[Met_help] Mesonet data

Allan Huffman awhuffma at yahoo.com
Mon Apr 12 12:49:20 MDT 2010


I am currently verifying surface parameters from our company's high resolution regional WRF model using the MET tool and comparing our forecast output to the NCEP GDAS prepbufr file. This works well, but for now, I am only using the ADPSFC option, so I think most of what is being compared are the ASOS stations.

I was wondering if mesonet data is included in the prepbufr file generated by NCEP, and if show how to use point-stat to calculate statistics from mesonet data.

I have tried using TMP/Z2, TMP/Z0, and TMP/L0 but when I run point-stat it will not give me any matched pairs. I also tried re-running PB2NC setting quality_mark_thresh to 9, just to make sure the mesonet data was not being overlooked because of percieved quality issues. And then I re-ran point-stat and got the same output. 

I am setting the message_type in point_stat to MSONET, and as I mentioned above fcst_field and obs_filed to TMP/Z2, TMP/L2, TMP/ZO and several combinations of the two. And yet I still cannot get any matched pairs.

The tools works fine for the ADPSFC matching, but not for MSONET matching. I would like to be able to use mesonet data in the prepbufr file to verify against, if it is possible.

Thanks for any help.

Allan Huffman
Airdat LLC 


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