) Write output to a STAT file and a text file
>>> //
>>> output_flag[] = [ 2, 2, 2, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ];
>>> //
>>> // Flag to indicate whether Kendall's Tau and Spearman's Rank
>>> // Coefficients should be computed.  Computing them over large
datasets is
>>> // computationally intensive and slows down the runtime execution
>>> //    (0) Do not compute these correlation coefficients
>>> //    (1) Compute these correlation coefficients
>>> //
>>> rank_corr_flag = 0;
>>> //
>>> // Specify the GRIB Table 2 parameter table version number to be
>>> // for interpreting GRIB codes.
>>> // http://www.nco.ncep.noaa.gov/pmb/docs/on388/table2.html
>>> //
>>> grib_ptv = 2;
>>> //
>>> // Directory where temporary files should be written.
>>> //
>>> tmp_dir = "./tmp";
>>> //
>>> // Prefix to be used for the output file names.
>>> //
>>> output_prefix = "";
>>> //
>>> // Indicate a version number for the contents of this
configuration file.
>>> // The value should generally not be modified.
>>> //
>>> version = "V3.0";
>>> Please let me know how to fix the problem. In addition, do you
have an exemplary script in validating soil moisture variable?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Shujia


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