[Met_help] [rt.rap.ucar.edu #48446] History for problem reading APCP in grid_stat

RAL HelpDesk {for Paul Oldenburg} met_help at ucar.edu
Fri Jul 22 13:53:04 MDT 2011

  Initial Request

Hello met_help,

I am upgrading to the current MET v3 software, updating my scripts in the process.
I believe I have everything set to go for grid_stat, except that the program is giving me an error as follows:

discover08:/discover/nobackup/jlcase/MET/GRIDSTAT > grid_stat WRFPRECIP_1h OBSPRECIP_1h /home/jlcase/MET/CURRENT/data/config/GridStatConfig_APCP_CONUS -outdir /discover/nobackup/jlcase/MET/GRIDSTAT/SPORT_rt_NCEP/2010071700 -v 2
Forecast File: WRFPRECIP_1h
Observation File: OBSPRECIP_1h
Configuration File: /home/jlcase/MET/CURRENT/data/config/GridStatConfig_APCP_CONUS
***WARNING***: process_scores() -> APCP(*,*) not found in file: WRFPRECIP_1h

In the config file, I have the following set for a 1-hour precip verification:
fcst_field[] = [ "APCP/A1" ];
obs_field[]  = [ "APCP/A1" ];

Finally, my script re-projects the WRF precip grids onto the Stage IV grid prior to subtracting via pcp_combine.
I am able to successfully obtain  a fcst and obs netcdf file for the valid 1-hour precip window using copygb.  However, it appears that grid_stat doesn't recognize the APCP grid in the netcdf file.  Here is a "netcdf -h" of the fcst netcdf file that grid_stat is complaining about, just to confirm that the data are there and named properly:
discover08:/discover/nobackup/jlcase/MET/GRIDSTAT > ncdump -h WRFPRECIP_1h
netcdf WRFPRECIP_1h {
        lat = 881 ;
        lon = 1121 ;
        float lat(lat, lon) ;
                lat:long_name = "latitude" ;
                lat:units = "degrees_north" ;
                lat:standard_name = "latitude" ;
        float lon(lat, lon) ;
                lon:long_name = "longitude" ;
                lon:units = "degrees_east" ;
                lon:standard_name = "longitude" ;
        float APCP_01(lat, lon) ;
                APCP_01:name = "APCP" ;
                APCP_01:long_name = "Total precipitation" ;
                APCP_01:level = "A1" ;
                APCP_01:units = "kg/m^2" ;
                APCP_01:grib_code = 61 ;
                APCP_01:_FillValue = -9999.f ;
                APCP_01:init_time = "20100717_000000" ;
                APCP_01:init_time_ut = 1279324800 ;
                APCP_01:valid_time = "20100717_120000" ;
                APCP_01:valid_time_ut = 1279368000 ;
                APCP_01:accum_time = "010000" ;
                APCP_01:accum_time_sec = 3600 ;

// global attributes:
                :FileOrigins = "File WRFPRECIP_1h generated 20110719_190238 UTC on host discover08 by the MET pcp_combine tool" ;
                :MET_version = "V3.0" ;
                :MET_tool = "pcp_combine" ;
                :RunCommand = "Subtraction: WRFPRS012.tm00.d01.grb.tostiv with accumulation of 120000 minus WRFPRS011.tm00.d01.grb.tostiv with accumulation of 110000." ;
                :Projection = "Polar Stereographic" ;
                :hemisphere = "N" ;
                :scale_lat = "60.000000 degrees_north" ;
                :lat_pin = "23.117000" ;
                :lon_pin = "-119.023000" ;
                :x_pin = "0.000000" ;
                :y_pin = "0.000000" ;
                :lon_orient = "-105.000000" ;
                :d_km = "4.763000 km" ;
                :r_km = "6367.470000 km" ;
                :nx = "1121" ;
                :ny = "881" ;

Any ideas?

Jonathan Case, ENSCO Inc.
NASA Short-term Prediction Research and Transition Center (aka SPoRT Center)
320 Sparkman Drive, Room 3062
Huntsville, AL 35805
Voice: 256.961.7504
Fax: 256.961.7788
Emails: Jonathan.Case-1 at nasa.gov / case.jonathan at ensco.com

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