[Met_help] building MET on Ubuntu 9.10

John Halley Gotway johnhg at ucar.edu
Mon Feb 8 15:32:20 MST 2010


Thanks for letting me know.  We're running version 4.3.2 of the GNU compilers here.  So that's why we haven't seen/fixed the problems you found.

If we're able to get a hold of a newer version of the compilers, we'll try to get these issues ironed out before the next release of MET in the spring of 2010.


Cory Davis wrote:
> gcc version 4.4.1 (Ubuntu 4.4.1-4ubuntu9)
> John Halley Gotway wrote:
>> Cory,
>> Thanks for sending these details.  I'm sorry to hear you had such a
>> difficult time building MET on Ubuntu.  Can you please tell me the
>> names and version numbers of the compilers you were using?
>> Thanks,
>> John Halley-Gotway
>> johnhg at ucar.edu
>> Cory Davis wrote:
>>> Hi there,
>>> I have had to make quite a few changes in order to compile MET v2.0
>>> with all patches METv2.0_patches_20091223.tar.gz on my Ubuntu 9.10
>>> machines.
>>> These changes include adding
>>> #include <cstdio>
>>> to
>>> ./lib/vx_cal/time_strings.cc
>>> ./lib/vx_econfig/machine.cc
>>> ./lib/vx_met_util/stat_hdr_columns.cc
>>> ./lib/vx_util/ascii_table.cc
>>> ./lib/vx_util/concat_string.cc
>>> ./lib/vx_util/string_fxns.cc
>>> ./lib/vx_util/threshold.cc
>>> this is in order to have sprintf, fopen and fclose defined.
>>> Also, the use of the strrchr function in
>>> ./lib/vx_met_util/file_type.cc, and
>>> ./lib/vx_met_util/stat_columns.cc
>>> is not quite right.  In C++ you are apprently allowed
>>> const char * strrchr ( const char * str, int character );
>>>        char * strrchr (       char * str, int character );
>>> and NOT
>>> char * strrchr ( const char * str, int character );
>>> so to get around this I have done this
>>> ./lib/vx_met_util/file_type.cc:43
>>> if((ptr = (char *) strrchr(filename, '.')) != NULL) {
>>> and
>>> ./lib/vx_met_util/stat_columns.cc:
>>> ./lib/vx_met_util/file_type.cc
>>> line 44: if((ptr = (char *) strrchr(filename, '.')) != NULL) {
>>> const char * strrchr ( const char * str, int character );
>>>        char * strrchr (       char * str, int character );
>>> ./lib/vx_met_util/stat_columns.cc:411
>>> if((ptr = (char *) strrchr(col_name, '_')) != NULL) i = atoi(++ptr);
>>> Cheers,
>>> Cory

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