[Met_help] soil verification in point_stat

John Halley Gotway johnhg at rap.ucar.edu
Fri May 8 12:59:36 MDT 2009


Since I've never run MET on layers like this, I'm really not sure either.

Looking closer at the code, MET is only really set up to verify forecasts as the surface: precip at surface, 2-meter temp, 10-meter winds.  And we're matching to observations based on message type -
all observations with a level type of ADPSFC or SFCSHP are matched to those surface forecasts.

I think we'll need to modify the code slightly to handle your case.  In particular, we'll need to adjust the logic in the "GCPairData::add_obs()" routine in the file METv2.0/lib/vx_met_util/met_stats.cc.

Would you be able to send me a sample GRIB1 file along with a handful - 10 would be fine - of fake ASCII observations?  I could take a look and see what changes would need to be made to get MET
working the way you'd want.

You could post them to RAL's anonymous ftp site:

ftp ftp.rap.ucar.edu
username = anonymous
password = "your email address"
cd incoming/irap/johnhg
put "your files"


Case, Jonathan (MSFC-VP61)[Other] wrote:
> John,
> I figured that the vertical interpolation would best be handled outside of MET, so that is what I plan to do.  I will assign the OBS to the valid layer in the model.
> With that, I hinted at my WRF configuration.  I'm running with the Noah LSM with soil layers of 0-10, 10-40, 40-100, and 100-200 cm.  Given those layers, how should I go about assigning the OBS to the model layer in the ascii2nc process?
> Here's what in the WRF GRIB-1 file:
> lc2:/usr/people/casejl/tmp/seus_2008062103/control > wgrib WRFPRS00.tm00.d01 | grep SOILW
> 86:13184188:d=08062103:SOILW:kpds5=144:kpds6=112:kpds7=10:TR=0:P1=0:P2=0:TimeU=1:0-10 cm down:anl:NAve=0
> 88:13482750:d=08062103:SOILW:kpds5=144:kpds6=112:kpds7=2600:TR=0:P1=0:P2=0:TimeU=1:10-40 cm down:anl:NAve=0
> 90:13781312:d=08062103:SOILW:kpds5=144:kpds6=112:kpds7=10340:TR=0:P1=0:P2=0:TimeU=1:40-100 cm down:anl:NAve=0
> 92:14079874:d=08062103:SOILW:kpds5=144:kpds6=112:kpds7=25800:TR=0:P1=0:P2=0:TimeU=1:100-200 cm down:anl:NAve=0
> lc2:/usr/people/casejl/tmp/seus_2008062103/control > wgrib WRFPRS00.tm00.d01 | grep TSOIL
> 85:13005070:d=08062103:TSOIL:kpds5=85:kpds6=112:kpds7=10:TR=0:P1=0:P2=0:TimeU=1:0-10 cm down:anl:NAve=0
> 87:13303632:d=08062103:TSOIL:kpds5=85:kpds6=112:kpds7=2600:TR=0:P1=0:P2=0:TimeU=1:10-40 cm down:anl:NAve=0
> 89:13602194:d=08062103:TSOIL:kpds5=85:kpds6=112:kpds7=10340:TR=0:P1=0:P2=0:TimeU=1:40-100 cm down:anl:NAve=0
> 91:13900756:d=08062103:TSOIL:kpds5=85:kpds6=112:kpds7=25800:TR=0:P1=0:P2=0:TimeU=1:100-200 cm down:anl:NAve=0
> Thanks much!
> Jonathan
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: John Halley Gotway [mailto:johnhg at rap.ucar.edu]
>> Sent: Friday, May 08, 2009 12:16 PM
>> To: Case, Jonathan (MSFC-VP61)[Other]
>> Cc: met_help
>> Subject: Re: soil verification in point_stat
>> Jonathan,
>> As a short answer I'd say, yes, you could probably use Point-Stat to verify
>> soil moisture and temperature observations from WRF.
>> ...BUT... I don't think you'll be able to do any vertical interpolation
>> without some code changes.  Right now, Point-Stat is only set up to do
>> vertical interpolation for pressure levels... and that's
>> done linear in the log of pressure.
>> Here's what I'd recommend...
>> (1) Take a look at the soil moisture and temperature fields you have from
>> WRF.  Depending on which "surface scheme" (I think that's right) you're
>> using, the soil moisture fields may be at a single
>> levels or a layer of levels.  If it's in layers, you probably wouldn't want
>> to interpolate in the vertical.  You'd just like to match the observation
>> to the forecast value for the layer in which the
>> observation falls.  If it's single levels, you may want to consider
>> interpolating.
>> (2) Take a look at the observation levels.  Are they all at some set of
>> "standard" depths or do the depths vary greatly?
>> Here's one approach that may be pretty easy:
>> - Assuming that your forecasts are in single levels.
>> - Assuming that your observations are at some set of "standard" depths.
>> - When you pre-process the observations to prepare them for ASCII2NC, just
>> round the level value for the observation to the nearest depth you have in
>> your model output.
>> - Then run Point-Stat to verify at each of your model depths (i.e. no
>> vertical interpolation).
>> - You could even dump out the matched pair (MPR) line type for all of the
>> levels and use the Stat-Analysis tool to aggregate across levels
>> I've never done this before, but you could *probably* do that approach with
>> no code changes.  However, if you'd like to do more sophisticated vertical
>> interpolation, I may be able to point you in the
>> right direction as for what code to modify.
>> Hope that helps.
>> John
>> Case, Jonathan (MSFC-VP61)[Other] wrote:
>>> Thank you John!
>>> I have another question for you regarding point_stat.
>>> I would like to use observations from SCAN (Soil Climate Analysis
>> Network) to verify soil moisture and temperature observations in the WRF
>> model.  Is there a way we could use point_stat for processing/interpolating
>> data for soil verification?  I don't have the exact specs yet on the
>> observations, but it would probably require a vertical interpolation or
>> nearest-neighbor assignment of a soil layer to the sensor obs depth.  I
>> figure that if could use ascii2nc to pre-process the data into a netcdf
>> file with the same variable naming convention as the WRF GRIB output, then
>> I might be able to pull it off.
>>> Thanks in advance,
>>> Jonathan
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: John Halley Gotway [mailto:johnhg at rap.ucar.edu]
>>>> Sent: Friday, May 08, 2009 8:47 AM
>>>> To: Case, Jonathan (MSFC-VP61)[Other]; met_help
>>>> Subject: Re: formatted output in mode_analysis
>>>> Jonathan,
>>>> Take a look in METv2.0/lib/vx_analysis_util/mode_job.cc.  In lines 458
>>>> to 485, change all instances of "%.2f" to "%.3f".  That should increase
>>>> your precision by 1.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> John
>>>> Case, Jonathan (MSFC-VP61)[Other] wrote:
>>>>> John,
>>>>> I would like to output an addition decimal place in the mode_analysis
>>>> -summary output to have 3 decimal places.
>>>>> What line(s)/file(s) should I modify in order to get 1 more decimal
>>>> point precision?
>>>>> Thanks much!
>>>>> Jonathan
>>>>> ***********************************************************
>>>>> Jonathan Case, ENSCO, Inc.
>>>>> Aerospace Sciences & Engineering Division
>>>>> Short-term Prediction Research and Transition Center
>>>>> 320 Sparkman Drive, Room 3062
>>>>> Huntsville, AL 35805-1912
>>>>> Voice: (256) 961-7504   Fax: (256) 961-7788
>>>>> Emails: Jonathan.Case-1 at nasa.gov
>>>>>              case.jonathan at ensco.com
>>>>> ***********************************************************

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