[Met_help] point_stat in MET

John Halley Gotway johnhg at ucar.edu
Fri Apr 16 12:46:47 MDT 2010


I'd be happy to take a look, but unfortunately the link you sent didn't work for me.  When I pasted into the browser, it couldn't find it.

Could you instead post it to our anonymous ftp site:
ftp ftp.rap.ucar.edu
username = anonymous
password = "your email address"
cd incoming/irap/met_help/jonker_data
put "your files"

Please try posting them there and I'll take a look.


Marlous Jonker wrote:
> Hi John!
> How are you doing? Half a year ago I had a few questions about getting
> started with MET using the sample data from the MET package. Nowadays I
> am attempting to make an operational verification process with MET for
> WRF and other mesoscale models. From this a new question arises.
> When trying to run Point_stat with a WRF gribfile and ascii observation
> file (converted to netcdf with MET), I find that Point_stat uses very
> few matches pares: only seven (even when the grib file covers most of
> Europe and the observation file contains over 136000 observations). When
> trying to simplify the problem and using only one station (of which I'm
> sure it's right in the middle of my domain: station 6260, de Bilt, The
> Netherlands) Point_stat finds no matching pairs at all.
> Below you find the link to both the observation files (ascii and
> netcdf), the config file and the WRF grib I used. They are too large to
> send by e-mail.
> https://www.wetransfer.com/dl.phpcode=3hAnj9Pu&hash=0761aeb719a21cdcdf44
> dde0bbc3f2f06cbd3d27a7af90ab8085ee08daec65549b04c70955cf1
> I hope you can help me to find the problem and solution.
> Thanks in advance,
> Marlous Jonker
> -------------------------------------------------------------------
>   Marlous Jonker
>   Meteorological Researcher
>   Meteo Consult BV, Wageningen, the Netherlands
>   Tel: +31 (0)317 399872
>   Email: M.Jonker at weer.nl
>   www: research.meteogroup.com
> -------------------------------------------------------------------

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