[Met_help] [rt.rap.ucar.edu #41818] History for ASCII2NC and Point-Analysis Tools for METv3.0

RAL HelpDesk {for John Halley Gotway} met_help at ucar.edu
Thu Nov 18 10:30:35 MST 2010

  Initial Request

MET team,

Couple of clarification questions for you, regarding the MET package:

1.  When preparing the point observation data for the ASCII2NC tool, I
realize that the longitude of the observing station must be in degrees
East.  Just to clarify - for example:

would 75 degrees West longitude need to be -285 degrees East longitude in
the file before using the ASCII2NC tool?

2.  I know that METv3.0 currently allows for WRF-ARW users to utilize
netCDF output directly from the WRF-ARW model itself.  The variables that
will be verified must be stated in the Point-Stat configuration file before
running.  I noticed the syntax:


My verification studies will be focusing on wind speed (2-D or 3-D),
temperature, and dew point.  So would my forecast fields be defined in the
following way for surface verification (ignore the var_names as they will
likely be different):

fcst_field[] = [ "TT(0,*,*)", "DPT(0,*,*)", "WSP(0,*,*,*)" ]

or WSP(0,*,*) for 2-D

3.  Would the PB2NC tool be able to handle METAR data for conversion to
netCDF format (to be used in Point-Stat)?

I may have some questions for you about the Stat-Analysis tool when I come
to that step.  I appreciate all your help thus far.


  Complete Ticket History

Subject: Re: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #41818] ASCII2NC and Point-Analysis Tools for METv3.0
From: John Halley Gotway
Time: Thu Oct 28 15:23:43 2010


(1) Yes, we follow the convention of defining latitude as degrees
north and longitude as degrees east.  To switch between degrees east
and west, the easiest thing to do is just multiply by -1.  75
degrees west is the same as -75 degrees east.  Or you could add 360 to
that and use 285 degrees east.  You should be able to use -75 or 285 -
they are equivalent.

(2) METv3.0 does NOT read the output of WRF-ARW directly.  Instead it
reads the NetCDF output of the "pinterp" tool which can only be run on
WRF-ARW data.  You do have the basic idea for the variable
naming convention correct in the config file.  However, please note
that you can only use the '*' for two dimensions - the two which
define the 2D, x/y grid:
   fcst_field[] = [ "TT(0,*,*)", "DPT(0,*,*)" ];

To verify a range of pressure levels, you specify it like this:
   fcst_field[] = [ "WSP(0,5-8,*,*)" ];
Where the *'s are for the grid dimensions and the 5-8 specifies the
range of pressure levels you want to verify.

Also note that you'll need to specify the corresponding observations
to be used separately, and using the GRIB conventions.  Something like
   fcst_field[] = [ "TT(0,*,*)", "DPT(0,*,*)" ];
   obs_field[]  = [ "TMP/Z0",    "DPT/Z0" ];

Just give it a shot and let us know if you get stuck.

(3) The PB2NC tool can handle the METAR data that's included in the
PREPBUFR file you've input to the tool.  If the METAR data is not in
the PREPBUFR file, PB2NC cannot handle it.

Hope that helps.


On 10/28/2010 02:55 PM, RAL HelpDesk {for James P Cipriani} wrote:
> Thu Oct 28 14:55:51 2010: Request 41818 was acted upon.
> Transaction: Ticket created by jpcipria at us.ibm.com
>        Queue: met_help
>      Subject: ASCII2NC and Point-Analysis Tools for METv3.0
>        Owner: Nobody
>   Requestors: jpcipria at us.ibm.com
>       Status: new
>  Ticket <URL:
https://rt.rap.ucar.edu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=41818 >
> MET team,
> Couple of clarification questions for you, regarding the MET
> 1.  When preparing the point observation data for the ASCII2NC tool,
> realize that the longitude of the observing station must be in
> East.  Just to clarify - for example:
> would 75 degrees West longitude need to be -285 degrees East
longitude in
> the file before using the ASCII2NC tool?
> 2.  I know that METv3.0 currently allows for WRF-ARW users to
> netCDF output directly from the WRF-ARW model itself.  The variables
> will be verified must be stated in the Point-Stat configuration file
> running.  I noticed the syntax:
> var_name(i,...,j,*.*)
> My verification studies will be focusing on wind speed (2-D or 3-D),
> temperature, and dew point.  So would my forecast fields be defined
in the
> following way for surface verification (ignore the var_names as they
> likely be different):
> fcst_field[] = [ "TT(0,*,*)", "DPT(0,*,*)", "WSP(0,*,*,*)" ]
> or WSP(0,*,*) for 2-D
> 3.  Would the PB2NC tool be able to handle METAR data for conversion
> netCDF format (to be used in Point-Stat)?
> I may have some questions for you about the Stat-Analysis tool when
I come
> to that step.  I appreciate all your help thus far.
> Thanks,
> James

Subject: ASCII2NC and Point-Analysis Tools for METv3.0
From: James P Cipriani
Time: Fri Oct 29 06:53:28 2010


Thanks for the input.

Quick follow-up questions:

1. For a station whose coordinates are already given in negative
East (say -1.03 degrees east), should I just keep this value negative
negate it to create a positive for degrees East (Keep in mind that I'm
using [-1]*[degrees West] + 360 for the west longitude stations)?

2.  Let's say I'm only interested in surface wind speed in 2
(x,y) - would I use something like:

fcst_field[] = [ "WSP(0,*,*)" ] ?  And of course, this would be using
message type = "ADPSFC"

Thanks for the input and your help in these matters.  This is my first
utilizing such software, but I must say that it is quite helpful for
verification work.


From:	"RAL HelpDesk {for John Halley Gotway}" <met_help at ucar.edu>
To:	James P Cipriani/Watson/IBM at IBMUS
Date:	10/28/2010 05:24 PM
Subject:	Re: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #41818] ASCII2NC and Point-Analysis
            for METv3.0


(1) Yes, we follow the convention of defining latitude as degrees
north and
longitude as degrees east.  To switch between degrees east and west,
easiest thing to do is just multiply by -1.  75
degrees west is the same as -75 degrees east.  Or you could add 360 to
and use 285 degrees east.  You should be able to use -75 or 285 - they

(2) METv3.0 does NOT read the output of WRF-ARW directly.  Instead it
the NetCDF output of the "pinterp" tool which can only be run on WRF-
data.  You do have the basic idea for the variable
naming convention correct in the config file.  However, please note
you can only use the '*' for two dimensions - the two which define the
x/y grid:
   fcst_field[] = [ "TT(0,*,*)", "DPT(0,*,*)" ];

To verify a range of pressure levels, you specify it like this:
   fcst_field[] = [ "WSP(0,5-8,*,*)" ];
Where the *'s are for the grid dimensions and the 5-8 specifies the
of pressure levels you want to verify.

Also note that you'll need to specify the corresponding observations
to be
used separately, and using the GRIB conventions.  Something like this:
   fcst_field[] = [ "TT(0,*,*)", "DPT(0,*,*)" ];
   obs_field[]  = [ "TMP/Z0",    "DPT/Z0" ];

Just give it a shot and let us know if you get stuck.

(3) The PB2NC tool can handle the METAR data that's included in the
PREPBUFR file you've input to the tool.  If the METAR data is not in
PREPBUFR file, PB2NC cannot handle it.

Hope that helps.


On 10/28/2010 02:55 PM, RAL HelpDesk {for James P Cipriani} wrote:
> Thu Oct 28 14:55:51 2010: Request 41818 was acted upon.
> Transaction: Ticket created by jpcipria at us.ibm.com
>        Queue: met_help
>      Subject: ASCII2NC and Point-Analysis Tools for METv3.0
>        Owner: Nobody
>   Requestors: jpcipria at us.ibm.com
>       Status: new
>  Ticket <URL:
https://rt.rap.ucar.edu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=41818 >
> MET team,
> Couple of clarification questions for you, regarding the MET
> 1.  When preparing the point observation data for the ASCII2NC tool,
> realize that the longitude of the observing station must be in
> East.  Just to clarify - for example:
> would 75 degrees West longitude need to be -285 degrees East
longitude in
> the file before using the ASCII2NC tool?
> 2.  I know that METv3.0 currently allows for WRF-ARW users to
> netCDF output directly from the WRF-ARW model itself.  The variables
> will be verified must be stated in the Point-Stat configuration file
> running.  I noticed the syntax:
> var_name(i,...,j,*.*)
> My verification studies will be focusing on wind speed (2-D or 3-D),
> temperature, and dew point.  So would my forecast fields be defined
> following way for surface verification (ignore the var_names as they
> likely be different):
> fcst_field[] = [ "TT(0,*,*)", "DPT(0,*,*)", "WSP(0,*,*,*)" ]
> or WSP(0,*,*) for 2-D
> 3.  Would the PB2NC tool be able to handle METAR data for conversion
> netCDF format (to be used in Point-Stat)?
> I may have some questions for you about the Stat-Analysis tool when
> to that step.  I appreciate all your help thus far.
> Thanks,
> James

Subject: Re: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #41818] ASCII2NC and Point-Analysis Tools for METv3.0
From: John Halley Gotway
Time: Fri Oct 29 12:50:52 2010


(1) I'm getting a little confused here between degrees west and
degrees east.  For MET, the longitudes should be given in degrees
east.  It shouldn't matter if they're negative or positive degrees
east.  I'd just pick a convention and use it - for example, you could
define them all in the range of (-180, 180].  The following pseudo-
code would do that.  Assume that deg_west is your longitude in
degrees west:

   deg_east = -1.0 * deg_west;
   if(d < -180.0) deg_east = deg_east + 360

(2) It looks like you're interested in verifying 2-meter wind speed.
I don't believe the model actually outputs wind speed.  Instead it
outputs U and V.  I looked in some sample pinterp output, and I
do not see wind speed in there.  And you can't use MET to verify
fields that don't exist in your pinterp output file.

However, if you were to use WPP to post-process your output (as I
mentioned in an earlier email), you'd have GRIB data.  And MET
actually can read the U and V components and derive and verify wind
speed for you.  Here's how you'd do it:

   fcst_field[]   = [ "WIND/Z2" ];
   obs_field[]    = [];  // inherits the fcst_field settings by
   message_type[] = [ "ADPSFC" ];

MET will look in the input GRIB file for a record of 2-meter wind
speed.  If it finds one, it'll use it.  If not, it'll look for U and V
at 2-meters.  If those are defined relative the grid, it'll
rotate them to be relative to the earth.  And then it'll derive wind
speed for you on the fly.

Now you'll need to make sure that you have wind speed available in
your observations as well.  Since you're using ASCII observations,
you'll need to derive wind speed and put them into your file.


On 10/29/2010 06:53 AM, RAL HelpDesk {for James P Cipriani} wrote:
> <URL: https://rt.rap.ucar.edu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=41818 >
> John,
> Thanks for the input.
> Quick follow-up questions:
> 1. For a station whose coordinates are already given in negative
> East (say -1.03 degrees east), should I just keep this value
negative or
> negate it to create a positive for degrees East (Keep in mind that
> using [-1]*[degrees West] + 360 for the west longitude stations)?
> 2.  Let's say I'm only interested in surface wind speed in 2
> (x,y) - would I use something like:
> fcst_field[] = [ "WSP(0,*,*)" ] ?  And of course, this would be
> message type = "ADPSFC"
> Thanks for the input and your help in these matters.  This is my
first time
> utilizing such software, but I must say that it is quite helpful for
> verification work.
> --James
> From:	"RAL HelpDesk {for John Halley Gotway}" <met_help at ucar.edu>
> To:	James P Cipriani/Watson/IBM at IBMUS
> Date:	10/28/2010 05:24 PM
> Subject:	Re: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #41818] ASCII2NC and Point-Analysis
>             for METv3.0
> James,
> (1) Yes, we follow the convention of defining latitude as degrees
north and
> longitude as degrees east.  To switch between degrees east and west,
> easiest thing to do is just multiply by -1.  75
> degrees west is the same as -75 degrees east.  Or you could add 360
to that
> and use 285 degrees east.  You should be able to use -75 or 285 -
they are
> equivalent.
> (2) METv3.0 does NOT read the output of WRF-ARW directly.  Instead
it reads
> the NetCDF output of the "pinterp" tool which can only be run on
> data.  You do have the basic idea for the variable
> naming convention correct in the config file.  However, please note
> you can only use the '*' for two dimensions - the two which define
the 2D,
> x/y grid:
>    fcst_field[] = [ "TT(0,*,*)", "DPT(0,*,*)" ];
> To verify a range of pressure levels, you specify it like this:
>    fcst_field[] = [ "WSP(0,5-8,*,*)" ];
> Where the *'s are for the grid dimensions and the 5-8 specifies the
> of pressure levels you want to verify.
> Also note that you'll need to specify the corresponding observations
to be
> used separately, and using the GRIB conventions.  Something like
>    fcst_field[] = [ "TT(0,*,*)", "DPT(0,*,*)" ];
>    obs_field[]  = [ "TMP/Z0",    "DPT/Z0" ];
> Just give it a shot and let us know if you get stuck.
> (3) The PB2NC tool can handle the METAR data that's included in the
> PREPBUFR file you've input to the tool.  If the METAR data is not in
> PREPBUFR file, PB2NC cannot handle it.
> Hope that helps.
> Thanks,
> John
> On 10/28/2010 02:55 PM, RAL HelpDesk {for James P Cipriani} wrote:
>> Thu Oct 28 14:55:51 2010: Request 41818 was acted upon.
>> Transaction: Ticket created by jpcipria at us.ibm.com
>>        Queue: met_help
>>      Subject: ASCII2NC and Point-Analysis Tools for METv3.0
>>        Owner: Nobody
>>   Requestors: jpcipria at us.ibm.com
>>       Status: new
>>  Ticket <URL:
https://rt.rap.ucar.edu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=41818 >
>> MET team,
>> Couple of clarification questions for you, regarding the MET
>> 1.  When preparing the point observation data for the ASCII2NC
tool, I
>> realize that the longitude of the observing station must be in
>> East.  Just to clarify - for example:
>> would 75 degrees West longitude need to be -285 degrees East
longitude in
>> the file before using the ASCII2NC tool?
>> 2.  I know that METv3.0 currently allows for WRF-ARW users to
>> netCDF output directly from the WRF-ARW model itself.  The
variables that
>> will be verified must be stated in the Point-Stat configuration
> before
>> running.  I noticed the syntax:
>> var_name(i,...,j,*.*)
>> My verification studies will be focusing on wind speed (2-D or 3-
>> temperature, and dew point.  So would my forecast fields be defined
> the
>> following way for surface verification (ignore the var_names as
they will
>> likely be different):
>> fcst_field[] = [ "TT(0,*,*)", "DPT(0,*,*)", "WSP(0,*,*,*)" ]
>> or WSP(0,*,*) for 2-D
>> 3.  Would the PB2NC tool be able to handle METAR data for
conversion to
>> netCDF format (to be used in Point-Stat)?
>> I may have some questions for you about the Stat-Analysis tool when
> come
>> to that step.  I appreciate all your help thus far.
>> Thanks,
>> James

Subject: ASCII2NC and Point-Analysis Tools for METv3.0
From: James P Cipriani
Time: Wed Nov 03 10:11:50 2010


1.  I'm assuming then that MET will understand and correctly interpret
following as 2-meter temperature and 10-meter winds (with MET deriving
10-meter wind speed):

fcst_field[] = [ "TMP/Z2", "WIND/Z10" ];
obs_field[] = [];
message_type[] = [ "ADPSFC" ];


2.  In terms of wind speed (which is derived from the U10 and V10
components), for continuous statistics (like multiplicative bias and
mean square error), would this require the declaration of the
wind thresholds (fcst_wind_thresh) or would a single threshold suffice

I'm sorry for so many questions - I am in the process of putting
together, from reformatting the observation files, to running WPPV3,
running the actual MET package...


From:	"RAL HelpDesk {for John Halley Gotway}" <met_help at ucar.edu>
To:	James P Cipriani/Watson/IBM at IBMUS
Date:	10/29/2010 02:50 PM
Subject:	Re: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #41818] ASCII2NC and Point-Analysis
            for METv3.0


(1) I'm getting a little confused here between degrees west and
east.  For MET, the longitudes should be given in degrees east.  It
shouldn't matter if they're negative or positive degrees
east.  I'd just pick a convention and use it - for example, you could
define them all in the range of (-180, 180].  The following pseudo-
would do that.  Assume that deg_west is your longitude in
degrees west:

   deg_east = -1.0 * deg_west;
   if(d < -180.0) deg_east = deg_east + 360

(2) It looks like you're interested in verifying 2-meter wind speed.
don't believe the model actually outputs wind speed.  Instead it
outputs U
and V.  I looked in some sample pinterp output, and I
do not see wind speed in there.  And you can't use MET to verify
that don't exist in your pinterp output file.

However, if you were to use WPP to post-process your output (as I
in an earlier email), you'd have GRIB data.  And MET actually can read
U and V components and derive and verify wind
speed for you.  Here's how you'd do it:

   fcst_field[]   = [ "WIND/Z2" ];
   obs_field[]    = [];  // inherits the fcst_field settings by
   message_type[] = [ "ADPSFC" ];

MET will look in the input GRIB file for a record of 2-meter wind
If it finds one, it'll use it.  If not, it'll look for U and V at 2-
If those are defined relative the grid, it'll
rotate them to be relative to the earth.  And then it'll derive wind
for you on the fly.

Now you'll need to make sure that you have wind speed available in
observations as well.  Since you're using ASCII observations, you'll
to derive wind speed and put them into your file.


On 10/29/2010 06:53 AM, RAL HelpDesk {for James P Cipriani} wrote:
> <URL: https://rt.rap.ucar.edu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=41818 >
> John,
> Thanks for the input.
> Quick follow-up questions:
> 1. For a station whose coordinates are already given in negative
> East (say -1.03 degrees east), should I just keep this value
negative or
> negate it to create a positive for degrees East (Keep in mind that
> using [-1]*[degrees West] + 360 for the west longitude stations)?
> 2.  Let's say I'm only interested in surface wind speed in 2
> (x,y) - would I use something like:
> fcst_field[] = [ "WSP(0,*,*)" ] ?  And of course, this would be
> message type = "ADPSFC"
> Thanks for the input and your help in these matters.  This is my
> utilizing such software, but I must say that it is quite helpful for
> verification work.
> --James
> From:		 "RAL HelpDesk {for John Halley Gotway}"
<met_help at ucar.edu>
> To:		 James P Cipriani/Watson/IBM at IBMUS
> Date:		 10/28/2010 05:24 PM
> Subject:		 Re: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #41818] ASCII2NC and Point-Analysis
>             for METv3.0
> James,
> (1) Yes, we follow the convention of defining latitude as degrees
> longitude as degrees east.  To switch between degrees east and west,
> easiest thing to do is just multiply by -1.  75
> degrees west is the same as -75 degrees east.  Or you could add 360
> and use 285 degrees east.  You should be able to use -75 or 285 -
> equivalent.
> (2) METv3.0 does NOT read the output of WRF-ARW directly.  Instead
> the NetCDF output of the "pinterp" tool which can only be run on
> data.  You do have the basic idea for the variable
> naming convention correct in the config file.  However, please note
> you can only use the '*' for two dimensions - the two which define
> x/y grid:
>    fcst_field[] = [ "TT(0,*,*)", "DPT(0,*,*)" ];
> To verify a range of pressure levels, you specify it like this:
>    fcst_field[] = [ "WSP(0,5-8,*,*)" ];
> Where the *'s are for the grid dimensions and the 5-8 specifies the
> of pressure levels you want to verify.
> Also note that you'll need to specify the corresponding observations
> used separately, and using the GRIB conventions.  Something like
>    fcst_field[] = [ "TT(0,*,*)", "DPT(0,*,*)" ];
>    obs_field[]  = [ "TMP/Z0",    "DPT/Z0" ];
> Just give it a shot and let us know if you get stuck.
> (3) The PB2NC tool can handle the METAR data that's included in the
> PREPBUFR file you've input to the tool.  If the METAR data is not in
> PREPBUFR file, PB2NC cannot handle it.
> Hope that helps.
> Thanks,
> John
> On 10/28/2010 02:55 PM, RAL HelpDesk {for James P Cipriani} wrote:
>> Thu Oct 28 14:55:51 2010: Request 41818 was acted upon.
>> Transaction: Ticket created by jpcipria at us.ibm.com
>>        Queue: met_help
>>      Subject: ASCII2NC and Point-Analysis Tools for METv3.0
>>        Owner: Nobody
>>   Requestors: jpcipria at us.ibm.com
>>       Status: new
>>  Ticket <URL:
https://rt.rap.ucar.edu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=41818 >
>> MET team,
>> Couple of clarification questions for you, regarding the MET
>> 1.  When preparing the point observation data for the ASCII2NC
tool, I
>> realize that the longitude of the observing station must be in
>> East.  Just to clarify - for example:
>> would 75 degrees West longitude need to be -285 degrees East
>> the file before using the ASCII2NC tool?
>> 2.  I know that METv3.0 currently allows for WRF-ARW users to
>> netCDF output directly from the WRF-ARW model itself.  The
>> will be verified must be stated in the Point-Stat configuration
> before
>> running.  I noticed the syntax:
>> var_name(i,...,j,*.*)
>> My verification studies will be focusing on wind speed (2-D or 3-
>> temperature, and dew point.  So would my forecast fields be defined
> the
>> following way for surface verification (ignore the var_names as
>> likely be different):
>> fcst_field[] = [ "TT(0,*,*)", "DPT(0,*,*)", "WSP(0,*,*,*)" ]
>> or WSP(0,*,*) for 2-D
>> 3.  Would the PB2NC tool be able to handle METAR data for
conversion to
>> netCDF format (to be used in Point-Stat)?
>> I may have some questions for you about the Stat-Analysis tool when
> come
>> to that step.  I appreciate all your help thus far.
>> Thanks,
>> James

Subject: Re: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #41818] ASCII2NC and Point-Analysis Tools for  METv3.0
From: John Halley Gotway
Time: Wed Nov 03 10:37:38 2010


Yes, your settings for "fcst_field", "obs_field", and "message_type"
fine.  Issues may come up when you actually try to run it, but it's a
place to start.

Let me clarify a bit about what the threshold parameters do in the
configuration file:

(1) First, regarding the computation of continuous statistics - like
multiplicative bias and rmse.  These are computed over ALL the points
your verification area.  So if you're verifying over the "FULL"
the continuous statistics are computed using the matched pairs for ALL
grid points in your domain.

(2) The "fcst_thresh" settings are used to compute 2x2 contingency
 The corresponding contingency table statistics are computed for each
these contingency tables.  If you specify multiple thresholds here,
multiple 2x2 contingency tables are computed AND multi-category
contingency tables (3x3 or 4x4 and so on) if you request their output
the "output_flag" parameter.

(3) The "fcst_wind_thresh" parameter is NOT involved in this process
all.  Read the comments in the config file for this one closely.  It's
only used to filter the U/V pairs that are include in the VL1L2
sums lines.

Perhaps you're actually interested in doing conditional verification,
answer questions like:
- How skillful is my wind speed forecast for speeds > 2 m/s?
- How skillful is my wind speed forecast for speeds > 5 m/s?

Point-Stat cannot answer this question directly, but there is a way to
at it.  Here's the process I'd recommend:
- Run Point-Stat at each valid time and do your verification.  In
addition, dump out the MPR (matched pair line type).
- Run a STAT-Analysis job to read in many of those MPR lines, filter
only the ones you want to use, and recompute statistics for that
subset of
data.  For example, you could use STAT-Analysis to filter out only
pairs whose forecast and/or observation wind speeds meet some

Clear as mud?


> <URL: https://rt.rap.ucar.edu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=41818 >
> Thanks.
> 1.  I'm assuming then that MET will understand and correctly
interpret the
> following as 2-meter temperature and 10-meter winds (with MET
deriving the
> 10-meter wind speed):
> fcst_field[] = [ "TMP/Z2", "WIND/Z10" ];
> obs_field[] = [];
> message_type[] = [ "ADPSFC" ];
> ?
> 2.  In terms of wind speed (which is derived from the U10 and V10
> components), for continuous statistics (like multiplicative bias and
> mean square error), would this require the declaration of the
> wind thresholds (fcst_wind_thresh) or would a single threshold
suffice (in
> fcst_thresh)?
> I'm sorry for so many questions - I am in the process of putting
> everything
> together, from reformatting the observation files, to running WPPV3,
> running the actual MET package...
> Thanks,
> James
> From:	"RAL HelpDesk {for John Halley Gotway}" <met_help at ucar.edu>
> To:	James P Cipriani/Watson/IBM at IBMUS
> Date:	10/29/2010 02:50 PM
> Subject:	Re: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #41818] ASCII2NC and Point-Analysis
>             for METv3.0
> James,
> (1) I'm getting a little confused here between degrees west and
> east.  For MET, the longitudes should be given in degrees east.  It
> shouldn't matter if they're negative or positive degrees
> east.  I'd just pick a convention and use it - for example, you
> define them all in the range of (-180, 180].  The following pseudo-
> would do that.  Assume that deg_west is your longitude in
> degrees west:
>    deg_east = -1.0 * deg_west;
>    if(d < -180.0) deg_east = deg_east + 360
> (2) It looks like you're interested in verifying 2-meter wind speed.
> don't believe the model actually outputs wind speed.  Instead it
outputs U
> and V.  I looked in some sample pinterp output, and I
> do not see wind speed in there.  And you can't use MET to verify
> that don't exist in your pinterp output file.
> However, if you were to use WPP to post-process your output (as I
> mentioned
> in an earlier email), you'd have GRIB data.  And MET actually can
read the
> U and V components and derive and verify wind
> speed for you.  Here's how you'd do it:
>    fcst_field[]   = [ "WIND/Z2" ];
>    obs_field[]    = [];  // inherits the fcst_field settings by
>    message_type[] = [ "ADPSFC" ];
> MET will look in the input GRIB file for a record of 2-meter wind
> If it finds one, it'll use it.  If not, it'll look for U and V at
> 2-meters.
> If those are defined relative the grid, it'll
> rotate them to be relative to the earth.  And then it'll derive wind
> for you on the fly.
> Now you'll need to make sure that you have wind speed available in
> observations as well.  Since you're using ASCII observations, you'll
> to derive wind speed and put them into your file.
> John
> On 10/29/2010 06:53 AM, RAL HelpDesk {for James P Cipriani} wrote:
>> <URL: https://rt.rap.ucar.edu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=41818 >
>> John,
>> Thanks for the input.
>> Quick follow-up questions:
>> 1. For a station whose coordinates are already given in negative
>> East (say -1.03 degrees east), should I just keep this value
negative or
>> negate it to create a positive for degrees East (Keep in mind that
>> using [-1]*[degrees West] + 360 for the west longitude stations)?
>> 2.  Let's say I'm only interested in surface wind speed in 2
>> (x,y) - would I use something like:
>> fcst_field[] = [ "WSP(0,*,*)" ] ?  And of course, this would be
>> message type = "ADPSFC"
>> Thanks for the input and your help in these matters.  This is my
> time
>> utilizing such software, but I must say that it is quite helpful
for our
>> verification work.
>> --James
>> From:		 "RAL HelpDesk {for John Halley Gotway}"
> <met_help at ucar.edu>
>> To:		 James P Cipriani/Watson/IBM at IBMUS
>> Date:		 10/28/2010 05:24 PM
>> Subject:		 Re: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #41818] ASCII2NC and Point-Analysis
> Tools
>>             for METv3.0
>> James,
>> (1) Yes, we follow the convention of defining latitude as degrees
> and
>> longitude as degrees east.  To switch between degrees east and
west, the
>> easiest thing to do is just multiply by -1.  75
>> degrees west is the same as -75 degrees east.  Or you could add 360
> that
>> and use 285 degrees east.  You should be able to use -75 or 285 -
> are
>> equivalent.
>> (2) METv3.0 does NOT read the output of WRF-ARW directly.  Instead
> reads
>> the NetCDF output of the "pinterp" tool which can only be run on
>> data.  You do have the basic idea for the variable
>> naming convention correct in the config file.  However, please note
>> you can only use the '*' for two dimensions - the two which define
> 2D,
>> x/y grid:
>>    fcst_field[] = [ "TT(0,*,*)", "DPT(0,*,*)" ];
>> To verify a range of pressure levels, you specify it like this:
>>    fcst_field[] = [ "WSP(0,5-8,*,*)" ];
>> Where the *'s are for the grid dimensions and the 5-8 specifies the
>> range
>> of pressure levels you want to verify.
>> Also note that you'll need to specify the corresponding
observations to
> be
>> used separately, and using the GRIB conventions.  Something like
>>    fcst_field[] = [ "TT(0,*,*)", "DPT(0,*,*)" ];
>>    obs_field[]  = [ "TMP/Z0",    "DPT/Z0" ];
>> Just give it a shot and let us know if you get stuck.
>> (3) The PB2NC tool can handle the METAR data that's included in the
>> PREPBUFR file you've input to the tool.  If the METAR data is not
in the
>> PREPBUFR file, PB2NC cannot handle it.
>> Hope that helps.
>> Thanks,
>> John
>> On 10/28/2010 02:55 PM, RAL HelpDesk {for James P Cipriani} wrote:
>>> Thu Oct 28 14:55:51 2010: Request 41818 was acted upon.
>>> Transaction: Ticket created by jpcipria at us.ibm.com
>>>        Queue: met_help
>>>      Subject: ASCII2NC and Point-Analysis Tools for METv3.0
>>>        Owner: Nobody
>>>   Requestors: jpcipria at us.ibm.com
>>>       Status: new
>>>  Ticket <URL:
https://rt.rap.ucar.edu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=41818 >
>>> MET team,
>>> Couple of clarification questions for you, regarding the MET
>>> 1.  When preparing the point observation data for the ASCII2NC
tool, I
>>> realize that the longitude of the observing station must be in
>>> East.  Just to clarify - for example:
>>> would 75 degrees West longitude need to be -285 degrees East
> in
>>> the file before using the ASCII2NC tool?
>>> 2.  I know that METv3.0 currently allows for WRF-ARW users to
>>> netCDF output directly from the WRF-ARW model itself.  The
> that
>>> will be verified must be stated in the Point-Stat configuration
>> before
>>> running.  I noticed the syntax:
>>> var_name(i,...,j,*.*)
>>> My verification studies will be focusing on wind speed (2-D or 3-
>>> temperature, and dew point.  So would my forecast fields be
defined in
>> the
>>> following way for surface verification (ignore the var_names as
> will
>>> likely be different):
>>> fcst_field[] = [ "TT(0,*,*)", "DPT(0,*,*)", "WSP(0,*,*,*)" ]
>>> or WSP(0,*,*) for 2-D
>>> 3.  Would the PB2NC tool be able to handle METAR data for
conversion to
>>> netCDF format (to be used in Point-Stat)?
>>> I may have some questions for you about the Stat-Analysis tool
when I
>> come
>>> to that step.  I appreciate all your help thus far.
>>> Thanks,
>>> James


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