[Met_help] Problems building GSL-1.12 with PGI

John Halley Gotway johnhg at rap.ucar.edu
Wed Jul 29 11:46:21 MDT 2009

MET-Help folks,

I wanted to write to let you know about an issue a user turned up during the MET tutorial.  The latest version of GSL is GSL-1.12.  Unfortunately though, it doesn't build correctly when using the PGI
compilers.  GSL-1.12 builds fine with GNU, and GSL-1.11 builds fine with PGI or GNU.  Randy and I tried to figure it out, but we don't know exactly what the problem is.

So I've done the following:
(1) Submitted a bug report to GSL for compiling GSL-1.12 with PGI.
(2) Added a note telling PGI users to use GSL-1.11 to 3 places on the MET website:
   Known Issues    - http://www.dtcenter.org/met/users/support/known_issues/METv2.0/index.php
   Downloads       - http://www.dtcenter.org/met/users/downloads/index.php
   Online Tutorial - http://www.dtcenter.org/met/users/support/online_tutorial/METv2.0/compilation/req_libs.php

I just wanted to let everybody know about the issue.


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