[Met_help] error messages while compiling MET

John Halley Gotway johnhg at rap.ucar.edu
Mon Aug 31 08:40:49 MDT 2009


I'm really not sure the reason. I see those trailing ^M characters a lot when I'm editing html files directly after originally using another program to create the files.  I've never spent much time
looking in it.

I'm glad you were able to get Gen-Poly-Mask it working.


Marlous Jonker wrote:
> Hi John!
> Thanks, this was indeed the problem. I think it was because my text
> editor assumed it to be a DOS file instead of a Linux file.
> However, when I use vi to look at the old poly file, I don't see strange
> characters at the end of each line. Does that have to do with a special
> setting of vi?
> Thanks again for the help!
> Marlous
> -----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
> Van: John Halley Gotway [mailto:johnhg at rap.ucar.edu] 
> Verzonden: vrijdag 28 augustus 2009 16:58
> Aan: Marlous Jonker
> CC: met_help at ucar.edu
> Onderwerp: RE: [Met_help] error messages while compiling MET
> Marlous,
> That's odd.  I took a look at the polyline file you sent, and found that
> there's a trailing invisible character at the end of each line of the
> file.  If you look at the file using the "vi" editor, the trailing
> characters show up as "^M".  Whatever text editor you were using
> probably inserted that.
> Gen-Poly-Mask doesn't do anything fancy.  It just grabs the polyline
> name from the first line and creates a NetCDF variable using that name.
> But the NetCDF library doesn't like that trailing character.
> Once I removed it, the tool worked fine.  I've attached a version of
> your polyline file with that character removed.
> Sorry for the trouble.
> Thanks,
> John
>> Hi John,
>> In the attachment you find a small text file with the little_r format.
>> A table with more information is inserted below.
>> Furthermore I've got a question about running Gen-Poly-Mask with some 
>> own WRF-output data (grb format).
>> I ran the following command and gain the following error:
>> mm5 at aurora:~/MET/METv2.0$ bin/gen_poly_mask 
>> data/test_grib/WRF_2009082706_06.grb data/poly/BENELUX.poly 
>> out/gen_poly_mask/test/BENELUX_GRB_poly.nc
>> Input Data File:        data/test_grib/WRF_2009082706_06.grb
>> Input Poly File:        data/poly/BENELUX.poly
>> Parsed Grid:            LatLon (214 x 241)
>>  containing 4 points    BENELUX
>> NetCDF: Name contains illegal characters
>> The poly file I used (for Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg) is 
>> in the other attachment (BENELUX.poly). Do you have any suggestions 
>> what went wrong?
>> Cheers and thanks again for your help,
>> Marlous
>> Little_r format
>> Variable
>> Fortran I/O format
>> Description
>> 1
>> latitude
>> F20.5
>> 70.93333
>> station latitude (north positive)
>> 2
>> longitude
>> F20.5
>> -8.66670
>> station longitude (east positive)
>> 3
>> id
>> A40
>> 1001.00000
>> ID of station
>> 4
>> name
>> A40
>> dart_name
>> Name of station
>> 5
>> platform
>> A40
>> FM-35 TEMP
>> Description of the measurement device
>> 6
>> source
>> A40
>> dart_src
>> 7
>> elevation
>> F20.5
>> 9.00000
>> station elevation (m)
>> 8
>> num_vld_fld
>> I10
>> 1.00000
>> Number of valid fields in the report
>> 9
>> num_error
>> I10
>> -888888.00000
>> Number of errors encountered during the decoding of this observation
>> 10
>> num_warning
>> I10
>> -888888.00000
>> Number of warnings encountered during decoding of this observation.
>> 11
>> seq_num
>> I10
>> -888888.00000
>> Sequence number of this observation
>> 12
>> num_dups
>> I10
>> -888888.00000
>> Number of duplicates found for this observation
>> 13
>> is_sound
>> L10
>> F
>> T/F Multiple levels or a single level
>> 14
>> bogus
>> L10
>> F
>> T/F bogus report or normal one
>> 15
>> discard
>> L10
>> F
>> T/F Duplicate and discarded (or merged) report.
>> 16
>> sut
>> I10
>> -888888.00000
>> Seconds since 0000 UTC 1 January 1970
>> 17
>> julian
>> I10
>> -888888.00000
>> Day of the year
>> 18
>> date_char
>> A20
>> 200803090700
>> 19
>> slp, qc
>> F13.5, I7
>> 97900.00000
>> Sea-level pressure (Pa) and a QC flag
>> 20
>> qc flag
>> 0.00000
>> 21
>> ref_pres, qc
>> F13.5, I7
>> -888888.00000
>> Reference pressure level (for thickness) (Pa) and a QC flag
>> 22
>> qc flag
>> 0.00000
>> 23
>> ground_t, qc
>> F13.5, I7
>> -888888.00000
>> Ground Temperature (T) and QC flag
>> 24
>> qc flag
>> 0.00000
>> 25
>> sst, qc
>> F13.5, I7
>> -888888.00000
>> Sea-Surface Temperature (K) and QC
>> 26
>> qc flag
>> 0.00000
>> 27
>> psfc, qc
>> F13.5, I7
>> 97790.95000
>> Surface pressure (Pa) and QC
>> 28
>> qc flag
>> 0.00000
>> 29
>> precip, qc
>> F13.5, I7
>> -888888.00000
>> Precipitation Accumulation and QC
>> 30
>> qc flag
>> 0.00000
>> 31
>> t_max, qc
>> F13.5, I7
>> -888888.00000
>> Daily maximum T (K) and QC
>> 32
>> qc flag
>> 0.00000
>> 33
>> t_min, qc
>> F13.5, I7
>> -888888.00000
>> Daily minimum T (K) and QC
>> 34
>> qc flag
>> 0.00000
>> 35
>> t_min_night, qc
>> F13.5, I7
>> -888888.00000
>> Overnight minimum T (K) and QC
>> 36
>> qc flag
>> 0.00000
>> 37
>> p_tend03, qc
>> F13.5, I7
>> -888888.00000
>> 3-hour pressure change (Pa) and QC
>> 38
>> qc flag
>> 0.00000
>> 39
>> p_tend24, qc
>> F13.5, I7
>> -888888.00000
>> 24-hour pressure change (Pa) and QC
>> 40
>> qc flag
>> 0.00000
>> 41
>> cloud_cvr, qc
>> F13.5, I7
>> -888888.00000
>> Total cloud cover (oktas) and QC
>> 42
>> qc flag
>> 0.00000
>> 43
>> ceiling, qc
>> F13.5, I7
>> -888888.00000
>> Height (m) of cloud base and QC
>> 44
>> qc flag
>> 0.00000
>> 45
>> pressure, qc
>> F13.5, I7
>> 97790.95000
>> Pressure (Pa) of observation, and QC
>> 46
>> qc flag
>> 0.00000
>> 47
>> height, qc
>> F13.5, I7
>> 9.00000
>> Height (m MSL) of observation, and QC
>> 48
>> qc flag
>> 0.00000
>> 49
>> temperature, qc
>> F13.5, I7
>> 275.56000
>> Temperature (K) and QC
>> 50
>> qc flag
>> 0.00000
>> 51
>> dew_point, qc
>> F13.5, I7
>> 273.56000
>> Dewpoint (K) and QC
>> 52
>> qc flag
>> 0.00000
>> 53
>> speed, qc
>> F13.5, I7
>> 16.98000
>> Wind speed (m s -1 ) and QC
>> 54
>> qc flag
>> 0.00000
>> 55
>> direction, qc
>> F13.5, I7
>> 70.00000
>> Wind direction (degrees) and QC
>> 56
>> qc flag
>> 0.00000
>> 57
>> u, qc
>> F13.5, I7
>> -15.95271
>> u component of wind (m s -1 ), and QC
>> 58
>> qc flag
>> 0.00000
>> 59
>> v, qc
>> F13.5, I7
>> -5.80631
>> v component of wind (m s -1 ), and QC
>> 60
>> qc flag
>> 0.00000
>> 61
>> rh, qc
>> F13.5, I7
>> 89.91344
>> Relative Humidity (%) and QC
>> 62
>> qc flag
>> 0.00000
>> 63
>> thickness, qc
>> F13.5, I7
>> -888888.00000
>> Thickness (m), and QC
>> 64
>> qc flag
>> 0.00000
>> 65
>> pressure, qc
>> -777777.00000
>> Pressure (Pa) of observation, and QC
>> 66
>> qc flag
>> 0.00000
>> 67
>> height, qc
>> -777777.00000
>> Height (m MSL) of observation, and QC
>> 68
>> qc flag
>> 0.00000
>> 69
>> num_vld_fld
>> I10
>> 1.00000
>> Number of valid fields in the report
>> 70
>> qc flag
>> 0.00000
>> 71
>> ???
>> -888888.00000
>> 72
>> ???
>> 0.00000
>> 73
>> ???
>> -888888.00000
>> 74
>> ???
>> 0.00000
>> 75
>> ???
>> -888888.00000
>> 76
>> ???
>> 0.00000
>> 77
>> ???
>> -888888.00000
>> 78
>> ???
>> 0.00000
>> 79
>> ???
>> -888888.00000
>> 80
>> ???
>> 0.00000
>> 81
>> ???
>> -888888.00000
>> 82
>> ???
>> 0.00000
>> 83
>> ???
>> -888888.00000
>> 84
>> ???
>> 0.00000
>> 85
>> num_vld_fld
>> I10
>> 1.00000
>> 86
>> ??
>> 0.00000
>> 87
>> ??
>> 0.00000
>> -----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
>> Van: John Halley Gotway [mailto:johnhg at rap.ucar.edu]
>> Verzonden: donderdag 27 augustus 2009 17:48
>> Aan: Marlous Jonker
>> CC: met_help at ucar.edu
>> Onderwerp: RE: [Met_help] error messages while compiling MET
>> Marlous,
>> Great.  Thanks for letting us know.  Would you be able to send us some
>> sample little_r files?  That'd help us evaluate how much work it'd 
>> take to
>> read them.
>> Thanks,
>> John
>>> Hi John,
>>> To process observations into WRF, we use the little_r format.
>> Therefore,
>>> we use a program that converts the company's lay-out to little_r, so 
>>> I
>>> think little_r would be most suitable for us.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Marlous
>>> -----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
>>> Van: John Halley Gotway [mailto:johnhg at rap.ucar.edu]
>>> Verzonden: woensdag 26 augustus 2009 17:11
>>> Aan: Marlous Jonker
>>> CC: met_help at ucar.edu
>>> Onderwerp: RE: [Met_help] error messages while compiling MET
>>> Marlous,
>>> Actually no, they are not.  We've initially chosen a more simple 
>>> format where each line of data corresponds to a single observation
>>> value.
>>> This format is discussed in the ASCII2NC section of the MET User's
>>> Guide.
>>> Also, here's a link to a page in the MET Online Tutuorial that
>> describes
>>> it:
>> http://www.dtcenter.org/met/users/support/online_tutorial/METv2.0/asci
>> i2
>>> nc/index.php
>>> And also, you can find the sample data that's used in the MET test
>>> scripts
>>> in the file METv2.0/data/sample_obs/ascii/sample_ascii_obs.txt
>>> However, we anticipate that in the future we'll provide support in 
>>> the
>>> ASCII2NC tool for parsing additional ASCII observation formats, such
>> as
>>> "little_r".  This will be based on user feedback to determine what
>>> formats
>>> would be most useful.  But to date, we haven't received much
> feedback.
>>> What ASCII observation format(s) would be most useful for you?
>>> Thanks,
>>> John
>>>> Hi John,
>>>> I've got a small question about the ASCII observation files that MET
>>> is
>>>> able to handle in the "ascii2nc" tool.
>>>> Are they formatted in "little_r" format as used in WRF?
>>>> Cheers!
>>>> Marlous
>>>> -----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
>>>> Van: John Halley Gotway [mailto:johnhg at rap.ucar.edu]
>>>> Verzonden: woensdag 26 augustus 2009 15:43
>>>> Aan: Marlous Jonker
>>>> CC: met_help at ucar.edu
>>>> Onderwerp: RE: [Met_help] error messages while compiling MET
>>>> Great.  I'm glad that did the trick.  Just let us know if any
>>> questions
>>>> come up in your use of MET.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> John
>>>>> Hi John,
>>>>> This solved my problem: MET is now able to compile. Thanks a lot 
>>>>> for
>>>>> your very useful help!
>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>> Marlous Jonker
>>>>> -----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
>>>>> Van: John Halley Gotway [mailto:johnhg at rap.ucar.edu]
>>>>> Verzonden: dinsdag 25 augustus 2009 15:12
>>>>> Aan: Marlous Jonker
>>>>> CC: met_help at ucar.edu
>>>>> Onderwerp: Re: [Met_help] error messages while compiling MET
>>>>> Marlous,
>>>>> I see that you're compiling MET using the Portland Group compilers
>>> and
>>>>> are linking to a NetCDF library built for use with WRF.  The error
>>>>> messages you're seeing indicate that the NetCDF build to which
>>>>> you're linking is not compatible with the PGI compilers you're 
>>>>> using
>>>> for
>>>>> building MET.  The most likely explanation for this is that the
>>> NetCDF
>>>>> library may not have been built with the PGI compilers.
>>>>> I'd suggest building another version of the NetCDF library, making
>>>> sure
>>>>> the build it using the PGI compilers.  And then try rebuilding MET
>>>> using
>>>>> that updated NetCDF library.
>>>>> Here's how you'd build NetCDF using the PGI compilers.  From the
>>>>> top-level NetCDF directory and using the C-shell:
>>>>> csh
>>>>> setenv CC /usr/pgi/linux86/7.1-6/bin/pgcc
>>>>> setenv CXX /usr/pgi/linux86/7.1-6/bin/pgCC
>>>>> setenv FC ""
>>>>> setenv F90 ""
>>>>> ./configure --prefix=/path/where/you/want/netcdf/installed
>>>>> make
>>>>> make install
>>>>> I usually just "install" the NetCDF library in the same directory 
>>>>> as
>>>> the
>>>>> source code.  But you're welcome to put it wherever you'd like.
>>>>> Hope that helps.  Good luck.
>>>>> John Halley Gotway
>>>>> johnhg at ucar.edu
>>>>> Marlous Jonker wrote:
>>>>>> Hello!
>>>>>> While compiling the MET software I encountered the error messages
>>>>> below.
>>>>>> The Makefile I used is in the attachment.
>>>>>> I am pretty stuck on how to solve the error, so I hope you have
>> some
>>>>>> ideas to tackle the problem.
>>>>>> Kind regards,
>>>>>> Marlous Jonker
>>>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>> -
>>>>>>   Marlous Jonker
>>>>>>   Meteorological Researcher
>>>>>>   Meteo Consult BV, Wageningen, the Netherlands
>>>>>>   Tel: +31 (0)317 399872
>>>>>>   Email: M.Jonker at weer.nl
>>>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>> -
>>>>>> Error messages encountered:
>>>>>> *** Making pcp_combine application ***
>>>>>> /usr/pgi/linux86/7.1-6/bin/pgCC -o pcp_combine pcp_combine.cc \
>>>>>>         -Bstatic -Msecond_underscore
>>>>>> -DMET_BASE=\"/home/mm5/MET/METv2.0\" \
>>>>>>         -I../../lib -I/home/mm5/WRF/netcdf/netcdf-4.0/include
>>>>>> -I/home/mm5/MET/gsl/gsl-1.9/include \
>>>>>>         -L../../lib -L/home/mm5/WRF/netcdf/netcdf-4.0/lib
>>>>>> -L/home/mm5/MET/gsl/gsl-1.9/lib \
>>>>>>         -lvx_met_util -lvx_analysis_util -lvx_wrfdata 
>>>>>> -lvx_met_util
>>> \
>>>>>>         -lvx_contable -lvx_grib_classes \
>>>>>>         -lvx_econfig -lvx_gsl_prob -lgsl \
>>>>>>         -lvx_plot_util  -lvx_render -lvx_pxm -lvx_color -lvx_ps
>>>>> -lvx_afm
>>>>>> \
>>>>>>         -lvx_data_grids -lvx_gnomon -lvx_nav -lvx_cal -lvx_util
>>>>>> -lvx_math -lm \
>>>>>>         -lnetcdf_c++ -lnetcdf \
>>>>>> pcp_combine.cc:
>>>>>> pcp_combine.o: In function `write_netcdf__FLT1iR10GribRecord':
>>>>>> pcp_combine.cc:(.text+0x3421): undefined reference to
>>>>> `NcFile::__ct(char
>>>>>> const *, NcFile::FileMode, unsigned int *, unsigned int,
>>>>>> NcFile::FileFormat)'
>>>>>> pcp_combine.cc:(.text+0x3466): undefined reference to
>>>>> `NcFile::is_valid(
>>>>>> const(void))'
>>>>>> pcp_combine.cc:(.text+0x34f4): undefined reference to
>>>>>> `NcFile::close(void)'
>>>>>> pcp_combine.cc:(.text+0x369a): undefined reference to
>>>>>> `NcFile::add_att(char const *, char const *)'
>>>>>> pcp_combine.cc:(.text+0x3927): undefined reference to
>>>>>> `NcFile::add_att(char const *, char const *)'
>>>>>> pcp_combine.cc:(.text+0x3b5b): undefined reference to
>>>>>> `NcVar::add_att(char const *, int)'
>>>>>> pcp_combine.cc:(.text+0x3ba7): undefined reference to
>>>>>> `NcVar::add_att(char const *, char const *)'
>>>>>> pcp_combine.cc:(.text+0x3bf3): undefined reference to
>>>>>> `NcVar::add_att(char const *, char const *)'
>>>>>> pcp_combine.cc:(.text+0x3c42): undefined reference to
>>>>>> `NcVar::add_att(char const *, char const *)'
>>>>>> pcp_combine.cc:(.text+0x3c66): undefined reference to
>>>>>> `NcVar::add_att(char const *, float)'
>>>>>> pcp_combine.cc:(.text+0x3d4e): undefined reference to
>>>>>> `NcVar::add_att(char const *, char const *)'
>>>>>> pcp_combine.cc:(.text+0x3d74): undefined reference to
>>>>>> `NcVar::add_att(char const *, long)'
>>>>>> pcp_combine.cc:(.text+0x3e46): undefined reference to
>>>>>> `NcVar::add_att(char const *, char const *)'
>>>>>> pcp_combine.cc:(.text+0x3e6c): undefined reference to
>>>>>> `NcVar::add_att(char const *, long)'
>>>>>> pcp_combine.cc:(.text+0x3eee): undefined reference to
>>>>>> `NcVar::add_att(char const *, char const *)'
>>>>>> pcp_combine.cc:(.text+0x3f11): undefined reference to
>>>>>> `NcVar::add_att(char const *, int)'
>>>>>> pcp_combine.cc:(.text+0x3f7f): undefined reference to
>>>>> `NcVar::put(float
>>>>>> const *, long, long, long, long, long)'
>>>>>> pcp_combine.cc:(.text+0x3fef): undefined reference to
>>>>>> `NcFile::close(void)'
>>>>>> ../../lib/libvx_met_util.a(write_netcdf.o): In function
>>>>>> `write_netcdf_proj(NcFile *, Grid const &)':
>>>>>> write_netcdf.cc:(.text+0x71): undefined reference to
>>>>>> `NcFile::add_att(char const *, char const *)'
>>>>>> write_netcdf.cc:(.text+0xe6): undefined reference to
>>>>>> `NcFile::add_att(char const *, char const *)'
>>>>>> write_netcdf.cc:(.text+0x135): undefined reference to
>>>>>> `NcFile::add_att(char const *, char const *)'
>>>>>> write_netcdf.cc:(.text+0x17f): undefined reference to
>>>>>> `NcFile::add_att(char const *, char const *)'
>>>>>> write_netcdf.cc:(.text+0x1c9): undefined reference to
>>>>>> `NcFile::add_att(char const *, char const *)'
>> ../../lib/libvx_met_util.a(write_netcdf.o):write_netcdf.cc:(.text+0x20
>> c)
>>>>>> : more undefined references to `NcFile::add_att(char const *, char
>>>>> const
>>>>>> *)' follow
>>>>>> make[3]: *** [pcp_combine] Error 2
>>>>>> make[2]: *** [all] Error 2
>>>>>> make[1]: *** [targets] Error 2
>>>>>> make: *** [all] Error 2
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> --
>>>>>> _______________________________________________
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>>>>>> Met_help at mailman.ucar.edu
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