[Met_help] Greetings

pgoldenb at ucar.edu pgoldenb at ucar.edu
Fri Feb 12 09:04:52 MST 2010


Thank you for registering on the MET help website.  It is possible to use
analysis fields from your model as the observation data in MET, as long as
the data is in gridded GRIB format.  Please be aware that your analysis
data may not be truly independent of your forecast data, and the resulting
statistics will reflect that.  Using real observation data will result in
performance statistics that more accurately reflect the true performance
of your forecast.  Refer to the MET User's Guide Chapter 2 for a
description on the type of data that MET accepts.  You can find a copy of
the User's Guide at this location:


As far as finding your own observations, that is usually the MET user's
responsibility.  I'm afraid that I do not know any sources of weather
observation data in South Africa.  Perhaps one of your colleagues can help
you find some?  If you have any other questions, please let us know.


Paul Oldenburg
Software Engineer
National Center for Atmospheric Research

> Thank you for your response, I have registered as a MET user as you have
> suggested.
> (Ms) Elelwani Phaduli
> Scientist: Prediction Research
> Tel: 012 367 6200
> Email : elelwani.phaduli at weathersa.co.za
> Website: www.weathersa.co.za
> Weatherlines:
> 082 162
> 083 123 0500
> "Celebrating 150 years of organised meteorology in South Africa
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Paul Oldenburg [mailto:pgoldenb at ucar.edu]
> Sent: Thursday, February 11, 2010 5:21 PM
> To: Elelwani Phaduli
> Subject: Re: [Met_help] Greetings
> Elelwani,
> We're only able to provide direct support for MET to those users who have
> filled
> out the free registration form.  We require that users register before
> receiving
> assistance in order to ensure that we remain in compliance with the
> international export laws of the United States.
> Please go to the MET download page:
> http://www.dtcenter.org/met/users/downloads/index.php
> Enter you email address and hit enter.  You'll be taken to the
> registration form.
> Please let me know when you've filled out the registration info, and we'll
> be
> happy to help you with this issue.
> Thanks,
> Paul Oldenburg
> Elelwani Phaduli wrote:
>> Hi my name is Elelwani from south Africa. I'm a scientist involved in
>> verification of model data. I would like to verify some data using at
>> least three models.
>> The challenge that I'm facing is how do I verify 24hr and 48hr
>> forecasts, what can I use as my observations. Can I use the analysis
>> fields from the model or not
>> (Ms) Elelwani Phaduli
>> Scientist: Prediction Research
>> Tel: 012 367 6200
>> E-mail:
>> elelwani.phaduli at weathersa.co.za<mailto:modjadji.makoela at weathersa.co.za>
>> Website: www.weathersa.co.za<http://www.weathersa.co.za/>
>> Weatherlines:
>> 082 162
>> 083 123 0500
>> "Celebrating 150 years of organised meteorology in South Africa
>> This e-mail is subject to the South African Weather Service e-mail legal
>> notice, to view please vist:
>> http://www.weathersa.co.za/legal/email.asp
>> -
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> _______________________________________________
>> Met_help mailing list
>> Met_help at mailman.ucar.edu
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> This e-mail is subject to the South African Weather Service e-mail legal
> notice, to view please vist:
> http://www.weathersa.co.za/legal/email.asp
> -

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