[Met_help] Memory problems with MET

Thomas Schwitalla Thomas.Schwitalla at uni-hohenheim.de
Wed Jul 1 08:20:37 MDT 2009


I attached the ASCII file...


John Halley Gotway schrieb:
> Thomas,
> That's odd.  It really shouldn't be causing memory problems.  I looked through the code to make sure we're not trying to store too much in memory.
> Perhaps there's a memory leak somewhere I can't see.  Could you please send me a copy of that ASCII file you're using so I can play with it here?
> You could post it to our anonymous FTP site:
> ftp ftp.rap.ucar.edu
> username = anonymous
> password = "your email address"
> cd incoming/irap/met_help
> put "your file name"
> bye
> Thanks,
> John
> Thomas Schwitalla wrote:
>> John,
>> I tried to run ascii2nc with an ascii file of  25MB size and ~350000
>> observations (t2m,td2m,u,v) but I am running out of memory on our 8GB
>> memory computers. What can be the reason for such a huge memory need?
>> Thomas

*Thomas Schwitalla                      *
*Institute of Physics and Meteorology   *
*University of Hohenheim                *
*Garbenstrasse 30                       *
*70599 Stuttgart                        *
*Germany                                *
*Tel.: +49 711 459 22154                *

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