[Met_help] [rt.rap.ucar.edu #38289] History for Point Stat permissions

RAL HelpDesk {for John Halley Gotway} met_help at ucar.edu
Mon Jun 7 11:32:32 MDT 2010

  Initial Request

Hey guys!

I'm attempting to get Point Stat running out here and have run into an initial problem. I try executing the point stat command and I keep getting repeated "Execute permission denied" error messages, even though I have allowed full permissions on all the files (fcst, obs, and config). Is this an unusual problem or is there a simple solution to this problem that I am not thinking of?

Thanks! Hope all is well!

// SIGNED //
Model Analysis Team
16 WS/ WXN
Air Force Weather Agency
Offutt AFB, NE 68113
(402) 232-7207

  Complete Ticket History

Subject: Point Stat permissions
From: John Halley Gotway
Time: Fri Jun 04 15:15:37 2010


Hmmm.  That's a new one.  I haven't seen any questions similar to that
in MET-Help in the past.  It sounds like you're having permissions
problems, perhaps with the actual point_stat executable itself.

You could try doing a long list of the bin directory of MET:
   ls -la METv2.0/bin/*
And check to make sure you have execution permissions.  If not, try
changing the permissions with something like:
   chmod +x METv2.0/bin/*

I think this is more a local, system issue than a software issue.  Let
me know if you think there's any other way I could help.

John Halley Gotway
met_help at ucar.edu

On Fri Jun 04 15:09:33 2010, Jeffrey.Hamilton at offutt.af.mil wrote:
> Hey guys!
> I'm attempting to get Point Stat running out here and have run into
>    initial problem. I try executing the point stat command and I
>    getting repeated "Execute permission denied" error messages, even
>    though I have allowed full permissions on all the files (fcst,
>    and config). Is this an unusual problem or is there a simple
>    solution to this problem that I am not thinking of?
> Thanks! Hope all is well!
> // SIGNED //
> Model Analysis Team
> 16 WS/ WXN
> Air Force Weather Agency
> Offutt AFB, NE 68113
> (402) 232-7207


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