[Met_help] help in obtaining archived PREPBUFR observations

John Halley Gotway johnhg at rap.ucar.edu
Mon Feb 9 10:16:29 MST 2009


Interesting.  I hadn't noticed that.  I'm guessing it's a typo in the script that generates them, but who knows?


Case, Jonathan (MSFC)[] wrote:
> John,
> For the record, the unblocked files have the naming convention
> *.prepbufr.unblok.nr (without the "c").  I don't know why, but that's
> the case.
> Jonathan
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: John Halley Gotway [mailto:johnhg at rap.ucar.edu]
>> Sent: Monday, February 09, 2009 9:41 AM
>> To: Case, Jonathan (MSFC)[]; met_help at ucar.edu
>> Subject: Re: [Met_help] help in obtaining archived PREPBUFR
>> observations
>> Jonathan,
>> Yes, I would suggest obtaining the unblocked (*.prepbufr.unblock.nr)
>> files and then blocking (cwordsh block) them on your machine.
>> If you were to obtain the already blocked files (*.prepbufr.nr), you
>> would need to unblock (cworsh unblk) and then re-block them (cwordsh
>> block).  So getting the unblocked files saves you one step.
>> I wanted to mention that we've removed the need for all this blocking
>> and unblocking business for METv2.0.  Now we do the blocking
> internally
>> in the code.  There's a compile time option you need to
>> select to enable this to work - you have to choose 4-byte or 8-byte
>> blocking.  But once you get MET compiled correctly for your
>> machine/compiler, you won't need to bother with this cwordsh step
>> anymore.
>> John
>> Case, Jonathan (MSFC)[] wrote:
>>> Dear John,
>>> I had one more point of clarification for the archived PREPBUFR
> files
>> on
>>> It looks like there are 2 types of files: *.prepbufr.nr and
>>> *.prepbufr.unblock.nr
>>> Should I obtain the unblocked data so I can Fortran block the data
> in
>>> case there are platform incompatibility issues?  I suspect there may
>> be
>>> because when I used your sample data, I had to unblock, and then
>>> re-fortran block it on our system.
>>> Thanks for the clarification,
>>> Jonathan
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: John Halley Gotway [mailto:johnhg at rap.ucar.edu]
>>>> Sent: Monday, January 26, 2009 4:14 PM
>>>> To: Case, Jonathan (MSFC)[]
>>>> Cc: met_help at mailman.ucar.edu
>>>> Subject: Re: [Met_help] help in obtaining archived PREPBUFR
>>>> observations
>>>> Jonathan,
>>>> I have good news and bad news for you.
>>>> First, the data you're actually looking for are the files that
>> contain
>>>> "prepbufr" in them - not simply "bufr".  And the GDAS prepbufr data
>> is
>>>> stored in 6 hours chunks - 00Z, 06Z, 12Z, and 18Z.  I
>>>> believe each file contains +/- 3 hours of data around the time.  So
>>> the
>>>> 06Z file contains observations between 03Z and 09Z.
>>>> Here's one of the files you're looking for:
> http://nomads.ncdc.noaa.gov/data/gdas/200803/20080330/gdas1.t06z.prepbu
>>>> fr.nr
>>>> Each one of these prepbufr files contains all of the observation
>> types
>>>> put together.  But unfortunately, you may find that this prepbufr
>>>> archive does not go back in time as far as you need.  I think
>>>> it's only available here back to 12/14/2006.  Does that work for
>> you?
>>>> Retrieving the data is actually pretty easy.  You can use the
> "wget"
>>>> unix command to grab a whole bunch of files from the web.  So you'd
>>>> just need to write a script to construct the full path for the
>>>> files you'd like to retrieve, save them to a file, and pass it to
>>> wget.
>>>> For example, suppose a file named "my_prepbufr_files.txt" contains
>> the
>>>> following 4 lines:
> http://nomads.ncdc.noaa.gov/data/gdas/200612/20061231/gdas1.t00z.prepbu
>>>> fr.nr
> http://nomads.ncdc.noaa.gov/data/gdas/200612/20061231/gdas1.t06z.prepbu
>>>> fr.nr
> http://nomads.ncdc.noaa.gov/data/gdas/200612/20061231/gdas1.t12z.prepbu
>>>> fr.nr
> http://nomads.ncdc.noaa.gov/data/gdas/200612/20061231/gdas1.t18z.prepbu
>>>> fr.nr
>>>> Run the following command to grab all those files:
>>>> wget -i my_prepbufr_files.txt
>>>> It should be pretty straight-forward to generate a list of files
>> you'd
>>>> like.  And then you can just run the wget command overnight.
>>>> Since the observations are in 6 hour chunks, you'll need to run
> them
>>>> through the PB2NC tool to generate the 1 hour files you'd like.
>>>> In METv1.1 (the current released version), you'd need to run PB2NC
> 6
>>>> times to generate the 6 1-hour files.  In METv2.0 (to be released
> in
>>>> Feb/March), you'd need to run it through PB2NC only once, and
>>>> then use command line arguments to Point-Stat to control the time
>>> range
>>>> of observations to be used for each Point-Stat run.
>>>> If you'd like, in a couple of weeks, you'd be welcome to run the
>> beta
>>>> version of METv2.0.  Having more people test it out is always a
> good
>>>> thing prior to a release.
>>>> Hope this helps.  Let me know if you still have questions.
>>>> John Halley Gotway
>>>> johnhg at ucar.edu
>>>> Case, Jonathan (MSFC)[] wrote:
>>>>> Dear MET help,
>>>>> I'd like to get started in running the standard verification
>>>> statistics
>>>>> programs such as point-stat.
>>>>> On your web site, you point to
>>> http://nomads.ncdc.noaa.gov/data/gdas/
>>>> as
>>>>> a source of archived PREPBUFR observations that are used in the
>>> GDAS.
>>>>> However, there are numerous files with the string "bufr", the data
>>>> only
>>>>> go back to 2006, and it would be cumbersome to download each file
>>>> needed
>>>>> for verification.
>>>>> Therefore, I'd like to ask what is the best way to obtain hourly
> or
>>>>> sub-hourly PREPBUFR surface observations that can be used in
> point-
>>>> stat
>>>>> to compute typical surface verification, and what datasets should
> I
>>>> be
>>>>> looking for?
>>>>> I appreciate your assistance!
>>>>> Jonathan
>>>>> ***********************************************************
>>>>> Jonathan Case, ENSCO, Inc.
>>>>> Aerospace Sciences & Engineering Division
>>>>> Short-term Prediction Research and Transition Center
>>>>> 320 Sparkman Drive, Room 3062
>>>>> Huntsville, AL 35805-1912
>>>>> Voice: (256) 961-7504   Fax: (256) 961-7788
>>>>> Emails: Jonathan.Case-1 at nasa.gov
>>>>>              case.jonathan at ensco.com
>>>>> ***********************************************************
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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