[Met_help] pb2nc 'Segmentation fault' about the version 2

Kefeng.Zhu-1@ou.edu kefeng at ou.edu
Fri Apr 24 23:35:58 MDT 2009


I use the same bufr library as METv1.1. But the METv2.0 didn't work. I'm wondering what possible change in 'pb2nc' may cause such a problem. I have tried to build the pb2nc with and without the option '-DBLOCK4'. Both of them show the segmentation fault in the run time.

*** Running PB2NC on a PREPBUFR file ***
Reading Config File:    config/PB2NCConfig_G212
Creating NetCDF File:   ../out/pb2nc/sample_pb.nc
Processing PrepBufr File:       ../data/sample_obs/prepbufr/ndas.t00z.prepbufr.tm12.20070401.nr
Blocking PrepBufr file to:      .//pb2nc_8808_0_blk.pb
./test_pb2nc.sh: line 9:  8808 Segmentation fault      ../bin/pb2nc ../data/sample_obs/prepbufr/ndas.t00z.prepbufr.tm12.20070401.nr ../out/pb2nc/sample_pb.nc config/PB2NCConfig_G212 -v 2



Kefeng.Zhu-1 at ou.edu
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